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Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 00:45:57 )
@kjemi: Yes! I mean, I haven't heard much from the admins on the site, but that could be because they're trying to be more professional?? Which is good too.
I do that all the time! XD Plus, I'm really only active in about 8 threads or so? And some of the people don't always have something to say when I type so not many opportunities to post, I suppose. u vu //
YEAH! Ugh. Kids are so gross sometimes. x ____ x ;; I've literally seen kids eat rocks off from the playground. Like what the heck.
It was a mattress center before from what I've heard? xD Which is funny, but still. They would have tried to make it more kid friendly.
I don't know how I'll ever be able to deal with babies tbh. They're just so fragile. I feel like I would hurt them just by holding them or laying them down. x ___ x

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 00:51:39 )
@Yuracye: I've seen them in some places ! They seem pretty cool and helpful!
8? That's alot..I'm active in ..maybe 3...and struggling with that already haaah ;u; It can be sometimes hard to improve a conversation, but it's good practice!
Oh wow....eww. I hope I didn't when I was a kid...but I probably did...
Wow.. a matress center...I would love to have naptime there *o* but yeah I think it would've been smart to at least fix it so its more kid friendly.
Yeah! I think someone asked if I wanted to hold a baby and I just panicked and when I held it for 1 sec I was like "take it back take it back PLEASE"

Donator — SENPAI Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 01:06:42 )
@kjemi: That's good!!
I think so. Two of them are game threads, but one doesn't post as much. It's thinking, and making up creative things. Hah.
I'm really only going to be able to post on the weekends soon. I can't be bothered to post on my cellphone for the most part. It takes too long to post and I can't see much on the smaller screen. |||OTL
Yeah, good point! I try and keep conversations going, but it's hard.
I'd like to think I was a clean kid, but you never know. If your teeth hurts, then you might try and chew on the toys. x ___ x
OH man. I can hold two year olds fine, even 18 months old, but for the most part Idk. Little ones make me panic. You'd need to hold their head and make sure you're not shaking them all it. It's just too stressful. @ ___ @

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 01:12:04 )
@Yuracye: Ahh makes sense...I considered making a thread for Mystic Messenger but then I was like...naah ;u; I couldn't keep it active enough.... tho I wish there was one. And aww, I can understand. I hate typing on my phone. I have to re-click a letter 30 times before it's the right one...
It is! It's like hi how are you and then you gotta try to think of something but usually one just feels lost.
Yeah ;u; I sometimes want to just chew on something when my teeth feel weird. So kids without compulsive control gotta chew on whatever they can.
It is! And also I would not like to be thrown up on or peed babies can't control it..and ugh... the thought alone makes me shudder.

Donator — She Posted 8 years ago ( 2017/09/10 01:39:59 )
Haha, well mostly its just me and Yuracye talking, but maybe you're right bout making a hangout ;u;... I'm just afraid it would be silent

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/10 03:01:13 )
@kjemi: Omg. I loved Mystic Messenger. q vq The characters were just... ugh so nice. *q*
SAME! My fingers are just too fat to hit some of the keys so I always mess up. akdjghdfg.
YES OMG. There's been so many times where I've tried to talk to people and they have no sense of me trying to take to them. It kills me on the inside sometimes. x ___ x The farthest I've usually gone with some people is like 4 posts, because they end up just not asking questions back or there's nothing to go off of.

Exactly! I didn't realize how crazy is was until I started working with kids. I mean, there's times where I want to chew on a hard pretzel or something, but I never thought like "hey, my teeth hurt, I'm going to bite a child because my teeth hurt." xD
I totally forgot about that. @ ____ @ I haven't really been peed on too many times (thank goodness), so I totally forgot about that. You'd think working with kids who are potty training would be more common, but my assistant usually gets peed on more than I do. xDD Poor gal.

AHH! I'd totally post in your hangout!!! MM would invite a lot of people in, I'm sure!!
And even if we're not talking about it, I'm sure we could find something to talk about!

