The alarm rang softly but loud enough for the man in bed to stir and shut it off. Clint yawned and sleepily stared at the time, it was early but that was fine. He needed to be up early in order to get things done. Sitting up in bed he just sat there deep in thought about that girl. What the hell was all that about? It felt like a dream but he knew it wasn't. Sighing he stood and walked to his dresser where he grabbed a clean change of clothes then left to shower. It was a nice day. A little humid out from the rain last night but it wasn't too bad either. He showered, got dressed, tossed the laundry where it belonged and prepared a quick breakfast and some coffee. Checking his phone as he ate and replying to messages left by work buddies. Although they never really hung out outside of work so he wasn't even sure they were friends.
The shelter, he still knew where that shelter was. Would she still be there? Where else could she go to anyway and how would she slip out without being seen. Unless she didn't. Maybe she said she was leaving. They never forced people to stay so it was possible that it happened that way. Why was he thinking about it so much though? She was just a girl, nothing special right? Thinking of her face then, she didn't jump out at him as someone who he had seen before. She was a stranger to him. Unless she wasn't and he just couldn't remember her. That was also a possibility.
Forums Role Playing Forsaking the Past
(((oooh, i like what you did there owo maybe we could do something with that? O.o))
Maddie ran down the empty side-walk, since no one was really up and around yet. She ran until she couldn't, and she had just about reached the main road. Only she was ducking in an alley way, propped up against the concrete wall of an unfamiliar building. to rest for a moment. She needed to get her head together! They wouldn't be stupid enough to come after her first thing in the morning.. would they? The only people she knew who she was, were mostly people who wanted her to bleed for her readings. The idea always seemed to get to her, a smirk tugged at the corner of her lips. She shook her head and sighed inward. "Think Maddie.. You need food, clothes, and a shower.. Where can we find those?" She murmured to herself, thinking.
She could technically clean up in a stream, if this were the middle of nowhere- so that idea was out. Food could be found in dumpsters, and she knew how to pick out the 'good' stuuf. So, she casually left the alley and started searching for public dumpsters behind restaurants, and fast food places.
Maddie ran down the empty side-walk, since no one was really up and around yet. She ran until she couldn't, and she had just about reached the main road. Only she was ducking in an alley way, propped up against the concrete wall of an unfamiliar building. to rest for a moment. She needed to get her head together! They wouldn't be stupid enough to come after her first thing in the morning.. would they? The only people she knew who she was, were mostly people who wanted her to bleed for her readings. The idea always seemed to get to her, a smirk tugged at the corner of her lips. She shook her head and sighed inward. "Think Maddie.. You need food, clothes, and a shower.. Where can we find those?" She murmured to herself, thinking.
She could technically clean up in a stream, if this were the middle of nowhere- so that idea was out. Food could be found in dumpsters, and she knew how to pick out the 'good' stuuf. So, she casually left the alley and started searching for public dumpsters behind restaurants, and fast food places.
((We totally can if you want to. ^ u ^))
Did he even have enough time to check in on her? Clint glanced at the clock, yes he had plenty of time before he had to head in to work. He could stop at the shelter and just ask about her. What if she wasn't there? Where else would she go? She had to be there, how would she get out without being seen? Maddie was safer in there than outside. With a sigh, Clint focused on finishing his breakfast then walked towards the sink and began to wash them spotless. Alright, so that is what he would do, check if she was there and if she wasn't then it was probably a dream. If it wasn't, chances were he'd see her again somewhere. He just hoped she was okay, wherever she was. Clint walked out to his car and got in, he kept telling himself that he couldn't tell them her name. He would just ask for the girl he had brought to them last night and hopefully they would have some information.
Still, while driving, Clint kept his eyes open for any sign of Maddie. Maybe she would be out somewhere just taking a walk. What about her arm? Had she gotten it looked at? Was she okay? Was it permanent? "Come on Clint, clear your head man. Thinking about that isn't going to get you answers faster. Besides, can't be distracted while driving."
