— They/Them
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/20 19:59:54 )
"There's nothing wrong with worrying... Just shows you care." Lyle replied softly then looked up having heard something like a knock. Maybe he was just imagining things. "Aria, I don't want you to ever change. If you want to worry, you can. I love you just as you are." He nodded when asked if he wanted to take it easy today, "Oh could we please?" He asked and laughed softly. "I'd love to read with you again, it's been a long time since we did that last." Lyle just wanted to curl up at her side and sleep, but that was probably just because he hadn't had his coffee yet. "Come now, we need to eat and I need my...coffee and then we can read."
There was that knock on the door again. This time even Troy heard it and raised a hand towards the servant, "I'll go get it." He said. This was a stupid idea and she was sure her aunt would be furious when she woke to find that she wasn't in her room. However, Amalia had been up very early baking some lemon tarts for Troy. She didn't know why she even did this, it wasn't like it would change anything. She was a commoner, he was not. He was probably already promised to another. Amalia was just stubborn. Stubborn and freezing. She couldn't see much through the storm and she couldn't feel her feet or hands which gripped the box of tarts tightly. "You are an i-idiot!" She said to herself, shutting her eyes tightly as her hair whipped across her face.
The door slowly opened and when she opened her eyes to a squint, she saw golden hair and wide golden eyes staring at her. Amalia looked away nervously and held out the box of tarts towards Troy then. "F-for you, p-prince Troy." She managed to say to him.