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/10 03:15:31 )
@Yuracye: Ahh Mystic Messenger ruined my life...for the better of course haha.. I love the characters so much and ;u; Did you know V's route is out? I'm trying to get enough hourglasses to unlock it *o*
It's so annoying too because you think you hit right and then you see 20 words later "Oh no" so you try to go back but it refuses to click right then too ;u;
It's so haard when people do that...and I've met some people that are like "let's be friends" and..then never say anything else... Like ?? Hello Wah? tho ?
Please don't bite the children xD, i think you won't be able to keep your job if you do... And lucky that you don't..I imagine it's not a nice feeling @n@ plus smells bad for a long time. I hope your assistant gets more luck and less pee in the future.
Aww >u< thank you. I'll maybe try a hangout. Not a MM one but Im thinking maybe calling it the Chem Lab ..cause y'know my name means chemistry ;u;

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/10 03:28:41 )
@kjemi: I got super into it when I first heard about it, but then I started to get the bad endings for 707 and gave up. Sort of got dis-interested after reading the same story several times. x ___ x
NO???? I didn't even know he had a route? Wth. Tbh though, I probably missed out on so many things for that game, I just didn't want to have to look something up every time I played it. Probably also didn't help that I was at work for a lot of it, so I missed out on a lot of things. rip.
The game was really tricky if you didn't know how to play it. ;;; The choices were just to difficult. Ahhh.

YES. Either that or they just want stuff all the time. > >;; I guess people don't realize that that's not how friendship works? I'm not just constantly going to give you stuff because you want it. I give stuff for free at random because I want to, not because YOU want to. smh.

LMAO! I haven't... and don't plan on it. > > ;; Definitely way too many germs. Yuck. Plus, the parents sometimes don't wash their children every day.... definitely not taking that chance, that's for sure. @v@;;
Haha, I hope so too! Especially since I won't be there for much longer. /sighs.
Yeah, you should!!! Oh, that makes sense too. o:
I thought about making an Overwatch thread, but there's already a gaming one, so I suppose that counts towards it.

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/10 03:50:00 )
@Yuracye: Ahh I can understand. I used a guide all the time so I could get everyones good ends.... // I can't handle the idea of even getting a bad poor babies... Yeah it got released yesterday!!! And well you might've missed quite a bit...there was an april fools event special for Zen's birthday...there was christmas and valentines day. *o* and now...V's route... ahh I want to play it so bad. They were at times yeah! ;A; specially 707's route...
Ahh yeah those people ;A; it must be specially hard for really good artists because I bet so many people just want art ;A;. But yeah. There are also great people that are really good at conversations though >U< bless them
Oh yeah ...gross... plus kids love playing in mud or dirt...
Well..I suppose it does count in the gaming one but I think more specific ones are cool too..but wait isn't there already an overwatch thread ?? :o I thought I saw one

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/10 04:06:02 )
@kjemi: I wanted to use it towards the end, but having to look it up every time while at work was kinda strange. > > ;;
I got the bad end for Yoosung and was so upset omg. He's just so precious. ;;
Dang... I did miss out on a bunch of stuff though. I just got frustrated with it, I guess. @ ___ @ Akfjhakgjsth. I hope you're able to get it!! I'm sure it's even more difficult then 707's route, because I know his was really difficult. (or at least I thought so)

I'm sure it is. It's just... weird sometimes. I don't understand how you can meet someone once and be like "YEAH FRIENDS?" Like.. no I know nothing about you.

They really do. Makes me wonder sometimes. I don't know the enjoyment of making a mess. x ___ x
Going to look now. jhgklajfg,at

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/10 04:13:00 )
@Yuracye: omg no Yoosung is so precious I just want to protect him ;A; no bad am usually one that needs like to do everything. but I can't. I just can't get their bad ends. They deserve better. Well by the time I get my hands on V's route there will probably be a walkthrough e u e so I'll be safe hoho...goodbye sleep though. gotta be in ALL the chats.
Sometimes peopel get offended when you're like "um well.. we become friends like we don't just go 'friends?''friends' and actually are friends"... like conversation exists my people.
I don't either..I like things clean and organized...granted my organized may look messy to others but I always have a system in everything.

