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Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/10 08:25:48 )
@Yuracye: Yeah omg that'd be ideal. Heck I'd take Jaehee's job to babysit Elly~ of course I'd probably end up blacklisted like 707 ^^"
Woah your co-workers are really big ninjas. Very determined to add you and stalk you on social media ... o-o I'd be afraid...very afraid.
I love them now too... Oh gosh I wish them the best. They are beyond adorable.

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/10 09:26:55 )
@kjemi: RIGHT? xD Start lifting Elly up and snuggling with her and stuff. Ahhh, it would be the life. ;;;
Maybe try teaching her cool tricks. It would be awesome. Hahaha. 707 never really hurt Elly though!!! I think he way he held her in the sky can hurt their heart though? I think?

THEY ARE. I don't even have anything where I work. They're just... it's weird. o ___ O ;
Good thing I use Yuracye everywhere else. xD No one knows my online name. Lol.

Haha. I'm glad! n ___n ! They are cute babies! I love them both!
They used to not get along, the two of them, but now they do! Which I'm glad about. Dexter needed a friend in the house. q vq I think he was getting sad tbh.

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/10 19:25:09 )
@Yuracye: That's it, I've decided my for rich people. Or just generally cat sitting. I wanna look after kitties. And yes omg...imagine teaching Elly to give her paw for precious.... And probably 707 didn't do much , Jumin is just an over protective person
Hopefully they won't find that! Gotta have some privacy....
Awww ;A; poor little baby..I'm glad they get along now.. It's always scary to bring in new family members when you have cats. They're so picky

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/11 01:08:50 )
@kjemi: Sounds like the perfect career, not going to lie. xD
YESSS OMG. At least if the cat that you were cat sitting liked to be friendly. Some cats can be really mean or just do their own thing all day. x ___ x ; True, I'm sure Jumin just didn't like other people touching his cat. u vu

I hope not either! Otherwise I'd be doomed. Some of my art stuff can be er- not normal for some people.
I like having my own privacy, it's nice. u vu //

Right? I can't have sad cats in my house. With my new job I should be able to buy them new toys and stuff too. n ___ n !!
It really is. I was going to make it work between the two of them somehow anyway (even if it meant rotating who stays in the bathroom for certain times during the day. > > ; Would have been a hassle, but I'm glad I don't have to do that since they get along now.

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/11 01:16:33 )
@Yuracye: It does! ;u; omg a job I want more than anything... But you are right..some cats don't like strangers or generally new people.... but I will become...the cat whisperer. Learn cats and their behaviour... hoho. I know I'd be a bit jealous if my cats like someone else.. ;u, at least if they liked others more than me TuT
Ahh I can relate... having privacy is you a possiblity to relax
Ahh new toys *o* I hope they will love them. I remember my old cat, she loved to play fetch...err and put her toys in my bed...^^" she was so sweet ;u; And it's good they get along now. They can have each others backs. Bless

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/11 01:34:06 )
@kjemi: SO TRUE. But, I mean it's really not that hard to catsit. You feed them maybe 1-2 times a day, and clean the litterbox out once or twice a day. Pretty easy day. They generally clean themselves. Maybe a bath once in awhile. Or clipping their nails, which can also be tricky. Vets can do that too though. u vu
Cat whisperer! xD I know there was a cat guy on some channel and he tried to get the cats to stop attacking their owners or something. I can't remember what it was called omg.
I get hella jealous when my cats warm up to people faster than me. Like no cat ur antisocial go back to sleeping on the bed. > >

I hope so too. I'll have my fiance pick out the toys since they don't like the ones that I pick out for them. ||OTL
They love the bird looking toys that make sound. They played with it so much the battery died. xD
RIGHT? Best cats they are. I am truly blessed.

