@chai: Awww you make me feel so nice and fuzzy with your compliments :vanora_heart:
It really helps when I'm feeling down about my art. And thank you! I definitely have open room for commissions if anyone needs anything!
Fairylights! Perfect! I'd really like to get some, myself!
Oh noooo I'm sure you can bounce back from messing up some of the work stuff. I sure hope so since you seem to enjoy the place so much! It's always great to be happy at the place you work.
Not much more real exciting is going on with me. After graduating I'm just kind of in a stand-still for a little bit. P: I'm sure things will pick up before toooo long, though!
@Nalight: You're welcome! You deserve all the compliments! >:o
Aw, oh no! Don't feel down about your art. :vanora_cry:
They're so wonderful, honestly. I'm pretty sure I would hang them from my clothes if I could.
They seem to be pretty forgiving about it since I'm learning, haha. I just feel bad because it's like..super expensive stuff. :C They managed to save it though, it just made for a lot of extra work for one guy.
Yeah, it's a cool place! I feel dumb there sometimes because everyone is always using all these scientific terms and I'm like "button pressed and light goes ON." But I'll get there one day!
Ah, well I think you deserve some relaxation time after tackling college! And you're so talented that I'm sure a great opportunity is gonna land at your feet at any minute! Do you have any plans to move to a specific city or something? Like a dream company to work for? :O
Aw, oh no! Don't feel down about your art. :vanora_cry:
They're so wonderful, honestly. I'm pretty sure I would hang them from my clothes if I could.
They seem to be pretty forgiving about it since I'm learning, haha. I just feel bad because it's like..super expensive stuff. :C They managed to save it though, it just made for a lot of extra work for one guy.
Yeah, it's a cool place! I feel dumb there sometimes because everyone is always using all these scientific terms and I'm like "button pressed and light goes ON." But I'll get there one day!
Ah, well I think you deserve some relaxation time after tackling college! And you're so talented that I'm sure a great opportunity is gonna land at your feet at any minute! Do you have any plans to move to a specific city or something? Like a dream company to work for? :O
You deserve all the compliments! And I can't wait to see voltra grow with more chai-work! The most beautiful arts <3
I actually have a redbubble account some some of my designs can be available for clothing options. I'd like to do some prints myself sometime, I kind of miss printmaking.
So what kind of work does the company you work at do? I can act like I'll understand what they do, hehe.
I don't have any huge career goals. I guess It would be good for me to get some more solid goals. But I like pretty much all art-related things so far. So I pretty much just want an art that actually allows me to do that and implement the time I spend on the degree, ya know. Though I do plan on moving at some point. The small town I live in now isn't ideal for really any sort of career.
You deserve all the compliments! And I can't wait to see voltra grow with more chai-work! The most beautiful arts <3
I actually have a redbubble account some some of my designs can be available for clothing options. I'd like to do some prints myself sometime, I kind of miss printmaking.
So what kind of work does the company you work at do? I can act like I'll understand what they do, hehe.
I don't have any huge career goals. I guess It would be good for me to get some more solid goals. But I like pretty much all art-related things so far. So I pretty much just want an art that actually allows me to do that and implement the time I spend on the degree, ya know. Though I do plan on moving at some point. The small town I live in now isn't ideal for really any sort of career.
@Nalight: LOL you'll take that back when you see it. :vanora_sweat: It's stuff I'm not used to doing haha, so hopefully it all looks alright!
Oooh, that would be awesome! Now you have me torn between prints or shirts. Maybe I'll just have to buy both?
I was never good at doing prints, haha. But you should make a bunch! I'll spam all my friends and make them buy your stuff!
We build handheld spectrometers at our location. There are like, multiple parts to the company but this is what we handle, haha. I mainly do prepwork for the instruments (like building the LCD displays and housings), but I also have to test how much radiation comes off the instruments to make sure it's safe for customers, as well as collect data to calibrate them correctly. :P They've also recently had me start building the X-Ray source that generates the X-Ray beam, which is pretty rad. ;) How they let me do this without a degree Ill never quite get but LMAO. Perks of knowing the production lead guy, I guess?
I don't think you need a goal per say. That's the cool thing about the internet is there are so many different ways to network that you can get clients pretty easily and then build things from there, you know? Was your degree in graphic design?
Yeah, small town life can be a drag sometimes, haha. Would you want to go East or West or anything specific?
Oooh, that would be awesome! Now you have me torn between prints or shirts. Maybe I'll just have to buy both?

I was never good at doing prints, haha. But you should make a bunch! I'll spam all my friends and make them buy your stuff!