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/10 04:23:45 )
@kjemi: YESSS. AKjbaf. He was the first route that I did. He's so precious. ;;;;
I think I only managed to get his bad route, 707's a bajillion times, and Jaehee? I don't remember how to spell her name. I didn't get to the other ones. They do deserve better though. previous bbies.
Oh gosh, yeah. Usually people are all on top of that. There's a dating game that I play now and literally people are already half way through by the time I'm through the first chapter. They move fast. xD
You need to be in all the chats to make sure you get all those charm points... or whatever they're called. It's been awhile. orz.

... I don't even know how people are able to do that. You don't become friends with someone because you want something?? Makes me wonder how school life or home life is with some of these people.
@ w @;;

adkjdfg. YEs. I mean... my apartment is a mess but 50% is my fiance. Even more so now that he's away most of the day because he's taking care of his grandfather. > > ;

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/10 04:30:40 )
@Yuracye: He is! And like the ending just melts my wee heart...oh and the after ending..oh god.. Yoosung you wonderful boy. Jaehee...I wish was a bit more gay ;u; but hey... it was better than nothing. Yeah I am so glad they got it fixed *o* I can avoid wasting time to get the bad ends I don't want... Well I personally want them all because I just want to interact ;u; but to get a good end, you only need 50% + per day...
That's a good question! Like maybe it works as kids? Since kids have so much imagination, but as adults it's a bit more complicated. I hope they learn tho
;u; aww. Well when you live with others, it'll always be messier...

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/10 04:50:18 )
@kjemi: It does. akjghfsdkfg. I mean in some of the other stories things happen to him and you're like ???NOT MY YOOSUNG. Caught me off guard, ngl.
I was thinking the same thing! I mean, I'm glad there's an ending for her, but I kinda of wish it didn't just end after that. She's so overworked, the poor thing. Though Jumin is very.. nice yes. Ans Elizabeth III. TOO CUTE.I tried getting the hourglasses on interactions that I really wanted, but i feel like that messed up the reading sometimes. ||OTL.
But when you're bad at choosing choices like me, that 50% is really hard to get. xD Some of the endings I was seriously surprised about.

I suppose so, but generally both parties are like "YEAH WE ARE FRIENDS!" I had people that did that to me in high school. Like, I know who you are, but I don't know anything past knowing your name and that we went to the same elementary school?? Like wat.
I really hope they do too. Friends is a two-way street. Can't just expect everything to be handed to you, and you have to work hard at it too. q vq !!

True. xD I suppose living with two cats doesn't help either.

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/10 05:02:34 )
@Yuracye: yeah ;A; I just wanna protect him from all evil and ..kinda form Rika too cause damn girl has issues. And ahh Jaehee.. she was pretty good in the after ending so I'm happy bout that ;u; and the valentines ...ahh so cute.., Baehee. Jumin was...special... er... tbh I didn't recognize him with the new haircut in after story (I think ) I was like?? who dat? I've only gotten the good ones but I've heard of the bad endings and I heart... can't take it
Some odd people exist... ahh...I think I'd be a bit scared if someone came up to me like "LET'S BE FRIENDS " seems sketchy...veeeery sketchy.
You do! And friendship is messy too. Fights will happen and different opinions and some people think that's the end of the world!
Two cats? :vanora_heart: Goooals. I adore cats. I wish I could have one T uT

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/10 05:53:01 )
@kjemi: YES OMG. The whole story was just like "OMG NOOOO." The more I learned about it, the more upset and confused I got. Geez. I mean, I know they made the story so it was interesting, but still.
Hahaha. I didn't like the whole arrogant personality that he had because he made a lot of money, but there were some sweet points, also the whole loving Rika thing was upsetting. ;;
I don't remember a haircut omg. It's been too long... maybe I'll download it again. >> ;;; It is tempting.

I've had it happen on Gaia before. I mean, they sent me a request without ever talking to me and I'm like ??? who R U??? But, then again I did that before and I was close friends with them after that. ;;;
IRL is more ... interesting.

