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Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 07:21:06 )
@kjemi: Seriously!! Even simple things like learning how to color an eye color a certain way. x ___ x I try to copy it exactly and it doesn't turn out as well.
I mean, I know it takes some skill being able to do certain things, but I feel like even if you're coloring something a certain way, it should look at least similar to it?
Hahaha, at least I won't be driving! I'll just be in the passenger seat! Haha. All the things you wouldn't think of. ;;;
YEAH EXACTLY. I thought about upping my data plan for the long drives, but we'll see how that goes. q vq ;; That's true! At least a month to decide! So that's good at least.
YES! I get spoiled a lot. n ___n !!! He's a good fiance!
I've thought about all the options. xD There's only so much you can do in a car. I'd bring a book, but I start to get nauseas after awhile if I'm reading for too long in a moving car. Aughh.

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 07:58:09 )
@Yuracye: Same here! I really want to learn new skin shading but no tutorial can help me change. And yeah, like if you bake a cake and use the right stuff,it should turn out good ;u;
There probably are crazy people that draw and drive. Some people just like to live dangerous... haaah
You get car sick too? I always get bored on long rides because I can't read or use my phone or play a game. I just...can stare. But I recently bought these bracelets that are supposed to help against getting sick, haven't tried them in a car yet!

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/6 20:33:58 )
@Totalanimefan: it seems like the titles really works! Haha, thank you. I'm very happy to be here

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 06:18:13 )
@kjemi: Yeahh, same here! Either that or it doesn't look right with my style or whatever I try to do. TT ___ TT
YEAH. In theory, it should. Sobs. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. orz.

Hahaha. My fiance has clipped his toenails and drove. I was like ??? WHAT DID U DO. Made him clean the car out and vacuum after that. So gross.
Only when I'm focusing on something, otherwise I'm fine. Like if I'm reading a book, or checking stuff on my phone I start to get nausea. If I open the window or focus on looking forward I'd look better though. x ___ x
Ahhhh, you should try that! Let me know if it works. ;;


Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 06:32:04 )
@Yuracye: ;u; me neither so I suppose we're both maybe doing something wrong... I wish we could just absorb art powers. How nice would that be.
Wait what...? eww... and oh god HOW? how do you... clip toenails and drive!??!
Ahh really sucks to get so easily car sick...but yeah I'll let you know c:

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 06:55:11 )
@kjemi: That would be nice. = A= Just watch something AND BAM can copy it exactly afterwards. Would be lovely. There would be tons of super pro artists if people could do that.
I DON'T EVEN KNOW. This is the monster that I'm marrying. xD He's said he's only done it once but still. ;;; I'm still not even sure how he did it.... But I've seen him also drive with his knees too. Like... around turns and stuff too. I don't understand. @ ___ @ I can barely drive in general??
IT really does- especially when you're going to be in the car for so long too. It's ridiculous. Ugh.

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 07:00:20 )
@Yuracye: yeah.. it would suck for those that worked hard on their skills.. or those that gey paid for art ;u;
I wish you the best of luck. Prevent him from ever doing it again.. toe nails... like I understand fingernails but..toenails????

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 07:06:11 )
@kjemi: Yeah, good point. I mean, art for me is just a hobby, so I would really only use it for pixelated things. xD
XD Hahaha, thanks! I've scolded him, so I don't think he'll be doing it again. If he does, I definitely won't see it. rip.
Well, he normally bites his fingernails, so I don't think he'd use the clippers for his fingernails, the dummy.

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 07:10:03 )
@Yuracye: ah pixels are so hard ;u; so I understand that...specially tiny ones...I can't do it..nope.
Good! Best not to do anything but driving in cars...unless you are a passanger. Even then, should avoid nail clipping... those things can fly into eyes.