We build handheld spectrometers at our location. There are like, multiple parts to the company but this is what we handle, haha. I mainly do prepwork for the instruments (like building the LCD displays and housings), but I also have to test how much radiation comes off the instruments to make sure it's safe for customers, as well as collect data to calibrate them correctly. :P They've also recently had me start building the X-Ray source that generates the X-Ray beam, which is pretty rad. ;) How they let me do this without a degree Ill never quite get but LMAO. Perks of knowing the production lead guy, I guess?
I don't think you need a goal per say. That's the cool thing about the internet is there are so many different ways to network that you can get clients pretty easily and then build things from there, you know? Was your degree in graphic design?
Yeah, small town life can be a drag sometimes, haha. Would you want to go East or West or anything specific?
@chai: I don't think I've ever seen something of yours that I don't like. It's always super awesome!
I reaaalllly love when you do things related with skulls. Though I'm biased. :vanora_xd:
Will you be doing character stuff?
I'd say both
But I haven't personally looked too hard at the shirt prices. Though they have more than just that. There's also bags and decor, and random other things. Here is a link to my account if you want to check it out some. And when you want prints, just message me and I'll look at pricing for that, too. If I do them myself, they won't be huge, normal letter size, a4 and lower.
Wooaaahh cool science stuff! I wouldn't care for the production part of it, personally, but doing tests and generating x-ray stuff sounds a lot more interesting! And maybe a little dangerous. .O. Is it dangerous?
Basically anywhere with more of an arthub is where I'd like to go. Technically somehow even more south wouldn't be terrible in that idea, cause Austin and Houston arn't bad for artists. And I have online friends both in the east and the west. And yep, it was a Graphic Design degree. I got to do a ton of studio art, too. I was even close to getting a comic studies minor because I liked overloading my classes hours apparently :vanora_sick:
I reaaalllly love when you do things related with skulls. Though I'm biased. :vanora_xd:
Will you be doing character stuff?
I'd say both

Wooaaahh cool science stuff! I wouldn't care for the production part of it, personally, but doing tests and generating x-ray stuff sounds a lot more interesting! And maybe a little dangerous. .O. Is it dangerous?
Basically anywhere with more of an arthub is where I'd like to go. Technically somehow even more south wouldn't be terrible in that idea, cause Austin and Houston arn't bad for artists. And I have online friends both in the east and the west. And yep, it was a Graphic Design degree. I got to do a ton of studio art, too. I was even close to getting a comic studies minor because I liked overloading my classes hours apparently :vanora_sick:
@Nalight: Haha, I like things with skulls too!
And sorta kinda. Not really, though haha. At least not at the moment? I don't know if it'll ever change but it's at least good practice. :O
AW JEEZ SO MANY OPTIONS I'm gonna be soooo broke here soon LMFAO. I want everything. :vanora_cry:
I'll have to figure out which ones I'd want a print of. It's gonna be a hard decision honestly, hahaha!
Yeah, the productions stuff can be pretty repetitive, but it's nice for the most part! The engineers come talk to me about stuff sometimes and try to explain all of it in ways I'd understand but it tends to go over my head most of the time LOL. And yeah, there's a risk. We have to wear special rings and badges that sorta absorb radiation so they get sent in and analyzed to see if we get exposed to too much. Though, it's typically very small doses of it. There have been times I've accidentally blasted my hand with a pretty high concentration of radiation though, so... :vanora_xd: If I grow an extra finger I'll sell it on ebay or something I guess.
Nice! You're already pretty far south right now, aren't you? I was gonna say if you wanted to go north you could go to Portland, haha. That's a town full of art and hipsters and people who will offer you meth when you ask for directions.
Do Houston and Austin have a pretty big art scene? I guess I tend to only hear about the West coast stuff more than anything. But it's cool that you'd have options for somewhere pretty close!
Oooh, comic studies? What's that? :o
Ah man, I hope that didn't stress you out too much!
And sorta kinda. Not really, though haha. At least not at the moment? I don't know if it'll ever change but it's at least good practice. :O
AW JEEZ SO MANY OPTIONS I'm gonna be soooo broke here soon LMFAO. I want everything. :vanora_cry:
I'll have to figure out which ones I'd want a print of. It's gonna be a hard decision honestly, hahaha!
Yeah, the productions stuff can be pretty repetitive, but it's nice for the most part! The engineers come talk to me about stuff sometimes and try to explain all of it in ways I'd understand but it tends to go over my head most of the time LOL. And yeah, there's a risk. We have to wear special rings and badges that sorta absorb radiation so they get sent in and analyzed to see if we get exposed to too much. Though, it's typically very small doses of it. There have been times I've accidentally blasted my hand with a pretty high concentration of radiation though, so... :vanora_xd: If I grow an extra finger I'll sell it on ebay or something I guess.
