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Donator — She/Her Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/9 01:57:22 )
@Wildfire: Ah, well if you could hardly taste the lemon, that probably wouldn't be bad for me.

I can see your point for Hunter x Hunter and their fight scenes, as I had that same bone to pick with the Dragonball series lol. I never got into or finished the latter for that reason. I did pick it up again a couple years ago, but fell off again. xD I'm pretty excited as I'm going to a convention in Ocala this weekend, and I'll get to meet the English voice actors for the main characters of Jujutsu Kaisen. Plus more, of course, but those are supposed to be the main event, I guess you'd say.
Goodbye, Voltra.
Feel free to add me on Discord: aisu9811

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/9 04:21:05 )
@Wildfire: Today went a little bit unexpected. I did daycare stuff, but at nap time, my husband and I got our truck running [been sitting dead for quite awhile], he drove it off after jumping the battery and a tire totally blew.
So while babies napped [my mom was home], we sorted out that mess. :T
We continued some tough convos, my mom inputted on some of her 'observations'. So I ended up showering to get away for a bit. But I had some realizations while showering and .. gah! I hate feeling the way I do the last few days.

Also- Yeah adulting is definitely difficult and balance is a hard thing to achieve. OTL

I look forward to seeing pictures. Cx

You ever make a gaia account and get lost in those items?! what a sh-t show. @;@

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/9 06:17:27 )

@Wildfire: Mhm I used to drink it a lot before and was the only tea I drank at the time.
Do you sometimes put honey on your tea? Apparently you can also put it on coffee too like a replacement for sugar. At least that's what my mother says and does. Oh! And also another question, do those tea bags expire?


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/9 14:52:35 )
well it's official, I'm kind of old, I needed to 'zoom' my web pages to read them without my glasses. T^T

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/9 15:22:02 )
@Aisukohi: Oh, that sounds like it could be fun! How did you even find out about the convention - Ocala isn't particularly known for its Japanese TV show conventions, is it? Horses, I can see, but Japanese anime? XD Are you planning on getting autographs or anything? I hope you have a lot of fun!! <3

LOL - Dragonball Z is one of those shows you put on in the background just to have something playing when you're sick as a dog, lying on the couch and dozing in and out of sleep. It's not like you'd actually miss anything in terms of action XD XD

@Koah: Koah, I was on Gaia waaaaaay back when it was still fairly new and yeah, those items were a complete mess... so was the player pool. :/

Oh no! You're really getting hammered right now, aren't you? I'm so sorry. On the upside, it sounds like mom is feeling better and getting anxious to get back to her regular routine... maybe that will direct some of her "attention" off of you and whatever pressures she's applying. Your stress levels and, I assume, lack of sleep, isn't helping with any of it right now, I'm sure too... :( Do you want to talk about any of it?

I'm sorry to hear about the tire. It doesn't sound like anyone was hurt or damage done, so that's a good thing at least... and yay - now it's running?!

And yeah, I was going to post photos! I'll get a couple things cropped and uploaded :3

LOL - I have to do the zooming thing too sometimes, depending on the font size and color/contrast chosen...


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/9 15:32:01 )
@Purpsy: <3 ... teas are mostly dried leaves and flowers... I treat them about the same as I do most of my spices and as long as they're kept well (not damp/wet, too hot, whatever, wherever they sit on the shelf), I don't usually worry about "expiration dates" (they're dried... what are they going to do- dry out more?) The potency of the teas (or spices-lol) might wane a bit with time but I don't usually mind that; I just let it sit and soak ("steep") longer if I suspect the tea bag (or loose leaves) has been sitting around for a while. If it's a tea with all kinds of "added flavorings", it might be more of an issue... but I tend to avoid them.

Yes, people often put honey or lemon (or both) in their tea if that's their preference. Yes, you could add honey to coffee too - it is a natural sweetener (most of the time; there are some 'synthetics' on the shelves /eyeroll/), and I've heard of people doing that. I just can't personally envision it. For that matter, you could probably add maple syrup to tea or coffee too, for much the same reasons as honey...

Good morning. Is it really Thursday already?
Have caffeine and treats... it seems like a day for it ----------->


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/9 15:59:53 )
@Wildfire: I also was on gaia during the beginning and stayed until I found out there was quieter forum sites I could go to. I occasionally pop on there when a friend is mentioning it a lot. It's still a sh-t show and the items are a mess. :T markets weird.. blah blah blah.

I might vent to you a bit later, via messenger or PMs. I'm having a hard time dealing with some emotional things. Not sure what to do or what I can do. My stress levels just reached a new high.
We think similarly, so maybe you can help clear my head a little.

I had bought a spare tire that matched the set we had on the truck. So hopefully we don't need new tires yet. <.<' We need to turn the truck on today to see if the battery held the charge through the night.

