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Forums Role Playing Forsaking the Past

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/23 21:39:32 )

Madeline Kraemer
"Mad Maddie"
25 yrs old

Maddie has a very complicated bio, so here's a summary- Everyone knows her as Mad Maddie. She is an misunderstood oracle who was locked up in an asylum for being well... crazy out of her damn mind. She offers her services as a street-vender, only charging $1 to allow her to tell you a tragedy. Very few people heed her warnings, others come after her life after the tragedy happen. Blaming and accusing her of causing the tragedy. She doesn't have a family or anybody to care about her, and she only cares about surviving and helping those who heed her warnings...

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/24 03:14:48 )
@Boss rimi: fixed it! xD

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/24 06:06:42 )

Clint Fitzgerald
Clint is a very hard worker. He works as a mechanic but sometimes he takes other jobs when he has time to. Every bit of money counts in this world. Living isn't always cheap no matter what class you were. Even beggars had it tough. Clint likes to help people though when he can. If someone needs some money, and if he can spare it without putting himself in a financial crisis, he gives the person in need some money. Yeah, Clint has a heart of gold. That's what people always tell him when he helps them. He's pretty well liked by everyone he meets, and his group of friends always enjoy spending time with him when they all have a free day to spare.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/24 07:01:20 )
Maddie was on the run, almost like every other night since her black-out. She didn't remember much, except that she was currently trying to get back to her old life. She had nothing, no friends and no family, only people trying to hunt her for a palm-reading that only cost a dollar. She predicted a tragedy in one's future, and when it came true they usually blamed her. So, she was running down the road at midnight, barefoot. It was drizzling some but not hard. She wasn't running because she was scared, she was running to keep herself from 'flipping' on the guy and hurting him. It wasn't her fault he didn't listen to her. They never did anyway..

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/24 22:44:30 )
"Yeah, I'll close up the shop." Clint called back to his supervisor who was heading out. Clint was left alone in the mechanic's shop reorganizing everything and cleaning up the mess left behind. It was safe to say that he was covered in grease stains but he didn't mind it. Outside, he could hear the rain falling really lightly onto the ground. It was a nice change from the usual sunny days but he was sure tomorrow it would be humid, the worst kind of weather to work in. Grabbing a clean cloth, he wiped the sweat from his face and the back of his neck then went back to checking out a car left to be worked on tomorrow. Something was wrong with the breaks. It was a pretty easy fix though so it wouldn't be too much trouble. Besides, he wasn't one to turn anyone down. It was his job to help after all. One last sweep around the shop, Clint shut off the lights and closed the large garage doors then stepped out and locked the door behind him as he made his way to his car.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 00:03:23 )
Madeleine kept running until she had pushed herself to the limit. She had stopped at a building that just had the lights turned off, like everyone was going home, so she figured no one would see her. She didn't the guy going to his car. Maddie was lightly dressed in light clothing, so she was pretty wet from the rain. Her lungs burned and she just about keeled over when she did finally stop, but the side of the building supported her as she cradled her injures arm. At this point, she didn't know if her latest customer was still chasing her. He had managed to catch her off guard, resulting in her arm getting carved pretty good, but the rain had washed away most of the blood.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 04:54:33 )
Inside his car, Clint started up the engine and turned on the headlights. That's when he saw her. A girl was right next to the shop. She seemed injured, judging from the way she held her arm. Clearly she needed some help, but what if someone was after her? What if they were already close by? Clint didn't want any trouble, but he also didn't want to leave the poor young lady there in the rain all by herself. What would happen if her attacker caught her? He could help her right now. Or at least try to. Without a second thought, he stepped out of his car and killed the lights and engine before making his way over to her. He had to be careful though, he didn't want to scare her. "Miss? Miss are you okay? Do you need any help?" He asked her as he slowly approached her.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/25 05:51:08 )
Maddie flinched when the headlights of a car but her, and she raised her arm to shield her multicolored eyes. For a second, she thought it was the attacker, until the guy started talking to her. She lowered her arm and stared as the male approached. She was hungry, tired, and cold.. Anything but okay.. But she didn't want to relying on anybody, and she didn't want this guy caught up in her mess. "I'll be fine on my own.. " Madeline spoke with a shiver in her voice.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/26 02:50:16 )
The girl said she would be fine, but he had a hard time believing that she really was fine. Clint looked at her arm and frowned. There wasn't a lot of blood but he could still see some. "I understand you probably don't trust me. I am just a stranger, but at least let me give you a ride to a place where you can spend the night. I don't want you out in the rain, you'll catch a cold." Clint told her. However, he doubted she would listen. He didn't know who she was or where she lived, he was in just as much danger as she was in if he let her in his car. They were both strangers but Clint just wanted to help. He wanted to get her out of here before whoever was chasing her got to her.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/26 03:03:20 )
Maddie watched him, more curious than scared. At least he seemed to understand that she didn't trust him. She didn't trust anyone, not even herself. Then he mentioned giving her a ride to somewhere to get her out of the rain, and she smirked. "I don't have anywhere to go, except a ditch." Maddie said, slowly coming off the wall and approaching him. "Tell me your name, we won't be such strangers then." She spoke calmly, gripping her injured arm tightly.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/26 03:59:48 )
Her response surprised Clint. A ditch? Why would anyone say that about themselves? Something was clearly bothering her. She wasn't in a good mood. Whatever it was, clearly was bugging her. She asked for his name. Normally he'd joke and say 'ladies first' but he didn't think she was in a joking mood. "Clint Fitzgerald." He answered. "Don't believe me? I can show you my ID." He added, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his wallet. He was ready to show her and ID if she wished to see one to confirm his words.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 01:27:43 )
Maddie tilted her head as he answered. She smirked and shook her head, raising her hand to the ID offer. At least he wasn't a cop, that's what she was worried about. Did he work at this shop? Thunder boomed and she tried not to react, but she did flinch somewhat noticeably. "I'd like to ask you to to take me somewhere dry.. A shelter maybe?" She voiced quietly, and sounding a little distant. She didn't even know if there was one nearby. "I'm Madeline Kreamer, but please call me Maddie."

