((ooh, both sound real interesting. Hmmm... We can go with A. :D ))
Kaneko made sure to walk with him and help him whenever he needed. They walked into his lab and she helped him to his seat where he could work on making the remedy. Like a good assistant, Kaneko busied herself in looking around for what he asked. She made sure to hand the ingredients to him when he asked for them and watched in silence while he made it. Kaneko was sure the remedy would work, she just hoped it worked fast. She didn't like seeing him in any sort of pain.
Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses
((yay~ I'll get it set up later today :) ))
It didn't take long at all with Kaneko's help, and soon he had his remedy in a small glass and ready to drink. He picked up the glass and downed the liquid, like drinking from a shot glass at a local bar. Allen had a minor coughing fit afterwards, but he collected himself and settled down on the bed in his study. This time was different.. The pain eased away without the usually piercing pain that followed. He was losing himself to sleep though, which was normal, so he laid down on the bed. When he'd wake up, he'd be fine.
It didn't take long at all with Kaneko's help, and soon he had his remedy in a small glass and ready to drink. He picked up the glass and downed the liquid, like drinking from a shot glass at a local bar. Allen had a minor coughing fit afterwards, but he collected himself and settled down on the bed in his study. This time was different.. The pain eased away without the usually piercing pain that followed. He was losing himself to sleep though, which was normal, so he laid down on the bed. When he'd wake up, he'd be fine.
((Awesome, thanks!))
Kaneko was quiet the entire time. She wasn't sure what to do or say really. She just remained in the room and sat down on the floor, her hand running through his hair lightly. He was sleeping and even though she wanted to stay here with him, she coudln't. She was getting a little hungry. She needed to go home and take a shower. Leaning down, she pressed her lips to his forehead in a soft kiss. "Sleep well sir Allen." Kaneko whispered then stood and made her way out of the room.
Kaneko was quiet the entire time. She wasn't sure what to do or say really. She just remained in the room and sat down on the floor, her hand running through his hair lightly. He was sleeping and even though she wanted to stay here with him, she coudln't. She was getting a little hungry. She needed to go home and take a shower. Leaning down, she pressed her lips to his forehead in a soft kiss. "Sleep well sir Allen." Kaneko whispered then stood and made her way out of the room.
Once he was asleep, Allen pretty slept until that evening. When he did wake, his was hungry. So he went out for a quick hunt to catch a rabbit. It wasn't after his body started to actually wake up, that he felt pain down where he had been shot. He slowly placed a hand over the healing wound. Why hadn't it healed already? Allen grit his teeth and slowly walked towards the park.
Kaneko had showered when she got home and got some much needed sleep, waking only around dinner time. Her first thought was to make a stew. Second thought was to take some to Allen. He was still injured and couldn't be up and around. She wondered how his wound was. Frowning, she quickly got to work on the stew. It took a bit of time to get done but when it was, she was proud and starving. However, food could wait. She ran off and grabbed a first aid kit then her purse and then looked at the pot of stew. There was no way she could carry that all the way to his manor. Maybe he would agree to dinner at her house? "Maybe." Setting the first aid kit down on the table, she shut off the stove and covered the pot then headed out of the house. She walked towards the park, since that was the only way she knew how to get to his manor.
Allen stumbled a little as he walked to the park. He had to stop to rest on his way there, lightly having his hand over the side spot. When he got there, he paused at the sweet scent catching his attention. "Kaneko?" Allen called, moving his head around slightly to try and figure which direction she was in. He never had covered his charming eyes, nor did he really think to.
(Short x.x)
(Short x.x)
"Sir Allen!" Kaneko gasped. What was he doing here?! He was supposed to be resting! She quickly ran over to where he stood, her eyes caught his and she couldn't help but stare at their lovely color. Snapping out of her trance she looked at him properly and frowned. He was in pain, his hand over the area of the wound. "Allen, you shouldn't be up and around right now. You need to rest." She scolded but smiled. "H-how are you feeling? Did the remedy help quickly?" She asked then decided to ask the real question, the reason she had come to find him. "I...I was planning on going to your manor but here you are. I was wondering if you were hungry. I'd like to invite you to dinner. B-but I understand if you don't want to be near my house anymore after what happened." Her voice was quiet, she still felt guilty for what had happened.
