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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/29 14:48:14 )
@Purpsy: Yeah, the last year or so has been weird... both fast and slow... busy and not... it has just been weird. :3
LOL - I don't think I've seen any of those movies except for Clueless (I've read the Little Women books, as well as Pride and Prejudice though). It sounds like an interesting mix of movies. Anything else in your queue? I'm glad you're enjoying them :3

@CooperationIsKey: How are you feeling today, Key? Better, I hope?

Good morning everyone.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/29 16:13:35 )

@Wildfire: To me every year has been like that since 2021... I would argue 2020 but that year was waaay too eventful.
It is, a lot of them I discover during one of those movie recaps videos on YT but since I've heard so much of Disenchanted I do low key want to watch Enchanted. I never really get the hype when it first came out and I've had plans to watch the new Avatar movie with my brother but it got cancelled. Him being too tired on his night shifts and me being not feeling well that day.

How's your morning fairing so far?


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/29 19:11:27 )

@Wildfire: Pain is doing better today! Also we went to Aldi and I came away with pineberries and my beloved almond butter filled pretzels, which they very rarely carry, so I'm stoked about that!

How are you today?


Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/29 21:31:03 )
@Wildfire: Nothing really new with me. Same old stuff. How about you?

@CooperationIsKey: lol I've walked out of my way for good coffee as well, so I feel your pain. xD I bought a bunch of food stuff today, and probably spent too much, but I'm always throwing money around for good food lol.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/30 20:01:41 )
@Purpsy: ... my morning was a bit chaotic. I went camping with my youngest, so yesterday morning was packing and getting there, and this morning was packing up and coming home. There's a lot of stuff happening in my world right now.

@CooperationIsKey: I'm glad you're feeling better - and that you got some of your favorite snacks! I'm hanging in there, thanks - tired, because of camping...

@Aisukohi: ... "what's new" is a loaded question for me, tbh. There have been a lot of changes and a lot of "events" over the last few months. :3


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/30 21:16:07 )
Hello, new to this place.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/31 14:02:35 )
@MarRath: Hello! Welcome to Voltra. How are you enjoying it so far?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/31 14:07:43 )
Good morning. How is everyone doing today so far?

It's already the end of January... can you believe it? I am not sure that I can (for a number of reasons). For me, thinking about it in terms of the first month of the new year is just odd - so much has happened in the last couple of weeks that it feels like it has been much longer...

So... Tuesday. What do you have going on today?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/31 15:18:10 )

@Wildfire: Oooh! I can understand why xD
How was it? To this day I don't think I've ever gone to camping but I have been inside some strangers tent as a child once and got myself stuck inside...


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/31 15:54:02 )
@Purpsy: Camping was good. It was a beautiful night for it, and it was lovely being in an area that we had pretty much to ourselves. :3 <3

LOL - do I want to know how you ended up in some stranger's tent... especially if you didn't go camping?? XD


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/31 16:28:39 )

@Wildfire: Awe it sounds like a very serene and peaceful trip :3
Well it happened when I was very young so I don't remember much of it but... I think my family at the time was part of some huge gathering which I can only assume was one of those workplace family events from my dad's workplace or some church vacation outing. I don't know *shrugs* I vaguely remember they were some people camping outside while they were an inn nearby where some have slept inside the night. And it was located on top of the mountain and vaguely remember being terrified driving all the way up and down from it.

So one night I think I was playing with some kids (I think it was hide n seek) and some spontaneous moment in me decided to run inside some stranger's empty tent and zip it close and hide there for awhile only by the time I tried zip it open again. The zipper got stuck... yeah I think I eventually cried and was crying for help. Eventually the owner of the tent noticed I was stuck inside and tried to free me out xD

I think the people who owned that tent was kind of upset with me in the end... since I kind of broke their tent.


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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/31 20:04:54 )
@Purpsy: It was a good time. I'm glad we went.

LOL - that's such a funny story about your tent misadventure! XD


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/31 21:43:09 )
Sorry for the late reply, RL stuff keeps keepin me busy.
@Aisukohi: festive cowgirl totally made me smile. :3 I think I was unintentionally going for that. <3

@Wildfire: looks like your son will head this way after the cold front- Lucky him. XDD
School was cancelled the last 2 days due to -25 to -30 temps in the morning. It does warm up once the sun rises though. So we're getting 8-15*F days.

@Purpsy: lol! yeah- relatable. I'm not techie. All the techie guru-ing goes to my husband. Or I'll call an IT friend and every time, he always threatens me with a bill if I didn't "turn it on and off" or "check if it's plugged in". I don't really call him anymore for tech things... <.<

@MarRath: Hey you. Welcome! :)


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/31 21:48:28 )
@Purpsy: lol! your tent story. XDD I would have sobbed too.
The crap we do as little kids.

