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Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/3 03:09:14 )
Allen wandered the woods looking for a snack. He didn't kill the animals he drank from, but he did put them sleep for a brief time. He listened for smaller animals and chased one down until he caught it, which didn't take long. He was faster. Allen put it to sleep before biting it, got what he needed and carefully laid it down. The animal would wake in about twenty minutes, totally fine.

He wiped his mouth clean and made his way back to his manor. He didn't need to be out if he was having hunger issues..

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/3 03:20:54 )
Kaneko made it to the restaurant and placed her order. She decided to get more than was needed. Reason being she planned on visiting Allen again. Well, she planned on it but she wasn't sure if she should. Yes he said he could show up whenever but what if he was sleeping still? Or what if- No, would he want to be alone? No, he liked company right? Maybe? She didn't know. She could only guess based on what she knew about him. Besides, maybe he was hungry. "Home made would have been better buuut..." Kaneko shrugged and walked up to the counter when her order was brought out to her in plastic bags. Her drinks in a box for safe keeping. "Thank-you!" She said and handed the money over, stuffed the change in her wallet then stuffed the wallet in her purse and zipped it closed.

Grabbing the bags of food in one hand and the box with the drinks in the other, Kaneko made her way out of the crowded place and out into the warmth of the sun peering out at her from behind the clouds. It would be a long walk to his manor and hopefully she didn't get lost, or hurt. Kaneko was constantly looking over her shoulders to make sure she wasn't being followed. Her arms were getting tired so occasionally she would stop, set down the bags and box while she rested for a short while then picked them back up and walked along the path to Allen's house once more.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/3 03:38:23 )
The breeze picked up only slightly, and Allen paused once he caught a familiar scent. A sweet scent. It was her scent. He could tell it was still daylight out by the warmth of the sun on his skin. Truthfully, he had half a mind to return home and lock the door. But.. He was the only one she had a reason to come out here, right? Allen was torn between seeing her, and locking himself inside. What if he hurt her? He'd never forgive himself..

Allen wandered up to the porch and just kind of sat down on the top steps, leaning his head back against the door. Waiting.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/3 04:18:23 )
Kaneko shivered and shrunk back when the breeze blew a little harder. She even closed her eyes. Why? It was just a reflex. Opening her eyes, Kaneko looked around and resumed on her way. After a while, Allen's house came into view and she could see something on the porch. Someone. Was it one of the girls again? Wanting to give this person a piece of her mind, she started to walk faster. "Hey! I don't know what you're doing but you are not allowed in here! This is not your house so I suggest you leave of I will call the po...lice.." She slowed to a halt when she realized it was Allen himself sitting there. "'s you Allen."

She was embarrassed now, looking down at her feet. "I...I'm sorry I thought it might have b-been someone else.." She explained. "I brought food." She held up the bags as a peace offering. "I don't know if this is a good time. I could leave the food here for you if you'd like. Umm..I just thought perhaps you'd want something to eat after getting some rest. H-How did you sleep by the way? Did you get plenty of rest?" She asked. She felt bad, what was he doing outside? Was he waiting for her? Had he known she'd come back? Did he not want her to? Maybe it would have been better that she hadn't.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/3 04:32:11 )
Allen had started to zone out briefly, before the shouting started. He raised his head and relaxed when he realized it was only Kaneko looking out for him, in a way. She thought he was someone else. He shook his head lightly and slowly stood, brushing himself off a little, as an old habit. "It's quite alright. Were you worried about me?" He spoke calmly. Of course she was, by the questions she was asking him.

He smiled some. "I slept better than I usually do, thanks to you probably" He teased lightly, just hoping to poke at her a bit. Allen tilted his head when she mentioned food, as if it just dawned on him, and he slowly opened the door. "Care to join me for dinner, miss Kaneko?" He asked politely. She did come all the way out here.. It'd be a shame if her food got cold on her way back home. Besides, he figured her father would be at work or something.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/3 04:46:42 )
Kaneko blushed a soft shade of pink at his question and nodded, "Yes. I thought it was one of those girls again trying to break into your house or something. Of course I was worried. I was going to call the police, but I'm glad that I didn't have to." She admitted. She hoped she didn't frighten him, but he didn't seem all frightened, which was good.