(It's okay. I'm super sleepy so I think I'll go to sleep. I'll try to post tomorrow. x n x)
(It's okay. I'm super sleepy so I think I'll go to sleep. I'll try to post tomorrow. x n x)
Allen smirked lightly when Kaneko first got into him for being up and about like this. He had actual clothes on now, but no shoes. He was still barefoot. Allen smiled when her tone changed and he nodded. "I'm just a bit sore is all." He said casually. Actually, he was hoping to stop by his herb shop for something to help with pain, a different pain than his eyes. Now he was distracted. Allen tilted his head lightly at her attempt to invite her for dinner. He smiled. "I would love that, miss Kaneko." Allen said calmly, and honestly. Despite what happened, he would always come to her place if she asked him to.
Kaneko was happy that he had accepted the invitation. Taking his hand in hers, she started to walk back to her house. She looked down at his bare feet and wondered if he really was comfortable. It was dangerous though, what if he accidentally stepped on glass? "I see you are properly dressed. Hospital gowns aren't very nice. I've never actually worn one but they don't look very comfortable." She commented and giggled softly. At least he was on the road to recovery. At least he was alive. The thought of loosing him still tugged at her heart. "I made some stew and if you're comfortable, I'd like to lake a look at the wound. Just to clean it if it's bleeding again." Kaneko explained as the two of them walked.
Allen chuckled when she commented about the unfriendly hospital gowns. She was right though. He walked with her easily as she led him through the park. As they walked, his mind began to wander.. What would he do now? He honestly wanted to take Kaneko and run away, just to keep her safe. He knew what would happen next, someone else would come after him and possibly his friend. Allen wanted to protect her.
He smiled when she told him about the stew, then nodded lightly. "I don't mind, I certainly couldn't look at it myself." Allen said, smirking lightly to show he was only teasing.
Kaneko laughed softly at what Allen said about the wound. He was teasing her. It was nice to joke around like this. Despite the seriousness about what had happened, it was good to know that he didn't hold it against her. That they could still joke around together. Her hand held his gently, the two of them made their way to the house and once they arrived she warned him about the steps then unlocked the door and walked inside the house. The door closed behind them and she locked it. "Come, let's eat first and then I will look at it alright?" She suggested politely. She led him to the table and pulled the chair out for him.
Allen smirked lightly when he heard her laugh, and gave her hand a squeeze. He was glad nothing had really changed, considering everything that happened. He was rather quiet as they walked, listening to the quiet sounds around him. His other hand was still holding the wound, but his mind had been distracted from the pain, being near Kaneko made him feel much more at ease. Allen minded the stairs as he entered the house, waiting for her to lock it before reminding himself where the kitchen was, nodding some to her words. "Sure." He said casually, then she was leading him again, and he followed.
He slowly sat down once he knew the chair was out, and relaxed as best as he could, a minor pinch reminding him of the wound. Allen inhaled slowly through his nose so he could really take in the scent of the stew she had made. "It really smells delicious, Kaneko." He complimented her with a light smile.
Kaneko carefully pushed the chair in a bit and smiled at his compliment. "Thank-you. I learned all I know from watching my mother. I never really cooked with her though. I wasn't allowed and well, I never really had a chance to try." She explained. Her mother had left when she was fairly young but she still remembered her. She wished she had stayed, but now she knew it was for the best that she left when she did. Before things got worse. Kaneko carefully grabbed a few ceramic bowls and set them on the counter. Closing the cabinet, she stirred the stew a bit and then started to serve it into the two bowls using a large ladle. When she served enough, Kaneko covered the pot and carefully carried the bowls to the table where she st one in front of him then one across of him for her. She left again and came back with a spoon for each of them, handing his so he could grab it. "Would you like anything to drink?" She asked him.
Allen smiled, sitting quietly as she spoke about learning from her mother. He listened carefully when she started to serve the stew, and when she set the bowls on the table. Lifting his head some when she spoke, he smirked lightly. "Have you any Red wine?" Allen asked curiously, since it was his usually choice of drink with a meal. Maybe that's why he didn't need to feed so often? He casually lifted the spoon and tried some of the stew, finding it wonderful. "This tastes as good as it smells, my compliments to the chef." He said with a light chuckle, teasing her some.
