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Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 03:28:10 )

She was making her way through the city. She'd decided to head to the store, due to needing to, but it wasn't something that she ad to do right pronto. Something about it though, she wasn't sure what it was, but there was something that was screaming at her to do it now.

So she was on her way to the store.

As she walked, she was silent, for some reason feeling more paranoid than she normally did. She didn't know what the cause was, couldn't see anything for the cause, but she was on edge. She hadn't felt quite like this since she'd found some blood in the kitchen... and her father missing.

"The hell...?" She asked the air quietly as she looked up to the sky. There was a storm coming in, and she knew that there would be a high chance that she'd be caught in it, but she didn't care. Honestly the blonde loved the rain. The colder it was, the better, even.

But she couldn't determine why she felt so paranoid for the moment. IT bothered her, but she tried to ignore it.

Even when the feelinggrew to be strong enough that she couldn't ignore it any longer. Mere moments before she felt a shift in the air.

"Who...?" She started before looking around. By the time she looked to move straight ahead again, she watched a tear form in the air ahead of her.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 04:06:26 )
As the tear formed in the air, the clouds darkened considerably, and thunder echoed in the distance, as flashes of lightning illuminated the surrounding area.

The tear then grew bigger, and widened considerably, revealing a shadowed figure standing in front of what could only be described as a time-space wormhole tunnel.

The shadowed figure then stepped out of the tear, and was illuminated by the ambient light, as well as the flashes of lightning that were growing more frequent.

His hair was short and jet black, and it was well-trimmed and maintained. His blue eyes seemed to be bottomless pools of water, just begging to be dived into. His cloak appeared to be made of animal hide, prepared in such a way that it was a gorgeous brown, with luxurious white fur lining the inside... and it highlighted his broad shoulders. His shirt was a dark grey, his pants as black as his hair, and they were tight enough to show his muscle definition, without being so tight that they were leggings or an undershirt.

This was all finished off with smart-looking shoes with no laces, but appeared to be made of exquisite tanned animal hide... and a hat that seemed like a more fashionable Robin-hood style hat that was a deep forest green, with a crimson red feather to the side of it.

He was silent for a moment, before taking his hat off, and bowing to her.

"Calysta Icesska, it is an honour to make your acquaintance." he said, his voice silky and smooth.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 04:13:12 )

The teen, Calysta, was silent as she stepped back at his arrival. She had seen his face in passing, mostly in very faint memories from when she was a toddler. She'd seen him, she knew he had, when she and her father came here.

The question though... was why the hell he was there.

And how did he know her? Wait, that was a stupid question. He was looking for her, obviously.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked after a few seconds, as she continued to step back from him, one step at a time. She had a feeling that running from him would net some serious trouble.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 04:31:55 )
The man rose again, and looked her square in the eye.

"My name is Vyran." he replied. "My last name is not important." he then added, putting his hat back on.

"I am an acquaintance of your father." he then said. "I'd been searching for him, and yourself, for a very long time." he explained.

"But finally... my search has come to an end." he went on.

"Come with me." he told her, extending his hand.

"I dare say, there are matters that we must... discuss." he continued, a small smile on his face. "And I'm sure you have questions about your father." he then went on.

"I can answer them."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 04:34:25 )

Calysta was completely silent as he said what he did. When he extended her hand, she stepped back again.

"If you can answer questions regarding where Dad when, then that just means you're the one that caused the blood that was left behind, and likely killed him." She replied with. It wasn't hard to tell that there was venom in her voice, but she was managing to suppress it enough taht one who heard it in passing would pay it no heed.

"So how about you fuck off." It wasn't a question. She wasn't asking him to fuck off. She was in essence telling him to.

Although she realised that he wouldn't listen to her. At all.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 05:01:17 )
Vyran was silent as she said what she did. His smile remained, but she could see that his eyes were NOT smiling.

" appeared that there has been a miscommunication." he said.

"I did not ask you to come with me, nor did I invite you to come with me." he told her.

"I ORDERED you to come with me!" he then said more loudly, his eyes now filled with anger, and his smile turning into a scowl. Lightning flashed once more, and the thunder now sounded like it was directly overhead.

"And come with me, you SHALL!" he finished, as he lurched forward, far more quickly than she expected, and grabbed her wrist, his grip almost crushing it.

"You will no longer continue to evade your inevitable fate." he then told her, his tone dark and ominous.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 05:08:17 )

Calysta managed to avoid letting out a cry when he grabbed her as she tunred to run. She didn't know what it was that he wanted to do specifically, but she knew it wasn't going to be anything pleasant. Especially considering the fact that he was irdering her around, she was sure it wouldn't be pleasant.

