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Forums Wonderland Ch. 12 Queen's Court

Npc — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/29 21:49:46 )

Chapter Eleven


Npc — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/29 21:49:52 )

Spark is on trial for a crime he claims he didn’t commit
He’s going to need your help if he wants to keep his head!
The Wonderland court system seems to be very strange...
Help question witnesses and build a case
Prove his innocence AND find the guilty party involved!


This is a group activity and it will require you to communicate.
At certain times NPC will be called to the stand to give their testimony
During this time, you will have an hour to ask them any question you like
Use it wisely! Gather as much information as you can
And try to watch for inconsistencies to call them out on!
At the end of the event, you will vote to accuse who you think is guilty.
Hint: The information you gathered yesterday was important
Revisit it to help you build this case


All participants will be granted a FREE Queen of Hearts EI
Additional copies will be available in Joyful Jamboree for purchase with Mushrooms

Npc — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/04/29 21:50:01 )

Spark was shoved into the stand, huffing and preening his feathers with his hands before looking up at his brother with a confused expression, “So was the mouse all the evidence you got me for? I don’t know that guy!”

“You’ll do well not to address the jury and address me instead, Knave, or I’ll behead you on the spot,” The Queen scowled, before shaking her head, “Speak, Knave. Confess to your theft!”

Spark shook his head, “Hey hey now for the last time! I didn’t steal anything alright?” He sighed, shaking his head in disbelief, before putting his hands on his hips, “I borrowed the thing okay? Sheesh, get it right guys!”

Instantly a loud murmur erupted from the audience, causing Static face to drain of colour, now worried for his brother’s life.

“Hey folks! Wait up! I’m not guilty of anything here! I was going to give the sceptre back, right? Safe and sound just like I left it! But I needed it to help my little sister!” he pointed out to Frizz, “Ever since we got here she’s been stuck like that! So I left her outside and followed the magic pull to the wand thing! It would have just taken 5 seconds but uhh… Well…” He hesitated, rubbing the back of his head with a laugh, “When I returned outside… She was gone. And she was more important to me than good manners you know so… I kind of forgot about the wand and left it on the ground to go look for her. After that it’s not on me!”

What Would You Like to Ask?


The Broken Sceptre: The top is missing and the base looks heavily shattered/splintered. It’s not a clean break, while most of the base stayed intact, many small pieces broke off. Assumed smashed.
Feathers: A golden feather was found in the Queen’s royal chambers. Assumed a wing feather.
White Fluff: A small piece of fluff was found by the scene of the broken sceptre. Assumed a down feather.


A disembodied grin appeared on the stand, “On the day of the incident, I was rather busy, incidentally. I was tending to the hedge maze and to my luck, I had not one, not two, not twenty-eight, but three visitors that day,” A pair of bright eyes appeared over her shining grin, shifting towards Static, “And to your luck, all three are present here today. It began with the bird and the pig, who I may add, cheated in my maze. Not very trustworthy, are they…?”

Her body appeared in the stand, crossing her legs as she pointed to Static, “He appeared much later, but I would not have been able to catch him if I was out causing mischief. Petty theft isn’t my style, you see.”

What Would You Like to Ask?


The Rabbit walked up to the stand, slumping in his seat, “Hey.”

“Straighten up and pay your proper respect, servant!” The Queen shouted, causing The Rabbit to grimace but straighten himself out immediately. He seemed subtly displeased as the Queen continued, “Good. Continue, but take this seriously or I will have your head!”

“Yes, Your Highness,” The Rabbit put on airs, stiffly bowing his head to her before continuing, “The day started rough and it made me be late to work. First my watch was busted, then I decided to help out a tourist here,” He nodded to Static, “He helped me out first so hey, least I can do right? Heh. He had some trouble keepin’ up but I lead him right to the castle. Nothin’ more to it.”

What Would You Like to Ask?


The Hatter wheeled up to the stand, a teacup in her hand as she waved to the crowd cheerfully, ”Hello! I hope you don’t mind, but we are missing tea right now,” she said as she took a sip, humming thoughtfully.

“At the time of the incident, I believe the Hare and the Dormouse were visiting my home. The Hare had it in his mind that me telling him that this statement is false made it true, but as I told him, I said it was false so it had to be false! And as you can understand we had to dedicate some time to resolve that issue. My, we took so long that we were late to our own unbirthday party! Imagine!” She laughs, before shaking her head, “After that we ventured to the woods to the table, and the festivities had us too busy to be stealing sceptres. I’ll add, the only thing we broke was the fine china and this young man’s determination to find his siblings, briefly,” The Hatter signaled to Static with a laugh, “Oh we had him doing riddles for hours…”

What Would You Like to Ask?


The Dormouse approaches the stand, yawning,
“Hello…” He smiled, looking around to all the expectant faces in the crowd, “What is this?”

“You’re on the stand as a witness!” The Queen huffed, lifting her chin,
“We have received word that you have an alibi for this Knave?”

The Dormouse blinked, staring at Spark for a long time before shaking his head, “I’ve never seen him before today… Humm….” He pauses, tapping his chin as he thought, “When this happened I was napping at The Hatter’s House and then we had a big party with lots of good food,” He held his arms out with a smile, before beginning to ramble “The Hare’s my good friend and he made sure to give me a lot of goodies but I mostly slept because they were fighting about words I didn’t understand but it was nice to be included anyway. They love ribbles a lot so they played those with the tall blue man. Then I went back to sleep. It was a good day.”

What Would You Like to Ask?