Did he even have enough time to check in on her? Clint glanced at the clock, yes he had plenty of time before he had to head in to work. He could stop at the shelter and just ask about her. What if she wasn't there? Where else would she go? She had to be there, how would she get out without being seen? Maddie was safer in there than outside. With a sigh, Clint focused on finishing his breakfast then walked towards the sink and began to wash them spotless. Alright, so that is what he would do, check if she was there and if she wasn't then it was probably a dream. If it wasn't, chances were he'd see her again somewhere. He just hoped she was okay, wherever she was. Clint walked out to his car and got in, he kept telling himself that he couldn't tell them her name. He would just ask for the girl he had brought to them last night and hopefully they would have some information.
Still, while driving, Clint kept his eyes open for any sign of Maddie. Maybe she would be out somewhere just taking a walk. What about her arm? Had she gotten it looked at? Was she okay? Was it permanent? "Come on Clint, clear your head man. Thinking about that isn't going to get you answers faster. Besides, can't be distracted while driving."
(I would like that ^3^ maybe they could've met before she was taken away?)
Maddie had moved from one dumpster from another, getting fresh stains on her shirt. When she found a 'fresh' burger from a Mc Donalds dumpster, she fished around until she found another, being mindful of her hanging arm, and then continued on. She stopped along the road and sat down against a wall to eat her lunch. Clint 's work was around here..Maybe she'd see him again? She blinked, and shook her head. Why was she thinking about a stranger?! She continued to eat, ignoring the onlookers who gave her a dirty glance for her ratty appearance.
Bastards could look all they wanted.. A girl needed to eat. Then she'd find some clean clothes. Somewhere.. Maybe shoplifting from a cheap clothing store? One of those that didn't have a lot of cameras.
Maddie had moved from one dumpster from another, getting fresh stains on her shirt. When she found a 'fresh' burger from a Mc Donalds dumpster, she fished around until she found another, being mindful of her hanging arm, and then continued on. She stopped along the road and sat down against a wall to eat her lunch. Clint 's work was around here..Maybe she'd see him again? She blinked, and shook her head. Why was she thinking about a stranger?! She continued to eat, ignoring the onlookers who gave her a dirty glance for her ratty appearance.
Bastards could look all they wanted.. A girl needed to eat. Then she'd find some clean clothes. Somewhere.. Maybe shoplifting from a cheap clothing store? One of those that didn't have a lot of cameras.
(Yeah, perhaps they met when they were much younger? Maybe they went to the same school together?)
The rest of the drive to the shelter was silent save for the sounds of cars passing by his own. Once he arrived, Clint stared at it while stepping out of his car. This was it, the place he had last seen Maddie. It had to be the place she was still at. Walking inside the building, he greeted the woman at the front desk and asked about the girl from last night but upon checking rooms and records, the girl was no longer staying there. "What do you mean she's not here?" Clint asked. The woman shook her head. "I'm sorry sir. We don't force our visitors to stay. She must have walked out sometime early this morning. Who knows where she is now."
Well this was just perfect, he needed to find her. Why? Why was he so set on seeing her again? He just wanted to make sure that Maddie was okay. Hopefully he could get to her first before anyone else did. "I see, thank-you." Turning away, Clint walked out of there and back to his car. Where would she have gone? Back to where he had found her? No, that was too obvious but that was all he had to go on right now. He was starting up the car when he got another idea. Food. She was probably hungry which meant she was probably around restaurants. It wasn't going to be an easy search though, he could already tell as he pulled out of the parking lot and drove away from the shelter.
The rest of the drive to the shelter was silent save for the sounds of cars passing by his own. Once he arrived, Clint stared at it while stepping out of his car. This was it, the place he had last seen Maddie. It had to be the place she was still at. Walking inside the building, he greeted the woman at the front desk and asked about the girl from last night but upon checking rooms and records, the girl was no longer staying there. "What do you mean she's not here?" Clint asked. The woman shook her head. "I'm sorry sir. We don't force our visitors to stay. She must have walked out sometime early this morning. Who knows where she is now."