I need to go find my glasses, I took em off sometime last night when I crashed. XD They're probably somewhere super obvious since I never set them down where they could break.
I made coffee this morning. <3

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/9 16:14:11 )

@Wildfire: That's good to know then :3
I was kind of worried about it for awhile... I'm kind of stingy with expiration dates. I usually let it soak for awhile as well and it was kind of a rookie mistake of me to drink it right away before which caused me to burn my tongue And I have tried to put honey on mines this morning and it does have that distinct taste but not much overwhelming change and the honey we got is 100% natural (my mom got a pack from a nearby bee keeper here)

*grabs some*
Yeah this week went by so fast! Which is a good thing I suppose.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/9 16:20:30 )
@Koah: I doubt I could sign in to Gaia at this point even if I wanted to; I'm sure my accounts have been frozen or reclaimed or whatever and I have no interest in doing the work necessary to try to find my login info at this point, which is kind of a shame since I seem to recall having an art shop there with sketches/doodles that I could actually make use of iRL for a different project right now... LOL!

You are welcome to PM, message, or text me :3 I am thinking about a trip to the gym to just move a bit (since I can't realistically walk around my neighborhood with all the pollen in the air ATM) and I have a few things around the house I should do, but I should be fairly available most of the day :3

Oh - I really hope that the truck held the charge and that you don't need new tires just yet! Good luck with that!

<3 I hope it helps you find your glasses! :3 XD ... and I hope today is a better day than yesterday <3


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/9 16:26:01 )
@Purpsy: LOL - everyone burns their mouth once in a while. If you want to get really technical, certain teas "prefer" certain water temperatures to steep and to drink. There's a whole culture and a whole science behind it at this point. :3

Yay for natural honey!! That's awesome! I use honey with my tea when I want to better soothe my throat, if it's sore, or if I'm having a particularly mild tea... just for the mix of flavors and change of pace, but tea is quite personal, IMO. If you like the honey, then you should use the honey. If it was too much, then try adding less next time... /shrug/ You'll figure out your preferences :3

This week did go by quickly. I spent most of it on the couch XD


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/9 16:37:02 )

@Wildfire: True but burning yourself with tea hits different somehow xD
I used it as well and had a teaspoon of it yesterday to soothe my throat. I never had anything that attack my throat that fast right away xD
I often drink ginger brew when my throat acts up but is nice to find another alternative. Yeah... I think I put too much honey on my coffee this morning and was a little too sweet so I may need to add less next time.

Welp, I have things to do for today so I'll be off for a bit. Chat with you next time~


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/9 16:40:21 )
@Purpsy: honey and lemon and ginger are awesome, in tea form, for your throat!! It's one of my "go to" things when I'm feeling a bit rough...

I hope you have a productive day. TTYS :3


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/9 19:31:26 )
@Wildfire: I still haven't found my glasses. I know they're in plain sight though. lol
I'll reply to our PMs a bit later today.
I have 7 kids at daycare today. o_o'
I haven't had time to do anything. Husband's home today, so he'll go start the truck in a bit, i think.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/9 20:16:12 )
@Koah: missing glasses are no fun- I hope you find them soon... And in one piece!

No rush on the messages. Get there when you can. Besides, with 7 little kids, you've got your hands full right now! Ouch.

I hope the truck starts.

This is turning in to a slightly weird unproductive day for me... I don't know that I'm liking it but don't have motivation enough to change it right now either (I thought about going to the beach to enjoy the day while avoiding some pollen but my elder son took his motorcycle to class today, blocking in my vehicle. I also thought about going to the gym, but got a little nauseous earlier (from skipping breakfast) and didn't think it would be a good idea.. And the car blocking mine. My son left the keys, so I could move his car, but it just seems like too much effort somehow...) Weird day.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/9 20:58:18 )

Well I just finished cleaning a little bit on the kitchen =w=
I don't want to clean anymore... or even wash the dishes... which is piling up on the sink...

@wildfire: Sounds like a lot of unexpected things keeps happening to you today.

@koah: I hope you found your glasses :o
Do you know where you might have left it?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/9 21:03:16 )
@Purpsy: yeah, kinda, I guess, but they're really all minor inconveniences. I'm just not feeling like "pushing through them". Meh.
Congrats on getting some cleaning done at least- I'm ignoring the mess that is my kitchen right now .. For ... About another hour, when I'll have to go cook. 😆


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/9 21:21:27 )

@Wildfire: Hehe... I'm ignoring mines for 2 hours!
Or when I feel spontaneously motivated to clean again

Ah I get that. As long they are minor your good :)


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/9 21:27:07 )
@Purpsy: lol, yeah, maybe. I can't help but feel a bit like a lazy bum though XD ... I've been doing a bit too much of this lately...

So what have you been cleaning today?
Have you been doing anything else- something fun, maybe?


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/9 23:11:35 )

@Wildfire: The kitchen counter, one of the sinks (the other sink was full with the dishrack + other items I cleaned and got too lazy to clean the sink afterwards) and the stove. Plus I had to reapply those powder I forgot what it's called for the pests. I have just been here, and on yt and reddit most of the time. And now I just want to crash x.x

I like to blame the winter but then again is mostly warm where you at, but all those pollen sucks too =w=
I seriously don't like it also it gets dark too early here and is only five...


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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2023/02/9 23:22:45 )
@Purpsy: diatomaceous earth.
It sounds like you've had a fairly productive day- congrats.
Yeah the pollen sucks- the weather is beautiful (sunny& warm) but... Pollen. *Sigh*. The sun is still up here.... It doesn't set for another hour... But yeah, I remember those dark days when you barely saw the sun... :(

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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