The air around him was cold and crisp, but the hot sweat beaded on his forehead and trickled down his face, before the wind blew it off behind him.
It wasn't particularly windy that night, but he was running. As fast as he could, and seemed to be in a panicked state. He ran through the woods with reckless abandon, not seeming to care that the low-hanging icy branches whipped at his face. It was nothing compared to what he'd been through.
"No... no, no, no, damn it, damn it, damn it." he cursed quietly to himself.
"Mom was right. She was right. I shouldn't have thought about running away." he went on. "But maybe I should have... earlier?" he then wondered, shaking his head a little.
"Whatever. Need to escape, need to-" he said to himself, before he felt the ground disappear from beneath him. It seemed he had run out into a somewhat steep hillside, and was now tumbling down through the snow, before he had a rough landing near a cluster of barren bushes, as well as a few large rocks.
"Nngh... ow..." he moaned, as he shakily got to his feet. He was already starting to feel tired, he'd been constantly on the run for almost 48 hours, he could feel the weakness in his torso, and to top it all off, he swore he heard footsteps coming closer, and in his direction.
"No!" he whispered.
"I thought I had picked a good direction!" he said, before taking a step forward to run, only to have his ankle give out from under him. It seemed he had sprained it, and he collapsed to the ground once again.
"Ah!" he exclaimed shortly, before slapping his hands over his mouth to silence him. He then moved his blonde hair away from his deep blue eyes, and wiped some of the freshly fallen snow off of his pale face.
He then crawled behind the large rocks that were there, and pulled his knees up to his chest.
'Please don't find me, please don't find me, please don't find me...' he prayed internally, as he squeezed his eyes shut and tried desperately to hear if the footsteps would walk away from his location.