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Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 04:19:04 )
@kjemi: SERIOUSLY. I don't know if it's just because they started earlier or what?? Like, I don't know. I wish I started earlier, but my parents always thought that art was kinda dumb?
Hahah. Like from those "how to draw anime" things? xD Those are my favorite! I got a "how to draw chibis" book and I think that's what got me into drawing chibis. When I got into drawing, my family then pushed me into drawing something realistic, but I couldn't pick it up. It killed me.
They should, but I don't think they will. Oh no, you do need to pay for it! It's like $500 or something. q vq ;;; It's either that or you take the 5 hour course when you're older than 18.

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 06:08:34 )
@Yuracye: I don't know...maybe? I have been drawing as long as I can remember, but didn't do it serious til I was 13 ;u;... Wow...really? Art is so nice tohugh.
Omg yes... exactly...I bought a book but now when I look at it...the art is worse than mine...I cringe so much.. My parents didn't really take an interest at all so I was always on my own..but they didn't discourage me. Wow but you can avoid paying 500??? Here no matter how old you are you gotta take around 80 hours and its expensive... I'd need to sell a kidney or something.

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 07:14:28 )
@kjemi: Ahhhhh, pretty similar to me then, eh? Well, they never got past high school, so they sorta pushed me through schooling and all. They wanted me in a quick, decent paying job. sobs. Then I went into teaching which is a highly populated field right now. Super competitive too. TT ___ TT
I like art a lot, but I guess there aren't many careers for it unless you're amazing.

YES OMG. I'm like... whelp no. I suppose it's different styles, but still I can't believe I tried to copy off of it.
I think you can, as long as you're over 18 or something? Idk, you'd have to search it up I guess. Might be different in certain states? q vq ;;;
That does sound like a lot though. Dang.

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 07:24:25 )
@Yuracye: Ahh I can relate. I never thought of using art as a job, but my parents want me to go to university and get a job as fast as possible...or they did before at least haha ;u; haa.... And wow I didn't know teaching was so popular! It's.. good but sucks if you're looking for a job
I'm now trying to do more of a realistic style ;u; but struggling to transition cause of noses... ..those darn fiends!
Ahh the States are an interesting place.. ;u;

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 09:25:37 )
@kjemi: Yepppp. That sounds pretty much the same on my end. x ___ x a
Well it's competitive where I am at least. Maybe not so much elsewhere, but there's a two (sometimes three) step interview process that people need to go through before getting the job. Though getting the first interview is the hard part. x __ x ;;
SERIOUSLY. I can't do anything relatively realistic if I tried. |||OTL. I think noses and hands are what really get me tho. noses are just rough. ;;
Indeed they are. xD

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 18:13:32 )
@Yuracye: Ahhh I see. It does sound pretty rough @o@ But I suppose it's good for the kids to get good teachers? Still wow...I hope when I'm done and looking for a more long term job that it's not that rough ;u;
It's really hard! Because even if you know how to draw, you can't really make it look right? And like noses just make it look very unattractive (at least in my case) but looks weird without one ;A; and hands..oh god hands...I do try to draw them now! I don't avoid them, they just don't look good haha

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 20:45:34 )
@kjemi: Yeah. Well the problem is there's a lot of teachers who get tenure and then sit there and do nothing because their job is safe. I mean, it's good, but there's also good teachers but the test scores end up ruining their career. There's only so much you can do with teaching the curriculum and the kids to get and memorize everything. We're all going to gosh darn try tho. ;;;
YES OMG. I can't draw noses for my life, which is why I generally leave them out. xD Even noses that I've seen on other art pieces, I try to replicate and it doesn't look like it at all. Ugh.
LMAO. I drew something last night and I literally re-drew is at least 20 times. It turned out really nice though.

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 20:52:08 )
@Yuracye: Ok that is really lame... Is a teacher job that well paid?? I always thought people that go for teacher jobs cared for kids .. at least most of the time ;u; And yeah from what I gather sometimes the curriculum is just too big for kids to manage learning all of it..
Ikr? I like this cute button type of nose I see others draw but it never looks right when I try TuT 20 times? Yikes.... but I'm glad it turned out nice >U<

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 21:03:01 )
@kjemi: It's good enough to live off of, I suppose. q vq; It's about $40k/yr to start? Then there's really good health benefits. I'm into the field because I care about the kids, that's about it. ;; The curriculum is just really in-depth now and I don't think a lot of the kids can really grasp it? It's one thing to know the material or memorize it, but learning in-depth things are a lot for a 5/6 year old to learn especially when they're already trying to write and read and well everything.
YES. I love the cute little button nose. TT __ TT I can never draw it right or it doesn't fit my drawing.
Thank you! * U* !!

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 21:10:14 )
@Yuracye: That seems pretty okay *o* and mostly health benefits are important. Teachers gotta stay healthy so the kids can learn. If a teacher is often absent, well...the kids won't learn much. Ahh poor kids ;A; I know when I was a tiny kiddo I hate learning and studying. I just wanted to relax, watch cartoons.
The struggle is real...who KNOSE when we'll be able to master the art....was that a bad joke?

