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Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/9 22:58:24 )
Ash just sighed.

"Well... hm." he muttered.

"It's Luke, but the answer's more complicated than that." he said.

"Regardless, don't worry about it until you get back. I'll explain it in full once you're here." he told her.

"And yeah, I'm hanging around here until you're back." he added.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/10 02:44:02 )

"Luke. Got it." Anna said after a moment or two.

"And someone has to be there to make sure there's still a roof to return under." She added.

"We'll be back in a day or two, I'm not entirely sure how long."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/10 02:58:26 )
"Got it." Ash responded.

"See you when you get back." he told her.

"Hopefully a contractor will have arrived by then to assess the damages." he said.

"Now get back to what was going on." he told her further.

"Last thing you need is to get in trouble because of me."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/10 03:01:39 )

"Hopefully." Anna said before sighing lightly.

"Bye" was the last thing that she said before hanging up and making her way back to where the others were.


Lily was sitting outside on the roof, watching Ash speak with a contractor about the damage.

Lucas, why did you actually do that? She thought with a light shake of her head.

Seriously. You could've killed us. She then added, making sure to cloak her thoughts.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/10 03:26:40 )
'I didn't mean to!' Luke responded mentally to his sister.

'I was just trying to make a small one.' he said.

'To see if it could play nice with the other plants and flowers.' he went on.

' worked... until it started to grow...' he then told her.

'I just wanted to help Mom, as she was trying for a while to get a nice one to grow there...' he then added.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/10 03:29:24 )

Lily jumped, nearly falling off the roof as she was sitting near the edge. She caught the eaves before letting out a cry as it gave way.

"Shit!" The twelve year old cried as she fellt, landing on the ground below in a heap.

"Owww..." She muttered, carefully getting to her feet and checking to see if she broke anything. She was definitely bruised, she knew that much.

Lucas!? How the hell did you get in my head! I cloaked my thoguhts! She exclaimed mentally, making sure to project this one to her brother.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/10 03:51:20 )
'......sorry.....' she heard in a soft sheepish tone.

'I'm sitting by the Telips.' he told her. Telips being a kind of tulip that were said to give telepathic powers, but all they ever managed to do was make a draydin's telepathy stronger.

But there were other issues with his statement.

The first one being that Telips were almost impossible to grow.

The second one being they didn't have any at the house, supposedly.

The third one being that they were illegal to possess.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/10 03:53:47 )

Lily was silent for a moment before sighing.

Lucas.... you haven't been studying the book we were each given on banned and illegal plants, have you? She asked, her mental voice almost harsh, sharp.

Because if anyone finds out that there are anything aking to Telips here, we're all going to be in a LOT of shit. She added.

But where are you?


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/10 04:24:20 )
'.........basement.' Luke responded.

'And... no.' he told her.

'I haven't.' he admitted.

'...sorry.' he apologized again.

Ash just sighed, and looked at the man he was speaking to.

"So they ARE covered, but the replacements won't be as good, because Anna and Andrew improved them, and you only replace up to original quality." he said.

"Right, give me a price estimate on bringing this place back to how it was exactly before this incident." he told them.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/10 05:11:16 )

Lily sighed before nodding. Ash hadn't seemed to notice her fall, which was definitely in her good books, and headed inside. As she did so, she had a notable limp, but managed to get inside and downstairs before anyone noticed her.

"Luke, you need to read that." She stated, making her way over.

"Telips are illegal, and Mom does NOT want to cover for either of us if we bring them forth." She added as she sat down next to him.

"Although it's... rather amazing that you DID bring them forth anyway. Even MOm and Dad can't do so."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/10 05:42:17 )
Luke was silent, before pressing his finger down in the soil that the Telips were growing out of. They then withdrew back into the earth, and he sighed.

"....don't tell Mom..." he said.

"Or Dad." he went on.

"I'm in enough trouble as is, I bet." he said further.

"I bet they'll make me go away." he continued.

"Or do the thing that makes people not have mana anymore." he went on.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/10 05:45:00 )

Lily was silent for a moment.

"Uhhh.... wut?" She asked after a few seconds.

'I doubt it. I've done way worse than this." She then said.

"Way worse than anything that has happened in the past couple of days." she continued before smirking.

"I once put Mom and Dad in the hospital because I set fire to her garden down here, which caused the DragonLily to spit out it's defensive toxin, and just... yeah..." She trailed off with a shrug.

"Wasn't fun. But no one made me 'go away'."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/10 05:59:45 )
".........." Luke was silent for another moment, before he latched onto his sister in a hug.

"Lily..." he said quietly.

"I'm sorry." he told her.

"I'm sorry I made the Telips grow, I'm sorry I heard your thoughts, I'm sorry I made the plant grow that destroyed the house..." he went on.

"I'm sorry I can do what I do." he whimpered.

"I'm sorry what I do is bad."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/10 06:01:44 )

Lily was caught off guard and winced as her brother latched on.

"Yo. Chill." She stated.

"We're alive. It's all good. Mom won't kill us." She told him.

"If she was going to... well, we'd already be dead." She admitted with a laugh.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/10 06:26:39 )
Luke just nodded.

"Y-yeah..." he said.

"...Lily..." he then muttered.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"You were walking funny when you got here." he said.

"And you looked like you got hurt when I hugged you..." he added guiltily.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/10 06:39:30 )

'I'm fine. Just bruised." Lily answered.

"Just gonna have a frigidly cold bath later. Maybe a shower." She added with a light shrug.

"I'm just bruised, so no worries." She then assured him.

"So, you really have a knack for flowers, h uh?" She asked after a moment.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/10 07:31:04 )
"....kay." Luke replied, when she told him about her injuries and her plan regarding them.

"And yeah." he said.

"I do." he confirmed.

"But that seems to be bad." he then said further.

"I've used it twice. And I destroyed the house and grew bad flowers." he went on.

"Maybe I shouldn't do it." he continued.

"I'll end up hurting more people..."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/10 19:13:11 )

Lily just sighed as her brother said all he did. She wasn't sure what to make of it, and just... wasn't sure if she wanted to try and change his mind. What could she do anyway? She wasn't much older than he was.

"Read the book." She told him after a few seconds.

"Study the book." She continued.

"Start with easier ones in there, that are labelled as safe, and then branch out from there. With Dad's help." She added.

"That way you can continue to do it, but you won't hurt people."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/10 19:58:08 )
Luke just nodded.

"Okay." he said.

He then sniffled a little, and buried his face in her shirt.

"I'm scared..." he told her.

"I don't know what Mom and Dad are gonna do." he said.

"They're gonna be real mad, though." he said in a frightened tone.
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/02/10 20:01:46 )

Lily just sighed before shrugging.

"Probably." she agreed.

"But Mom's mucked up like this too, " She commented.

"Remember? She nearly killed dad with a test poison awhile ago."

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