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Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/4 22:48:17 )
Allen are the other part of the cookie while listening to her recite the fortune. He held the small piece of paper once Kaneko handed it back to him, thinking over the fortune. It could mean serial different things, and be interpreted many ways. It bothered him though, as calm and collected as he seemed. Allen shook his head lightly after a moment. "Maybe it means I shouldn't be afraid of what I can't see." He spoke quietly .

He didn't live in fear of the unseen, but there were plenty of things he did fear. Allen was afraid of hunters finding him, humans taking advantage of his blindess, being alone. The list went on.. Allen sighed quietly, and lifted his head in her direction some. "I know I can't keep saying it..but.. Thank you, for this and for everything else you've done for me." He said calmly . He true did appreciate her doings.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/5 08:22:16 )
Kaneko listened to Allen's interpretation. Everyone was afraid of what they couldn't see, but she guessed this was more personal to him. "Well I think that's very good advice. Still, I suppose that's easier said than done." She smiled warmly at that. It wasn't impossible though. Her fingers fiddled with the crinkly plastic wrapper of the other cookie that she decided to save for her father. Her fingers stopped however, the moment he spoke up again.

It was the little things like this that made her the happiest. Despite having everything, she wasn't the self centered type. She was a simple girl with simple tastes. That didn't mean she didn't enjoy fancy things at times but only when it was a really special occasion. Like a celebration of some sort. "You're welcome, but it's my pleasure. It's nice to finally have someone to talk to and hang out with." Kaneko replied honestly. If her father found out, he wouldn't ever let her out of the house again. "I really enjoy our times together. They're nice."

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/5 21:20:27 )
Allen sat quietly as he listened to her words, about his interpretation on the fortune. It brought some peace of mind. At least she didn't think he was crazy, yet. He smiled some at the next set of words she had spoken, after a brief silence. It was nice to hear those words.. She enjoyed their times together.

What would happen when she found the truth? Some humans didn't care if their 'friend's were actually blood sucking momsters, but others.. It didn't end well. "I'm happy to hear that, I also enjoy our times together." He said calmly. Allen tried not to think of troubling thoughts. "Kaneko.." He spoke somewhat quietly. "No, it's nothing.." Allen murmured. Half of him wanted to tell her that he very much cared for her, but just couldn't bring himself to.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/6 04:23:42 )
Kaneko wondered what her father was doing. As much as she wanted to ask him, she knew it would get nowhere. Well, no use worrying about it. Still...she was curious. More than she probably should be. She smiles softly upon hearing him say that he too enjoyed their times together. They didn't have to do anything, just being able to talk to him was more than enough for her to be happy. The sense of closeness was enough.

He was no longer a stranger and she could finally say she actually had a real friend. Not like the ones at school that never really talked to her much. Kaneko tilted her head to the side, some hair falling across her face which she quickly brushed away. Allen was going to say something but it seemed he had decided against it. "Is something wrong Allen?" Maybe he was feeling some pain again and didn't want to make her worry.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/6 05:11:50 )
Allen mentally fumbled over himself when she had questioned his comment. He shook his head lightly, silently cursing for opening his mouth in the first place. Now he had to think of something else to say, to avoid sounding weird or out of bounds.. "I was just thinking.. Maybe I could walk you out, when you leave." He voiced calmly. He wasn't running her off or anything, heavens no . Allen figured by now, it would be late and he just didn't feel right about letting her wander the woods alone.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/6 06:03:44 )
Kaneko relaxed a little, "Oh.." She started and looked at her left overs she had saved for her father. "I thought maybe something was bothering you." She said quietly. She was glad that wasn't the case though. It was getting late, so maybe heading home wasn't such a bad idea. But, she had just got here it seemed like. "Well I certainly wouldn't mind it." Was her response to his suggestion. It was nice of him to want to walk her out. The woods were scary at night. Well...scarier and maybe whatever attacked that tree would attack her if she wasn't careful. But if he went with her, it could also attack him. That scared her, she didn't want to be the reason he got hurt. "It is rather late isn't it." She admitted and chuckled nervously. "I'm sorry Allen, you probably are tired and want to get some rest." She realized that maybe he was afraid of telling her this because he didn't want to seem rude.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/6 22:58:36 )
Allen relaxed some once he was sure that Kaneko wasn't worried about him. The lingering silence, and faint change of her scent had him believing she was worried about something else, or scared. He didn't smell fear.. Just the anxiety she was probably feeling. He wished he could do something g to make her feel better. He was relieved to hear that she wouldn't mind if he went along with her.

