Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/10 22:25:02 )
When morning came, Maddie awoke early. It was pretty much a routine she had, wake up early and move on. Never stay in one place too long.. Most of every one in the shelter was still asleep, mind the handful of volunteers wandering around in order to prepare for the upcoming day. Someone noticed she was awake, and curiously approached her. "Have I seen you somewhere before?" The male asked, causing the girl to abruptly sit up and face him, but she didn't respond. The man tilted his head, then clapped his hands together. "I remember! You're the girl with the booth, right? You give palm readings for a dollar." He droned on. Maddie gave him a blank stare, then shook her head and slowly stood. "No, I don't- it's called a physic reading, and I don't appreciate being addressed publicly.." She spoke, her voice darkening some as if telling the guy to leave her alone.
She lightly held her bandaged arm, planning on leaving so she try to find some food or clothes. When she started to the leave, the guy grabbed her arm. "Wait a minute, you were pretty banged up last night.. Maybe you should stay?" His skin touching her skin caused a reaction, a vision so to speak. Not a pleasant one. Fear struck, she jerked away from him and ran. She wouldn't stay in a place connected t the guy who attacked her. No way! She didn't know where she was going, but it didn't matter.