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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/27 19:15:08 )

@Koah: Ah yes those are lifesavers. My mom works on charities which involves food banks so when they have extras she tries to get them.
That and being a social butterfly she is her friends spoil her with food sometimes. One of her friends gave us a large turkey for Christmas and since our freezer is small and full we had to let it freeze outside our balcony xD

Hopefully you don't, you didn't sleep well last night?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/27 20:01:17 )
@Koah: lol - yeah, the avatar is pretty much a self-portrait right now XD

I hope he found some good people. He needs some good people right now - he's been burned pretty bad a couple times recently by people who we thought we knew (deceptive b@stards!!), and he deserves some good people (who aren't me) :3

He's not shy. This son is pretty charismatic and friendly, actually, so I wouldn't be surprised if he reached out to you. Did you send me your personal info already and I'm just not seeing it? As long as you're willing to be a point of contact for him/me up that way, I'd like him to have the info before he gets on the plane... and again, I appreciate your offer <3 <3

He now has boots. They are probably not perfect for the conditions in which he's about to find himself, but at least they are without holes in the foot (/eyeroll/), have some kind of lining instead of bare leather, and are supposedly waterproof. He seems confident that he'll be able to put a pair of wool socks on too, so maybe he'll still have all his toes by the end of the next month and not lose any to frostbite. (omg - this kid seriously has NO CLUE what's he's walking in to! ... to be a fly on the wall when he gets off the plane... XD )

And yes, I'm proud of the young men I've managed to raise. It'll be good to see what they do with themselves from this point on, but omg, it's a transition ... for me, worse than for them, I think...


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/27 20:10:16 )
@CooperationIsKey: lol - after the foot transplant dream, yeah, it probably is a good thing that you don't remember your dreams from last night! That one should last you a while!! XD

Oh good grief - that seems unnecessarily tedious and time-consuming! I'm sorry that you have to deal with that kind of nonsense just to get to a doctor's appointment. I hope it all goes as well as can be expected, time-wise and travel-wise, and that you get whatever you need health-wise as well.

I just got back from Tampa... but the errand was a success, so that's good. :3

@Purpsy: Hey you - it's good to see you. What's new? What have you been up to the last few months?


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/27 21:04:59 )

@Koah: Morning! And yeah it's ridiculous. I need to find a new doctor but it's such a chore to do so.

How are you doing? o3o

@Wildfire: It's absurd. As I mentioned above I should really find a new doctor, because 1.5 to 2 hours wait time AFTER your scheduled appointment time is just absurd and unprofessional. I don't understand, like is he back there playing freaking Candy Crush or something?? I've never, ever had a doctor with such time management issues--and I've had a lot of doctors! Hell this doctor once, when the pandemic was first getting started, left me waiting for him on a video call virtual waiting room for like 2+ hours. He never showed up at all to that one!

By contrast I guess I should be grateful he was about only 1.75 hours late to my appointment today. 🙄

Glad to hear your errand was a success!


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/27 21:55:29 )
@CooperationIsKey: Yeah, I'd be finding a new doctor, I think - especially if he's a general type doc. If he were some fantastic specialist... maybe I'd put up with those shenanigans... but even that would be questionable, imo. Anyway, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Did you at least get the answers or care that you needed?


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/27 22:33:16 )

@Wildfire: More or less. We'll see if he follows through with the psych referral but at least he refilled m y antidepressant in the meantime. ^^;

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/27 23:10:38 )
@Purpsy: I'm living with my mom right now, she's formed a pretty nice support network around herself too. <3 I love it. She broke her ankle a few weeks ago, so I've been running her businesses and keeping my hours at work too. I'm exhausted.
Today, a cold finally set in. I'm pushing through it. I just wanna sleeeeep T^T

@Wildfire: I just messaged you my info. :3
lmao! ya know what's going to happen? He'll ride out the butt end of this winter and head in to spring and summer and he'll be happy as a clam and be like "winter wasn't that bad, mom!"
I see folks wearing cowboy boots out here in the winter all the time with thick socks. He'll be alright. :p
Well, your son has my family now too. I think we're pretty good people.

@CooperationIsKey: I am okay. Pretty pooped out actually. I have a full work day tomorrow with my job and some hours on Sunday I need to do.. oof. not looking forward to no days off.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/27 23:18:14 )
@CooperationIsKey: Well, I guess that's something at least. Sometimes it's one slow step at a time...

@Koah: lol... yeah, people would do that type of thing in New England too, but it's one thing when you grow up with it and you're acclimated to it. Although this kid naturally runs "hot" and will appreciate the cooler weather, he's still a Florida boy! I expect to hear some bravado about the weather, but I also expect to be LMAO about it too! XD ... and I think that I love you. <3 Seriously, I can't tell you how much I appreciate your willingness to help out my boy if he needs it! <3 I hope he contacts you :3


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/28 00:15:18 )

@Wildfire: Heey! Is been awhile :3
Nothing much just the usual stuff here. Well seasonal depression is a pain so far and it seem to hit me really hard this year but a good o'l anime and focusing on my creative endeavors helps. Or plainly just moving about.

I'm in some kind of movie binge today though but it was nice while I also got some folding done. How are you while I was away?

