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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/1 15:53:30 )
@Koah: is perpetually damp here, so the temperatures -and the heat- feel more extreme than they tend to feel other places. I'd warn him about the "crunchy nose" but he's at that point where he's all "mom, you do realize I can handle myself, right?!" phase of things (I was trying to give him warning about and tactics to deal with things like TSA being idiots or the airline attendants trying to check his carry-on bag) XD XD He's going to miss me. Probably not. Ok, maybe. XD

He's playing Call of Duty (I think) while he's waiting for his laundry to dry. I'm going to go sit with him.

Funny camping stories, though! <3


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/1 16:46:46 )

@Wildfire: Yep... is funny now haha xD
But I was pretty traumatized back then. Ah kids...

@Koah: LOL! Yeah children can be absolutely brutal. I used to hate milk back then but my parents forced me to drink them because I'm still growing so I was being sneaky and try to throw the rest of it somewhere in my old backyard often until I got caught one day by my babysitter xD

@Aisukohi: I think you just convince me to never go camping lol
Well maybe... but me being absolutely possessive with my food I would also be upset too haha


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/1 17:03:24 )
@Wildfire: <3 Have fun spending time with your boy. <3
lol, once he's out of the house, he'll continue hearing your voice in his head. XD I'm just envisioning that part of Emporor's new groove with Kronk's good and evil shoulder self. XD
You on one side like "Wear extra socks! it's cold out!" and his young-man decision making on the other like "it can't be that cold.."
Hopefully at some point while he's out this way, I'll hear from him or take him out to coffee- although that's quite the drive from my hole in the mountain. XD

@Purpsy: lol! you were like "don't mind me, just watering the grass with.. milk. it's healthy for it."
I hated milk too! /still do.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/1 17:10:49 )

@Koah: Haha yep xD
Honestly that will make a great excuse except the part is not milk it's um water that's been in a freezer too long...
I don't mind drinking milk now... I can just drink 1 cup of it.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/1 17:30:04 )
@Purpsy: Yeah, I bet you were a bit traumatized for a while with that experience... but it makes for a funny story... now. XD

@Koah: Yup - that's pretty much the size of it! I just reminded him that he should reach out to you. We'll see whether or not he actually does. He's partially concerned that he'll be working 6/7 days a week, I think...


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/1 18:40:35 )

@Wildfire: Hehe true >w<
The stupid things we do as kids lel


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/1 18:56:50 )
@Wildfire: no doubt. o;o I think.. maybe, if they're desperate for help and willing to work with him- good chance he'll be working quite a lot. <.< we'll see. :d
make sure you save my number too. ;p I want to make sure if there's an emergency or something I can be reached easily. -thumbs up-

@Purpsy: I've never froze milk before and now I'm sitting here wondering if and how people do that. o.o'
I actually love chocolate milk. lol. XD

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/1 19:02:50 )
@Purpsy: it's all part of being a kid :3 XD <3

@Koah: Yup - I got it - thank you. Actually, I should probably send you a text so you have my # too. Thanks again. <3

... getting ready to leave the house for the airport. We still have plenty of time to get there, park, get situated, etc., but...


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/1 19:41:04 )

@Koah: I can only assume it will only taste like ice but a little milky xD
Chocolate frozen milk however though...

@Wildfire: Very true -w-


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/1 20:56:06 )
@Purpsy: frozen... chocolate milk... hmmmm.... mmm... I dunno how I feel about that.
My imagination is saying it'd taste like a Wendy's chocolate frosty- however, realistically.. no.

@Wildfire: I wish I could give you a hug irl. -virtual hug-

I only have 4 kids at my mom's daycare rn and all of them are fussy. All are down for naps now except for my baby.
My baby finally slept last night, he only got up twice which is record best in the last few weeks. So he's taking short cat naps today since he actually slept for most of the night. Cx

When I decided to have one more child... I totally forgot about the first two years with teething and no sleep. o_e /flails/

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/1 23:49:01 )
@Koah: ... this is haaaaard, man... much harder than I expected, tbh... but he's capable and he's ready and this is what he wants. He's on the plane, midway to Denver right now *cry* {hugs}

Yay for sleeping mostly through the night, but booooo for taking cat naps and staying up...?? I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not if you only have 4 kids, but they're all cranky. Is that better than having 6 kids who are in a better mood or worse?? Hmmmm....