Nice! You're already pretty far south right now, aren't you? I was gonna say if you wanted to go north you could go to Portland, haha. That's a town full of art and hipsters and people who will offer you meth when you ask for directions.

Oooh, comic studies? What's that? :o
Ah man, I hope that didn't stress you out too much!
Well no matter what it is you make, I'm sure it'll be great!
Yeah I uploaded several versions. And even some older skulls I painted that were not in my art show. All of my big prints from that had gotten sold.
Oh my gosh to selling your finger on Ebay. :vanora_xd: Too funny! I'm sure they have some sort of like treatment or something if you end up getting to much, though? All of those science precautions and tools in class is calling out to me. Like equipment and eyewash stations lol.
Yeah I'm already in Arkansas. One more state down is either Louisiana or Texas. Oh I think New Orleans is pretty neat. And I know Austin has a decent art scene for being in the south. Idk super know about the rest. San Antonio (I accidentally said Houston) has a studio school that I know several studio majors go for their masters. But yeah far east and far west have much more, I'm sure.
Comic Studies is a random minor that my college has :vanora_sun:
Two of the professors are real into comics. They've written books about the, gone to cons and a handful of other things. And somehow got Comic Studies as a legit minor track of study. Teaches you about the history of comics, art related things, purposes and usefulness of the medium, things like that depending on the courses you take. I've known a few people get to go to the San Diego comic con and be on a panel for their studies.
Well no matter what it is you make, I'm sure it'll be great!
Yeah I uploaded several versions. And even some older skulls I painted that were not in my art show. All of my big prints from that had gotten sold.
Oh my gosh to selling your finger on Ebay. :vanora_xd: Too funny! I'm sure they have some sort of like treatment or something if you end up getting to much, though? All of those science precautions and tools in class is calling out to me. Like equipment and eyewash stations lol.
Yeah I'm already in Arkansas. One more state down is either Louisiana or Texas. Oh I think New Orleans is pretty neat. And I know Austin has a decent art scene for being in the south. Idk super know about the rest. San Antonio (I accidentally said Houston) has a studio school that I know several studio majors go for their masters. But yeah far east and far west have much more, I'm sure.
Comic Studies is a random minor that my college has :vanora_sun:
Two of the professors are real into comics. They've written books about the, gone to cons and a handful of other things. And somehow got Comic Studies as a legit minor track of study. Teaches you about the history of comics, art related things, purposes and usefulness of the medium, things like that depending on the courses you take. I've known a few people get to go to the San Diego comic con and be on a panel for their studies.
-pops back in randomly to toss around some more luck dust- :vanora_sun:
@Dragoness129: -rolls around in the luck dust-
Thank you, sweet luck fairy <3
Thank you, sweet luck fairy <3
You are very welcome. ^_^
So how are you today?
@Nalight: They're so nice.... were the skull pieces for like a final project sort of thing?
Uh, I think they just make you retire from the company or something? I know that's how it is at the nuclear plant in town, haha. Too much radiation exposure = lifetime of money and never having to work again. I was supposed to take some radiation safety test before being allowed to do stuff but apparently hey thought I'd be fine? Hahaha! (Thankfully one of the engineers made a safety thing that won't allow a test fixture to produce x-rays outside of its little containment box cuz I almost gave myself a nice healthy dose of radiation today :vanora_sick: )
New Orleans would be a cool place! (I'd worry about flooding though. Although Texas got pretty beat up by Harvey, oof! The whole coastline is just taking hit after hit this year, yowzers.) It seems like a very cultural and artsy place! :> You should try visiting there and San Antonio if you ever get the chance and see if you'd like going there, maybe?
You could always move to LA! I know a TON of art grads who live out there, haha. It's a pretty nice place.
Whoooooa! That sounds so cool! I'd love taking at least a class on comic studies. Getting a degree in it would be pretty awesome too!
Uh, I think they just make you retire from the company or something? I know that's how it is at the nuclear plant in town, haha. Too much radiation exposure = lifetime of money and never having to work again. I was supposed to take some radiation safety test before being allowed to do stuff but apparently hey thought I'd be fine? Hahaha! (Thankfully one of the engineers made a safety thing that won't allow a test fixture to produce x-rays outside of its little containment box cuz I almost gave myself a nice healthy dose of radiation today :vanora_sick: )
New Orleans would be a cool place! (I'd worry about flooding though. Although Texas got pretty beat up by Harvey, oof! The whole coastline is just taking hit after hit this year, yowzers.) It seems like a very cultural and artsy place! :> You should try visiting there and San Antonio if you ever get the chance and see if you'd like going there, maybe?