@Koah: That does sound exhausting! I hope you been taking care of yourself well. Funnily enough I'm also in the same predicament but less severe. My mother injured herself by tripping up the stairs a week ago and bruised one of her hands pretty badly. Fortunately she can still type just can't carry heavy stuff with the injure hand in which where I come in =w=


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/28 01:37:02 )
@Wildfire: I let my husband know we're going to be supportive of your son if he needs us and he was like "sounds good." XD
We've had a handful of Florida friends [who were either military or moved to the west] the last 5 years and only 1 stayed in the west. The rest missed the heat and 'good times' of Florida.
Well, I'm excited for your son's adventure and to continue talking to you and see how things go. <3

@Purpsy: omgosh! a bruised hand sucks! That hurts so bad. I'm glad you can help your mom out. :p
My mom slipped on a dust pan and broke her leg right above the ankle. -facepalm-
I'm doing my best to keep up with myself. I'm going to my friend's house Saturday nights to get a break from my mom's house and the daycare. OTL

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/28 01:40:31 )

@Koah: Rofl I currently reside in Florida but I really miss Los Angeles. I just can't afford to live there anymore. But I have a ton of family in Florida so that's really nice. :D

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/28 01:44:35 )
@CooperationIsKey: omg, LA is insane. I live in a 1%er town in Wyoming that has the same rent/cost of living as LA. it's ridiculous. /sigh/
I found out fairly recently that I have an uncle with his gaggle of children in Florida.
My sister and mom are conspiring to eventually buy a retirement house out there. We'll see if that happens. I'm sure it will if my sister is still thinking about it. She's a 'Do-er' type personality.
I love the Western states. *hugs Wyoming and Oregon like they're my babies*

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/28 09:21:35 )

@Koah: Lmao your facepalm reaction was my exact one when I found out how she injured her hand
When you grow older I've realized you also act a parents towards your parents lmao

That's good :3
A break from that once in a awhile is a good thing.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/28 15:08:23 )
@Purpsy: I'm sorry to hear about the seasonal depression, but it seems like you know how to deal with it at least, so that's a good thing, huh?
What movies have you been watching on your binge? - anything good?
How have I been in the last 8 months? Oh jeeze... uhh... stressed and anxious??! XD I've been ok, but there has been a lot that has happened in the last several months for me, tbh. :3

@Koah: <3 Thank you. That's really pretty awesome <3
His adventures out there should be interesting. I really am excited for him but it's also a really big move (for both of us). I'm sure there will many stories to tell. :3
So how are you doing lately - are you still holding up under all the stress and jobs you're dealing with?? Is mom climbing the proverbial walls yet?


Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/28 16:43:09 )
Been a while since I last posted here.

How's everyone?

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/28 19:33:49 )
@Purpsy: yeah- I've noticed that too. XD Especially with technology. My mom didn't set up an expensive gift I gave her last year because it needed to be added to the wifi. CX
So I unboxed it, typed in the wifi password [which she knew] and tada. It was on and working. lol.

@Wildfire: My mom has 2 more weeks until she can put a bit of weight on her foot. I'll still need to help her for a bit after that but I might be able to escape once or twice a week to work my job. My sister [who is also my boss] has been bringing boxes for my mom to do for me- for my job. To keep mom busy.
I'm doing okay, I powered through a cold this week and it went straight to my head. XD lol, so now my ears are feeling clogged. /sigh
I was supposed to work, physically, at my job this weekend- BUT! we're getting a massive amount of snow. The road I use to go to work is closed while they do avalanche control. We have about... or a bit over a foot of snow since yesterday. It's still dumping. o3o

@Aisukohi: I'm doing pretty alright. Been busy with rl and taking breaks to post on voltra. How've you been? I love your avi. <3 :3

Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/28 19:39:36 )
@Koah: Doing pretty alright as well. Mostly been busy with work, but I try to remember to come here sometimes, even if just to check for announcements.

And thank you! <3 Yours is cute as well. Looks kinda like a festive cowgirl lol.
Goodbye, Voltra.
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/28 21:27:56 )
@Aisukohi: Hey Aisu. How have you been? What's new?

@Koah: LOL! I thought I saw a forecast of snow for that general area... that's a decent amount though, if you've already got a foot of it!

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/28 21:49:50 )

@Koah: Oh definitely, the prices there suck. I loved living in L.A., it was fun and there was always something to do, but I couldn't do it now.

My mom is trying to move back to Florida and I really hope she's able. It'd be nice to have both my parents where I can visit them regularly. :)

Hiya everyone, I've been passed out most of the day with my pain being bad. :c I think it's partly because I walked from my doctor's office to Starbucks and back yesterday, which I think is a bit over a mile, and my sneakers were not the most ideal for it. So my legs are really sore. ^^; How's everyone doing today?

Please ping me!

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/29 00:13:36 )

@Wildfire: Well it started on Pride and Prejudice like a couple of days ago and it was on my bucket list to watch for awhile now and I really enjoyed watching it and now I wanted to watch something similar. So I watched Little Women (2019 ver.) and then I re-watch When in Rome. I swear I've seen that movie too many times as a teen... I plan to watch Clueless some other time though. So I guess I'm in the mood to watch some old and historical movies xD

Felt like 2022 a lot and nothing happened at the same time. But yes I learn to somewhat deal these seasonal depression but still by far the worst time of the year for me to try to be productive

@Koah: Yep... what's worse is I'm not better in that department and we both end up getting frustrated and screaming. Then my brother had to rescue us a lot lmao


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