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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/26 16:03:34 )
@Koah: Fortunately -I think, "fortunately"- he's going to be flying in... on Tuesday. /cry/ But he will have access to a truck while he's there. I really, really hope he takes the time to really learn how to drive and navigate in those conditions before leaving the farm... after him rolling one truck in July, and wrecking his motorcycle just before Christmas, not to mention all the other bone-headed vehicular (or horse) "adventures" he's had in the last 3 years... I'm a bit scared to think about him driving around in the snow and mountains (or even snow and the plains; which could be worse in terms of him gaining confidence driving in snow and not realizing what a completely different beast driving mountains can be -with or without snow). This kid... he's capable and competent and smart but I can't help but worry a bit...

Anyway - thank you for being willing to help him out if he needs it. You are certainly much closer than I will be to him and it eases my mind to know he has some support. He appreciates it too. I'll look for and give him your info after I go try to find suitable luggage for him to use on the plane...

That's exciting that your mom is making such progress! Has she been going out of her mind being laid up like that? I'm sure she's anxious to get back to things... and I'm sure you're looking forward to having some of the stress and extra work taken off your shoulders :3 <3

Good luck with all the kids today. 7 toddlers seems like a lot to deal with, imo...


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/26 17:36:12 )
@Wildfire: I'm glad he's flying in. You mentioned it's an hour out of town and that's wild to me! Wonder if he'll get bored out there?
Or maybe the vast space and feeling of freedom will be his new addiction! XD
<.< I am guilty of really enjoying that wide open space and that blissful freedom from society.
I gotta feeling the ranchers will keep him inline [wyo men are hardasses]. Hopefully he'll respect their property truck and there won't be any.... accidents. D:
Is someone from the ranch[farm?] picking him up from the airport?

One kid called out sick, my easy one. She's always sick, however we got nailed with all sorts of viruses the last 2 weeks. God only knows what she's got now. /sigh/
Down to 6 and 1 is only here for nap time. Hopefully won't be too difficult.

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/26 18:41:30 )

G'morningafternoon, I had a weird dream where I'd had a foot transplant and it is haunting me. o3o;;;


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/26 18:55:44 )
@Koah: hour to Walmart. Who knows how far town is! XD He's going to be in the middle of absolutely nowhere. We'll see how that plays out...

I think he has learned his lessons with driving and vehicles, but the terrain and environment there is very different from what is here, and I wonder about his ability to apply the lessons I think he learned here, to that. Ugh. He's not reckless, necessarily... just young - that youthful edge hasn't come off quite yet. And he is respectful. He's really a wonderful young man, but momma can't help but worry, especially given some of his recent accidental shenanigans, and it's hard on me because it's so far away, and there's no straight shot up there, ya know? It's not like heading to the northeast from here, or over to Texas with "hit the highway and follow it straight" thing... it's a zigzag of roads and weirdness to get there, and he'll be in a big open "nowhere". I hope he gets what he needs from this experience. <3

From what I've gleaned, the ranch/farm is being run by a family with a couple of younger kids/teenagers... so the couple would be 35-45, maybe? And the woman has asked him for his sizes, implying that they're trying to help outfit him. Equipment wise, he needs new/better/insulated boots, work gloves, and probably a couple pair of heavy jeans (which just don't exist here), which he's hoping to get there. He should be "ok" otherwise - at least until he figures out else what he really needs. And yes, apparently somebody from the farm will go get him at the airport when he lands.

... sorry I'm rambling so much about my boy and his impending move. I'm trying to process it all, in a very short timeline. It's an adjustment.

Hopefully your day is going well :3


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/26 18:58:57 )
@CooperationIsKey: A foot transplant. Yeah, I can see why that would haunt you a bit! What on earth have you been watching/playing in your free time?? XD


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/26 19:25:04 )

@Wildfire: Nothing with limb transplants!! Lmao! It was so creepy. I remember looking down and vividly seeing the like staples in my leg where it was attached, and lamenting that my weird toe on that foot (I have one that needs correcting as it's trying to take over its neighbor lol) was no longer.