Yeah! You're not always going to agree on everything. people need to learn how to let certain things go, or make sure they go out of their way to help others. u vu //

YES! We're only supposed to have one... or well none really but they let the first one pass. We didn't tell them about the second one. ||OTL

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/10 06:03:48 )
@Yuracye: It was ;A; omg when I read the after story I was dying...I made such inhumane noises...its the first time I used real money for in game money. And yeah I was unsure bout Jumin... but I suppose I could understand him and in my mind MC made him a better person ;A; (much nicer to Jaehee) Oooh you should tottes get it again and try V's route...he gets such nice hair... :vanora_heart:
Ahhh that happens... on facebook its the worst like "who are did you find me?? what??are you a spam blog?"
Exactly! People forget that...people are people..y'know? People mess up. And people can't care 100% all the time bout everythng either.
Omfg... ;u; i hope you don't get caught ...ahh precious kitty cats.. What are they like?

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/10 06:54:20 )
@kjemi: YESSS. AJKHfh. Kills me on the inside a little bit. rip me.
I didn't like Jumin AT ALL when I started playing, but he grew on me slightly, I suppose. = 3= ;; Partially because of Elizabeth III, she is perfect cat, yes.
Yeah! I'm glad he's nicer to Jaehee a little bit. He gives her a small vacation at one point, right? He should do that more often. She works way too hard.
AKSJfhadslgjhth. MAN. THIS IS SO TEMPTING. Friciikkk.

YES OMG. This weekend alone, I've had 8 people from work add me. Like, I know I just put in my two weeks BUT DAMN. HOW DID YOU ALL FIND ME? I don't even have my last name on there- it's my fiances- Sneaky butts.

Don't I know it. It's extra rough when you're just trying to fit in somewhere too. Like high school, or starting a new job. It's just rough. ;;;
Hahaha. As long as we pay rent and keep the place clean, I'm sure they don't care. The second cat is pretty skittish/hides a lot so I doubt they'd even see him if they peeked in. xD
This is baby Magnus Two Three Four He's 6 months old right now. He was born on Valentine's day. He was originally named Valentino, but DON'T BE FOOLED. He's nowhere near as mushy like seen in the pictures! He's a plastic/paper towel eater and loves to wake us up at 3AM by running across the bed. xD We saved him from a shelter called "Last Hope" because.. well the name says it all. When he was a smol baby he got attacked by an older cat when he tried to eat his food, hence the eye. He'll need surgery down the road, but we're waiting until he's a little older.
Then there's my older baby, Dexter two three four five six
A friend saved him from Hurricane Sandy. Then we brought him in. He's about 5 years old now?? We don't know his exact birthday. He is good boy. minus him peeing on the floor the other day... He likes cuddles and sniffing our food- but doesn't touch b/c he is good boy. He's 1.5 lbs overweight but that is ok. /thumbs up.
..sorry for the long post i love my babies. TT ___ TT

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/10 07:07:11 )
@Yuracye: Well...let's face it , Elly is his best trait... and I suppose he's also nice when he went to talk to Zen in Zen's route~ Yeah he did! And I think he worked her less after he and MC end up together. Bless Jaehee...she's too perfect for this world. Tempts you ...well actually no. Would it get in the way your work? Cause if so then you shouldn't get it again ;u;
Those are some ninja co-workers... scary... no one should be able to find me since I have this completely bogus last name o-o people always give me looks haha when I tell them how to find me.
AHHHH my weak heart...the cuteness... oh god. Magnus is perfect and I hope he gets well...and Dexter...oh Dexter looks absolutely gorgeous... I love him him so much...good boi Dexter. And omg don't apologize. I love cats. I love hearing bout cats. Cats are

Check Out My Art Shop

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/10 08:19:51 )
@kjemi: I mean, it really is. xD She's what draws your attention. I'd love to just cat-sit her all the time. That would be the best job in the world. I'd pet and brush her all the time. * U* !! Yeah, he becomes overall a good guy when you're on his route.
He really is better when you're on his route.

Right? I mean it would make sense when one person adds me, but dang.
Hahaha. I've told a few people, but I also use my nickname instead of my real name? And my hair was shorter and another color and it's a smaller picture. I'm surprised they know it's me.

RIGHT??? They're both cuties, and I love them very much. TT ___ TT

TH | dA

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