He slowly brought his hand forward and paused when he felt her hand. Allen gently grasped that hand, and offered her a warm smile. "No need, Kaneko.. I don't mind in the slightest, and you don't have to if you're no t ready - I'm usually more of a night owl." Allen spoke casually, trying to at least lighten her mood a little.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/6 23:36:35 )
What would she do if something did happen to him? What if she wasn't around and he needed help with something? What if he somehow got lost? She pouted the more she thought about these things. It was a possibility that any of those things could happen but she didn't want to think about it. He would be fine, she had to believe that.

Her breath hitched in her throat when his hand brushed against hers. Her dark eyes immediately looked down at his hand now holding hers and blushed softly. Smiling shyly, Kaneko tucked some hair behind her ear nervously. Thank goodness they were alone. "Well thank you. I...I'd like to s-stay and talk a bit more. I-if you really don't mind that is." She said and chuckled some. "I remember I used to be a night owl when I was younger. Then my sleeping schedule got all messed up when I started college. Now I'm out of that but my sleeping schedule is still all over the place." She admitted, her worries melting away.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/7 03:01:33 )
Allen had half a mind to let go of her hand, when he caught the sudden change in behavior. Had he gone too far? She'd taken his hand several times while leading him around..maybe this was different? He shouldn't have done that, or so he convinced himself quickly. Allen nodded lightly to her words, and drew back his hand, The last thing he wanted to do was make her uncomfortable.

"I don't mind at all." Allen said calmly. He tilted his head lightly and chuckled quietly. She was out of college and her schedule was still wonky, and her father being out all hours of the night didn't seem to be helping. "What's it like, to go to college?" He asked curioisly, since he had never been for more than one reason.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/7 04:59:36 )
His hand had retreated and she felt a little bad. Maybe he regretted holding her hand? She could always reach out and hold his hand if she wanted to but she didn't want to bother him. Kaneko fiddled with her fingers, listening to the question being asked. "It's...different." She answered and thought about her experiences. "It's much more different than high school. People are much more mature in college and it's pretty fun. You don't have so many classes in one day and usually you don't have classes every day either. Some people only go twice a week. Others three times a week. It all depends on the classes you get." She started and smiled. "The toughest thing about college though is that it's also much harder than high school. There's so much to learn and it feels like you don't have enough time to learn it all." It wasn't for everyone, but she enjoyed it from time to time of course. There where always going to be days where she'd prefer to stay home and sleep in. "One thing I've noticed though, is that it's really hard to talk to these people. They seem...I don't know. Self absorbed I guess. They have their own little group of friends and don't want that broken. But it's fine." She let out a weak laugh. "I'm too shy to talk to anyone anyway. Besides, I'd rather get good grades than socialize with them." That's what she told herself anyway.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/7 05:17:56 )
Allen sat quietly while she told him about her experiences with college, and how it was different than high school. What was high school? How many kinds of schools were there? Why was he so interested now, when he had been so distant from the humans and their daily lives, mostly? He was confused, and his mind buzzed with questions he'd probably never ask. It was clear however, that Kaneko had closed herself off as well, even if only some.

She was distant at college, focusing on her grades rather then making friends, which he understood to a degree. Allen wanted to hold her hand again. It was warm and soft and one way he knew without a doubt that she was actually there, and not some figment of his imagination. Which he sometimes felt like.. He lowered his head some. "..I never went to school. I was home schooled.." He said after a moment of focus on his distant past, before becoming a vampire. He wasn't born like this, after all. He had a life once, a real life.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/7 05:30:41 )
Even if she wanted to make friends, it wasn't like she'd ever see them again. She learnt that the hard way in high school. She had a few friends then, not many. Only a handful but where were they now? She had no clue. She hadn't seen them in over a year. They all went their separate ways and it was after high school that she realized making friends wasn't as easy as she thought. Those people who she had called friends weren't really her friends. They were just people she got along with. Nothing special.