Well this was just perfect, he needed to find her. Why? Why was he so set on seeing her again? He just wanted to make sure that Maddie was okay. Hopefully he could get to her first before anyone else did. "I see, thank-you." Turning away, Clint walked out of there and back to his car. Where would she have gone? Back to where he had found her? No, that was too obvious but that was all he had to go on right now. He was starting up the car when he got another idea. Food. She was probably hungry which meant she was probably around restaurants. It wasn't going to be an easy search though, he could already tell as he pulled out of the parking lot and drove away from the shelter.
(I don't think Maddie went school.. ^^' she did often watch the kids play outside though, curious as she was ^~^ they could've been secret friends! :3 )
Maddie sighed as she finished her food and found a dumpster to throw her trash away. She wasn't like most homeless people, she didn't litter. Unless she was being chased, then she didn't have much choice..
The woman paused when she caught a shadow following her, and just casually continued on. She tossed her trash when she passed a dumpster, and faced the person still tagging her, who seemed to have vanished from sight. The hell kind of game were they playing? Shaking her head, she wandered off again, only this time she took off like a bullet train. Running down the sidewalk, weaving around the few people who were out.
Maddie sighed as she finished her food and found a dumpster to throw her trash away. She wasn't like most homeless people, she didn't litter. Unless she was being chased, then she didn't have much choice..
The woman paused when she caught a shadow following her, and just casually continued on. She tossed her trash when she passed a dumpster, and faced the person still tagging her, who seemed to have vanished from sight. The hell kind of game were they playing? Shaking her head, she wandered off again, only this time she took off like a bullet train. Running down the sidewalk, weaving around the few people who were out.
(Hmm, secret friends. That sounds adorable actually; we can do that!)
He needed to head out to work but he still had some time to kill before he really had to clock in. Clint made his way over to restaurants, looking to see if he saw her anywhere nearby. For the first few tries he came up blank. If she really was around here, she clearly didn't want to be found.
Clint continued to drive, slowing down whenever he thought he saw her only to realize it was someone else. Great, he probably looked like a creep. He glanced at the time on his cellphone then looked back out at his surroundings. He made a turn and continued driving until he spotted her, running. Who was she running from? There were a few people walking around but he didn't see anything suspicious. When she passed his car, Clint groaned and quickly did a flawless U-Turn then drove off after her. "Where are you going?" He said to himself. As he drove, he managed to find a good place to park in then ran off to catch Maddie before she ran too far. "H-hey!" He called out to her.
He needed to head out to work but he still had some time to kill before he really had to clock in. Clint made his way over to restaurants, looking to see if he saw her anywhere nearby. For the first few tries he came up blank. If she really was around here, she clearly didn't want to be found.
Clint continued to drive, slowing down whenever he thought he saw her only to realize it was someone else. Great, he probably looked like a creep. He glanced at the time on his cellphone then looked back out at his surroundings. He made a turn and continued driving until he spotted her, running. Who was she running from? There were a few people walking around but he didn't see anything suspicious. When she passed his car, Clint groaned and quickly did a flawless U-Turn then drove off after her. "Where are you going?" He said to himself. As he drove, he managed to find a good place to park in then ran off to catch Maddie before she ran too far. "H-hey!" He called out to her.
Maddie stopped running for a moment to breathe, lean in against the side of a building. She hadn't noticed the car she passed, and she didn't notice Clint, only that the person following her had disappeared again. Maddie sighed and slowly stood straight, blinking when she heard someone calling for her, a male. She had heard the same voice a few minutes prior, she just hadn't been paying attention. This time though, he called her name, which caused her to turn around to see him. To say she was surprised was an understatement. "Clint? What're you doing?" She voiced , slowly beginning to approach him.
