It's been a while since I've frequented on avatar forums.
I thought about kicking it back up with another site, but it's going on long-term matience.
And my second choice... I refuse to go back to.
I remembered Voltra, so I'm glad its back at it again.
I thought now that I was going forward in reality, I didn't need people on another screen to cope as much anymore.
I was wrong.
I just spent 5 days in the hospital
and I just got released today.
As much as I feel like I didn't learn anything from it
i learned that I just need a community to help me see through the worst of times.
And there's nowhere else that's as easy to find
as online.
So hello.
I'm Ina. Maybe you know me, maybe you don't.
I like art, video games, music and cats.
I think faces are for nerds so my avis will go without them if I can.
I hope to get to know all the new faces around this kind of community
and to reunite with personalities I abandoned.
I'm sorry for this downer post
but I don't have the energy to be peppy right now.
Forums Welcome Committee Hello.
Nice to meet you, Ina! I'm new here too. I'm a nerd, so I don't mind having a face. Dare I ask about your hospital trip? I can't help but wonder if it was mental health or physical based. Either way I can relate overall, so... I send hugs! >w<

Hey there!
I wouldn't say its a downer of a post
It could be taken inspirational, really.
Life can suck and the smallest of things, things that may seem unneeded or dumb to others or even ourselves, can be the things we need the most.
I stick here because while I'm an introvert, and talking to people tends to freak me out/give me anxiety...I need the social interaction in my life or my life is gonna go to hell in a basket.
So glad to have you aboard ^^ We have an event going, if you are interested <3

@Juneberry: ha thanks. I joined back before the shut down earlier, so I'm not necesarrily 'new'. just... fresh.
And yeah, it was mental health issues. I was feeling pretty, dead-ish and confided in my counselor about it. Next thing I know my mom's cryin' and sending me to the hospital. at least ive learned in that aspect.
@Miss Kitty:tty: Aw thank <3 Glad to know someone finds it inspirational.
Yeah i initally started because of social anxiety. I've been going through tons of therapy stuff which helped me get better, so I thought i didnt need this anymore. Turns out i was wrong haha.
Still, I did miss the personality I had on forums. It's hard to replicate in reality or in text messages.
@Saeyra:Yeah, I was mostly worried about being 'too personal' or something. I tend to read sites TOS AFTER I make my first post so I never really know what's considered appropriate to talk about or not.
And yeah, it was mental health issues. I was feeling pretty, dead-ish and confided in my counselor about it. Next thing I know my mom's cryin' and sending me to the hospital. at least ive learned in that aspect.
@Miss Kitty:tty: Aw thank <3 Glad to know someone finds it inspirational.
Yeah i initally started because of social anxiety. I've been going through tons of therapy stuff which helped me get better, so I thought i didnt need this anymore. Turns out i was wrong haha.
Still, I did miss the personality I had on forums. It's hard to replicate in reality or in text messages.
@Saeyra:Yeah, I was mostly worried about being 'too personal' or something. I tend to read sites TOS AFTER I make my first post so I never really know what's considered appropriate to talk about or not.

@Ina: Does therapy really help? I mean...I know you just said it did, so dumb question really xD I'm just so...afraid of even trying it. Gives me anxiety just thinking about it lol, but then I have the days I cant even make a phone call or go inside a store and its just...sad ><