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 21:19:49 )
@kjemi: Just tried to ping myself. |||OTL

Yeah, I think health benefits are really important. ;;; Especially when you're in a school setting with kids who don't cover coughs and whatnot. x ___ x
Substitues really depend on the person. Though if kids know they can get away with something, they know it. Thankfully there's two teachers and an assistant in every room where I'm going so if someone is absent, the other two can kinda pick up the slack.
u vu ///
LMAO. No it's perfect. You got golden stars for that. X D <3

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 21:26:37 )
@Yuracye: haha...happens to me too at times...
That's also true! I didn't think of that at are full of germs and not that good at protecting themselves, even if taught to wash hands and such. Oh wow so many people per class? That sounds amazing! Smart. wish things were like that everywhere @o@ more kids would get better grades and help
haha thank you. I love puns so when I see the chance. I take it ;u;

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 21:33:09 )
@kjemi: It's the first time I've done it on here. xD At least I check all threads that I've bookmarked. You know?
Akjfhadg. omg I didn't even realize how many germs are spread all over the place with little kids. Students/teachers are supposed to wash their hands when they enter the classroom, but it would take way too much time if I washed 12 kids hands and mine every time, so it generally doesn't get done. x ___ x ; Plus kids either don't wash their hands too well or take 5 minutes to pour water on their hands.
I do too. xD They have to be clever though.

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 21:35:57 )
@Yuracye: I hope they add a "History " option eventually ;u; it'd make my life so much easier...
Yeah.. it's easier not to think about it...makes you feel safer..although you're not really... But err I can understand why they don't if they all have to wash their hands at the same time. Staying in line is boring and probably takes up uneeded time from lessons. I was...just like those kids I think. I didn't really understand germs back then

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 21:42:32 )
@kjemi: Yeah, that would be nice. ;; I'm sure they will, but they'll need some time to edit the coding and whatnot. u vu //
XD I try and get them to wash their hands when I can, like after the playground and before eating. /shrugs. There's only so much I can do though. There's sort of a set routine. /flops.
There's only one sink too, and they need to climb a small stairs to wash their hands. Something should have been planned better. e ___ e ;;
I didn't either! I didn't know covering your mouth would be something so important either. Now I know that germs can spread and whatnot, but dang. So many germs all over.

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 21:53:56 )
@Yuracye: True! I bet they're quite busy now. And their work so far is super good ^u ^
Those are important times to wash hands! Specially before eating. And while boring, it is important to teach this at a young age because..I know I found it harder now to get used to washing my hands since i did it so little as a kid Q A Q
Wait they gotta climb stairs?!?? waaaaah.. that is badly planned.
Granted some germs are good :< but it's spooky.

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 22:09:49 )
@kjemi: Yes! I love it already. TT u TT I've never been this excited about an avatar site than this one since Syndrone tbh. I just.. I love everybody here new and old.
I KNOW. That's when I really try to get them to clean their hands, even if it's just sanitizer until they actually have food in their hands. You know?
When using bathroom time too, I always tell them to wash their hands, even if they're just sitting on the toilet for a second. > > ;; Not everyone does that, which is weird.
YEAH. It's like two steps, but they're pretty big which is annoying. The part that scares me the most is that they lean over to reach for the soap and paper towels and I just... I have a mini panic attack when I see them lean over. ;;;
It's good to have some germs, good point. I'd rather they not ingest them though. I mean, they're bound to put some toys in their mouth, but on food is not good.

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 22:33:53 )
@Yuracye: Ahh I same here.. granted I was only on Syn and no other site but yeah! Everyone here seems really cool! >u<
Smart idea. I feel like there should be idk, small anti-bac bottles in classrooms. Granted only where teachers can get them so they can clean their hands a bit faster. And most likely more effectively too.
Ahh I hope no one ever get's hurt!! Shame on whoever designed it!!
And yeah it's best not eat many things can go many things ;u;

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/9 23:14:47 )
@kjemi: Haha. I'm just excited because everyone is pretty much on the same page, you know? We're all fresh and new and want to get everything! Everyone here is so friendly already!! There hasn't been a thread where I post where someone doesn't say hello!!
There should be! I'm sure lot of parents are really cautious about using too much of it though. Some can get some neurotic. x __ x They were freaking out about the solar eclipse and it was only a partial.
I hope not either. x ___x The whole building was just made cheap. It's one of the bigger centers, so you'd think they would make sure everything was perfect. Guess not.
Ahhh. Especially when they're so young. I can't imagine what would happen to the babies in the younger rooms. /flops

TH | dA

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 00:16:03 )
@Yuracye: Yeah! And it feels like we're all equal too its hella nice. I wish I'd post more but I'm so easily distracted I'd forget I said something and not notice I got an answer a few hours later...
Ahh yeah, plus they'd need to be watched all the time so the kids don't sniff it or lick it... kids do weird things.
Wow... was it specifically made to be a school? Or was it something else before?
Oh yeah... I've never really looked after babies but gosh...

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