When she was told he slept better than normal, she let out a sigh of relief. "Oh that is wonderful to hear Allen. I'm glad you did." She blushed and giggled, "Oh you. Kind as ever you are." She poked his shoulder with her pinky finger and chuckled. He was a sweet guy. Reserved but sweet and much better mannered than any other guy she had met in school and at work. People these days had no manners it seemed. Where had it all gone? "Oh, yes I would love to Allen, thank-you." Kaneko made her way up the steps to his front door, the floorboards creaking beneath her feet with every step. "Where you waiting for me, sir Allen?" She asked, remembering that he had been sitting out there.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/3 05:08:04 )
Allen chuckled quietly at her reaction to his comment. Her giggle was uplifting, it made him feel something. He had felt it before, but now it was more noticeable. As if her sweet scent wasn't so alluring.. He was already closer to her than he usually would've liked, especially after find out it was her father who had tried to kill him.. Damn it! He shoved the thoughts from his mind and lifted his head when she spoke. Allen followed her inside and allowed the door to close behind them.

"Hm.. I was actually." Allen answered casually as he wandered to the round table with chairs. "Well, I was hoping you'd come." He said, pulling a chair out for her to sit.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/3 05:36:03 )
Kaneko smiled, he was hoping she would come back? Hearing him say that alone made her heart skip a beat. 'Woah hey, why?' She thought to herself and sat down at the table. "Thank-you." She thanked him for pulling out a chair for her. She had set the bags on the table and started to set everything up, taking the two drinks out of the box and setting them on the table as well. "You were?" She asked him then, grabbing the two fortune cookies and setting them off to the side for dessert. "Well you must have known I'd come back. I wasn't just going to abandon you. I care about you Allen, unlike the mean people who left you." She muttered. It still irked her that anyone would just leave when things changed. But that's just it. People change. You never truly know a person until a difficult situation arises. But she didn't want to think about negative things, she was happy to be here and keep Allen company.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/3 05:52:10 )
Allen smirked lightly as he eased himself into the chair next to her. If he did eat here, this table was where he sat. He listened to her voice as she spoke, well tried to. The scent of the food grabbed at his curiosity. What had she brought with her? It certainly wasn't anything he had before. "Thank you.." He murmured quietly. He was scared though, his nightmare haunted him.

Allen focused on the food on the table. "Alright, I am very curious as to what you brought. It doesn't smell familiar.. May I ask what we're having?" He spoke, asking in the end. It didn't matter what it was, he was simply curious.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/3 06:52:09 )
Kaneko grabbed the utensils and set them to the side with the drinks then looked at what she had ordered. "Well..." She started and fiddled with her fingers. "I was originally going to make something small but I realized I had to go to the store to get things I needed and well I was tired since I spent all day today cleaning and well I wasn't really in the mood to cook today so I just decided to go to this Chinese place I don't go to often. Well, I don't eat out often." She admitted. "Umm I got what I normally get except well I got more because I wanted to bring some of it to you." She explained."Some chow mein, vegetable spring rolls and those come with spicy sauce. Which isn't really all that spicy if you ask me. Kung pow chicken and white rice which comes with packets of soy sauce. Oh they also gave me two fortune cookies but we'll eat those last, and I got us each a drink. Sadly they don't sell wine there but I was able to get us green tea instead." As Kaneko explained this all to him, she was setting his drink near him so that he could get it easily. She set one of the containers with food in front of him and opened it up. It sounded like a lot but it really wasn't. But..maybe it was? She didn't know.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/3 07:13:54 )
Allen sat quietly while she told him what she had brought. He hadn't had Chinese food before, but it all smelled delightful. "Wow, I don't think I've ever had Chinese food before." He admitted sheepishly. Considering why she got extra, it didn't sound like all that much. First, he carefully found his drink, in case he needed it and so he didn't knock it over. Then he found his utensils, and slowly started eating.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/3 07:22:34 )
"R-really?" She was surprised by this. Everyone had eaten Chinese food at least once in their lives. "W-well it's pretty tasty." Kaneko answered. Her eyes widened when he started to eat. Her hands clasped together and rested beneath her chin as she held her breath. Would he like it? Would he hate it? Chinese wasn't everyone's favorite kind of food but it was pretty popular. The townspeople really seemed to like it judging from how crowded it was. Surprisingly though, the wait time wasn't that long between orders. They worked fast in that restaurant.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/3 18:46:46 )
Allen savored his first bite, so he could really taste it. He swallowed, and tried something else. He liked it, you could tell by the smile he was wearing. "It's nothing fancy, but it certainly is tasty." He said casually, then actually started eating. Allen now knew he liked this Kung Pow chicken and chow mein. He'd try the spring roll after eating the main course.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/4 04:07:55 )
Kaneko kept her shy gaze on him and after he commented, she relaxed. He liked it. She smiled. "W-well I don't think take out is supposed to be fancy." She chuckled. Fancy food. What fancy food could she afford? Well, any if she asked her father for some cash but what fancy food would Allen even like? Snapping herself out of her thoughts, Kaneko began to enjoy her meal quietly. She was glad he liked the food. It was something she'd have to make sure to make a note of. Picking up one spring roll, she took a delicate bite of it and then sipped her drink. "I'm glad you like it though." She answered him, a smile on her face.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/4 04:25:21 )
Allen ate his Chinese take-out quietly. Maybe he was remembering how things used to be..what he could remember anyway. Or maybe he was just enjoying the company. He took his time eating every last bite, and enjoyed his spring roll. He had sipped off of his green tea a little, but he hardly touched it while he ate. Allen waited until he had finished eating, and then drank his drink.