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/11 01:42:17 )
@Yuracye: That's true! Mostly you'd actually house sit ^^; but gotta give the cat the pats and the rubs and the xuddles.
Yeah! He's my inspiration, he understands cats like no one does! *o* teaches them to behave and finds out what bothers them... that's so amazing. And I'm glad I'm not alone on the jealousy part ahh ;u; its like... you feel special when they chose you and then they go off trying to chose others like no way, that's not fair.
They don't ? That's a bit sad ;A; woah bird shaped toys that make sound? We only got balls and mice toys here *o* maybe feathers

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/11 01:52:30 )
@kjemi: Yeh. Which even things like cleaning up around the house wouldn't be too bad if you thought about it. u vu /// There should be jobs where all you need to do is pet cats and brush them and stuff. I'm sure tons of people would be willing to do that job but still.
YES! I don't know how he does it. I suppose he studied cats for a long time and learned their behaviors and whatnot. Not alone at all. ;;; I mean, if something is my favorite I feel like I need to be the best because I love them so much. TT ___ TT I'm just a competitive person, I'm just not good at competing. ||OTL
Thankfully my cats are kinda skittish. Dexter is only really friendly to some of our friends so it's okay. And I view my fiancé on equal grounds because they're our babies. u vu ///

Nah. I got this tunnel thing for them awhile back thinking they'd love to run through it and stuff and they wouldn't even go near it. rip me.
YEAH!!! It was yellow with a black feather tail and it would chip when it moved around. They loved it so much. I can't find it in stores anymore, but then again I really only go to the same store. q vq ;; I'll have to think about where I found it in the first place. Whattt? I'm sure they'll have a giant variety on amazon or something!

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/11 01:59:34 )
@Yuracye: With music it can be pretty fun. And if you got time too it's a bit relaxing! And yes there should be a job like that. I think actually there is???? I swear I read about it somewhere???
He must have, but I think it's also in his soul. He's probably part cat. I just know it. No one can be that good with cats without being one themselves I tell you!
Are we almost the same person? Same here! I am super competetive but I just... can't compete...I suck at most things
You guys are so lucky to have such precious bbies ;u; bless you all.
Awww. Cats usually like tight spaces though ;u; so it makes sense you'd think they'd like it.
I hope you can find another birdie for them! I remember my mom's cat was simple to please. Roll up a piece of paper and boom. The most exciting thing she had ever seen. She'd perk up as soon as she heard the sound.

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/11 02:18:52 )
@kjemi: Yes! I don't mind cleaning for the most part. It's just when I'm tired or have been working all week, all I want to do is relax. xD
Is there really?? O ___ O And you get paid for it? I feel like that would be the best job. omg.

You're right.. he definitely has to be. Grew up with cats, actually part cat. It all makes sense now. Q v Q!!

I seriously wondering sometimes. xD We do have a lot in common.
YES SAME. x ___ x I'm hyper competitive, but.. horrible at everything. It was the worst in high school when I wanted to win games but I was horrible at everything. Like damn. The struggle is real.

We really are! TT __ TT I can't believe no one wanted Magnus either. He hisses at you at first (I think that's part of his eye problems?) but then when you pet him he's a little purr ball. xD
Exactly! We have a small corner with a blanket and the cats love sleeping on it. ;;;
I hope so too! They love feathers though, so I'm sure they'd be happy with anything like that too. u vu///
Omg xD. Dexter loves boxes. He'll roll around it and in it and whatnot. Magnus likes plastic and papers though- which isn't always good if he tries to eat it. x __ X

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/11 02:32:07 )
@Yuracye: same here...or when I'm having a bad day..// week... I didn't really feel like doing the dishes today either but I pushed myself to do them ;u; And I wish I remembered more but I swear I read that it was a job you got paid for !
It's nice that we have so much in common cause that means we have things to talk about *w* And well I had that problem in middle school. My whole class was competetive...which was rough on me cause I couldn't help us much ..most stuff involved physical stuff...I am a weak child.
Aawwww Magnus is so precious oh my heart melts.. I am glad you guys adopted him...;u; he deserves a nice home. And aww a corner with blankets... That seems so nice.
The feather thing must come from their bird hunting instincts! Such tiny cute hunters...deadly for birdies... and ahh ;u; it isn't good if Magnus eats them... cats eat the weirdest stuff... I don't get it

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/11 03:03:25 )
@kjemi: Pretty much. ;;;; I just like the place being clean. I feel like I go through so much garbage though. We need to take out the garbage at least once a day and it's only the two of us here. I mean, a gallon thing fills it up 1/4 of the way, so maybe it's just because we have a small garbage can. Whelp.