"Oh fuck off." She snarled as she tried to wrench her wrist from her grasp. He didn't like that, not at all. As a result, he backhanded her face, causing her to snap to looking to the side. Instantly it was a vibrant red from the impact.

"How dare you speak to me like that." he snarled.

"You will come with me, and you will do so quietly, lest I need to get forceful." He added. Calysta just stayed silent... mere moments before he could feel ice creeping across the skin of his hand.

"I will not go anywhere with you, you filthy rat." She snarled. To be fair, she had no idea why she called him that, it just seemed fitting, for reasons she wasn't going to try and delve into.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 05:24:54 )
When Vyran saw the ice creeping across his skin, she noticed his expression underwent a number of changes... each more unnerving than the last.

It started off shocked... which was understandable. But then it changed to amusement... which was worrying. And then his expression seemed to change to greed and desire... which was the worse of all.

"Yes..." he said, his tone matching his expression.

"Yes, you ARE the one..." he commented, licking his lips hungrily.

"Now... COME!" he yelled, as he ignored the pain he felt from the ice, and yanked her forward, pulling her off of her feet, and towards the rift in the air before them.

"It is time for you to return to where you belong, and take your place as one of the pieces in helping me claim what is RIGHTFULLY MINE!" he declared, as he continued to pull on her arm, the appendage feeling like it would pop out of its socket.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 05:38:40 )

Calysta was silent as she felt him yank her arm. She pulled back though, not caring if she were to have a dislocated shoulder. She knew she could pop it back into place after that, she'd had to do that in the past.

"Not even if you were throwing me into the damned void." She snarled. She tried to fight him off, and she was succeeding for a minute or two. Once he realised it though, he stopped and looked to her.

"You truly think you can escape me." he said, something akin to a chuckle in his voice.

"How naive." He added as he brought his other hand up, his hand acquiring an extremely threatening glow to it.

"Go through, or I shall most certainly show you just how painful it is that I can make your life." He warned. Calysta was silent before glancing toward the rift. Before she could say anything though, she felt some needles through some key nerves. Almost instantly, she collapsed, as she felt the extreme numbness coursing through her. Somewhere around thirty seconds later, she felt immeasurable pain emanating from those spots.

"Are you going to cooperate?" Vyran asked, his voice sounding as if he was asking her to tea. Calysta couldn't say anything before nodding. She didn't want to go through this again. She was sure it would happen, regardless, though.

He retracted the needles, which caused the pain to vanish nearly instantly. He pulled her to her feet, before shoving her forward toward the rift. CAlysta was silent before sighing and heading forward, knowing that there really was nothing she could do here.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 05:54:08 )
He pushed her into the tear, and once they were both inside, she looked back, and watched as it closed, the familiar scenery disappearing into nothingness.

"Move." Vyran ordered.

"While in this space, you are completely at my mercy." he told her.

"There is only one end to this tunnel, and it will take us to my stronghold." he explained, as he moved her forward with little pushes.

"If you try and escape, you will be trapped her for all eternity." he warned her.

"And... nobody wants that. Not even one as stubbornly stupid as yourself." he hissed.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 06:02:38 )

Calysta was silent as she made her way down the path. She didn't know what it was that she was supposed to say, or do here. So she did as she was told to, if only just because of the fact that she knew he was right. Well, largely.

You don't know what I can do... She thought as she walked. After a few seconds, she just brought her hands together in front of her, seeming like she was just keeping them close.

Let's... see if I can do this... She thought before concentrating. It wasn't easy, and the pull of the rift they were currently walking through was far stronger than she had expected, but she did succeed.

A new opening appeared in front of her, and she didn't hesitate. When she saw it, she leapt through. When she heard him cry out in anger, she ignored it. When she heard the tear shut, she allowed herself a chance to breathe.

There was one large issue though.

Upon looking around, she had no idea where she was. All she could say was that she was in the middle of a forest... but the question was which forest... and which world?


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 06:18:50 )
"I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN TO THE ENDS OF-" was the last thing she heard from Vyran, before he was rendered silent, and she found herself in said forest.

She looked around, and saw nothing but trees and shrubbery.

However, there were sounds all around her.

She heard buzzing, and chirping, and chittering... all sounds that one would associate with a forest. However... there was a noise that was not totally out of place, but was more alarming.


And they were getting closer towards her, before they suddenly stopped... and were silent.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 06:24:19 )

Calysta was silent as she looked around. She didn't know what it was that she was to expect from that, before sighing and approaching one of the more unusual looking trees.