Kaneko's dark eyes watched Allen closely as he spoke. She could sit here and listen to him all night. However, she knew she'd have to go home eventually. Home school. She had heard of that before, but she herself never experienced it but she imagined it must be really nice. Much nicer than public school. "What was that like? I...I've never been home schooled. Always attended public school. I imagine it must be nice because you don't have to wake up super early to make it to school on time and you can actually eat food that you like." Kaneko smiled. The food options in public school weren't very good but she ate them sometimes because it was all there was and she was hungry.

In college it was worse though. You had to pay for the food and it wasn't exactly affordable. The food was pricey. The only things she bought at college were drinks and maybe some candy but that was about it. Never actual food and it wasn't like you had any actual time to eat it. You had to eat the food on your way home. So taking lunch was pointless.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/7 06:22:09 )
Allen pondered her words for a moment. It almost made him sick to remember those times. He grew up in a different time then she had.. How was he to explain that? You don't, but it wouldn't be easy. "I wouldn't say it was nice, miss Kaneko.." He murmured quietly, a small frown trying not to appear noticeable. "It felt like a prison. I was pushed harder then kids attending public schools, because even I had to meet certain standards in order to get anywhere in life. I still had to be up early, and maybe be done with studies before that evening." He explained calmly. "...I wasn't born here, nor do I remember where I was raised, but schooling was a nightmare. I had no friends, hardly any time to spend with my parents - as a home school teacher was provided to give my lessons." Allen spoke, feeling a headache forming.

"Eventually, as I got older, the physiological strain took effect and I.." He trailed off some, pressing his lips together some. It was around that time he fell ill and soon got attacked and turned into a vampire, trying to kill himself. He put a hand on his head. "I'm terribly sorry, miss Kaneko.. Just how long had he been a vampire? He lowered his head some. "It was different for me, than others. I certainly didn't enjoy it though." He said with a quiet chuckle. Hopefully, she wouldn't be too concerned about his change in behavior.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/7 07:52:43 )
Kaneko was honestly surprised with his response to her assumption. "Prison?" She repeated. Prison was a terrible place, scary, dangerous. No one ever wanted to be in prison. To compare home school to prison meant it was pretty terrible then. One didn't just simply compare one to the other unless they were being serious about it. Allen didn't look like the type of person who would lie about such things. So he too, didn't spend much time with his parents? Where were they now? Perhaps they had died, she wasn't going to ask such personal questions. His tone changed, his body language changed. Kaneko slowly began to realize that he didn't enjoy talking about school, or perhaps it was his past he wasn't too fond of? Either way, Kaneko felt bad for even asking in the first place. This was the downside of being so curious.

"I'm sorry for asking Allen. Had I known, I wouldn't have said anything." She said quietly, looking down at her hands. A troubled look on her face. Not that he'd notice. She wasn't upset at him for his reaction. No, he had reasons to react the way he did. Kaneko was upset with herself. She was beating herself up in her head for having asked about his school experience. "I promise to think before I ask anything." Her voice was quieted down now, as if she had shrunk further into herself. Afraid of saying anything now, not wanting to upset him.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/8 00:11:48 )
Allen sat quietly when Kaneko too fell silent. Now he really did it.. The curious questions stopped, the questions he truly enjoyed answering. He liked sharing his life, or past life with her. Allen lifted his head some when she finally spoke, and he shook his head. "No Kaneko, don't ever apologize for asking me something." He said calmly. " You have nothing to apologize for.. I wouldn't have answered if I didn't want to share that part of my life. " Allen explained, hoping to lift her doubts even if just a little.

Allen offered her a small smile. "Please, ask me something else." He voiced. In no way was he upset with her, and he wanted her to know that.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/8 02:06:12 )
The silence was uncomfortable, only making her feel worse. He had a point, he must have answered because he wanted to. Or maybe he was doing so to be polite? Why did she have to overthink everything? He wanted her to ask him something else? Kaneko glanced in his direction then quickly lowered her eyes to her hands on the table. What else could she ask? Something that wouldn't upset him. He had mentioned that he hardly any time to spend with his parents and she wondered if they ever did spend any time together once his schooling was finished. Though, she had the feeling that they didn't.

