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Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/5 23:04:52 )
The male waved back.

"Please be so kind as to give her a tour of our facilities." Sharp said.

"Oh, sure." the male replied.

"Anything else?" he asked.

"No, that's everything." Sharp responded.

"All right. Come on, then." the male said to Erica.

"There's quite a bit to cover." he told her with a small chuckle.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 00:40:21 )

"It's a simple enoughb concept." Erica commented with a light laugh as she got to her feet.

"All right, lead the way then." She said before looking back to Sharp.

"Thank you for letting me take some time with this." She then said. "Because, as you said... it's a pretty big change."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 01:00:23 )
"Of course." Sharp replied.

"Take as much time as you need." he told her.

With that, the two of them left, and stopped int he secretary's office area.

"Oh, yeah." the male said.

"Guess I should introduce myself." he continued.

"I'm Al." he told her, extending his hand.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 01:06:08 )

"Erica." Erica answered after a moment.

"But Al? Damn you've got one of the most boring names in the book." She stated.

"Why don't you pick a nickname that is more... well, more memorable?"


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 01:16:37 )
"...." Al was silent, before sighing.

"I like boring." he told her.

"Regardless, nice to meet you, Erica." he said.

"Now let's get going." he suggested.

"Our first stop will be the gym and workout facilities."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 01:31:00 )

Erica just shrugged.

"All right then, lead the way." She said.


A couple of hours later, as they were making their way through what counted as a miniature library, Erica unzipped her jacket to show she was wearing a crop top, and also a little bit of the black inklike tendrils that were reaching for her shoulders as she shifted her jacket.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 02:07:10 )
Al paused when he saw the mark, and raised an eyebrow.

"Uh..." he muttered.

"Erica?" he said.

"Pardon me is this is too blunt, but... what is that?" he asked pointing to the tendrils.

"Is that, like, a tattoo or something?" he asked her.

"Or is it... more...?"

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 03:41:39 )

Erica, who had fixedf her jacket by the time he'd asked, paused.

"Uhhh... if I said it was a tattoo, would you believe me?" She asked.

"Because if you will, then that's my answer." She added with a light laugh.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 03:59:28 )
"....doubt it." Al replied.

"I wouldn't feel the way I do because of a simple tattoo." he told her.

When she looked confused, he sighed.

"Right." he muttered.

"Remember when I told you about the glamour apparel you can get here?" he asked.

Erica nodded, which caused Al to raise his left hand, the silver ring on it sparkling in the light. He then grabbed it, and took it off, allowing his disguise to fall, and allowing Erica to see what he was really like.

His skin was as black as anything, with red crack-like markings all over, which made it look like magma was ready to burst out from inside of him. And he had a pair of dark grey horns coming out of his head... which was more like one and a half, seeing as one of them was half-gone, seeming to have been broken off half-way.

"My real name is Azazel." he told her.

"As you can see, I'm... a demon."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 04:02:59 )

Erica just crossed her arms and smirked.

"Well then." She stated.

"I suppose that explains the almost ominous feel around you." She added with a shrug.

"Cool. But... what of it?" She asked.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 04:22:45 )
Azazel sighed.

"I... well..." he muttered.

"Your mark." he said.

"It... it feels... like... warm...? I guess...? Comforting?" he asked.

Erica just looked confused.

"Hm." Azazel then mumbled.

"I guess... it feels... kind of... familiar?" he said. "If that makes sense?" he asked further.

"It feels like... a piece of... 'home'..." he finished, trailing off a bit, and slightly gesturing downwards.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 04:26:11 )

Erica was silent for a moment.

"So... this is... demonic in nature?" She asked, looking to her covered arm and hand.

"That... really didn't surprise me, actually."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 04:48:56 )
"I... guess?" Azazel responded.

"Maybe?" he said further.

"I don't know." he admitted.

"Mostly because I don't know what THIS is." he told her, looking at her arm.

"So.... yeah..." he muttered.

"All I can say is... maybe, yeah."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 04:52:33 )

"Well, even still. That's more information than I've ever managed to get on it." Erica commented.

"So thank you, immensely. At least that gives me an idea as to what posisble direction to look in for info." She then said.

"Anyway, what next?"


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 05:14:39 )
"Well, there's two more places." Azazel responded, putting the ring back on, and reverting to how he had looked before.

"The cafeteria, and the dorms." he told her.

"Both seem humdrum, but they're both pretty sweet." he said.

"The cafeteria stocks anything and everything. You name it, they'll make it." he continued.

"And the dorms have... well... proof-walls." he went on.

"Like... you name it, the walls are proofed from it." he said further.

"It's so mana doesn't go haywire, or mix with other manas while people are asleep." he explained.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 05:18:07 )

"That is definitely useful." Erica commented.

"If you have a dorm here, then, I can show you the markings in full if you wanted? I don't know if you have any interest it in, but I figured I'd mention it regadless." She then said with a shrug.

"Beyond that, it'd be good to know where they are, at the very least."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 05:32:49 )
"Well... not gonna lie, I AM very interested in it." Al replied.

"Oh, and call me 'Azzy' if you like." he said.

"I... alternate between the two names." he mumbled.

"One's plain and boring, and the other sounds like some weird name for a rock and roll tribute singer." he said further, shaking his head slightly.

"Anyway, where do you want to head to first?" he asked.

"Dorms or cafeteria?" he asked further.

"Because, yeah, I do have a dorm here." he confirmed.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 19:49:46 )

"Food place first. Because... I can way too much sometimes." Erica said with a laugh.

"And good to know." She aadded, referring to the names.

"Just lead the way."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 20:12:26 )
"Come on, then." Azzy replied, as they got up and left.

A few minutes later, they stepped into a cafeteria-area, but it was far larger than anything Erica had seen in her past. It looked at least twice as big as the cafeteria from the school she'd gone to.

And it smelled absolutely fantastic.

"This was." Azzy told her, as they made their way to the long counter, where various snacks and small food items were on display behind glass, and a sign hung above someone, reading 'order here'.

"You name it, they can make it." Azzy reminded her.

"Yep." the man behind the counter confirmed.

"We guarantee it!" he told her proudly.
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/6 20:20:06 )

ERica just smirked.

"I will definitely keep that in mind." She commented.

"But I'm really not worried about it for the moment." She added with a chuckle.

"Anyway, shall we continue?" She asked.

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