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Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/15 20:14:25 )

@Wildfire: Thanks! And yep, new knickknack to play with, hence the new avi, lol. I had to do something with the balloons. :)

Good morning, I woke up at nearly 2pm, oops. >_>;;; I wasn't even up that late! Oh well, had nothing I needed to do today really.

How are you doing today?

@Koah: Aw, thank you! I had to do something with the fun balloons. :D

Please ping me!

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/16 14:20:25 )
@Koah: lol! He's usually got plenty of that attitude, but apparently he keeps getting the tractor stuck in the snow and it's ticking him off XD (but he doesn't know the terrain and can't decipher it covered in snow the way it is, so that's half his issue). He's sent plenty of photos and it's lovely... wide open plain, covered in snow, mountains in the background. Of course, what's not showing in his photos is the cow piles, etc. XD I'm sure your view is better overall :3 XD

LOL at your mom not wanting to take baby steps to re-strengthen that leg/foot/ankle! ... but I also get it. I hope she doesn't push too much, too soon and end up taking a step backwards!


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/16 14:25:52 )
@CooperationIsKey: Yes - I found the new knickknack - it's cute... and you've certainly made the most of it with your avi! <3

... at least you didn't have anything to do today, right? You must have really needed the sleep! :3

Got anything in store for today?

Good morning.
... I'm.... not quite sure what to do with myself yet. I'm a bit groggy and feeling "off". Hopefully it's a short-term thing and will change when the caffeine and allergy meds kick in. But right now? Ugh. :/


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/16 14:53:01 )
@Wildfire: That terrain almost sounds like my area in central Oregon, but my house/area has waaaaay less snow. XD A brisking here and there and rare snow dump which clears up within a week.
My mom lost muscle strength by being off her leg for 7 weeks. Cx and although, she's in a medical profession, she 'forgot'.

I'm groggy this AM as well. Making coffee, hopefully that'll help. I passed out on the couch last night, tmj is comin' back strong in my jaw. /dangit/

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/16 15:04:10 )
@Koah: lol... it's hard to stay "helpless" or to be patient in recovering strength/ability... even if you know better. I wish you all luck as she continues her recovery! :3

My son said he's expecting another 8" of snow today... on top of the foot they got a few days ago... on top of the 6' or so that's already on the ground. It's going to be interesting to get his impression of the landscape when he can finally actually see it without snow! XD

Sorry to hear about the tmj - that sucks. :3


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/16 15:19:09 )
@Wildfire: Seems like she'll have another week or two with assisted help and then she can start hoppin' around on her own after that.
This late morning, I find out if most of the staff is being laid off at my job. XD Sounds like they will [trying to be sneaky with info], I've been in management a couple times and once with a failing company.
I'm finally using my dental insurance through my job now too. XD beautiful timing.

omg! so much snow out there! Come spring it's going to be... ooof, so muddy.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/16 15:22:17 )
@Koah: The next week or two will probably be difficult for your mom, if I had to guess... maybe even worse than getting the cast! XD

Ohhh... that seriously sucks with the job. Good luck! :3

My son will be at home dealing with the mud (FL swamp).... at least until it freezes overnight XD


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/16 16:09:45 )
@Wildfire: I think so too, my mom is likely going to push herself rather hard for the next week to build up that muscle again.

On a good note, I only have 5 kids today instead of my typical Thursday of 7.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/16 16:18:08 )
@Koah: Your mom really doesn't like being incapacitated, does she? XD <3

I'm glad you're getting a relatively easy day at the daycare. I hope the whole day goes smoothly for you! :3


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/16 17:45:27 )
@Wildfire: nope definitely not. She's a workaholic. XD
I have a dentist appt today, they'll be doing work on some of my teeth. :T It's about time I get some holes fixed. But I'll have a numb face after my appt. Cx

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/16 18:27:57 )
@Koah: That's always a special feeling... XD I hope the appointment goes well.


Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/17 03:41:14 )
@Aisukohi: Oh, that sounds like it could be fun! How did you even find out about the convention - Ocala isn't particularly known for its Japanese TV show conventions, is it? Horses, I can see, but Japanese anime? XD Are you planning on getting autographs or anything? I hope you have a lot of fun!! <3

LOL - Dragonball Z is one of those shows you put on in the background just to have something playing when you're sick as a dog, lying on the couch and dozing in and out of sleep. It's not like you'd actually miss anything in terms of action XD XD

@Koah: Koah, I was on Gaia waaaaaay back when it was still fairly new and yeah, those items were a complete mess... so was the player pool. :/

Oh no! You're really getting hammered right now, aren't you? I'm so sorry. On the upside, it sounds like mom is feeling better and getting anxious to get back to her regular routine... maybe that will direct some of her "attention" off of you and whatever pressures she's applying. Your stress levels and, I assume, lack of sleep, isn't helping with any of it right now, I'm sure too... :( Do you want to talk about any of it?

I'm sorry to hear about the tire. It doesn't sound like anyone was hurt or damage done, so that's a good thing at least... and yay - now it's running?!

And yeah, I was going to post photos! I'll get a couple things cropped and uploaded :3

LOL - I have to do the zooming thing too sometimes, depending on the font size and color/contrast chosen...

I get feeds on my Facebook for cons in my area, and that was one of them lol. It's funny you say Ocala is known for horses because the convention was IN the World Equestrian Center, which is also where the last anime con was of a different name lol. I never plan on getting autographs because they don't mean as much to me as just getting to hear about the actor and having them answer questions from us, even silly ones. So I usually get that done by sitting through panels. I should probably further support the actors by standing in line at their booths and asking something of them, since each action supports them financially. None of them get royalties for their work, which I'm not sure if you know, but they get paid by the hour of what they actually put in the studio. I'm just not a huge fan of standing in line in case I miss other things going on, and I really like taking my time in artist alley. I don't think I've ever left a con early for lack of things to do.
Goodbye, Voltra.
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/17 14:45:54 )
@Aisukohi: Well, it sounds like you kept yourself busy and that you had some fun! I'm glad. :3

Good morning everyone. How are you doing today? What are you doing today?

I should probably run a couple of errands today, and I should probably get to the gym as well. I was thinking about going to the beach (to be outside while avoiding some of this oak pollen that's everywhere) but we'll see if that actually happens or not...

Caffeine? --------------->>


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/17 15:11:34 )

*rolls in and drinks all the caffeine in the menu*

Morning~ I'm still tired but then I just woke up. I kind of spent these past couple of days binging this anime series so... I'm kicking myself to get other stuff done for today. First I actually need coffee and food on my stomach


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/17 15:43:07 )
.... *sputters*... you're taking ALL the caffeine? o_0
I suppose it's a good thing I can make more! XD
Rough night?
What anime series are you bingeing??


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/17 16:06:13 )

@Wildfire: *give some of them back* Sorry sorry just wanna make a grand entrance hehe~
Kinda but not really. Just woke up once had a midnight snack then passed out like a baby.
An old one called Tsubasa Chronicles. I love Card Captor Sakura so much and is still hopefully and patiently waiting for the 2nd season of Clear Card. Is about time I rewatch Tsubasa as well and I got hooked x.x


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/17 20:30:16 )
@Purpsy: lol... I made more caffeine. It's all good :3 <3
It sounds like a disturbed night. I hope tonight goes better for you.
I've heard of that anime, but don't think that I've watched it. And I definitely have not watched Card Captor Sakura... but it sounds like you're enjoying some "old favorites" :3


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/17 22:13:44 )

@Wildfire: Yep but honestly I never finished watching Tsubasa when I was a kid and ended up dropping it. I don't want spoil too much but is not actually a feel good movie well is sort of but the story itself is too sad that younger me couldn't handle it xD

But now I can wohoo~
Well anyways, how's your day going?


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Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/17 22:26:25 )
@Wildfire: Did you make it to the gym or beach?

-eats a donut-

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/17 22:31:44 )
@Purpsy: It's ok, you can do spoilers for me - (1) I probably won't watch it (2) if I do, I probably won't remember the spoilers (3) if I do, I wouldn't care.
My day is going ok, thanks. Yours?

@Koah: ........I made it Costco. Does that count? XD

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