— he/she
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/03/13 23:07:17 )
@Fozzy: Well, there are six stats or "ability scores", which break down as follows:
Strength: Just like it sounds, it measures how strong you are. Having a high strength would mean you are more capable of dealing a lot of damage or performing feats of strength normal people or those with a lower score could not.
Dexterity: Also a little self-explanatory, this is more to do with how nimble and fast on your feet you are, but it is not strictly foot related. Being able to wriggle out of tight situations (physically speaking) is much easier for a person with a high dexterity score, as is sneaking around (since stealth does require you to be light of foot).
Constitution: This has to do with how hardy you are. Someone with a high constitution can withstand a lot of punishment (and has a lot of health, typically) and resist poisons/illness better, whereas someone with a low Con stat would be more susceptible to getting sick or succumbing to their wounds or fatigue.
Intelligence: The difference between Intelligence and Wisdom can seem a bit nuanced, but as far as I can tell, Intelligence is more a measure of how good you are at reasoning and your memory. The ability to retain information; your mental acuity. Book smarts, so to speak.
Wisdom: This one is more about perception and insight; your ability to detect things others might not or infer motives. Basically your intuition. Street smarts, as it were.
Charisma: A measure of your personality and charm. High charisma indicates someone who is good at talking and getting people to listen. A low charisma could indicate someone lacking confidence or the social awareness to articulate themselves well.
In terms of scoring, it ranges from 1-20 (As far as I'm aware). 1-7 is pretty bad, 8-11 is fairly average, 12-16 is good, and 17-20 is phenomenal.