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 08:10:59 )
@kjemi: They really are! I could never grasp it myself tbh!! I'm really impressed with anyone that can do pixels. Idk, it just baffles me. I'm not sure how people manage to do it. ;;;
Yeah, I really only focus on the road. I'm still sorta new to it, but I can't even have music on or anyone talking to me. orz.
HAHAHAH. Good point! I'm sure there's been worse things done in a car tho. q vq ;;

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 17:15:21 )
@Totalanimefan: haha, you're more than welcome to move in!
@Yuracye: ahhh same! ;u; I made like a decent pixel doll once but it was pretty big....pixel artists have like this..super special skill ...its amazing..
I haven't really driver once when my parents wanted me to just get out of our driveway, I was begging them to not make me do it but they were like "c'mon u chicken" so i did and uuh..never touched the wheel again.. I'm terrified of the idea of controling a car :vanora_cry: And you're right...worse things have been done in cars.

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/7 20:31:18 )
@Totalanimefan: I'm a pretty good cook so I can promise some great dinners

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 04:31:33 )
@kjemi: Ahhh. I think I did one pixel thing on a base once, but I really used non-pixel things. Just the outline was pixel.
||OTL. I'm pretty much being forced to drive because everyone is bugging me about it, like they're constantly telling me that I need it and it will be so freeing and I'll be more independent. They obviously have no idea that I'd rather spend my entire day on the computer and never leave the house. |||OTL.
Idk. I'm just. I could be the best driver in the world, it's the people around me that I'm always worried about.

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 05:01:54 )
@Yuracye: Ahh I see ;u; yeah pixels seem simple but once you hard to get it to look right ;u;
Aww that sucks....I hope they leave you alone bout it soon no fun when people pressure you to drive.. and yeah people are usually the nr 1 cause for accidents

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 05:24:45 )
@kjemi: Seriously. There's so many ways to color or shade it. Super detailed or simple. I don't know how people do it. @ w @;;
I don't have the patience for figuring everything out like that. rip.
They've been at it for 5 years now, I doubt they'll let up. x ___ x It's like I can never do enough. My dad only mentions it briefly, but my fiance's family constantly nags at me for it. It's like 'Hi, how are you? Did you get your license yet?" LIke... what.
Ughhhhh. It's just terrifying.

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 05:28:45 )
@Yuracye: Its magic! Magic I tell you. They're all witches! Or just very patient people. I gotta say the people that make the avatars here must be really patient..I can't evne imagine doing the hair -u-
Is a drivers license decently priced? Here you gotta sell a liver and a leg if you wanna get yours. @A@

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 07:06:19 )
@kjemi: THEY HAVE TO BE WITCHES. Especially when it's those 13 year olds that are drawing like they've been drawing for 30 years. Like kill me. ;;;;
Yeah, you're right. o ___ o ;;; The items are so detailed here. They must be patient people....
Ahhhh. I think it's like $50? Maybe? I haven't signed up for it, so I don' t know. n ____ n ;;

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 07:18:22 )
@Yuracye: Those 13 year olds...wish I had been like them... I was not a very good artist at the ripe age of 13....
That doesn't seem too bad ;u; here we pay...alot..most of it goes to the driving lessons need like 80 hours or something. Its like bai bai money

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 07:49:12 )
@kjemi: Seriously... I get super defeated when I see someone way younger than me drawing way better than I ever will? I mean, part of it has to do with their style. But still. I need to stop comparing myself to others! >: U
I didn't really start getting serious into drawing until I was ... 14/15, I think? And I was REALLY REALLY BAD. Like, so bad. You don't even know.
Ahhh. That's crazy. @ __ @ I know I need to take either drivers ed or sit in this 5 hour thing. @ ___ @ I don't understand it, but whatever. I think that's part of the reason I still haven't taken it. The whole dmv site it so difficult to navigate. You can't find a lot of the information on it.

TH | dA

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/8 08:08:09 )
@Yuracye: oh I know exactly how that feels T uT I do it all the time, my friend is a few years younger and she makes such breathtaking art and I feel like I am toddler that fingerpaints. ;u;
Oh I was 13 when I did and I have idea.... I started off with the generic anime style that kiddos do. Its cringey but I keep it to remind myself that drawing and working has made me better.
ahh...they should hire someone to make it better... ;u; oh wow, wait so you guys don't have to pay to drive a car with a instructor that will judge your every move?

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