You could always move to LA! I know a TON of art grads who live out there, haha. It's a pretty nice place.
Whoooooa! That sounds so cool! I'd love taking at least a class on comic studies. Getting a degree in it would be pretty awesome too!
@chai: Yeah to graduate we have to have senior gallery shows. We pay for everything including making the artwork, frames (hella expensive), food, show cards, vinyl, etc. We then have our date set and invite people to the opening or closing reception. Mingle, sell stuff, things like that. It's a pretty big thing.
Woah, so much radiation related stuff in your town! You gotta be careful! :vanora_sick: I'd still love you if you had a few extra fingers and toes, though. No worries ;)
Yeah that far down south has me a little hesitant now with all this hurricane stuff. I have friends down there and I've seen what they've been going through to avoid it. Then when they go back, everything is totally lost. I would hate that. And yes, visiting places would be a great idea! And I've always wanted to visit more places like LA, so great suggestions! First step-- better working car!
I think you would do great in a comic-related class! Have you ever drew comic-related stuff before? Seems like you could do some pretty cool work.
Woah, so much radiation related stuff in your town! You gotta be careful! :vanora_sick: I'd still love you if you had a few extra fingers and toes, though. No worries ;)
Yeah that far down south has me a little hesitant now with all this hurricane stuff. I have friends down there and I've seen what they've been going through to avoid it. Then when they go back, everything is totally lost. I would hate that. And yes, visiting places would be a great idea! And I've always wanted to visit more places like LA, so great suggestions! First step-- better working car!
I think you would do great in a comic-related class! Have you ever drew comic-related stuff before? Seems like you could do some pretty cool work.
GUUH just thinking of how expensive the frames were has me cringing!
It's a pretty cool concept, though! Is it open to the public as well? Like is the community pretty supportive of the art students there?
And, of course, was it FUN?
Hahah, no kidding! If a nuclear war ever happens I'll be over here like "Been there. :vanora_sun: "
Maybe I'll become like those lizards that can regrow body parts? That'd be a pretty cool party trick.
Do you get any weird weather from the hurricane? I know they come pretty far inland, but I wasn't sure how far. But yeah, it's super sad hearing about all of that stuff. :( Especially the little islands. This is like, what, the third hurricane hitting them within the week?!
I'd suggest you come north and hang with me, but there's nothing to do where I live, haha. But yeah, I've thought about LA a few times! It's so warm down there. :vanora_heart:
I've tried doing comics but haven't ever gotten too far with them, haha. Hope to start and keep up with a webcomic within the year, though. Just sorta depends on how my schedule is. Maybe I can find some sort of comic studies class sorta locally that could help me with hat!
It's a pretty cool concept, though! Is it open to the public as well? Like is the community pretty supportive of the art students there?
And, of course, was it FUN?
Hahah, no kidding! If a nuclear war ever happens I'll be over here like "Been there. :vanora_sun: "
Maybe I'll become like those lizards that can regrow body parts? That'd be a pretty cool party trick.
Do you get any weird weather from the hurricane? I know they come pretty far inland, but I wasn't sure how far. But yeah, it's super sad hearing about all of that stuff. :( Especially the little islands. This is like, what, the third hurricane hitting them within the week?!
I'd suggest you come north and hang with me, but there's nothing to do where I live, haha. But yeah, I've thought about LA a few times! It's so warm down there. :vanora_heart:
I've tried doing comics but haven't ever gotten too far with them, haha. Hope to start and keep up with a webcomic within the year, though. Just sorta depends on how my schedule is. Maybe I can find some sort of comic studies class sorta locally that could help me with hat!
@chai: It was open to whoever wanted to come! The more, the better, actually. We get graded on pretty much everything, which includes creating the successful event. Facebook was pretty useful for that! We were also suppose to do like newspaper release stuff, but we slacked on that. And it was pretty fun! A little stressful, but fun. Due to time restraints, we had dual shows. And one of my best art department friends was my partner, so we had a good time.
That would be a terrifying party trick! "Hey look guys!" -chops off hand- SCREAMS "haha just kidding, it grows back, see?" EVIL TRICK
Surprisingly we didn't get really any bad weather. And I feel so bad. I can't believe this many hurricanes are going back to back. It's terrible. I expected at least some rain from it, but it's been pretty chill, here, luckily. Nothing out of the ordinary, really.
-packs a backpack- On my way. You're in Washington, yeah? I forget.
