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Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/13 01:50:57 )
You can die anytime...

Aria smiled and kissed his cheek gently,"Alright." she said softly, "We can do our reading together another night." She looked over as the adults congratulated them,"Thank you." She said with a smile,"I honestly couldn't be happier." She took another sip of her hot chocolate and listened as the adults chatted.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/14 03:39:15 )
"Well I have to admit, I didn't think you would do it." Troy said, clinking his glass with Lyle's as the other prince smirked. "I mean, it took you long enough. I was starting to think that you wouldn't. You know it's rude to keep a lady waiting." Troy pointed out. Lyle narrowed his eyes, "It's not like I did it on purpose. Aria deserved the best and the best things take time to obtain." He answered quietly. Troy looked down at the ring on Aria's finger, the adults talking excitedly about the engagement. "It really is a beautiful ring Lyle. I wish you both nothing but the best. Now then, when's the wedding?" He asked with a chuckle.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/14 04:06:28 )
You can die anytime...

Aria giggled at Troy's words about her waiting,"Waiting wasn't bad." She said gently,"I knew it would be a little bit, with everything else going on. With Lyle helping his father with things, I didnt want to interrupt or bother them." She listened as they spoke some more. When Troy asked when the wedding would be, Aria shook her head,"I have no idea really." She admitted

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/14 04:45:08 )
"I'm sure my mother will start working on planning it out. She adores planning events." Lyle said, with a sigh. He wasn't a party planner, that was something the ladies did. He would most likely just stay cooped up with his father working while the ladies worked on organizing and planning the wedding. "I'm sure it won't be until a while later. I can already imagine my mother inviting the entire kingdom." Lyle commented, taking a sip of his drink. It was getting late and after a few more hours of chatting, it was time for everyone to retire to bed.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/14 13:58:27 )
You can die anytime...

Aria looked over at Lyle,"I'm alright with doing a lot of the planning," She started gently,"But you know I'll value any imput you might have as well... This isn't just about me, it's about both of us and I hope it will be something we'll never forget, something we'll both be happy with." When it was time to go to bed, she bid Lyle's and Troy's parents goodnight. Before a servant would lead her to her room, she gave Lyle a hug,"Good night." She said to him softly, kissing his cheek gently before letting go.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/15 03:21:18 )
"Well I'll clearly have to add some input here and there. I can't have you and my mother do all the work either." Lyle informed quietly. He didn't think it would be something he'd forget. He hoped not anyway. "Of course I'll be happy with it. Why wouldn't I be?" Lyle said and kissed her forehead once it was time for them to go to bed. "Goodnight." He said to her quietly then sighed softly when she was gone. Troy whistled and chuckled. "She seems happy." He noted, walking Lyle to the room he'd be staying in during his stay here. "Well she has a reason to be. I'd be concerned if she weren't happy." Lyle said, his voice a soft whisper now since everyone was getting ready to sleep.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/15 17:02:32 )
You can die anytime...

Aria smiled as she was led to her room. She thanked the servant who showed her and went inside, glad to see that her things were put away already. On her bed was a stuffed fox that she had brought with her. Seeing it almost made her cry. Her pet fox, Gambit, had passed away a couple of months ago. He hadn't been doing well and it was discovered he was terminally I'll. The king and queen had allowed her to bury him in one of her favorite gardens so she could sit with him when she pleased. She had gotten the plush shortly after, but she didnt know who had given it to her.

She took a warm bath, a quick one, changed into a warm night gown, and curled up in bed, hugging the plushie gently. "Maybe one day I'll know who got you for me so I can thank them." She murmured, closing her eyes. Soon she was fast asleep.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/18 04:29:51 )
Troy and Lyle reached Lyle's room then, "Well I'm sure that the two of you will be very happy." Troy said quietly as the castle was silent now and the lights were being turned off. "I should be going, we can talk again tomorrow Lyle, goodnight." Troy said and bid his friend a good night before leaving to his own room to sleep. Lyle went into the room provided for him, closed the door behind him and took a hot bath in hopes of getting warm. Once he was done, he got dressed for bed and slipped underneath the covers. He yawned softly, closed his eyes and fell to sleep.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/18 15:59:49 )
You can die anytime...

As the days went on in their visit, Aria was having a wonderful time. Since they had had their day out in the snow, today Aria was going to devote it to doing whatever Lyle wanted to do today. When she woke up that morning and looked outside, she let out a soft gasp. It was snowing so hard it was almost blizzard-like. "I don't think I want to go outside today." She said softly to herself. She changed into a warm gown, brushed out her hair, and went downstairs to meet the others for breakfast.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/18 23:41:24 )
Each day that passed, Lyle did anything Aria asked him to. Even going so far as to skate and get a bruised knee. But she had fun and before he had gotten hurt he actually had some fun too. Though, he was still terrified of the activity. He, Aria, and Troy all spent their days together having fun. It was a much needed vacation. The following morning, Lyle started to head down the stairs towards the dining room where already he could hear people chatting and having a good time. What time was it? It seemed he had slept in again.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/18 23:57:53 )
You can die anytime...