He leaned back a little after he had finished eating. "Thank you, it was delicious." Allen said gratefully.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/4 04:53:38 )
Kaneko ate her food quietly, she did leave some food though to heat up later for her father whenever he showed up back home. But her drink, that was something she finished at the end of her meal. Her eyes landed on the fortune cookies and she picked them up, wondering if Allen would want one. "You really liked it huh?" She noted and nervously tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. It made her happy that he had enjoyed the meal even though it was just plain takeout. "Umm...t-there is still d-dessert. Well it's just a small fortune cookie but they're really good. D-do you...well would you like one?" Perhaps he was full. Maybe she'd leave hers for her dad. She didn't mind not eating hers.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/4 05:10:19 )
Allen smiled at her question, and nodded lightly. He curiously lifted his head as she seemed more nervous than usual, with how her voice sounded. She mentioned a cookie, and remembered her earlier saying they'd save them for dessert. "Who could turn down dessert?" He asked casually, trying to make it sound like a tease. Allen felt bad, she was nervous and there was little he could do to comfort her. Would she even want him to? They were friends, yes, but they hadn't known each other very long at all..

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/4 05:51:05 )
Kaneko chuckled at the joke, "Good point Allen." She handed him the fortune cookie which was in a little plastic wrapper. "Here you go. Open it and pull out the piece of paper inside." Kaneko sounded excited even though it was just a cookie. She wondered what his fortune would be. It was silly to believe in little things written on paper but it was still fun to read them. She herself had a little plastic box filled with fortunes in her room. It was kept in her closet specifically. A fortune cookie was sort of like a little gift, you never knew what fortune you would get.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/4 06:39:18 )
Allen smiled when she chuckled. He felt the small stiff cookie a moment, before breaking it like she had said and carefully pulled the strip of paper out, setting part of the cookie down on the table. "Would you mind reading it to me? I'm curious." He said casually, holding the paper out to her a little. Allen took the piece of cookie in his other hand and popped it in his mouth, since it wasn't very big anyway. He liked it. It was sweet, and crunchy.

His fortune would read; Do not fear you're unseen future.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/4 07:38:24 )
"I'll be happy to read it to you." Kaneko answered. She reached out and took the small piece of paper and read the fortune out loud for him. "It says, 'Do not fear your unseen future.'" She recited to him and smiled. "Good fortune, very true I think." Kaneko commented, handing it back to him to keep or throw out if he wished to. "What do you think it might mean?" She asked him curiously. Was it just as it said, or was there something more? It depended on how the person interpreted it. Maybe that's why she loved them so much, because they held some mystery to them.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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