Didn't he have work? Why was he following her around..?
Clint stopped to catch his breath. He didn't dare approach her for fear she would run off so he just let her come to him. "I should be asking you that same question." He said, taking out his phone to check the time. He would be late if he didn't hurry. "Where are you running off to? I..look you don't have to tell me where. If you just want to vanish and not be found that's fine. I'm sure you have your reasons. You look like you've seen a ghost though. Did...did you run into the people who were chasing you?" He asked. He really shouldn't have looked for her. Maybe Maddie didn't want to be found and she sure looked like the type of person that didn't like to trouble people with her personal stuff.
Maddie blinked, watching him as he took out his phone. Briefly, she feared him calling someone, then seemed to calm down as he put the phone away. She bite her lip when he asked her where she was going, only shaking her head. He was acting like he understood.. Which kind of irritated her. "Look, I'm not safe to be around. Unless you have a death wish- I suggest you stop concerning yourself with me. My problems are my own..they always have been. I never had anyone worry about me, I don't need anyone to start now." She spoke calmly, keeping her multi-colored eyes out for the stranger stalking her. Her eyes widen slightly and she grabbed his arm without any warning and pulled him to the side, closer to her, just in-time for a small bullet to graze her cheek.
"Get in your car and drive away." Maddie murmured quietly to him. She wasn't about to let him get hurt, just for talking to her!
Clint shivered when the bullet passed by them. Someone wanted her dead and clearly she didn't want help. He would pull away from her and check his phone again before looking at her. "Whatever you're planning, just be careful okay? I don't want to hear about your dead body being found in a ditch somewhere tomorrow." He told her seriously. He'd give her all the space she wanted, they were strangers. This was something Clint was used to though. He always wanted to help people, but some people just didn't want to be helped. Turning away, he walked back to his car and hopped on. The car roared to life and Clint drove off without so much as a look back. Sometimes you needed to let the people come to you for help. You couldn't always go to them first because people were prideful. That's what he had learned.
Back at work he got a scolding for being late but Clint didn't let it bother him as he got to work on the next car that entered the garage.
Back at work he got a scolding for being late but Clint didn't let it bother him as he got to work on the next car that entered the garage.
Maddie felt relief wash over her when Clint didn't give her a hard time about her space and privacy. She listened to him, and nodded lightly, remembering something from the past. What he said sounded a lot like someone told her when she was a young girl. Maddie didn't waist any time in running off again once he had driven off, trying to push back childhood memories. She didn't have time for reminiscing! Maddie skid to a stop when just about ran into a pole. What the hell was wrong with her? Now she couldn't stop thinking about the man. She knew him. Clint was someone she had met years ago, before being put away for 'mental' reasons. She confided in him as a young girl.. That's why he seemed so familiar! They weren't strangers, not technically.
The one stalking her left her alone once the guy showed up. Maddie made her way back to her little 'hole' of a shelter to try and get some rest. She was tired from all the running, and remembering.. She wanted to sleep.
At work, Clint was busy with cars. Grease stained his hands and clothes. Not that he cared really. This was what he loved to do and he made a very nice amount of money in the day. Enough to pay bills and still have some money left over to spend however he wanted. Maddie was in the back of his mind, nagging him. Maybe he shouldn't have told her anything. She was a stranger, he had no right telling her what she could or couldn't do. It was her life anyway, she could whatever she wanted. Wiping his hands on a handkerchief, he shook his head in hopes of shaking her out of his mind. "Maddie.." he muttered to himself. Why did that name ring a bell? It was a popular name. No, that wasn't the only reason...had h seen her somewhere before? Probably.
"Clint? Hey Clint!" His co-worker snapped his fingers near his face, snapping the mechanic out of his trance. "Huh?" Clint asked. With a concerned look, his co-worker asked him to help him with another car. "You've never been late before. Something wrong?" Clint changed the car's oil and looked to his co-worker. "No. I guess I didn't hear the alarm the first time. It won't happen again though."
