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Forums Role Playing Growing like Weeds

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 03:00:17 )

He just sighed as he walked up to the front door, a cloth bag in one hand, a plastic bag in the other.

"All right, should be fine." he said to himself.

"They're old enough." he went on.

"No reason for-" he started to say further, before he heard some rumbling and ruckus from behind the door.

"" he muttered.

"What's that-" he started to ask, before he heard about 7 windows breaking, and saw a flurry of red petal-like things burst out from the windows in his view.

"....." he was silent, as he heard voices within.

"Lillieeeeeeeeeeee!" a young boy whined loudly.

"....I jinxed it, for the love of..." the man muttered, as he unlocked the front door with the spare keys he had, and made his way inside.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 03:01:05 )

"Dammit Lucas!" He heard as he made his way inside.

"Get out of the damned way and let me try and contain this thing!" He could identify it as the slightly older sister of the boy who had whined earlier. Shortly thereafter, there was a cry, a smash, and some shards hitting the wood floor. Something had hir one of them, and the impact had broken something.

"Ok, that's it!" The girl exclaimed again before charging in and starting to do what she hoped would work.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 03:23:44 )
He had heard a lot in the few seconds it took him to unlock the front door and step inside... but he saw a lot of green when he actually stepped inside.

And that green was on long tendril-like thick vines that were spreading out everywhere.

He was silent for a moment, before setting the bags down and making his way to the livingroom...

...where he promptly saw the older sister being flung towards him.

He reacted quickly, and brought his arms up, catching her in the nick of time.

"Hello." he greeted her.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 03:25:28 )

She was silent as she was thrown back, but let a small cry of surprise as she was caught.

"Whoa, thanks." She said as she crawled out of his grasp.

"Kinda got my hands full." She then said as she ducked, and pulled him down with her to the floor, to avoid a vine that went flying overhead.

"Because my brother sucks." She added before charging in again, her hands acquiring an aura of something that looked, and almost felt, like there was a mass amount of rot and decay surrounding them


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 03:41:04 )
He was silent as he saw all this happen, and then saw that the closer the vines got to wherever the base was, the browner and more withered it looked.

"Hm." he muttered, looking around.

He then saw a bright pink flytrap-like mouth with sharp teeth at the end of one of the vines.

"Hey!" he called to Lillie.

"Want some help!?" he asked her.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 03:43:03 )

'IF you can, I'll take it!" She called out to him as she dodged another vine, moments before her hands met the base again. He was able to witness the decay, the rot, happen to the base, and spread out.

There was no way in hell that she was anything akin to strong enough for the moment though. No chance in hell. AS it stood, there was a very real chance of her and her brother ending up dead before before she was able to finish.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 04:15:09 )
The man then sighed, and looked at the 'head' again.

He brought his fingers to his mouth, and whistled loudly and shrilly. This caused the plant to 'look' at him, and it then charged towards him, mouth open.

The man responded by forming a large ball of what looked to be black fire in his hands, before launching it right into the mouth of the plant, causing it to swallow it.

After a moment, the plant started to writhe about in agony.

"Luke! Lillie! Get away from the plant!" the man shouted.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 04:18:10 )

The girl, Lily, nodded before diving away from it and taking her brother with her.

"Luke!" She exclaimed as she grabbed him and pulled him with her to the wall. There was no way he knew she was coming, as he was cowering, but at least they were moving away from where it was that he had created.

She dove behind the upturned cabinet with her brother and just smacked him.

"I told you not to bring that damned flower forth!" She half exclaimed as she let what was going to happen with the plant, happen.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 04:36:45 )
"I didn't meeeean to!" Luke exclaimed.

"I'm sorrrreeeee!!" he added.

They then heard the sounds of burning and squelching, before there sounded like an explosion, and they felt a blast of heat outwards.

"There!" the man said.

"Should be burned to the roots." he commented.

"You two can come out of hiding now."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 04:39:12 )

Lily was silent before growling lightly.

"Mom is not going to be happy about this." She half snapped before sighing and waiting.

Once they were told that they could come out from there, she did and just looked around.

"Huh." She muttered.

"That was more effective than I could be." She added.

"And certainly more than this one was." She added, jabbing her thumb toward her brother.

"What brings you around here, anyway, Ash?"


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 05:03:10 )
Luke just shied away, as Ash sighed.

"Right." he said.

"Your Mom and Dad asked me to check up on you." he told her.

"Make sure things are okay." he said further.

"Oh, and I brought lunch." he then told them.

"Sushi rolls and rice balls from that one place you like so much."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 05:17:55 )

"Lunch is good." Lily said, and that was about as close to a 'thank you' that he'd get from her. One thing that she'd picked up from her mother, was a tendency to not say thank you or please outright. Those that knew them would learn how they said it, but it wasn't those words directly or specifically.

"Sadly, we should probably clean before considering food." She added, looking over to her brother


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 05:39:47 )
Luke just looked guilty.

"...sorry..." he said quietly.

"Just worry about eating." Ash told them.

"From the looks of things, this goes beyond simple cleaning." he muttered.

"Look, I'll set you guys up at the kitchen table, or some clear space, and you can eat." he said.

"Then I need to make some calls."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 05:44:14 )

Lily shrugged.

"Sure thing." She said.

"We'll eat and then once I can, I'll do somethin' or other to help clean up." She added with a shrug.

"Like I dunno what. But something if I can." She added before looking to her brother.

"Let's eat. And you can have fun explaining this mess to Mom and Dad."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 05:59:17 )
Luke was silent, before his lips quivered.

"I'm sorry!" he suddenly exclaimed.

"IwasjusttrynhelpmominhergarnanthenididsomethinanthensomethinhappnanthplantgrewanitgotbigandItriedtostopitbuIculdntan-an-an-an..." he blathered on between crying and hiccuping, before Ash put a hand up.

"Luke." he said.

"It's fine." he told him.

"I understand." he went on, before looking at Lillie.

"And yes, I did understand that." he added.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 06:01:18 )

"Luke tends to random." Lily said plainly before sighing.

"I'm not entirely sure how anyone can understand him, aside from those within our household. But then again, you have a kid, so I guess it makes sense that you can understand it." She added.

"Beyond that, I'm hungry."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 06:33:23 )
Ash just put his hand on Luke's head.

"Save the crying." he said.

"Go and eat with your sister." he told him.

Luke just sniffled a little, before nodding and following Lillie, with Ash bringing up the rear.

Meanwhile, Anna and Andrew were sitting in the middle of a clearing, listening to a Dryad drone on and on about current state of affairs, and other such boring stuff that they and a ton of other forest entities were required to sit through every year.

Just as Andrew let out a large bored yawn, Anna's cell phone vibrated silently, indicating a text. When she checked it, she saw it was from Ash.

Hey, what company insures your house? it read.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 18:47:32 )

Anna was silent for a moment before sighing. She got to her feet and politely excused herself for a moment before going out of range of that so that her texting wouldn't bother anyone.

Uhh.... ManaHomes. She replied.

. . . why? Followed shortly thereafter.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 21:58:56 )
After a few seconds, her phone rang, and she picked it up.

"This is easier than texting it all out." Ash said when she answered.

"Long story short, there's been some... damage... to your place." he told her.

"Relax, Luke and Lillie are fine." he then assured her.

"But I'll tell you the details and such when you get back from the meeting." he went on.

"Seriously. Things are under control here."
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 22:13:22 )

Anna was silent. There were a million things going through her head, and it could be truncated to who she was going to throttle when she got home.

"All right." She said.

"Deal with that then. Also, do let me know who I'm throttling when I get home. Luke? Or Lily?"

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