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Forums General Chit-Chat December Discussion

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/7 16:57:52 )
@Wildfire: Thank you. Down time is always so important, you deserve it as well. <3

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/7 17:24:27 )
@Totalanimefan: Awesome, I know that she used to do 1 tsp of butter to 1 tbsp maple syrup so it wasn't very oily given the french toast was also cooked in butter. For the cinnamon, grandma would do 1/2 tsp. I may do 1/4 tsp, then add 1/8 tsp ground ginger and 1/8 tsp ground cloves and see how that turns out as a kid I would always find ginger and cloves to be too much. n_n;

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/7 18:29:02 )
@Totalanimefan: Vanilla and cinnamon are always a win. n_n I am wondering if it would be good to do french toast as a dessert-based dish for those who won't want pie and just serve it with french vanilla bean ice cream and pour the glaze my grandma made with chopped walnuts or pecans on top. Oh, even adding some baked apples to it. Now I'm hungry. T_T xD

Voltie — HIM Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/7 19:39:08 )
You gotta @Mention me.

My GF's family Christmas tradition is having lasagna for a Christmas meal.
So I'm looking forward to eating ridiculous amounts of lasagna.
Not looking forward to making it, because it's a big process with the layering.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/7 23:47:29 )
@Lotus: I am going to do my best to make sure I get some serious down time asap - thank you.

@Totalanimefan: It's hard to just "stop", isn't it? I'm glad you're getting at least some rest, even if it's "one off" :3


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/8 13:23:33 )
@Rallaa: Lasagne for Christmas? That's interesting. I don't blame you though as it's a process, definitely rewarding though!
Totalanimefan: I agree, changing things up from the norm may start a new tradition even eh? Congratulations to your husband and selling your home is a big thing, here is to more memories wherever you both rest your head in the end. <3
@Wildfire: Good. You do so much and it's going to be nice for you to unwind. <3

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/8 13:55:26 )
@Totalanimefan: Wow - you've been a busy bee this week! But I understand what you mean about one-off too... you have been busy, but most of the responsibility and details concerning the stuff you did hasn't been directly on your shoulders...


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/8 13:57:34 )
@Lotus: Yes... I sometimes think that somebody just needs to kidnap me and drop me in a well-stocked cabin in the woods somewhere (without transportation) for a week month so I can get that break :3 I'm gonna try, though... <3


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/8 14:03:00 )
@Wildfire: Provided there would also be cellphone reception and wifi (just in case), I'd accept an offer like that. T_T

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/8 14:06:27 )
@Lotus: Right? Exactly. I wouldn't want TV though, or a computer. A phone for emergencies, art supplies, food ... I'd be quite content that way for a while...


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/8 14:45:17 )
@Wildfire: All types of mediums for art supplies would be nice, the landscape you get would be good inspiration. n_n

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/8 14:51:44 )
@Lotus: exactly. And no distractions. Nobody needing me for anything... XD


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/8 20:24:36 )
@Totalanimefan: Well, I'm glad it wasn't too too much for you to do... but it does sound a little complicated on both counts :3

Good luck wrapping and shipping! Time is about running out for that at this point isn't it??


Voltie — HIM Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/9 00:08:35 )
You gotta @Mention me.

@Lotus: Yeah, it's a tradition from her mother, who is passed away now, so she makes sure to continue it.
There was one year that our oven was on the fritz, and she ended up bursting into tears because she was afraid we couldn't do it.
We got a temporary countertop oven and made it work somehow though.

We make so much that we end up having enough leftovers for multiple meals over about three days afterwords.


Voltie — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/9 07:13:13 )
I look forward to seeing all the Christmas stuff the town I moved to has to offer. I love seeing all the Christmas lights and I'm definitely looking forward to the Christmas food from my country. It'll be the first time I make it all by myself with my boyfriend's help. It's been fun to see snow this winter, it's my first time seeing it since I come from a place where there is absolutely no snow haha. One thing I'll definitely miss though is.. spending Christmas with mom and my family though. :( Wish I could teleport!

Voltie — HIM Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/9 07:18:22 )
You gotta @Mention me.

@Sumire: Hope your town has some of the people that are go hard on their lights and decorations.
There is a house I pass by whenever we go out shopping. They go hard on just about every holiday they can.
Makes me wonder where the heck they store it all. They must have a killer organizational system.


Voltie — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/9 07:50:44 )
@Rallaa: I wish they were! They have some cute decorations, but nothing hardcore. I did go to Utah not long ago tho, and I did see some cool houses and even went to an amazing Christmas Village.
My town does seem to have some Christmas events so hopefully I can get some of that Christmas magic somehow.

I do wish I could go all out as well, but I live in a small apartment and tbh, even I wonder how I’d store all those decorations if we got them all. It’s been hard to even fit a smaller Christmas tree given the amount of space. Heh.

Voltie — HIM Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/9 07:57:59 )
You gotta @Mention me.

@Sumire: If you don't mind climbing into bed, you could make or get a lofted bed frame and use the underneath area as storage.
With some good packing, you could probably store quite a lot of all kinds of things.

Wardrobe/Art Collection

Art by kiwi

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/9 11:18:58 )

Mostly, for December, I'm looking forward to the family get together on Christmas. So, Christmas, lol. I don't have much else going on right now to be honest!
Please ping me!

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/12/9 13:41:10 )
@Totalanimefan: so at least one thing will be off your list entirely, right?
Yeah, I think it's about time to get things shipped if they're going to make it before Christmas... it's only ~2 weeks away at this point!! (omg how did that happen?!! XD )

My shopping is about done. I did most of it just after Thanksgiving (Black Friday and that weekend). Fortunately I have a pretty short list and no shipping to contend with ...

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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