"Clint? Hey Clint!" His co-worker snapped his fingers near his face, snapping the mechanic out of his trance. "Huh?" Clint asked. With a concerned look, his co-worker asked him to help him with another car. "You've never been late before. Something wrong?" Clint changed the car's oil and looked to his co-worker. "No. I guess I didn't hear the alarm the first time. It won't happen again though."
Maddie stopped when she reached her cubby-hole, made mostly of a large cut-in cardboard box with a blanket, hidden away in an ally that no one used, usually. She crawled inside, covered up with the blanket and fell asleep.
She dreamt of one of the days she was stalking the school kids, watching them play outside from behind a wire fence. No one had noticed her for the longest time until a ball went rolling down the hill, and a small boy wound up chasing after it. He saw her, and talked with her and from them she continued to go and watch the children play. He found ways to sneak away and talk to her. Then one day she stopped going..
Maddie woke with a jolt, and stared at the top of her shelter, a hand over her forehead. "Why am I if all times..? It's been years! It shouldn't matter! I'm not.. I'm not the same.." She yelled and murmured to no one but herself. Maddie slowly got out from her box and glanced around. What time was it anyway? She knew she'd been out for at least a greater part of the day.
She dreamt of one of the days she was stalking the school kids, watching them play outside from behind a wire fence. No one had noticed her for the longest time until a ball went rolling down the hill, and a small boy wound up chasing after it. He saw her, and talked with her and from them she continued to go and watch the children play. He found ways to sneak away and talk to her. Then one day she stopped going..
Maddie woke with a jolt, and stared at the top of her shelter, a hand over her forehead. "Why am I if all times..? It's been years! It shouldn't matter! I'm not.. I'm not the same.." She yelled and murmured to no one but herself. Maddie slowly got out from her box and glanced around. What time was it anyway? She knew she'd been out for at least a greater part of the day.
Despite it being the first time Clint was late to work, his boss and co-workers didn't let him forget it. His boss mostly. Not to mention everyone had been nosy. He could understand though, it was only human nature after all to be curious about what others were doing. So of course when it was time to go home for the day, Clint had his co-workers asking him to hang out with them. But like always, he politely declined. "I'm tired. I'll see you guys tomorrow." And with that he was walking towards his car. Now that he didn't have work to keep him busy, Clint could freely think about Maddie. Who had been chasing her and why had they shot at him? Was he a threat to this stalker of hers? Had the stalker gotten to Maddie after he left? He hoped not. Climbing into his car, the tired and dirty mechanic made the drive back home.
Clint busied himself with taking a shower, then got dressed for bed and worked on the laundry. Hours had passed since he last saw her and he did hope she was okay even though he didn't think he'd ever see her again. Well, never say never right? But Clint wasn't going to actively look around for her. She had asked him to stay away...and so he would. With a frown, he looked towards the window of his house, a t-shirt in his hands. He'd stay away, if that was what she really wanted. And if they happened to bump into each other, maybe he'd say hello and keep on walking.
Clint busied himself with taking a shower, then got dressed for bed and worked on the laundry. Hours had passed since he last saw her and he did hope she was okay even though he didn't think he'd ever see her again. Well, never say never right? But Clint wasn't going to actively look around for her. She had asked him to stay away...and so he would. With a frown, he looked towards the window of his house, a t-shirt in his hands. He'd stay away, if that was what she really wanted. And if they happened to bump into each other, maybe he'd say hello and keep on walking.
Maddie hadn't had much time to wake up before getting grabbed from behind and forced to drink something from a clear bottle, despite the fight she put up. She manged to elbow the guy hard enough in the gut, to make him release her and immediately tried to run, Why was she always running? She knew how to fight, and she knew she could take whoever it was that tried to mess with her. So why was she already running?! She didn't even know where she was running, and her head was messing up on her- probably from whatever the prick had forced her to drink. She also had no knowledge if the guy was following her. She just kept running, until her legs finally caved and she fell face first into some soft grass, Someone lawn probably. Too weak and disoriented to move, she just laid there as her consciousness slowly escaped her.
