@Spuddy: sooo much, lol.
Bernard: It's a milestone item from a bit ago =)

Skins: Ye! They're awesome. They're Orb/RiG items from a bit ago, or at least the stitched one. Tis called 'Beanie Doll' There are a couple colour variations and alt equips from it.
... Or you might have meant 'In Stitches' which is obviously inspired by Frankenstein's monster! ~<3
Not.. sure on the gooey one, though.... wait. Do you mean this one? If yes, it's called Virus and it's always been one of my fave items on site! It's another Orb item from ... uh... awhile ago.

Horns: If you mean the ones in the 'misc' category, they're from daily chance! I don't know if they are still available, but... they were. For awhile. iirc?
Bouncer: Told ya I have plenty of older items!
Broken Mask: Is called Avian Mastery! It's a pretty cool one, with some neat poses. Here are two (the mask being one). And yes, multiple colour options are available too

Radish: Close! 'Turnip for What' is the item. HEre are 2 of the poses from it.

Fox Tail: Uh.. maybe? I'm not sure if I have, but iirc there was a foxy item released ages ago. But I'm not seeing it quick like. What section are you seeing it in? XD
Materials: An event awhile ago. I just listed 'em because some people are weird and like to collect useless things? XD
Consumables: In order....;
Anniversary Block Party '18 Bundle(all items from that event)
Aniversary Block Party '20 Bundle(all items from that event)
Anniversaty Block Party '21Bundle (all items from that event)
Cupcake Bucket (1 item from the block party '18)
Cupcakes and Candle (1 item from block party '19, also have the verison for '20)
Cuppa Tea (1 item from Vibrance Day '19)
Looking Glass (1 item from Reaping Ritual '20)
Peach Picnic Basket (1 item from Community Garden '21)
Vibrance Day '19 Bundle (All items from that event)
Vibrance Day '21 Bundle (all items from that event)
Winter Solstice '18 (all items from that event)