@Purpsy: :3
So how are you today? Doing anything fun?


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/1 23:59:19 )
@Wildfire: omg, you definitely express yourself through your!
oh my gosh, -hugs- I'm totally invested and feeling this journey with you! T^T
I'm glad he missed that cold front though. That would have been a shock. 80*f to -15*f CX
Keep me updated. <3

I jinxed it earlier, right when I got all of them down, I posted that and the eldest toddler woke up crying and stayed awake. Which is unusual.
I prefer a 6 kid group, paired off and in relatively good moods over small fussy groups.
4 fussy kids is hard because one is mine and they all want one on one attention.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/2 02:51:13 )
@Koah: he made it to Denver. Now a 3 hour lay-over before going to his final destination. He says everything is white, but he's still hot, and the plane skidded on some ice...

... I'm ok, but this is a LOT to process in a very short period of time... This is hard, emotionally, on so many levels... And I'm *not* a clingy helicopter type parent... Argghh!! I must have been very good at my job to raise confident young adults! 😅😭


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/2 03:24:36 )
@Wildfire: You did an amazing job [and still doing an amazing job] at raising your son. He feels confident and individual enough to do something so far away from home. <3
How's your other son doing with all this? I forgot to ask before. o;o' I imagine they're close?

The scenery is only going to get whiter. CX I lived in Denver for a year, they get snow for a day or two and it melts pretty quickly. That place has really bipolar weather. o.0

//off topic, but I FINALLy got my avi looking western gunslinger chic and I'm just.. very proud of it. XDD

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/2 06:22:36 )

@Koah: Well crap I'm craving chocolate milk right now x.x
I think it will taste like homemade chocolate popsicle~

@wildfire: Yes to be honest, another day movie binging and not getting much stuff done...
How was yours going?


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Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/2 06:56:48 )

I was just thinking about making chocolate milk, myself! Lol!
Please ping me!

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/2 14:26:33 )
well then, we need to make today a chocolate milk day. XD <3

@CooperationIsKey: lol

@Purpsy: lol

after I caffeinate though. I didn't get much sleep. cx

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/2 14:27:38 )
@Koah: lol - they're close, but they're fairly opposite personalities, and are on different wave-lengths for the most part. But, as my elder son wrote in a card for the younger "... I'll miss you occasionally. Don't die." XD He's used to his younger brother's shenanigans :3 My "cowboy" has landed in WY. I haven't heard from him since, but I hope the trip to the ranch and all went well. Hopefully he'll call or text later today.

Your cowgirl avatar is adorable <3 ... definitely looks like a dressed up, but quite capable cowgirl, looking for... something... XD


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/2 14:30:08 )
@Purpsy: lol - what are you binging now? Sometimes you just need a day or two of that kind of thing. I might do something like that myself today, tbh...

@CooperationIsKey: Hey Key. How are you doing today, so far?

@Koah: Sorry to hear you didn't get much sleep. Hopefully today is an easy and quiet one for you at the day care! :3

lol - chocolate milk. I can't remember the last time I had chocolate milk! <3

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/2 15:29:16 )
@Wildfire: sounds like my own kids. :d Right now, my older two are like yin and yang. Opposite but exist perfectly together. I'm sure that'll change once puberty really kicks in. -tear-
I hope you hear from him soon.
If you don't hear from him in a while, I guess you could make me drive down there and I can slap some sense into him. -thumbs up- OTL that would be a driveeeee.. but I'd do it.

My baby is now sick with a cough. So, he slept on my chest last night and coughed in my face and would gag and I'd quickly wake up, cover my face just in case of ... bleh. anyway. uhg.
My husband is back at work. He worked a full day yesterday, [he's not used to laborious jobs anymore], he slept through his alarm this morning. XDD

Today is my packed daycare day, I'm going to recruit my mom to help. She can't move much, but it's better having her around with 6 or 7 kids.

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