"I don't believe you've mentioned any siblings. Are you an only child?" She asked then thought of another question. "So...y-you weren't born here but you don't remember where it was that you were raised? Do you remember moving to this manor?" It seemed strange to her that he wouldn't remember something as simple as where he was raised. Everyone remembered where they were raised. Even if you moved, you remembered where you were born. That didn't seem to be the case with him though. " don't have to answer if you don't want to Allen." Kaneko added quietly, her voice small.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/8 03:16:53 )
Allen smiled some when he heard her voice again. It brought a sense of relief to him, to hear her asking things again, even if she sounded like she was carefully choosing her questions. That one night, seemed to be causing more trouble than the night he was turned. He still remembered his life after that.. But, after having been nearly killed wasn't so easy to overcome.

He shook his head lightly. "I was indeed an only child, no brother or sisters unless you counted stray animals." Allen answered with a quiet chuckle. He pondered a moment over the next question. How did he get here? That happened after he had been turned. So really, answering that might unfold what he was hiding. Or rather.. Allen smirked lightly. "Funny story actually." He started to say. "I ran away from home once, and found out I had other family. They brought me here, after kind of adopting me." He said, lacing the truth in. It wasn't a lie, just not the whole truth. "That family was better to me than my own parents.. Until I went blind. I think I mentioned what happened after I lost my sight." He added, smirking some. They were talking again.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/8 03:59:07 )
Stray animals, so he kept strays company? How nice. She never had pets growing up and she was never allowed to be friendly towards a stray. Her parents just didn't want an animal in the house and even though she wanted a pet, her father wouldn't hear it. After a while, Kaneko just stopped trying to convince her father if she could adopt an animal. She already knew his answer. It was safe to say that her father was strict with her.

"You...ran away from home?" She repeated, her eyes widened at the idea and she looked at him, surprised with what he said. He ran away, his parents didn't seem to have found out, he was adopted here and then they vanished when he went blind. He said they were nicer than his own family but she wasn't so sure she agreed. What kind of family just abandons a family member? " you ran away and were adopted by other family members and they brought you here to live with them but when you lost your sight, they just left?" She commented quietly, trying to wrap her head around it. He had been through so much, it was depressing to think about. He never had a relationship with his actual parents and the ones he felt closest to, left him. He seemed to have no trouble talking about that though. Interesting. "At least they were nicer. Even though it wasn't very nice of them to just leave." Kaneko started.

"Were you happy that they took you in?" She heard herself asking him suddenly. Why had she even asked that? "I...I the time that it happened I imagine you must have been happy. You no longer were forced to study so much. I imagine so anyway but I could be wrong?" Kaneko suggested, enjoying talking to him even though she was still afraid of upsetting him.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/9 03:25:05 )
Allen nodded some as he listened to her talk, and ask more questions. He'd only answer the ones he thought he could answer, without fibbing on himself. "You and I are very different, but we seem to have a quite a bit in common." He voiced casually. Neither of them spent much time with their parents, neither of them had any friends while in school, and didn't have many now. But, both of them liked company if it was good company.

Her questions did get slightly confusing to him as she asked them, but he nodded regardless. "Those who adopted me actually paid me some attention, and saw to it I was taken care of. Even if they abandoned me later in life, they took care of me while they were here.. I won't say I don't resent them a little for leaving me alone all of sudden though." He said, telling himself only slightly. Allen smiled some. "I was indeed." He answered her final question with ease.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/9 04:47:27 )
Kaneko smiled, it was true. They did seem to have quite a bit in common, maybe that's why they got along so well. Outside, it was getting later and darker. Her father was still working, or better yet, searching. He still had the image of Allen on his mind. Surely that wasn't the same person from before was it? There was only one way to find out but in order to do that, he'd have to wait to see that his daughter would actually be busy working. She couldn't find out.

"I see." Kaneko started. "Well at least they payed attention to you. I'm glad that they took good care of you while they were around; they treated you with kindness. It's probably the reason why you're so kind as well." She said and giggled. He was kind and well mannered. All parents were different and many didn't really teach their kids any manners. Those kids usually grew up to be really mean. At that moment, she wondered if he had any questions for her. In the meantime, she thought she should ask him other questions. "I hope this isn't rude of me to ask you Allen b-but umm...w-what was the most beautiful view you have ever seen? D-do you remember?" She asked him, her voice quiet. This was probably a very bad thing to ask and she immediately regretted it.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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