Npc — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/12 14:25:50 )

Static looked around frantically as the crowd, before his eyes settled on The Card Knight, who seemed almost pleased as she watched The Queen tantrum. Static sighed, unhappy about suspecting one he thought of as a friend, but it made sense. She was a master of sleight of hand, and she did get close to him on several occasions. She had every opportunity to plant the evidence, and with her resentment of the Queen, a solid motive as well.

“Wait!” The Guardian called out, holding out the heart in his palm. Everyone stopped for a moment, almost shrinking away in fear of its power, “I did not take this… And I believe… It was the Card Knight who planted this on me.”

“Is this true?” The Queen shouted, her cheeks flushed in outrage.

The Card Knight sighed, almost seeming disappointed as she held her hands out, shaking her head, “I thought we were closer than that Static. I supposed I thought wrong…” She gazed over to the Queen, smiling softly, “No your Highness, it is not true. I was in the gardens, painting your flowers white for hours, it would have been impossible for me. Behead me for that if you will, but I won’t die for a crime I didn’t commit,” She frowned, looking to Static coldly.

“Ah…” Static’s ears dropped, opening his mouth to apologize. He never had the chance as the Queen’s voice rang over his own.


There was a rush of movement, as guards and citizens alike dove in towards Static. He floated up, trying to avoid the hands reaching for him as he rushed towards his siblings. In that frantic moment he decided, if he was going to have to die, he wanted to be by their side, “Brother! Sister!” he called, reaching out for Spark’s hand and lifting Frizz into his arms.

“H-hey! Who woulda thought it ends like this?” Spark laughed shakily, “After all we’ve been through, I--!!”

They let out a collective gasp. As the crowd was inches from piling on top of them, the ground beneath their feet gave out, Spark’s fall tugging down the levitating Static and Frizz as well. They tumbled, falling deep down the dark tunnel before landing on cold dirt below.

“Hey, need a hand?” The White Rabbit smiled faintly, tilting his head, “Come on, get up and follow me. I’ll get you all out of here and back home safe, huh?”

“You… I…” Static sighed, composing himself as he stood, “Thank you.. We owe you our lives.”

“Yeah no problem,” The Rabbit said as he began to run forward, glancing back over his shoulder, “Oh, one last thing though... I was the one who did it. Sorry, buddy.”

(UPDATE! Thread is still open for participation! Try to figure out motives, discuss the lore, speculate tomorrow, or chat! ALL PARTICIPANTS IN THIS THREAD WILL BE GRANTED A FREE QUEEN OF HEARTS EI. Offer ends at 12 PM Voltra Time tomorrow, when grants will be handed out and thread will be closed.)

Voltie — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/12 17:00:40 )
Whooo, Velvet!

Donator — He Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/12 17:01:01 )
Omg dat hair o:

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/12 17:01:35 )

Omg I freaking love that hair and everything xD velvet looks amazing!!


Voltie — they/them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/12 17:02:03 )
Aww this looks great, but I'm probably not gonna be back before it's over :(

Good luck, guys!
Sean, 25, they/them
avatar art by godawful

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/12 17:03:09 )

Hmmm what's with that Sceptre


Voltie — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/12 17:05:43 )
Hmm...hard to choose what to ask about. I'd like to ask about that white fluff, actually...since it said the information gathered yesterday...and the Cat's hint was to find the rabbit....they only said it was "assumed" to be a down feather...perhaps it isnt.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/12 17:06:06 )
Ask about the broken scepter

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/12 17:07:19 )

That's quite true ;u; let's go with the fluff ^-^


Npc — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/12 17:07:23 )
@rainbowpanda: The sceptre is a very valued and powerful object, passed down for generations. It should only remain in the hands of those qualified and revered enough to handle it, dear. That is why it was in my possession and should have remained there.

She shoots a cold look to Spark.

Npc — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/12 17:14:26 )

@dipper: "People say I come and go in an instant, but I have nothing on the Rabbit. He comes attached with an on and off switch, when he's not napping he's as quick as lightning, you know... It makes me wonder what he gets up to when he's out of sight... As for white fluff, feather and fur aren't my specialty. That said, I hear The Hatter serves a special tea..." She purrs playfully.

@ashrae: "Hmm... Everyone knows how much the Queen values her sceptre. You would have to be foolish to try to steal it. I'm surprised anyone was able to, considering how heavily that room is guarded... You would need to have some way of sneaking in unseen, I would think...?" Valentina's eyes shift to Spark, "And I do remember someone being very sneaky when it comes to heights..."

Npc — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/12 17:15:52 )
Spark chuckles nervously as he receives so many accusing stares.

Voltie — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/12 17:19:17 )
@Valentina: You say you only had three visitors in your maze that day. So where was the White Rabbit if Static was trying to follow him?
Did he not count as a visitor? Did he go through the maze at all, and if not, how did Static end up by you?

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/12 17:21:30 )
Hello everyone! ;v;
Oh, so we're basically lawyers now
ok so guys i missed a part of yesterday's chapter, anything important we should know? o:

Sorry if Reply late!
Please ping me!


Donator — He Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/12 17:23:29 )
I m completely lost xD
So whats so special about the tea?
If you are interested in it, why didnt you come to the tea party?

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/12 17:23:47 )

Well if the room was heavily guarded then you'd have to be able to be invisible to sneak in..and you are able to be invisible are you not Cheshire


Voltie — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/12 17:26:17 )
[align=center]These are yesterday's clues:

Tea party -
im in the teapot

Dormouse -
return to the castle

And i have to run now, dinnertime rip
"I'm the loser of the game you didn't know you were playing."

Ping me for a response.

"Someday, somewhere, somehow..."

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