@Ina: Five days isn't too bad to me, but that's just 'cause I was there twice as long when I was way younger I'm sure. I went in high school for a ten day trip to the same hospital my dad had gone to when he was a kid... Sadly, mental health is a major battle to be fighting. It's good you have your mom and your therapist, but communities like this are important for you too. A bigger safety net the better I say. And coping skills can be learned easier with more people to teach you, right? ^^
@Miss Kitty: For some it does, for others it doesnt. I reccomend you try it out just once or twice at least. For me, I think I honestly just found the right people for me.
@Juneberry: Yeah, five days is nothing compared to my sis' 1 month stay xox but when the only thing you have to pass the time is books, puzzles and the others around you, 5 days feels like a whole lot longer xox.
Yeaah, I didn't really think this kind of area would mean more than social anxiety to me.
But if I don't want to get sent to the hospital again i feel like this would be a good place to start lol
@Juneberry: Yeah, five days is nothing compared to my sis' 1 month stay xox but when the only thing you have to pass the time is books, puzzles and the others around you, 5 days feels like a whole lot longer xox.
Yeaah, I didn't really think this kind of area would mean more than social anxiety to me.
But if I don't want to get sent to the hospital again i feel like this would be a good place to start lol
@Ina: I'm a lot better with my social anxiety online than offline... But other anxieties still persist here. Like my pyrophobia. And other phobias. But it actually helps me fight my anxieties in a way. I guess it's like desensitization?
We only had books, puzzles and board games too. But we also had some interesting people, and I was allowed to write mostly which was my main go to act in any case... And we had art therapy and stuff... So I was pretty happy. Plus, I was that weird kid begging to be allowed to be put in the hospital for a year because it was the only way to get off meds I wasn't supposed to be on due to health effects. xD
Either way, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here to try!
We only had books, puzzles and board games too. But we also had some interesting people, and I was allowed to write mostly which was my main go to act in any case... And we had art therapy and stuff... So I was pretty happy. Plus, I was that weird kid begging to be allowed to be put in the hospital for a year because it was the only way to get off meds I wasn't supposed to be on due to health effects. xD
Either way, if you need someone to talk to, I'm here to try!
@Juneberry: yea honestly the internet is a great way to overcome fears imo. As long as youre surrounded by people who care and everything, don't want to be around jerks when youre trying to get stronger
yeah, i really liked the other paitents that were there when I first got there. Most left by the time I left, but it was sort of nice to know out of how little the chance was, our lives still met at one point in life. And geeze, im sorry about your meds ;o; at least they finally got changed?
haha thanks <3 ill def make this place home again
yeah, i really liked the other paitents that were there when I first got there. Most left by the time I left, but it was sort of nice to know out of how little the chance was, our lives still met at one point in life. And geeze, im sorry about your meds ;o; at least they finally got changed?
haha thanks <3 ill def make this place home again
@Ina: Hehe, we had some interesting characters at mine too, both staff and patients. Some of the people were less comfortable for me to be around than others... But I went most of my time there without a roommate too, which was neat. And yep! I needed off that med desperately. I have/had a heart condition, and the medicine literally said in the fine print "don't take if you have a heart condition", but my doctor wasn't really all that good and didn't care. First thing they did when I got to the hospital was see that and flip out and work on changing my meds to ones my body accepted over ten days. Also got regular medical testing done while there to be safe. It was awkward having them bring an ekg into my bedroom, but necessary.
It's good you got out though: after all, it means they felt you were recovering! And being home is good for you in its own way too. Hopefully, you learned things while there that can be handy... and if not, your view of having met people you otherwise wouldn't have is a strong and good method! And for me, it's good you came here to make this place home again, 'cause it means I got to meet you, and I almost wouldn't have either if neither of us did today.
...fate is wonderful, sometimes!
It's good you got out though: after all, it means they felt you were recovering! And being home is good for you in its own way too. Hopefully, you learned things while there that can be handy... and if not, your view of having met people you otherwise wouldn't have is a strong and good method! And for me, it's good you came here to make this place home again, 'cause it means I got to meet you, and I almost wouldn't have either if neither of us did today.
...fate is wonderful, sometimes!
@Juneberry: yeah, i liked the night staff at my place a bit more than the morning staff lol. Since I was only there for a few days, I didn't really meet everyone who worked in the ward, but most I got along with.
lucky about ur own room though. I had a roomate my entire stay ;;v it was one person who ended up leaving, but was pretty much immediately replaced so I never got to be alone in my room. oh well. I felt a lil bad cause the new roomie seemed to suffer pretty heavily from anxiety and I still have some anxiety where I ignore my wants/needs in favor of others, so I ended up sitting in bed for half an hour with the super bright lights on because they were on when my roomie was in there before so I thought they liked it that way so i suffered until I gave up lol
And geeze, hope that doctor got fired for mal-practice ;o;
yea, im not sure if i really learned much, cause i didnt feel like i needed to go to the hospital. I've been really stressed from the transition to adult hood. but otherwise id been doing really well mentally-wise, so i was suprised when my mom legit sent me. I think the only reason why I stayed as long as I did was cause I shut down when i dont want to process emotions. which makes it hard when someone's tryin to get some kind of response out of me other than 'yes' or 'no'
i had art therapy, which I was excited for but i ended up with a hippie lady who reminded me of a sub for my high school and i mean, yeah im pretty liberal but i really don't belive that much in the spiritual aspect of things. and ofc they had to show me the cool other art therapy guy the DAY I LEFT >:T he even had some chill beats playing when we did art, he was a lot better imo for meee.
and yeah, im happy this place is back up and running again tbh :D voltra had the least bad memories cause it was so fresh lol. and by least i really mean none. I know that could change, but im a different person now.
and honestly, yeah :D I'm usually not the kinda person who believes in fate but i mean, chances of stuff happening are so low it just feels like it sometimes, right?
lucky about ur own room though. I had a roomate my entire stay ;;v it was one person who ended up leaving, but was pretty much immediately replaced so I never got to be alone in my room. oh well. I felt a lil bad cause the new roomie seemed to suffer pretty heavily from anxiety and I still have some anxiety where I ignore my wants/needs in favor of others, so I ended up sitting in bed for half an hour with the super bright lights on because they were on when my roomie was in there before so I thought they liked it that way so i suffered until I gave up lol
And geeze, hope that doctor got fired for mal-practice ;o;
yea, im not sure if i really learned much, cause i didnt feel like i needed to go to the hospital. I've been really stressed from the transition to adult hood. but otherwise id been doing really well mentally-wise, so i was suprised when my mom legit sent me. I think the only reason why I stayed as long as I did was cause I shut down when i dont want to process emotions. which makes it hard when someone's tryin to get some kind of response out of me other than 'yes' or 'no'
i had art therapy, which I was excited for but i ended up with a hippie lady who reminded me of a sub for my high school and i mean, yeah im pretty liberal but i really don't belive that much in the spiritual aspect of things. and ofc they had to show me the cool other art therapy guy the DAY I LEFT >:T he even had some chill beats playing when we did art, he was a lot better imo for meee.
and yeah, im happy this place is back up and running again tbh :D voltra had the least bad memories cause it was so fresh lol. and by least i really mean none. I know that could change, but im a different person now.
and honestly, yeah :D I'm usually not the kinda person who believes in fate but i mean, chances of stuff happening are so low it just feels like it sometimes, right?
@Ina: Adulthood is a myth, if you ask me. My teacher when I turned 18 once told me, "The best part of being an adult is you get really good at being a kid." I was looking forward to being an adult. Now I am better at kid things because I avoid anything that counts as 'adulting'. I hate the main thing I looked forward to, too. So... Time changes people? At least you didn't literally go to the hospital because you were 'maladjusted to adolescence' like my dad had. 'Cause seriously, who adjusts to it!?
And true, you are a different person, and you will continue changing- hopefully for the better! And while this site will change too, hopefully your changes and its changes go well hand in hand. And mine, since I'm here too.
I think I'm only recently finally 'growing up'. Mostly because some of my major issues are finally lowering, and my dad's noticed things and pointed out, "It took you until you were 25 but you finally are growing up."
...Okay so it was more I told him what I noticed, he realized it and said that. And now it's 26. But still, it was this year. xD
And true, you are a different person, and you will continue changing- hopefully for the better! And while this site will change too, hopefully your changes and its changes go well hand in hand. And mine, since I'm here too.
I think I'm only recently finally 'growing up'. Mostly because some of my major issues are finally lowering, and my dad's noticed things and pointed out, "It took you until you were 25 but you finally are growing up."
...Okay so it was more I told him what I noticed, he realized it and said that. And now it's 26. But still, it was this year. xD

