— They/Them
Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/13 01:40:40 )
Lyle smirked and shook his head. Girls were very complicated creatures. Complicated but absolutely breathtaking. Well, some of them anyway. He thought of Claudette and shuddered. She was one of the exceptions. "Aria please, I wouldn't want you catching a cold or dying just to see me. I'm not that impressive. I mean, I am but still." He chuckled. "I want to see what's going on, or to hear it anyway. The suspense is killing me." Lyle sipped his coffee and looked at Aria. "Aria, could you do me a favor?" He asked.
"You're never going to let me forget about this are you sir?" Amalia asked, crossing her arms across her chest. A little upset. "No I am not. Unless honestly forget about it which I doubt. I'm old, but I'm not that old either. I just hope you don't go doing this again. You scared your poor aunt and honestly..." Troy blushed and shook his head. "Well..j-just don't be so foolish again. I'm flattered though but you shouldn't risk your health just to see me." He said quietly. This sounded wrong, as if he didn't want her to visit him. Or that's the way Amalia had taken it anyway. She frowned and looked down at her feet. "I'm sorry." She whispered, not even looking at him now. "I should go. I made it here, I'm sure I can make it home."