What she didn't know was that she found herself at Clint's house, or nearby anyway. How could she have known where the guy lived? Maybe though.. Maybe someone would find her, over then the guys after her.
As he stared out the window, he saw the mailman stop at his mail box and slide something inside. It was probably the bills. Clint waited until the mailman left before setting down the t-shirt and heading outside. At least the mailman had been right on time, just the way Clint liked it. Punctuality was hard to come by these days. It was warm out but the trip was quick; he walked out to his mailbox, opened it, took what was inside and closed it before heading back inside. At least..that's what usually happened. But the difference today was he looked through his mail outside and looking up, happened to catch sight of someone taking a nap on one of the freshly mowed lawns like his own. Clint payed the stranger no mind, that is until he realized who this stranger was. "Maddie.." Gripping the mail in his hand, Clint debated on waking her up or leaving her there. Her safety was much more important than some promise though.
The male quickly made his way to where she lay and gently shook her. "Hey...wake up. You're going to get burnt out here." No luck, she was out cold. With a reluctant groan, Clint dropped is mail beside her then picked her up and placed her over his shoulder before grabbing his mail again and making his way back home. The mail was dropped on the table and she was laid on the couch. He knew she was going to probably be angry when she woke up but he'd deal with her then. For now, Clint grabbed a blanket from the closet and draped it over her sleeping form. How had she gotten here? Was she looking for him? That was highly unlikely, maybe it was some sort of sign he didn't understand. Whatever it was would have to wait. He made his way back to the kitchen table where he sat back down and began to look through the mail.
The male quickly made his way to where she lay and gently shook her. "Hey...wake up. You're going to get burnt out here." No luck, she was out cold. With a reluctant groan, Clint dropped is mail beside her then picked her up and placed her over his shoulder before grabbing his mail again and making his way back home. The mail was dropped on the table and she was laid on the couch. He knew she was going to probably be angry when she woke up but he'd deal with her then. For now, Clint grabbed a blanket from the closet and draped it over her sleeping form. How had she gotten here? Was she looking for him? That was highly unlikely, maybe it was some sort of sign he didn't understand. Whatever it was would have to wait. He made his way back to the kitchen table where he sat back down and began to look through the mail.
Maddie was out like a light by the time Clint found her, and she didn't show any signs of waking up as the male picked her up. It took a bit before she actually began to wake, she was mostly still and very quiet while she 'slept'. When she did start coming to, she noticed the warmth of the blanket first and snuggled closer to it, before slowly opening her eyes and blinking. She felt like crud, and her head was pounding. Where was she..?
She vaguely remembered running blindly, once again, and now she was here.. She instinctively curled up under the blanket and glanced around with her eyes. "Hello..?" Maddie voiced curiously .
Torn up papers lay piled on the table along with sealed up envelopes. "Paid, time to send you guys off." All that was left to do was place the stamps on them which Clint did. Standing he threw out the paper in a recycle bin then gathered the paid bills and turned to leave the house. Maddie was still out. Whatever had happened, she must have been very tired at the end of it all. He walked outside, slipped the envelopes into the mailbox then walked back inside the house. He needed to start on dinner. He was pretty hungry. The lunch at work was not enough to make him full.
Clint busied himself in the kitchen making the dinner preparations. That's when he heard Maddie speak up. "In the kitchen." he answered. "Front door is right there if you wish to leave. I'm not going to force you to stay and I'm not going to ask any questions." He assured her.
Clint busied himself in the kitchen making the dinner preparations. That's when he heard Maddie speak up. "In the kitchen." he answered. "Front door is right there if you wish to leave. I'm not going to force you to stay and I'm not going to ask any questions." He assured her.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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Just tell me who you are when you message me there.
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