The raffle results are in! Since you all worked so hard to get so many of these dust bunnies out of Voltra, we decided to toss a few more bundles into the prize pool.
@star2000shadow: wins Vibrance Day '19 Bundle!
@Stinky: wins Vibrance Day '19 Bundle!
@Purpsy: wins Vibrance Day '19 Bundle!
@Kory: wins Vibrance Day '20 Bundle!
@macsen191: wins Vibrance Day '20 Bundle!
@Spider: wins Vibrance Day '20 Bundle!
@Totalanimefan: wins Dust Wars '22 Bundle!
@Rei Ann: wins Dust Wars '22 Bundle!
@CooperationIsKey: wins Dust Wars '22 Bundle!
@Siron: wins Rose Princess!
@MaxIsConfused: wins Splish Splash!
@sunny: wins Perennial Premier!
@Kent: wins Spring Showers!
@Alorrena: wins Some Bunny To Love!
@GoblinsAndTea: wins Fabled Beauty!
@DreamerZ: wins His Elegance!
@Wildfire: wins Her Grace!
Congratulations to the raffle winners! We're working on getting those prizes to you now. If you don't see the prizes in your inventory by 6/15/22, please ping @Frizz: