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Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/6 23:45:04 )

@KeirenKiren: Yeah I seen that too. >> I don't even...understand. What is with the world lately?


Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/6 23:45:45 )
@keirenkiren: I also dont have a job, havent had one for a good 10 years OTL... going to my very first job interview on tuesday... X_X from what I remember there are books out there with recipes on endometriosis friendly food which will help easen the pain and make it a bit more tolerable. not too mch fat and a lot of veggies if I recall.
Sounds like a sh*tty dctor.. excuse my language. I dunno how it is in your country, but in mine at least the dctors have an obligation to tell about what the meds you get are for and what effects it might have on you.
I sometimes passed out, other times I 'just' barf. which seems to be more common during summer for some reason :/

@miss kitty: Well.. I... sorta have time... except from tuesday where I will be going to job interview followed by trip to hospital tot alk with the neurological 'highest up standing' doctor.. * cannot remember what its called, but its basially th best on the field with neurological diseases at the hospital * who will observe me as he knows my case.
Else I only have to focus on finding a job where they will have me for 6 hours a week.. which I can handle... As well as focus on plans for 'middle/in-between roleplays' for the vampire LARP I am part of, where my character after last month ended up in a whooole bunch of mess, drama and basically now just have to prove her worth to the prince of the island. 8'D It's a Vampire horror LARP, so it is lots of fun, but also out over the edge sometimes. its also in-crowd so sometimes we get kicked out into the streets or at night clubs where we will meet other LARP'ers and their characters. its so popular by now that people come from other countries to try it out 8D

What does BC stand for..?

Voltie — Obnoxious Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/6 23:46:15 )
@teatales: Birth control lol

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/6 23:48:23 )
@jazz: Aah.. ofc lol.. for some reason my brain was all: BC; Black colored..?= oh gosh dont be talking mean about people of colors, that not nice!

Voltie — Obnoxious Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/6 23:49:19 )
@KeirenKiren: Not the reason the study was halted though, Was halted due to health risks and one participant committing suicide.
The study:

Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/6 23:50:38 )

@TeaTales: LARP always looked so fun xD I have no IRL friends to do anything like that with though sadly. Awh, I wanna visit and join in! ;-; I'd dress up and everything.


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/6 23:54:07 )
@TeaTales: In Canada but our doctor is not originally from here so idk what they do over wherever he's from. He's Muslim I think, haven't really asked. He is shitty haha but he's at least friendly, just won't send you for tests etc. I always felt like puking but it was just so much abdominal pain I'd be in class and like keel over. (had since like grade 6 ;u;)
@Jazz: Ah, but the same health risks are already in the female BC's that we are on day to day tbh |D (some more than others. Especially the ones that get recalled) but yeah some were complaining about the mood swings as well.

Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/6 23:56:35 )

That's why I don't take it. The risks are just..too scary for me lol.


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/6 23:58:53 )
@Miss Kitty: I was fine, at most I'd have little depressive bouts ;u; but not right away. this was only the last 2 years on it. would just sleep a lot and not want to leave my bed, still kinda like that though ;u; but right now it's cause i'm jobless and bored haha but also whilest reading fics

Voltie — Obnoxious Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/6 23:59:24 )
@keirenkiren: Well yeah it'd be like the same as shooting up a female with testosterone, It's a chemical that's not naturally abundant in the person.
But 84.6% of the participants were for it,14% were undecided and only 1.3% couldn't handle it/weren't for it. So not really fair to say "we couldn't handle it" lol

Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/7 00:00:22 )

@KeirenKiren: I'm already like that without the BC though so can only imagine how much worse it would make me being on it lol
But reading fics are so much fun ^_^


Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/7 00:03:21 )
@Jazz: True, though it's kinda hilarious to see someone go through what women do to begin with (except of course the 1% there. Suicide is never a good thing)
I'm sure with more testing it'll work out eventually. Like ease into it like people who transition do. Low dosage at first.
@Miss Kitty: Yup best spot to read raunchy fics, in a nice cozy bed with the lights off, reading on your phone or another device. lol (I like mine with plot though haha)