Yes, that's true!!! It's pretty rare to find so many things in common tbh. @ w @;; I mean, we're all over the world so there's so many people to meet!
Awhman. Same. x ___ x I was always super hyped to compete in things, but when I got to it I was never fast or strong enough.
I'm pretty weak too. /cries. I remember when we needed to do swimming in school and I could barely swim to the other side without losing my breath. The teacher asked if I had asthma, and I don't so ????? Just 5ever weak. I cry.

Yessss. He is precious baby... even if he's fresh sometimes. He just needed the love ok.
I try and spoil my babies as much as I can. I want them to be happy little guys. I make sure they like their food and toys. Magnus needs a collar, but he doesn't sit long enough for me to get one on him. I'm sure he'd try to rip it off too. > > ;;
Oh yeah! It must be! O: !!!
I don't understand it either. ;;; He's only been doing this in the past two weeks or so too? I don't get it??

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/11 03:12:13 )
@Yuracye: Woah really? We do it every 3 days ;u; me and my friend... granted sometimes it's more often if we have alot of trash suddenly... when I'm alone I can go a whole week And a small trash can could be.. could play a part in it. SAME HERE, maybe WE'LL BE IN the same class!
There are soo many people. It's so amazing and everyone is different but it' surreal... so surreal I tell you.
Ohh I can relate... I mean I don't even know ..well I can't swim at all.. I just.. so weak.. I can't float either... I've tried but I always stress out and sink...
Yess tons of love. Love will make others warm up ;u; I'm glad you spoil them and I bet they appriciate it too! And yeah...cats don't usually like collars, but ;u; once he starts though I'm sure he'll get used to it.
Huh...that's weird.. Hope he stops though ;u; so he doesn't get himself hurt

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/11 03:32:08 )
@kjemi: Yeah... we use a lot of garbage. x ___ x If it's a pizza box, we can't even fit it into the garbage. Usually it's paper plates, cans for drinks and uh- wrappers from frozen foods, I guess?
That's not including cleaning the two kitty litters, or throwing out the occasional clothing that doesn't fit or something that broke or whatever.
I go through a lot of tissues too because I've been on and off sick lately. The living room garbage and the bathroom garbage is filled with tissues. orz. Darn you runny nose! /shakes fist.

It is! It's an amazing world sometimes! * A* ///
I can't swim for my life tbh. All I can really do is doggy paddle, and that's just... really sad if you see me. I panic when I can't swim right. Panicking = drowning. Ayyy.

Yessssss. TT __ TT I don't understand how people couldn't take care of animals! They're just precious babies. I'd adopt more kitties and give them homes, but that would be more work and then I can't give them the attention and love that they need. Also.. my apartment is really tiny. Eventually we'll rescue a puppers though! Just need to make sure they'd get along with the cats. u vu //
Dexter tried taking his off when we first put it on him, but I think he eventually got used to it. We haven't been as er- aggressive with Magnus since he's already really skittish? We don't want to push our limits. Maybe when he mellows out a bit, we'll try getting him a cute collar. q vq !!
I hope so too. For now I'll have to find any paper towels and bags and not put them out in the open.

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/11 03:47:41 )
@Yuracye: *o* we seperate paper boxes and other trash ...tryin to do the recycle thing haha so we just have paper boxes lying around ready to be thrown out at some point. But it makes sense you guys got quite a bit trash then... plus it's smart to throw out the trash when you got poo and pee in there...
We are!!! many people have tried to teach me but I just ..never feel safe in the water T u T
Yeah same here ;u; I would fight anyone that wouldn't look after their precious little babies... cats and dogs... Ahh I want to have alot of pets but only if I know i can look after them ;u;
It's a good idea to take it Magnus can fully trust you ;u; specially if you say he's stil skittish. Omg I wanna see pics when you get him a collar *o*
Good idea, best to stay safe !

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Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/11 07:24:10 )

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