Kaneko nodded, "We do. Father always keeps some and we sometimes enjoy a glass together.." Well, sometimes. It was like tradition between the two, a tradition that was broken now. Finding the red wine, she grabbed a nice wine glass and poured some red wine for him. Carefully, she set the wine glass down in front of his bowl so that it wouldn't fall. Kaneko herself normally drank water but tonight, she felt like she deserved a glass of wine after what had happened. The wine was put away and Kaneko's soft laugh chimed through the empty house after hearing him. "Thank-you very much kind sir." She replied kindly, making her way to her seat with her glass of wine. "Thank-you for joining me for dinner Allen. I appreciate it." Kaneko was so used to having dinner with someone, she wasn't sure she would be able to eat alone. It frightened her to stay in a house alone, it was why she had gotten a job. To get out of the house when her father wasn't home.
Allen almost regret asking her.. Especially when she got really quiet. It wasn't like he didn't enjoy the silence, but he felt he had upset her. Which isn't wasn't he was aiming for. He relaxed a little when he heard a chime of laughter from her, and managed a light smirk. Carefully, he began to eat the stew, nodding some to her thank-you. "Of course, lady Kaneko. A lady shouldn't have to eat alone.. It's rather loney." Allen voiced calmly, showing his affection for her by calling her ' lady' instead of 'miss'.
He was sorry for taking her father away, blaming himself, for the events to unfold as they did. Had he stayed away from the young woman like he usually did with people, none of this would've happened. This young woman was different than the others.. Fate probably would have crossed their paths even if he did try to stay away from her. Shaking the thoughts from his head, he enjoyed his meal and the company he gave his friend, though he didn't talk much tonight.
Kaneko lightly blew on her stew before taking a small bite. She blushed hearing him call her 'lady'. It wasn't something she was used to being called. He was right though, it was lonely to eat alone. He probably knew it first hand and it bothered her. Had he met him sooner, she would have loved to have dinner with him at his house or hers. Eating at her house though, her father wouldn't have approved. Kaneko sighed mentally, he was gone now for a while anyway. So she was free to do whatever she wanted. Would she go to work tomorrow? Maybe. She had to. She couldn't just stay home now, but what about Allen?
Allen would probably busy himself making remedies. He needed to stay stocked up on that stuff, she didn't want him to have to ever suffer again. She would do anything to keep him from suffering but when she thought about it, when she really thought about it...she knew there was nothing she could do for him. All she could really do was keep him company. Make him happy even if it was just for a few minutes a day. Dinner was silent, something she was used to and didn't mind. They both clearly had a lot on their minds and she didn't think it was her place to probe his mind for answers. "W-will you stay?" She asked after a moment.
Allen would probably busy himself making remedies. He needed to stay stocked up on that stuff, she didn't want him to have to ever suffer again. She would do anything to keep him from suffering but when she thought about it, when she really thought about it...she knew there was nothing she could do for him. All she could really do was keep him company. Make him happy even if it was just for a few minutes a day. Dinner was silent, something she was used to and didn't mind. They both clearly had a lot on their minds and she didn't think it was her place to probe his mind for answers. "W-will you stay?" She asked after a moment.
Allen was pulled from his thoughts when heard her. Had he heard right? She.. He lifted his head as if to look at her, turning his head to where he heard her voice. "If that is your wish." He voiced calmly. Allen would do anything for her, even if she told him to disappear. But she wasn't.. She was asking if he'd stay. He was planning on asking her to run away with him, but now he didn't know if he could ask that of her. "Kaneko.." He voiced quietly, deciding she needed to know what she was asking.
"If I stay here, someone else will come.. You might be pulled into it.. I- I don't want you to get hurt, because of me." He wanted to protect her.
He would stay, and that made her smile. However that smile vanished at his last comment. What did he mean by it? Who else would come? One of her father's coworkers...they probably knew where he lived but why would they come? How would they know that Allen was here? Had someone been following them all this time? Did her father tell them? Probably. "A-are you saying that we cannot c-continue to spend time together?" Kaneko asked quietly. Was he secretly telling her that he coudln't stay anymore? Was he going to go back to his manor? Was he going to hide somewhere else where not even she could find him? Kaneko didn't want to force him to stay but she wanted to make sure he was okay. She would be worried sick if he just disappeared out of nowhere.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.
Allen's expression softened, as she spoke. He hear in her voice that he had upset her, and could figure some of her thoughts by her attitude and behavior. Slowly, he reached for her hand and held it gently, rubbing his thumb over the top of her hand. "I'd never say that.. Not after everything you've done for me." He said calmly, with a hint of seriousness. "I'm telling you I want to protect you.. Come with me? I can take you anywhere you'd want to go, as long as you were safe." Allen spoke. If she didn't want to leave, he'd understand and he wouldn't leave her. That never worked. He'd simply stay and keep her safe.
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