Aria looked over at him and smiled,"Morning, Lyle." She said, bringing him a mug of coffee. She had requested to make it for him, wanting to make it just the way he liked it,"Did you sleep well?" She asked him after a few moments. She felt awful he had bruised he knee when they had gone ice skating and had done whatever she could to show him she was sorry he had gotten hurt,"How is your knee feeling?" She murmured, hoping it didn't cause him too much pain, the guilt she felt evident in her eyes when she looked over at him,

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/19 01:44:51 )
Lyle hadn't even bothered getting dressed. He was still in his silk pajamas and had even put on his black bathrobe to keep him warm. He probably didn't look anything like a prince right now but he didn't care. He greeted the others in a quiet voice and thanked Aria for the coffee still piping hot. He kissed her forehead softly and sighed when she asked about his knee. "I don't know. I haven't even looked at it." He replied tiredly, his eyes closing for a moment before he forced them open again and made his way to his seat, pulling out a chair for Aria first and taking a sip of his coffee.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/19 12:29:04 )
You can die anytime...

Aria kissed his cheek gently and carefully as not to get his coffee spilled,"I hope it feels better soon." She said quietly, sitting down. She hated he had gotten hurt because of her and wanting to do something for her. She was thankful it wasn't something really bad like a cut or something but she had vowed she would never have him skate again, having seen how much it scared him.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/19 23:31:52 )
"I might have to put some ice on it." Lyle explained to her quietly. Troy overheard this and looked to him once they were seated and breakfast was being served. "Hurt your knee?" He asked. Lyle nodded and explained to him what had happened. "I see..well I'll have them give you some ice for it." Troy explained. The table was filled with all sorts of foods and the adults chattered on about anything. The men discussed work while the women discussed social events and future parties to be planned. Lyle sipped at his coffee and took a bite of his food. It was delicious. His knee was bothering him though, and he was trying not to focus on it.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/19 23:52:18 )
You can die anytime...

Aria are a little bit, quietly in thought. She felt so bad he had hurt his knee because of ice skating. She felt guilty for asking him to try when he had been scared the first time. She finished eating a little before everyone else and sat quietly drinking from her cup. She hoped he knew got better soon and today there were no plans but to sit inside and relax. Maybe she would read for a little while or do some sketching, something she had discovered she had a knack for.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/20 00:14:53 )
"Any plans for what you want to do today?" Lyle asked both Aria and Troy. Troy looked up from his food and thought for a moment. "Well we can't go outside today, the weather is really nasty today. Perhaps you could play a little something on the piano for us Lyle." Troy suggested with a smirk. Lyle wasn't sure he wanted to do that. It wasn't that he didn't want to show off, because that was fun, he just would rather do something together. They wouldn't be able to spend time together once they returned home. "What about you Aria, what will you be doing today?" Troy asked her.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/20 00:27:16 )
You can die anytime...

Aria hadn't answered right away. She was still lost in thought. When she heard Troy speak to her, she looked up,"Huh?" She asked, blinking slightly,"Oh... I'm not sure. I thought about doing some reading maybe." She looked over at Troy and Lyle,"I think I might actually be done with snow for the year. Especially after the ice skating accident..." She looked away, falling silent again. She started trying to think of something they could do today.

but living takes true courage.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/20 01:16:22 )
Lyle frowned and looked down at his knee then looked at the others at the table. "E-excuse us." He said quietly and turned to look at Aria. "Follow me." He said in a very quiet voice before getting up and leaving the dining room. He waited for her and as he waited, he wondered why she was so upset. It wasn't her fault that he was hurt. It had been an accident and he didn't want to ruin this vacation for her because of a silly accident.

Donator — She, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/20 01:19:04 )
You can die anytime...

Aria looked up as Lyle spoke and got up, following him out of the room. She wondered what was up. When they were far enough away, she looked over at him,"Is everything alright?" She said softly, wondering what was up. She wondered if he was able to tell how she still felt guilty about the fall. She hoped that his knee would recover alright and that there wouldn't be any lasting damage to it.

but living takes true courage.

Pixel Art by the talented Neko~ Thank you so much, Neko! <3
Both a just adorable~ :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart: :vanora_heart:

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/20 01:25:37 )
Lyle turned to face her, his arms crossed across his chest. "I should be asking you that very same question." He said to her. "Aria, what's wrong? Ever since that accident, you haven't been yourself. You've become quieter, you distanced yourself from all of us." Lyle reached out and lightly lifted her chin up with his index finger to look at her properly. "Aria what's wrong, I'm very worried about you. This isn't like you." He said.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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Just tell me who you are when you message me there.

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