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Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/6 18:13:19 )
@Totalanimefan: I'm actually doing pretty well the last few days... just busy. I've been playing in my garden, researching things to grow, getting some supplies, trying to locate others, and completely ignoring the state of the house right now (it's a chaotic mess atm, tbh). And a few days ago, I was just doing too much, all at the same time... so that had its stressors, but it was temporary.

Accounting... numbers... that stuff makes me nuts to begin with, so I give you all kinds of credit for pursuing that, but I do understand what that "huh? I don't get it?!" place. I'm sure it will click eventually. Maybe if you approach learning it in a different way than whatever is presented in the book/site??

I'm not looking forward to the time change either. It's always rough, seems completely pointless, and my body seems to have gotten it in its "brain" that I now fall asleep super early... to wake super early... so I'm not looking forward to that 5am wake up suddenly being 4am /eyeroll/


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/6 21:37:25 )
@Totalanimefan: Uhhh, I'm not sure, really. I planted some seedling collard greens and cabbage and I just bought some okra, broccoli and bok choy today. Other than that, I'm thinking about trying carrots and radishes from seed, and I'm toying with the idea of a banana plant... but that seems kind of daunting to me for some reason.

I know nothing about accounting, so can't really help you other than to suggest maybe looking for patterns in the writing, crediting and debiting of monies?

LOL - yeah, I think it messes with everyone's sleep schedule. our dogs get all confused when we switch the clocks around too


Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/6 21:49:46 )
Yesterday and today have been super windy, rainy, and chilly lol. Well maybe not super chilly, but definitely cooler lol. Perfect staying-in weather!!

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/6 21:58:04 )
@Aisukohi: yeah- it has been downright chilly the last day or two!!
How are you doing?


Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/6 21:59:34 )
@Wildfire: I'm honestly enjoying this weather since I'm able to finally stay in and relax. xDD So I'm good!!

How about you?

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/6 22:10:27 )
@Aisukohi: Ditto. It's nice to have the cooler weather. I was in the garden yesterday in the rain but today, other than a couple errands, was a stay inside kind of day. It's supposed to go back up to 80 or so on a couple days, so I'm going to enjoy this while it lasts! It sounds like you're doing similar things!


Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/6 22:42:11 )
@Wildfire: Aw man, 80? I guess we'll see how it gets here, though I'm sure we'll be very similar.

I had a very busy week at work getting our place ready for the booster clinic, so that took some time away from doing my other duties. Got this weekend off to relax.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/7 13:42:34 )
@Aisukohi: Setting up for anything unusual at work can be stressful and time-consuming. I'm glad you got this weekend off to relax! What are your relaxing plans for today (Sunday)? And yes, 80... Thursday, I think. The rain and overcast skies is a nice change of pace, but I'll be ready to see the sun and feel a little more warmth by then :3

Good morning. Happy Sunday.

--------------> Reminder: the clocks turned back an hour last night <-------------------


Donator — She/Her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/8 00:47:19 )
@Wildfire: I spent most of today playing my Spyro games, so not really anything productive. XD The sun came out, but it was still a bit chilly, which I don't mind.
Goodbye, Voltra.
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811

Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/8 03:29:50 )
@Wildfire: your avi is fun today. <3
I just had a very long weekend. whoah. felt like a dream.

I'd love to see florida turtles. I love turtles, just not a fan of alligators and snakes. XD

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/8 12:22:03 )
@Aisukohi: Nothing wrong with taking some down time to yourself. It's an important part of self-care. :3

The sun did come out yesterday and it was still cool enough to be enjoyable (here). I did a lot of work in the garden yesterday. I was in a tank and shorts, but it was nice not to be completely dying of heat, doing that kind of outside work!

@Koah: It sounded like you were going to have a busy weekend! How did your roadtrip and everything go?

I'm right there with ya with the alligators and snakes - my general attitude is that they are long as they're waaaaaayyy "over there" somewhere! I don't want to be near them, but they can be interesting to watch, and I acknowledge their place on the planet. Turtles can be fun, and there are some weird ones down here too - like the softshell turtle and the alligator snapping turtle - and we have tortoises which are fun to run across from time to time, and some "normal" looking turtles (box turtles, etc.). Oh! Plus the sea turtles, in the Gulf of Mexico...


