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Forums Role Playing [IC][1x1] Roshan and Khajitten

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/13 02:24:53 )
@Khajitten: I saw that! Lol. I only have discord cause of a friend/possible gf and she hasn’t talked to me in a few days.

Rosalynn was back following the trail that was left behind, sighing slightly as he day seemed long as nothing much has changed other than the sun growing lower in the sky. It wasn’t easy tracking down some werewolves as they shifted from human to wolf like creatures on the full moon and back again when it was over. Currently it was human tracks that used to be werewolf tracks, which was part of the only reason she knew she was on the right trail. Now she was drawing closer to what she believed to be the den of these werewolves, now was the time she needed to be stealthyy as she stakes the place out.

That is where my sister lives at. So it wouldn’t be like we couldn’t run into each other even if you moved there or not. Well you still have to be careful not to do something extremely magical to make them think it is something beyond a miracle. I don’t need to be bailing you out. Lol.
Yep. In the muggle world it doesn’t matter what age you go to college though it is more beneficial if you go right after your basic schooling.. why not? The only thing holding yourself back is yourself. Your mom would be understanding I am sure and as long as you visit them often than they should be okay with it. Well you and your mother know more about farming than I do. Though not all farms have plants as some have animals though I thinks those are called ranches.
True but if your not looking for some one then how would you know it is the perfect time when you met them? What if you already met the person at the perfect time but missed it because you blinded yourself to potential partners?maybe their arrange was the perfect time for their perfect person and they just didn’t know it until they got to know each other and fell in love.

Maybe so. I think it is fun,


Voltie — Cat lady Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 01:29:22 )
@Roshan: Gahhh I'm a terrible rp partner right now. I'm so so sorry. Also I'll edit these posts to look pretty later. The next few days I think it'll be bare minimum with editing. I hope you understand.

Jace and his mom chatted about just near everything as they were pulling weeds, trimming off dead parts of the plants, and other things in the garden. "You know mom," Jace tried getting his mothers attention as he wiped a bead of sweat from his brow, "I'm actually quiet thankful that you and dad decided to do this for me..." Looking up shocked Victoria tried to hide the growing grin, "I mean Rosalynn is definitely someone that I could talk to for a while... She's witty and interesting... So I'm not really mad at all that you both decided to meddle in my life."
xxxxxxVictoria smiled brightly at her son and pulled the tall man into a hug only a mother could give and started to cry, "I was so scared! I thought you would be so mad and never want to come over again!" patting her back he tried to sooth his mother the best he knew how, "Well that's a bit silly now isn't it? I don't think anything could make me stop coming for Sunday dinners. I mean you are the best cook I know." She laughed at they separated from the hug he sighed and pointed to the sunset, "The day's gone by fast huh? What shall we do for dinner?" She shook her head "You clean up, your dad and I have dinner covered!" Smiling he headed inside. Once in his room he felt a tugging in his pocket. Pulling out the journal he grew it back to size and read her words carefully.
xxxxxxAhh, we actually do Sunday dinners... It's a bit old school but being their only child they like to keep in touch and make sure I'm on the right path, etc etc... If I were to just randomly move to the states I'm sure they would think I've gone bonkers. Truth is I'm just frustrated at life... I feel like there has to be more to life than what I have going for me... I guess the truth is that I'm just lonely. A life like this is a bit lonely. But I don't know....
xxxxxxHonestly, I don't know how I would do in a muggle lifestyle... it's more a dream of mine than anything that would be a reality. My reality will probably be that I will be in an arraigned marriage when I turn twenty-eight like I promised my parents. We made a deal that they would allow me to apply to any position without meddling and live my life until I was twenty-eight... and if I didn't have a partner by then, they would choose one for me... or arrange it... or however that works...
xxxxxxI'm probably just rambling anyway... So how is your hunt going? I hope fine. Have you obtained the boy yet? Or are you close? The full moon is coming soon... Hopefully you can get it squared away shortly. If you need help, just let me know. I'll be happy to provide services to you ;D
[align=right]I'm serious, just ask if you need anything,

xxxxxxSmiling he closed the journal and went into the bathroom to clean up for dinner. He wasn't too excited about going back to work on Monday, but he knew it was inevitable.

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 06:19:16 )

@Khajitten: it is fine. Lol. I am just impatient as I am rather excited about this rp. So don’t mind me and I completely understand.

Rosalynn hisses slightly as she felt the book trying to gain her attention, she quickly cast a spell to silence it. Ducking lower behind the foliage that was her cover, her gold eyes were locked into the cavern before her.
She sat there for hours, waiting, watching. At some point she had pulled her journal out, not bothering to read the entry that was there at the moment as she thought it was a different book that she could make notes in.

The hour has grown late and the moon is already up. I have been perched outside of the den for hours now, watching for any sign of the boy or those who had taken him. So far I have seen a lone female with two daughters going in and out with various supplies but no sign of the boy as of yet. Though judging from the tracks I had been following there should be a half dozen more weres in the area....all male. I know the full moon draws closer with each ticking minute but I have to play this smart....if not I could either become a meal or become part of the pack depending on their alpha.

She stopped writing, squinting a bit as she finally saw another pack member show up and enter the cave, she was sure the boy was in there but she had to make sure first or risk causing trouble for the local wizards.

One of the males has arrived, as I am down wind from them and used special scent disguising bath products, they have not noticed me yet. There is still no sign of the hope for the success of this mission is slowly disappearing. Have only three days before the full moon is here.

She sighed slightly, closing the book before digging into the bag attached to her leg for a snack, careful not to eat anything that can give her position away as she settles in for the night. It was then that she remembed her journal companion and dug around to pull it out. You could imagine her embarrassment at seeing her elegant script writing about things she consider private.

indenting Well that is rather embarrassing to see. I have appeared to be writing in the wrong book about my job again. Please do ignore it.
indenting Back onto the topic at hand. We didn’t have Sunday dinners growing up. I remembered Saturday night was family game night and after they had passed away things changed and we never did that any more. We were more focused on getting an education and staying together.
indenting Why would they think you were a loon for something like that? Your parents should have a pretty good idea on what you want or have considered doing with your life. Didn’t you ever talk to them about moving back to the states when you were but a child?
indenting There is more to life than just what you are doing. That is why I rather love my job. I get to travel to all sorts of locations and see things that no one else will be able to do so. For example have you seen a herd of unicorn before? Well I was beautiful! I was in Finland trying to get a census on a known local was....there is no way to describe it but it makes my job worth while to see things like that.
indenting Why would you agree to such a thing? Your parents couldn’t have stopped you from doing as you wanted no matter how much they tried, sort of the crucio curse that is. I imagine you would become bitter and be a very if you ended up in an strange marriage. Sure you might grow to like the person eventually but I don’t think either of you would truly love each other like you deserve if that were to happen.
I will but I don’t need anything as of yet,


Voltie — Cat lady Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 16:05:33 )
@Roshan: Oddly I didn't geet the ping. I thought it was weird and looked xD I guess I should check every time I get on.
Jace walked back into his room running the towel through his hair to dry off. He was in only sweats as he saw the journal floating above the desk. He smirked and threw the towel on the bed, heading to the desk to read Rosalynn's writing.
xxxxxxWell, that was highly amusing. At first I was like "This is a bit formal for how long we've been exchanging letters but okay." Then I realized it was a mistake. I just got out of the shower, I did not use scent hiding products. Anyway, at least you found the pack. Hopefully you can figure out what you need to before the full moon... Exactly what do you plan to do if you don't mind me asking...
xxxxxxI mean surely you can't just be planning to sneak in, take the child who is probably scared to death, and sneak out. I mean what if the child screams or has Stockholm syndrom and doesn't want to leave? I'm at a loss. I mean I oddly trust you, but I want you to safe, you know....
Seriously, I do worry,

xxxxxxSighing he laid his head on his hand and stared at the journal. He couldn't help but feel he should go help or something. The situation she was in was definitely a dangerous one. Sighing again he stood up and put on a shirt then headed down to the dining room. "Smells good guys." he said seeing his mom bring in the food, it was a stew of some sort. "It's going to rain tonight and it's already getting cold so I thought I would make your favorite stew!" Jace smiled, "Cowboy stew?" She nodded. Cowboy stew was just stew meat, potatoes, green beans, corn, tomatoes, and other random items like beans or whatever was laying around. His parents made it often in the winter when they were snowed in or other things.

Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 22:39:08 )

@Khajitten: yea! It is weird I am not getting a lot of pings myself!! Hope it gets fixed soon!!

indenting Oh? So the fact that I tend be rather formal bothers you is it? Sorry to disappoint you considering I normally write formally especially in my notes before I write up my reports. It really seems as if it bothers you to the point that I find it rather funny.
indentingwhy don’t you use scent hiding products? I am sure it would make your job better considering I am sure you deal with creatures or people who tend to track by scent like I do.