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/7 00:04:26 )
@miss kitty: It is very fun. you dont even have to make a huge deal out of your costumes here as it is incrowd, so you have to play a vampire ( or vampires servant; aka a ghoul ) who tries to blend in with the humans the best they can. Only being more of themselves at the Elysium, which is the location we play at the most, and where the big announcements are made.... kinda like when my character was called forward.. in front of 100 other vampires... She was pretty convinced that she would be slughtered by him untill he called out other names and said " together the 4 of you will be the first team in the defense, you come to me when this announcement is over and I will tell you what you're going to do " Believe me when I joined this LARP I knew absolutely no one, *joined back in October, and basically just jumped out into it * 8'D Just last month we had Raquel Skellington join as a ghoul just for the weekend. Super friendly gal 8D

@keirenkiren: Ah, I see.. maybe it is because he find it an unneccesary expense to take the samples, but he should try and listen better. :/

Voltie — Obnoxious Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/7 00:05:04 )
All for male contraceptive's, Gotta do our part as well. Hopefully we can share in on the ice cream? lol

Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/7 00:07:35 )

@KeirenKiren: LOL Raunchy with plot is best. I might have to look elsewhere from though. Any of the stories I've been following haven't updated in forever. Site doesn't seem to get as much activity as it used to. Need a new place.

@TeaTales: 100?? Oh geez that is a lot...>> That would take a lot of getting used to.


Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/7 00:11:25 )
@miss kitty: yeup we are around 100 persons everytime, it is the larggest LARP of its kind in little Denmark xD people gaather in the Elysium room when there are announcements from the GameMasters or during Primogen meetings. (primogen; a term for the oldest vampires.... if i recall lol.. its a Vampire the Reqiuem ( White wolf ) setting ) but mostly it just feels like we are just around 20-30 people as people are quick to end up in groups on location or out in town.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/7 00:12:47 )
@TeaTales: Yeah he needs to listen, our last doctor also was like him. But at least she;d always send me for bloodwork LOL but nothing else. Hopefully he will prescribe me something (even those horsepills again) if I get the horrid pain. I googled a little about that diet and I'd prob die if I did the whole thing haha. I'm caffeine addicted so I'd be having bad withdrawal if I had to remove caffeine for 3 weeks lmao. But might add more veggies etc. cause I don't get enough living here as it is. Though I have an allergy or something to fresh produce. (not terrible but it makes my mouth and throat itchy)
@Jazz: Yes haha Ice cream oddly enough is great for cramps. Tho I'm also partly lactose intolerant so sometimes it backfires ;u;
@Miss Kitty: Try adult fanfiction, Ao3? etc lol google is your friend to find popular fic sites!
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Voltie — Obnoxious Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/7 00:17:30 )
@keirenkiren: ALways the low/lactos free stuff, but sadly it ends up being a lot sweeter than normal, Not that it's a bad thing ^^

Donator — Puzzling Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/7 00:19:19 )

@KeirenKiren: Know of Adult FF, wasn't sure how active it still was. Never heard of Ao3. Gonna have to check that one out ^^;;


Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/7 00:19:50 )
@keirenkiren: then just try and drink less caffeine, * also tea addicted os know how that is * ^^; if you have allergies to fresh veggies, I highty recommend you to get your doctor to take some tests to see what food you're allwergic to, unless you have no allergy clinics ( I know we only got 2 in Denmark OTL so I cant get my allergies down on official paper and just have to do trial and error on which food items I am allergix to or not. I know I am llergic to sellery, raw potatoes, red peppers, and walnuts and a little to hazelnuts but the worst allergy is definitly the one to walnuts when it comes to food, ust eating a tiny piece will make my tounge swell up... sadly its my favourite nut T_T ) if you get itches f the raw produce try and boil them for a couple minutes sometimes the allergens gets killed by being boiled

I also know I'm lactose intolerant, i can take very low fat milk the rest nopes. so no icecream for me unless its made on nut-milk or soymilk

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