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/30 03:59:55 )
A shelter? "Yes, I can take you to one. Oh, and it's nice to meet you Maddie. Despite the circumstances. Come along then, I'll drive you to a nearby shelter where you can stay for the time being." He had no problem taking her to one. He wouldn't take her to his house though, he didn't really trust her enough to invite her over and even if he did he didn't think that she would be okay with staying over at some guy's house even if it was just for one night. Clint started making his way back to his car, looking over his shoulder to make sure she was following him.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/1 05:33:40 )

Maddie continued to watch him as he spoke. A safe shelter with a doctor.. Maybe? Slowly, she began to follow the man to his car, gripping her injured arm. Cradling it really. She paused when she noticed him glance over his shoulder, then relaxed some until she soon opened the car door and slid into the passenger seat. "Thank you.. Clint." She murmured once he was in the car as well.

(Short x.x)

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/2 06:23:59 )
(It's okay)

When Maddie was in his car, Clint looked at her arm. Clearly it was hurt. Taking her to the doctor wasn't a good idea, they would ask for information and she clearly didn't want to give that up. "It's no trouble." He told her. He made sure she was buckled up then he did as well and started up the engine again. The lights were then turned on and Clint began to drive off towards a shelter. The shelter was open all the time, always welcoming new people who needed a place to stay. He assumed they had a doctor in there as well since it looked to be of good standards. Clint would have tried to talk to Maddie, but he wasn't sure she would want to talk. He wasn't even sure what to talk about. He still had many questions though, where had she come from? How long had she been running? Who was she running from? Why? What about her family? Did she even have a family? The shelter came into view after a few minutes. It was far from his home but he didn't mind driving this far to help her out. "Here we are." He said, pulling up to the parking lot. "I'm sure they have someone who can look at your arm." Clint commented, killing the lights and the engine. He opened his door and stepped out then walked around and opened her door for her.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/6 23:39:02 )

Maddie sat quietly in the car as he started up the engine and drove off. She didn't have anything to talk about, not did he seem to have anything to say himself. It was probably for the better really.. The less he knew about her, the less he'd be involved with her. The car ride was short, and she spent most of her time staring out of the window, watching the rain fall. Once the car stopped and he spoke, she opened the door and undid the seatbelt. "Thank you." She again murmured quietly, before getting out of the car and closing the door. Holding her arm, she approached the shelter at a casual walking pace, in no hurry to be around more people. People just weren't her thing..