Of course she was referring to the dark wizard werewolves that were a nuisance back when Lord Voldemort was trying to take over the world.

indentingI honestly don’t have a plan. I tend to just wing it and it ends up working out for the best for me. For now I am going to just watch and observe, because if the boy is not in there than I have been tracking the wrong pack and it could cause trouble for the locals.
indenting If the boy is there than that is exactly what I plan to do. Sneak in, give him a sleeping drought and then sneak out with him. Of course I will be casting some silencing spells on myself and him as well to help stay unnoticed.
indenting Aw! Your worried about me and oddly trust me.....that is rather~

Rosalynn snapped the book closed and quickly put it away as she spotted the boy she was after being caught once more and taken back inside the cave. She had a feeling that Jace was going to be upset with her since she suddenly had stopped writing but she had no choice as her attention was needed else where.
She pulled her wand out, whispering spells on self before she moved closer, looking for the rest of the pack. She needed to know where they were at before she went inside. She sent a prayer up that she would be able to pull this off and get the boy back home safe and sound.

Voltie — Cat lady Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/1 16:29:08 )
@Roshan: Duuuuuuude, thank you for being so understanding...

Jace finished eating with his parents and walked upstairs... The plan was to just sleep over at their house and go to work the morning, but he was slightly dreading it. For some reason work always drew out and he would count the minutes until he would be able to go home. Opening the bedroom door he smiled as he saw the book floating peacefully on top of the desk. Opening up he scanned the book and froze in place... He instantly knew something was wrong. Though he didn't know Rosalynn very well, he knew she wouldn't just stop replying. Biting his lip he looked around the room trying to think.
xxxxxxGrabbing the book he threw it into his bag and swiftly made his way down stairs where he saw his mom and dad on the couch. "I need one of you to make an anonymous report that a witch was following a pack and disappeared and you are worried... tell them the location where the other book is..." They stared at him bewildered. "What?" His dad asked, "Is something wrong?" His mom asked then looked at her husband. "Look, she was tracking down a pack of werewolves... her last letter to me is stopped halfway and the r was drawn out like she had to close the book or was pulled away from it quickly." His parents stared for a while, "Maybe she just got busy? That could happen." Jace shook his head. "Gut feeling dad. Besides, they'll just send me to look at it. I'll make sure of it."
xxxxxxAfter finally convincing them that something was indeed wrong Jace left, telling his mom not to feed Salem too many fish or human food while he was away. As he got home he started packing some clothes and other essentials into his bag. He knew the higher ups would send him, seeing as everyone else was busy with various cases. Well at least this was what his department did, looking into reports that may or may not be true.
Look. I don't know if somethings happened or not... but I think I'm going to come and help...
Please don't be too angry at me... I promise I have nothing but good intentions.... In fact, after this you can go back to just teasing me through the book.... or whatever... just be okay, okay? I don't want to have to visit your sister now....

xxxxxxDeciding that he should get some sleep and see if she replied in the morning he took some melatonin and laid down for the night. Not too long after morning came along. Looking at the journal he could tell she didn't reply back to him. Jumping into the shower he used as many of the scent killing shampoo, body wash, and whatever else he had laying around. Sure he wasn't close to the girl, but he wanted to make sure she was safe for some reason.
xxxxxxOnce he got to work his boss briefed him on the situation and sent him off.... Jace couldn't help but feel that maybe he was just overreacting... but his gut told him that he should go and help. He felt like a child all over which slightly irritated him, but he would have to cool off. He needed a level head throughout this adventure. Getting home he picked up his bag and apparated to the closest town to her location. Once in a hotel he scribbled a quick note and started getting everything in order.
Rosa, I'm coming. Stay safe.
Art Shop || My Hangout || Quest
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Donator — He/She Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/1 19:15:28 )

@Khajitten: lol not a problem as it happens to me all the time. I am sure you would do the same for me if I had that issue as well.

Before Rosalynn knew it days have passed by since the last time that she spoken with Jace’s she knew that she should respond to him but the predictament she had gotten her self into was far worse then she had imagined it to be. She could tell that Jace was trying to get a hold of her but at the moment she was trapped with the boy in the back of the cave.

[b]”This boy is not yours! You turned him and stole him from his family!” Rosalynn snapped to the leader that towered over her and was burlier than she ever thought. She wouldn’t have been trapped like this if the girls hadn’t woken up and howled bloody murder bringing the whole pack to where they were located.

The pale skinned witch maintained the protective stance in front of the unconscious boy, luckily she got the potion into him before the full moon that night. The Alpha moved forward to try and grab her only to be blocked by a barrier, he growled viciously as he pounded on it.

”What does it matter? He is one of us now and belongs here. You will hand him over witch unless you want to be a meal!” he snapped at her with a growl as a few more of his pack members covered the other spots she could have escaped through. The female snorted as she kept the barrier up, re-enforcing it so that it was tougher than it was before. They could have appeared out of there but the female didn’t know how the young werewolf would take it and she did not want to chance causing even more damage to him.

A delicate hand ran through her black haired she tried to figure out what exactly she was going to do to get free, now wishing that she had asked Jace to come and help her even if they had only talked for a bit.
Questing: !

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