Posted 3 years ago ( 2022/06/12 19:10:11 )
@Alorrena: more than a couple of my pictures I ended up havn to to the stores looking, and be suspicious idiot who takes pictures with a tag. got more than a few looks when looking at toasters tryng to decide which one they means in the challenge xDD as here a toaster is everything from one to roast bread on to a toastmaker ^^;
eded up taking pictures of both.
as for recycling, I'd say we got a good recyclng going here, its just that our bins aint color coded, instead they are height and shape coded. ( edible wate goes to a normal sized grey bin, cardboard to a slightly taller grey bin, plastic to a bin big enough for about 2½ food bins t be in, and everythin else goes to the big, oddly slim grey bin which is about 2 hands larger than the plastic bin but still shorter in length )
still need to get me some more event currency X_X;