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/10 06:12:59 )
The doors were closed and Clint was quick to follow her. Not because he wanted to stay, but because he wanted to make sure she got the help she needed. Inside it was spacious and very clean. The woman at the front desk smiled at them and Clint approached the desk. "She just needs a place to stay for a while. I don't know anything about her. I just offered her a ride here. And I believe her arm might be injured, do you have any doctors in here?" He asked, his voice was hushed. The woman nodded. "We do. Don't worry about her sir, she'll be very well cared for in here." The woman explained. "Thanks." Clint walked back to where Maddie stood and offered her a small smile. "They'll take care of you here, and they have doctors to look at that arm for you too. I'm just happy to help. Take care okay?" He couldn't stay, he had no reason to. He needed to get home and sleep since he had to work again tomorrow.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/10 17:25:35 )
Maddie kept her gaze on the floor as the woman and Clint conversed about her own care. She was listening, she just didn't want to be here.. Who did, honestly? Shelters weren't exactly the first choice to homeless people. Not usually anyway. She nodded lightly to Clint when he approached her. "Good night, Clint." She said quietly, briefly glancing at the woman approaching her. It wasn't until after Clint left, that the woman gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "Come this way please." She spoke. Maddie quickly jerked her shoulder away from the woman's hand, and shot her a dark glare. "Don't touch me.." Slightly surprised, the woman nodded nervously then started to lead the young woman over to the doctor, then left her. The doctor briefly glanced at her, noticing how she was holding her arm.


After looking at her arm, the doctor found a few knife wounds, and that her shoulder had been dislocated and fractured, so he was careful with relocating it. Even still, Maddie bit back the urge to yell out, and tensed her muscles. He took care of the her arm, cleaning the wounds and wrapping her forearm up to her elbow. What had this girl been doing before now? Was she in a street fight? Once the doctor was finished, Maddie got up and wandered over to one of the beds, laying down and curling up.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/10 18:02:42 )
"Good night, Maddie." Clint whispered before leaving the shelter. He told himself she would be fine, but how long would she actually stay there? Sitting behind the wheel of his car, Clint buckled up and turned on the lights and ignition. She wouldn't stay long. He could tell she didn't even want to be there, but it was better than sleeping on the streets. At least she would be safe there and whoever was chasing her wouldn't find her. The drive back home felt like it went on forever and he was surprised he didn't crash or anything since he was pretty exhausted. Maybe that's why the drive was so long, he was going pretty slow.

He was home though, that's all that mattered. Parking in the driveway, Clint turned the lights off and killed the ignition then stepped out and made sure to lock the doors before heading to his front door. The streets were practically empty save for a car passing by every few hours. Everyone was shutting down, getting ready for bed. Tomorrow they would all be busy bees once again and the cycle would continue to repeat itself. Clint walked inside and locked the door behind him. The house was dark but it didn't matter, he just walked to the bathroom, took a shower, got ready for bed and fell to sleep on his bed easily.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/10 22:25:02 )

When morning came, Maddie awoke early. It was pretty much a routine she had, wake up early and move on. Never stay in one place too long.. Most of every one in the shelter was still asleep, mind the handful of volunteers wandering around in order to prepare for the upcoming day. Someone noticed she was awake, and curiously approached her. "Have I seen you somewhere before?" The male asked, causing the girl to abruptly sit up and face him, but she didn't respond. The man tilted his head, then clapped his hands together. "I remember! You're the girl with the booth, right? You give palm readings for a dollar." He droned on. Maddie gave him a blank stare, then shook her head and slowly stood. "No, I don't- it's called a physic reading, and I don't appreciate being addressed publicly.." She spoke, her voice darkening some as if telling the guy to leave her alone.

She lightly held her bandaged arm, planning on leaving so she try to find some food or clothes. When she started to the leave, the guy grabbed her arm. "Wait a minute, you were pretty banged up last night.. Maybe you should stay?" His skin touching her skin caused a reaction, a vision so to speak. Not a pleasant one. Fear struck, she jerked away from him and ran. She wouldn't stay in a place connected t the guy who attacked her. No way! She didn't know where she was going, but it didn't matter.

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