It was just super bizarre. o_o;;;


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/26 19:39:45 )
@CooperationIsKey: that definitely seems a little odd! XD :3
... although I have this lingering sense of a dream a couple days ago where my grandmother (who has been dead for decades) was fighting zombies.........? o_0 What's in the air that's causing weird dreams?? XD


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/26 19:46:08 )

@Wildfire: Rofl! Go grandma, I guess? XD

Good question lmao.

How are you doing today?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/26 21:16:48 )
@CooperationIsKey: ... eh, I've been better, tbh, but I'm ok, all in all. :3
How are you doing today? Did you do anything fun... or got anything interesting in the plans for the rest of the day??


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/27 08:25:05 )

@Wildfire: I imagine you've got a lot on your plate with the kiddo moving. <3

I'm okay. Slept too much to be honest. I couldn't keep my eyes open so I went back to bed but eventually my body informed me 'no more sleep today' by giving me increasingly unsettling dreams.

Bodies are weird, lol.

....Okay I only intended to put that message through like 10 hours ago. ^^;;


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/27 14:10:08 )
@CooperationIsKey: Yeah, there's a whole lot to do to help him get ready for this move. If he were going to GA, for example, it wouldn't be so bad, but this move is about as extreme as you can get, so there is a lot to do and a lot to prepare him for.

LOL - yeah, the body is weird sometimes, but it generally knows what it needs. If it needs sleep, it'll make sure you know it. If you're just "done" sleeping, it'll find some way to wake you up... What's going on with you and dreams the last couple of days, though? ... no foot transplants last night, I hope??

So what's going on for you today? - anything interesting?

I'm going to be doing some more scrambling for my son, I think, and if not that, trying to clean up the house a bit. Things have gotten messy the last few days with all the last minute chaos trying to get him ready for his move...

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/27 15:55:01 )
@Wildfire: your avatar is really showing you today. lol. Cold weather and anxious eyebrows. XD
Sounds like your son found a good job with good people. He'll fit right in. <3 I'm excited to hear your updates, or if he's friendly enough to throw me a text sometimes and tell me how things are going as time goes on.

I love that you ramble about your sons. <3 You are proud of them.

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/27 15:55:23 )

@Wildfire: Lol I don't even remember last night's dream. Probably a good thing lmao.

I've got a doctor's appointment today so that's like three hours down. Seriously, my ride picks me up between 10:05 and 10:35 (probably closer to 10:05), my appointment is at 11, my doctor can take up to two freaking hours to even get to me because he's always running obscenely late but never bothers to tell anyone, and then I have to call for my ride home and wait for it to show up which could be ten minutes or two hours, before the 10 minute ride home.

It is an ordeal. ^^;;

Please ping me!

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/27 15:59:12 )
@CooperationIsKey: Good Morning.
Sucks that a quick trip to the doc has to take so long! D:

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/27 16:00:40 )

Is nice to see this thread still alive and thriving :3


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/27 16:12:00 )
@Purpsy: OH HEI! I was just thinkin about you yesterday. I haven't seen you in forever, or it feels that way. =O
How are you doing?

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/27 16:15:31 )

@Koah: Oh you were thinking about me? :o *sniffs*
Apparently since my last post... I've gone around 8 months wew x.x

I'm doing alright, just needed a break here but I'm possibly back :D


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/27 17:08:18 )
@Purpsy: omg! 8 months already. jeeeeez. D:
I miss your silly posts and your presence here. <3

Is life treating you okay? o3o

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/27 17:17:34 )

@Koah: Yeah it felt like I've been only gone around 3 months...
Life been okay with me and so far 2023 is not a complete disaster.

Other than inflation. How about yours?


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Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/27 18:17:06 )
@Purpsy: 2023 for me has been a challenge, but I'm doing okay.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to fall asleep standing up today though. XD

inflation definitely sucks. e.e Luckily my mom is covering some groceries and I'm taking advantage of the local food bank.

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