— She He It
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/14 15:06:10 )
@Hydrangea: I like to read, write, cook, bake, dance, listen to music, watch movies, listen to youtube. I also loooove to play video/card/board games when I get the chance.
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/14 15:16:20 )
@lopsided oreo: I see, that's very interesting and awesome!
I like to draw (or doodling depending on my mood) mostly characters (original or fanart), write (although it's not my strongest point but I like to write stories from time to time), listening to my favourite music genre, watching (mostly animated) movies/shows and funny videos on either Youtube or sometimes Tiktok (I know the latter is debatable but it's kinda 50-50 in my opinion depending on the algorithm). I also used to play video games or arcade games too often but I stopped doing them so due to lack of interest or maybe I'm just getting older :x
— She He It
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/14 15:21:25 )
@Hydrangea: Thank you.
The things you do are awesome as well. The only type of writing I really do, these days, is poetry. I've recently gotten into trying to write songs and have a couple that I actually really like. As for the whole video game thing.... there are games I've stopped playing as I've gotten older but still games I play even though I'm in my 30s lol
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/14 15:32:08 )
@lopsided oreo: You're welcome and thanks
I see, writing poetry and songs are really cool c: Wish I could write them as well lol and yeah that's very understandable as people's interests change as they grow older or still kept their interests regardless how old they are as long as they're having fun, and speaking of age...... I don't think 30s is "old" now that I'm in my late 20s lmao
— She He It
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/14 15:40:49 )
@Hydrangea: No matter what type of art we do, it is all beautifully done in my eyes. I think anyone who can do any type of art is talented, even if they're just starting out. We gotta keep each other from crumbling under the hard work because, eventually, we'll be famous. And, yeah, I've noticed that with age things change, things stay the same it's fun. Honestly I don't think in my 30s is old. But, then again, I've always enjoyed getting older and could never understand how anyone could lie about their age...
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/14 15:48:49 )
@lopsided oreo: Mmhmm. I definately 100% agree with you. *nods* Supporting each other is the best way to go.
And true about that, I kinda assume there are people who are genuinely afraid of getting older especially when it comes to certain things like physical appearance and stuff. And the whole lying about their age thing is still sadly relevant, considering there's plenty of people who lie their age just to fit in and heck forbid you if you dare to say they look older (not in a malicious way, but in a pretty positive way) when they ask you to guess their age. ._.;
Then again..... on the opposite side, there are younger people who tend to lie their age on social media as well which makes it as worse as the former above.
— She He It
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/14 15:57:05 )
@hydrangea: Exactly why I often try to buy art because I like being supportive of my fellow artists.
The whole age thing still baffles me. Like I've always been honest about my age and I've meant quite a few people who have lied about their age and it's just like... what's the point? We all age like fine wine our own way... Like, when I was in my early 20s, I made a friend who was easily 16 and she liked about her age saying she was 21 and I knew she wasn't 21. She tried getting me to believe it every chance she got and, eventually, she gave up when she realized I'm not as stupid as I act sometimes.
@totalanimefan: I did see your thread about that in the charities cause I was thinking about making one truthfully lol
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/14 16:19:00 )
@lopsided oreo: I see. Though I sometimes get recommendations of videos about cosmetic products or surgery (mainly about the whole "how to stop wrinkles" or this and that) from Youtube despite I've never searched for any of these and it gets on my nerve sometimes. But then again, most social media sites are not immune to it either and this especially goes to Instagram where I often saw people editing their or sometimes their friends, relatives, etc.'s faces or bodies to make them look flawless or too perfect.
Donator — Pomepome
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/14 17:49:58 )
@Lopsided Oreo: sounds pretty cute though!! my kid runns a fever and refuses to sleep yaaay instead shes screaming because i wont let her watch peppa anymore (we watched together 2 episodes )
— She He It
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/14 17:55:01 )
@Atropa Belladonna: He truly is a little cutie. He's also currently laying at my feet licking my toes and I don't wanna move because I'm comfy. Your kiddo just wants to be happy well she feels sick. Though I would of shut off peppa as well and put on something, like, Hocus Pocus and be all like "You see the beginning? That's what happens to kids who aren't good" but... I feel like I'd be, what people call, horrible to do that lol.
— She He It
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/14 21:43:26 )
@Atropa Belladonna: I'm not a mama yet but I do understand that kids are definitely complex in their own ways. A lot of times they aren't, I know this, but when they are... maaan
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/15 01:19:53 )
@lopsided oreo: You're right ahahaha, it kinda feels like as if you're not allowed to have aging (even though it can't be stopped since aging is a natural thing that happens to everyone and it's neither a bad nor good thing).
— She He It
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/15 01:36:50 )
@Hydrangea: The media likes to make women of all races, height, weight, and what not feel low when it comes to their bodies and the fact that they're aging and it's just horrible and disgusting.
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/15 01:43:02 )
@lopsided oreo: True, including men of all races, height and weight as well although they tend to get a bit pressured, just less so compared to women (who gets a lot of sh*t for almost everything including physical appearance). And yeah, aging shouldn't be seen as "ugly" or "the end of the world" or something. I wish the media should've normalise aging as a natural way and people will accept it, at least.
— She He It
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/15 01:45:31 )
@hydrangea: Exactly. It seems like no one is safe in the world unless they are deemed the "perfect" looking person. And goddess forbid they one just one flaw and automatically that flaw is photoshopped out. I hate the media for the simple fact that it contributes to little girls having trouble feeling confident in who they are as a person.
Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/15 01:53:44 )
@lopsided oreo: Yeah, it really sucks everyone of all ages get pressured to look perfect or flawless (a.k.a having no pores, stretch marks or whatsoever) and then again, the very same people will still comment about your appearance in a negative way regardless how skinny, slim, fit, muscular, chubby or even fat you are. :/