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/8 14:24:30 )

Good morning folks


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/8 16:42:21 )
@Another Movie Addict: good morning AMA. What's going on in your world today?

@Totalanimefan: Yeah... I'm just toying with ideas right now, and trying to brainstorm what will work with the area we have (shade, full sun, full Florida sun, etc.)
I'm glad you were able to rest a bit and that you're feeling better. Sometimes taking a break is the best option, even if you feel time-crunched :3


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/8 16:56:20 )

About to watch Free Guy with some friends, while I play WoW.


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/8 18:00:59 )
@Wildfire: The weekend was busy. Saturday we drove 3 hours each way, Hit a blizzard both ways. lol. Folks around here were not ready. There was a lot of cars in the snowbanks.
My friend's babyshower was .. an experience [I don't like baby showers XD ]. I was more excited to see old friends from our hometown. They drove WAY longer than we did to be there.
Yesterday a couple of our local friends invited themselves over to help with home projects. Which helped so much. omgosh! I have amazing friends.

AAAND MY HUSBAND just told my mom our news. OMG. -instant panic-

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/8 20:11:32 )
@Another Movie Addict: Free Guy? I haven't seen that one ... don't remember even hearing about it, tbh.
It sounds like you have the off and have some relaxing scheduled! :3

@Koah: Blizzard. Fun. Not. (I don't miss that!!)
I'm glad you got to see some old friends, even if the baby shower was not your thing.
How did your mom take the news??

@Totalanimefan: Yeah, Florida sun is... special. :3
And yes, tropical plants - but even with that, some of them don't like the sand, or too much sun, or too much water, or...

I went to the nursery down the street. It's bigger than I thought it was!


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/8 20:37:18 )
@Totalanimefan: I just looked around - didn't really talk to anyone yet. I just wanted an idea of what they have available, and their pricing before pursuing anything further. I'll do a little more research on my own, and I'm trying to make mental notes of different areas of my yard where I might be able to plant things. Unfortunately, most of the "available" land we have that gets sun is on the south side of the house - which means All Day Florida Sun. Or the front yard, and although I'd like to tell the HOA to go pound sand with some of their silly restrictions, I'm not ready to tackle them just yet (because I'm still figuring out what I want to do). And there's an area in the back that gets some sun, but I don't think it gets enough to qualify as "full sun"... *sigh*


Donator Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/8 21:48:49 )
@Wildfire: well, my mom hasn't called me yet. My husband said she sounded shocked and concerned, rightfully so. I lived with her my last pregnancy. [it's not much of a secret anymore]. My husband said he had to reassure her that I've got my appointments and clinics all sorted out.

Could you plant Aloe on the south side of the house? Those are sun plants and aren't picky about the ground conditions.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/8 23:09:18 )
@Koah: she sounds concerned, but from what you've told me, that's a reasonable reaction. Still, I hope you hear from her soon - I can imagine that you're a little apprehensive not hearing from her yet, with such news! :3 *hugs*

Aloe... I have several aloe plants already and believe it or not, the sun on that side of the house during summer is too much for them! How Florida can be tougher on a freaking cactus than the desert, I don't know, but apparently it is! XD And, I'm trying to plant edibles - I'm thinking about fig trees and papaya trees and banana trees... *dreams* I really need more land...


Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/11/8 23:19:39 )
@Totalanimefan: it sounds like we approach things like this similarly. I'm trying to take it slowly -for a number of reasons, really- but there's still an impulse to "just do it"... but there's no point in throwing away $$ because I don't know what I'm doing, or where to plant things, or because I'm likely to get overwhelmed (gardening has been hit-or-miss with me previously and I have a pretty steep learning curve with it in general + "the Florida factor" XD), and although I'm rebellious enough to thumb my nose a bit at the HOA, the house still needs to look good from the curb (not that it wouldn't, but... HOA nazis...)

So you're thinking of holiday decor already? One thing I've realized over the years is that as long as it's not completely crappy/cheap, it's the overall look and "spirit" of the idea/decorations that matter most.... there's a point where they all kind of blend in together and become an over-arching "essence"... colored vs/ white lights, bushy vs/ thinner... that's just completely personal preference. And it's probably why I have colored lights AND white lights /eyeroll/ XD

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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