". . . pretty sure this means I'm on Adaminia." she said quietly as she noticed the almost violet coloured sap.

"If... I recall correctly... Tevash, too..." She added before sighing and looking to the sky.

"The question though... is where on the damned continent..." She muttered with a shake of her head. She ignored the steps, because honestly, she'd dealt with enough for the moment, and she hurt too much to care overall. Whatever he'd done to her nerves before was still there... at least the echoes of it was.

With trying to find out where she was in mind, she just started to walk through the forest, hping to find something to tell her anything akin to where she was.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 06:46:22 )
As she walked, the steps seemed to follow her.

When she stopped, they stopped.

When she continued, they picked up.

But every time she looked around, scanning her surroundings, she saw nothing, and heard nothing more than the usual forest sounds that surrounded her.

As she looked around once more, she suddenly felt the ground under her feet become... non-existent. The leaves and dirt seemed to give way, as the cracking of branches and twigs was heard, and she fell down into a pit that was about 7 feet deep, landing on her ass.

Shortly after landing, she heard noises and more scuffling footsteps, before something peered down at her.

It looked to be humanoid, at least as far as the body went. It was a light brown colour, was bipedal, had human arms, looked to be about 5 feet in height, but as far as the face went... it was hard to say, considering it was covered by a very large broadleaf, with eyeholes cut out of it. Much like a hunting disguise.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 07:07:11 )

Callie let out a cry as she landed, as it really wasn't pleasant for her, especially with the nerve pain she was still feeling echoes of from before. When she looked up and saw the being that was there. She wasn't sure what to make of what she saw for a moment, but she knew that there were certainly pings of familiarity.

". . . . UIhh.... hi?" She called up as a question. She had no idea if they knew English, and certainly didn't know what language to speak if they didn't. Granted, she didn't learn all of them from her Father, and she certainly couldn't use one that she didn't know it would know. The reason being, some were quite offensive to others in the world she was in, and she knew that. The last thing she wanted to do was step on some toes... more than she likely had.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 07:27:29 )
The figure, clearly male, if the flat, uncovered chest was anything to go by, quickly recoiled when she called up to him. He danced around the entrance of the pit, making strange sounds. It was clear that this was a more... primitive... race.

A few moments later, 3 more males peered down at her from the entrance to the pit. They looked at her for an extended moment, before looking at each other and communicating in their own language.

After that, they all moved away from the entrance of the pit, and she heard the sounds of something being dragged. A minute or so later, a large log was pushed over the opening, from one end to the other. One of the males then scurried out, and tied a thick vine around it, before dropping it down towards her.

It seemed like they were offering her a way out.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 17:50:42 )

She was silent for a moment before sighing. Seemed she had a way up and out, which was definitely something to appreciate.

She couldn't place the language though, adn that really wa sbothering her. She'd worry about it after out of there.

As she grabbed the vine, she paused a moment. She wasn't th e most skilled at climbing something like this... but she did succeed in doing it after a couple of attempts.

"Thank you." She said with a small cordial bow - she knew most of the races there would find that respectful - once she was out of the pit.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 19:19:02 )
The beings looked at each other for a moment, before they started to hop up and down, making excited sounds, and conversing in their strange language.

One of them then got behind her, and started pushing. Not as hard or violent as Vyran had been pushing her earlier, but... it was very insistent.

And the others were walking forward, continuously looking at her and making gestures.

It was clear that they wanted her to follow them.

And they were excited that she was there.

Plus, it seemed like they knew where they were going... considering this forest was more than likely their home.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 22:06:29 )

Callie was silent for a moment before following. There was a part of her that was uneasy about it, unsure, but she was also pretty sure that this would be the best option for her, really. If only just because maybe she'd find somewhere, somewhere, that she recognized... since these guys were bringing up nothing for her.

What kind of mess have I landed in? She wondered before sighing and trying to find the answer. She couldn't remember who they were, and didn't even know if she knew. They weren't bringing up any sort of familiarity at all.

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Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 22:27:19 )
The beings ushered her through the forest, making their way past trees, bushes, and shrubs, until they entered what appeared to be a fairly large and quaint village. The houses were constructed from logs and grass, and the ground that surrounded them had been trampled down from use.

Many of the people were milling about, and she could tell that they were people, now. They had hair, two eyes, a nose, a mouth. They just seemed to be more primitive humans.

One of them looked over and noticed her, before getting the attention of those around him. Sure enough, they soon all came towards her, and she was surrounded by them.

However, they did not seem to be threatened by her, or scared of her.

Instead, they seemed to be more... interested and fascinated with her.
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

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