@Ina: I missed you!! Are you alright?
We will always be here for you ;)
We will always be here for you ;)

@Ina: Ina my sweet! Im so happy to see you here! Im sorry youve had a rough time recently
Just your friendly neighbourhood Goddess.

Pleasure to meet you! I love art, some video games and cats as well! * v * I honestly love the design of your avi <33 It's so dark and mysterious and the no face thing goes really well with it :O
Find my illustrations here:
@Juneberry: yeah i wish i was more prepared though :vanora_stunned: i feel like im just being thrown into it and it terrifies mee
@RainbowPanda: heya! ive been better, but im just happy to be home lol
@nyx: omg hey nice to see ya again :D i see ur a mod here nice.
yeah ive sort of been crashing under the weight of my responsibilities lately n i suffer
@Tuijp: thanks <3 im glad to see its up n running again.
and im better, i didnt really think i needed to be in the hospital but my school thought so n convinced my mom xox
@Lydiachan22: nice, we'll get along famously then B)
and thanks, it was from before the blackout, I havent had a chance to look at new commons and review my inv much yet
@RainbowPanda: heya! ive been better, but im just happy to be home lol
@nyx: omg hey nice to see ya again :D i see ur a mod here nice.
yeah ive sort of been crashing under the weight of my responsibilities lately n i suffer
@Tuijp: thanks <3 im glad to see its up n running again.
and im better, i didnt really think i needed to be in the hospital but my school thought so n convinced my mom xox
@Lydiachan22: nice, we'll get along famously then B)
and thanks, it was from before the blackout, I havent had a chance to look at new commons and review my inv much yet
Hello there, welcome to Voltra! Sorry to see you're going through a rough time. There are lots of friendly people around to get to know and help you relax. c: I'm sure you'll make some friends and things will look brighter. c:

[ often multitasking unsuccessfully ] | [ I may take a while to respond, but haven't forgotten you! ♥ ]
qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher?
qu'est-ce que tu vas chercher?

@Ina: Aw *hugs* Well, I'm glad you're back.

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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.