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Forums Role Playing Frosted Sprouts

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 03:26:10 )

"It's us elements that keep this world alive, dammit." Callie growled uner her breath.

"How many has he reportedly managed to get?" She then asked, knowing it may not be a question he wanted to answer, but it was a question tha tneeded to be answered.

She had to have an idea as to what she could be dealing with, styaing in that world.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 03:40:58 )
"......" Adam was silent as Callie asked her question.

"...Fauna, Earth, Wind, and Arcane are confirmed as captured/killed." he told her silently.

"Time is unknown. Nobody's seen anything of them for quite a long while, so... it's hard to say. Could be captured, could not be." he went on.

"And Metal.... well... admittedly, it's been even longer since anyone heard anything about Metal." he then admitted. "See, the problem with that one is that it's... not natural." he told her further.

"So that one is even MORE of any unknown." he muttered.

"But yeah... 3 confirmed to be lost..." he repeated dejectedly.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 04:08:57 )

"Fauna.... wait..." Callie trailed off.

"Isn't he collecting the elementals to absorb ttheir power?" She asked. When he nodded, she continued.

"If he's collected Fauna.... wouldn't he have at least a measure of ability to control the fauna, the lifeforce of living creatures?"


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 04:31:28 )
"" Adam mumbled.

"Maybe." he said.

"Depends on what's being down to them, or whatever." he told her.

"I just... it's horrible to think about." he whispered.

"Sends chills down my spine."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 04:33:07 )

"Yeahhhh no shit." Callie agreed with a nod before sighing.

"Let's just try to put as much progress in as we can today." She added.

"Because I don't think this place will be friendly enough to stay in for a couple days, or any longer than we need to at least." She added.


A couple of hours later, Callie sighed before looking around.

"The sun is setting..." she commented, her words quiet.

"This place is likely going to be.... not nice at night. We should find somewhere to hide out."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 04:46:50 )
"....indeed." Adam replied.

He then looked around, scanning the area.

"Hm." he mumbled.

"Our best bet is to find a cave or cavern of sorts." he commented.

"Come on, let's look around." he said.

"Call out if you find something." he told her.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 04:56:42 )

Callie nodded.

"Will do."


The next day, was silent as they were approaching the shrine. They had made good time, but Callie was sure that it was due to Adam knowing where he was going so much better than she did.

". . . the air is so oppressive..." She said quietly.

"I'm not the only one feeling that, am I?"


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 05:14:02 )
Adam was silent in response, at least at first.

He then just coughed a little.

"Not just you." he told her.

"This is alarming." he said further. "It seems like the forest is going into some serious defense measures, but it's not sure where to throw them." he went on.

"Just... this can't be good." he continued.

"If this keeps up, the forest may... die."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 05:18:09 )

"I doubt it's a may, situation." Callie said with a sigh.

"I'm pretty sure that's a give in." She added before looking around. There was no path for them to follow, for the path that had been there was so overrun with everything. It was almost as if the forest itself was trying to protect itself, as Adam had said, and as a result sealed the shrine away, out of access for the common people.

"And we... got quite a sea of thorns and such to crawl over." she then added, looking around.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 05:33:11 )
Adam brought his hand to his chin, and looked at the thorns.

"" he mumbled.

"Yeah." he said.

"We really do." he agreed, before walking over to a tree, and placing his hands on it.

"I'm going to see if I can try and communicate with the forest." he told her.

"Get it to see we're here to help."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 05:36:13 )

"YOu do that, then." Callie said as she walked off to get a better idea as to what they were dealing with here.

As Adam was trying to communicate with what was there, he felt it starting to accept his words, accept what he was meaning to do.... but then it suddenly retailiated. The next thing he knew, he was against a tree across the way and could feel the bruise on his torso that was starting to form on his abdomen. He looked over to the tree he'd been trying to communicate with, and saw that it was returning to how it was before.

It had smacked him quite hard with one of its branches.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 05:52:42 )
"...ngh." he grunted, as he rose to his feet.

"All right..." he mumbled.

"That failed." he said to himself.

"Looks like things aren't going to be that easy." he said further, before looking at Callie.

"It almost worked." he told her.

"But then it suddenly went completely wrong." he continued.

"...clearly." he finished, before lifting his shirt, and seeing his newly coloured abdomen.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 05:55:00 )

The image of Callie flickered out of existence moments later, and he could hear her footsteps in the distance. She'd walked off... yet he still saw her.

Seems he hit his head pretty solidly as well.


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 06:09:36 )
"Ugh..." he grunted, shaking his head some.

"Great." he mumbled.

"Just great." he growled.

He then took a case out of his pocket, opened it, withdrew a pair of prescription glasses, and put them on.

"Guess I should wear these." he mumbled.

"Callie!?" he then called out, as he made his way towards where he heard her footsteps.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 06:11:11 )

He was met with silence. At least, it was quiet in regards to her for about ten minutes before she came out from the trees they were near.

"Hey. What's up?" She asked before pausing.

"And... you weren't wearing glasses before... were you?"


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 06:30:56 )
"Uh..." Adam stammered, before sighing.

"I wasn't." he said.

"But... one of the trees got violent with me..." he told her, before explaining what had happened, and showing her the resulting bruise he had.

"And my vision got wonky and weird, so I put these on." he said further.

"I can see well enough without them, but I kinda-sorta need them at times." he told her. "And glasses aren't a very common fashion here in Adaminia, so I generally go without, to avoid detection, or standing out."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 06:33:10 )

Callie nodded.

"that makes sense." She said before sighing and making her way to a patch of soil. She grabbed a huge leaf - that she had Adam tell her was safe - and filled it with soil. Once that was done, she wrapped it and made sure it would stay tightly packed before freezing it and handing it to him.

"Here. This should help with numbing the pain." She added.

"Because that bruise looks insane."


Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 06:50:38 )
He accepted the makeshift icepack, and placed it on his injury.

"It is." he said.

"Hurts like a bugger." he told her.

"But yeah, this isn't going to be easy." he commented.

"It got as violent as it did against ME, which means we'll need to stop this at its cause... whatever it may be." he explained, looking around.

"And we need to do it quick."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 06:56:45 )

"Well, if it attacked you that harshly, I can oinly imagine how harsh it'll be against me." Callie commented with a light sigh.

"But, ah well." She then said.

"Anyway,something occurred to me...." she trailed off after a few seconds before letting out a breath.

". . . we haven't found a single animal in here."

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Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/05/27 07:09:44 )
"......." Adam was silent as he heard that.

"You're right." he said.

"And... listen." he then said, pausing, and listening to their surroundings.

"Nothing." he commented.

"No chirps, no chitters, no growls, no grunts. Nothing." he said, as he got a bit closer to her.

"It's... eerie and unnerving. This place is usually teeming with life." he told her further, as he started to look around, this time more towards the canopy.

"...something must be scaring them off."
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

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