If you do a webcomic, you have to send me a link! I'd love to follow it. I'd cheer you on the whole time! I've also tried doing a few things here and there but nothing ever really kept going, though xD
That would be a terrifying party trick! "Hey look guys!" -chops off hand- SCREAMS "haha just kidding, it grows back, see?" EVIL TRICK
Surprisingly we didn't get really any bad weather. And I feel so bad. I can't believe this many hurricanes are going back to back. It's terrible. I expected at least some rain from it, but it's been pretty chill, here, luckily. Nothing out of the ordinary, really.
-packs a backpack- On my way. You're in Washington, yeah? I forget.
If you do a webcomic, you have to send me a link! I'd love to follow it. I'd cheer you on the whole time! I've also tried doing a few things here and there but nothing ever really kept going, though xD
@Nalight: Nice! How many people attended your thing roughly?
That must have been the best to have a good friend as your partner, haha. It probably helped remove a lot of the stress. Do you two have pretty similar interests art wise?
It would be the best trick! Especially for child parties. Like, it brings a whole new meaning to that "got your nose!" joke.
I would have thought you'd at least get some rain from it. But good that you didn't get any bad weather!
And yeah, it's absolutely terrifying how many are rolling through there! And it's even worse that the airlines are jacking up prices because "seats filled up, waah!" Like charge $3k for a plane ticket to get people to safety, you're an asshole, not a "victim". >:I
Yep, Washington! Though you'd probably wanna wait until the state isn't on fire anymore, haha!
I'll be sure to! :D But you have to do the same!
Which reminds me...do you have a tumblr/dA that you post art on? I tink I deleted old accounts and don't remember if you had one or not LOL.
That must have been the best to have a good friend as your partner, haha. It probably helped remove a lot of the stress. Do you two have pretty similar interests art wise?
It would be the best trick! Especially for child parties. Like, it brings a whole new meaning to that "got your nose!" joke.
I would have thought you'd at least get some rain from it. But good that you didn't get any bad weather!
And yeah, it's absolutely terrifying how many are rolling through there! And it's even worse that the airlines are jacking up prices because "seats filled up, waah!" Like charge $3k for a plane ticket to get people to safety, you're an asshole, not a "victim". >:I
Yep, Washington! Though you'd probably wanna wait until the state isn't on fire anymore, haha!
I'll be sure to! :D But you have to do the same!
Which reminds me...do you have a tumblr/dA that you post art on? I tink I deleted old accounts and don't remember if you had one or not LOL.
@dragoness129: I watch Once Upon a Time :)
Not sure how good this next season will be, though.
@chai: Oh man I have no idea how many people. A large amount of the art department, people from the clubs I was in, family and friends from both of us. So a lot. Gotta stand and mingle for like 4 hours xD
And yeah we have pretty similar interests, especially with the art show. Both the same degree. Both were working with animals (his were alive and mine were dead), a coloring book, and watercolor/digital stuff. There was no one else we really wanted to be partnered with since our show was one of the most cohesive.
Nooooooooo you're killing me :vanora_xd: That would be the worst/best joke ever. I'd just cry. Heck, I did cry when someone took my nose for the first time as a kid.
I head one line at least was having special lower rate tickets out of Florida. I know people are also jacking up their gas prices. Terrible how people want to take advantage like that. Like, these people have it bad enough. Don't make it worse!
I have somehow never had a tumblr. I know I should make one. I have a DA account, but I don't really post on there much anymore. Already so many other things to update. Sometimes I think about uploading there again. Hmmmm
Not sure how good this next season will be, though.
@chai: Oh man I have no idea how many people. A large amount of the art department, people from the clubs I was in, family and friends from both of us. So a lot. Gotta stand and mingle for like 4 hours xD
And yeah we have pretty similar interests, especially with the art show. Both the same degree. Both were working with animals (his were alive and mine were dead), a coloring book, and watercolor/digital stuff. There was no one else we really wanted to be partnered with since our show was one of the most cohesive.
Nooooooooo you're killing me :vanora_xd: That would be the worst/best joke ever. I'd just cry. Heck, I did cry when someone took my nose for the first time as a kid.
I head one line at least was having special lower rate tickets out of Florida. I know people are also jacking up their gas prices. Terrible how people want to take advantage like that. Like, these people have it bad enough. Don't make it worse!
I have somehow never had a tumblr. I know I should make one. I have a DA account, but I don't really post on there much anymore. Already so many other things to update. Sometimes I think about uploading there again. Hmmmm
Good luck on your quest c:
@pixiebuns: Thank you so much!
And I really enjoy your black/yellow avi color scheme :)
And I really enjoy your black/yellow avi color scheme :)
• A Nalightful Quest •
• A Nalightful Quest •
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Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.