I remember my mom yelling at me over and over to not sneak through the fence to the neighbor's garden.
I continued doing it, no one fixed the fence.
However, time came to the point we had to move and I was old enough to realize I was being a little thief. So, I voluntarily went to the neighbor's, knocked on their door and said sorry for stealing their cherry tomatoes.
They laughed and said it was fun watching me be sneaky. My mom was behind me and I got so embarrassed I teared up. My mom was embarrassed and awkwardly laughed with them. I was a little elementary kid. XD

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/31 23:01:33 )
@Koah: WooHoo - warm front! XD LOL! He's getting on the plane tomorrow and will be there tomorrow night. He will be going from about 80°F here when he leaves to whatever level of frozen hell you guys are dealing with when he lands! XD
I'm not ready. :/


Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/01/31 23:30:04 )

@Koah: To be fair cherry tomatoes are pretty awesome. I was especially fond of them as a kid, myself. XD
Please ping me!

Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/1 03:08:25 )
@Wildfire: lol well if you're comfortable with sharing your latest news, I wouldn't mind learning, but if not, that's cool too.

@Koah: IRL keeping me busy too, so no worries. And yay for happy accident avis lol. Or whatever you'd call that situation, but I know the feeling. xD Also your tomato story sounds adorable. <3

@Purpsy: Your tent story sounds equally adorable and terrifying. xD

I haven't been camping much in my life, but I've got some interesting stories from the few times I've been. I remember going when I was 6 or 7, and a water moccasin swam towards our campgrounds and actually managed to make it almost toward the middle of it, but a distant uncle at the time was quick on his feet and decapitated it in front of all of us with a shovel.

And then several years ago, I went on a camping trip as part of one of my college classes, and I got burgled by a raccoon and I was soooo salty about it! Basically on our way to the campgrounds, we made a pit stop at this coffee shop, and I got a banana nut muffin that I swear to this day was the best I've ever had. I didn't finish it, so decided to save it for later. Upon arriving at the campgrounds, we were warned by the professor never to leave our tents open in case the brazen neighborhood raccoons wanted to pillage. *I* made sure to close the tent every time, but some moron left it open and we later found a raccoon inside and it STOLE MY MUFFIN!! We were quite a ways from the coffee shop, so not like I could get a new one.
Goodbye, Voltra.
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/1 04:35:32 )
@Aisukohi: I'm just in the middle of it right now, but my youngest son is moving most of the way across the country. Tomorrow. It has been a rough couple weeks of a lot of processing and adjustment and trying to get him ready for such a big move. Before this latest thing (his move)... other things like a motorcycle accident...


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/1 13:27:24 )
Good morning.

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/1 15:27:42 )
@Wildfire: lol! I can't wait to hear about his journey.
I was going to mention, the cold here is dry, so it's bearable. I imagine Florida cold is like... wet cold air. bleh.
There's been times I go out in a t-shirt and jeans and it isn't until my nose is getting crunchy that I'm like "oh. OH. it's cold out." *nose crunchy=below freezing. It's the moisture in the nose freezing up*

@CooperationIsKey: I was one of those kids that loved veggies and hated 'junk food'. Although, ramen was like once a day [or every other day]until I hit 18 and was like "oh.. this isn't good for me." XDD

@Aisukohi: omg, I had to look up a water moccasin. They're called cottonmouths around here. o3o" You've had poor circumstances with your camping trips. I'm sorry.
BUT You have great stories to tell! lol.
I would have totally been a person with a shovel around that cottonmouth. o3o'

FREAKIN RACCOONS. I love them.. but they're totally camp-food thieves!

As a teen, I took a few friends camping. We all started a fire and got comfortable- or at least I thought we were comfy. Everyone began fighting. Two people left to go on a walk [opposite directions], and two others went to bed. That left me alone at the fire. I had my feet up and I was gripping my bag of marshmallows watching the fire dim, just wondering how I didn't see the signs of the fight. [teen angst].
Then that awful 6th sense kicked in, that paranoid feeling like something was watching me and it just kept getting darker and I felt paralyzed. We were pretty much in the center of the camp grounds, so it couldn't've been a bobcat or any big game. I finally got enough balls to put my feet down off the chair and throw a log on the fire. However, when I went to set my bag of marshmallows on the ground, little THIEVING FINGERS GRABBED IT AND RAN OFF.
damn raccoon was Sitting under my chair for however long I had that itching feeling... WAITING for me to set my marshmallows down.

It was a full bag [minus a few I ate] of those GIANT marshmallows.

*shakes fist at raccoons* but I love them.

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