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Forums Mini Shops Glitter&Sparkle (Soon Freebie~)

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 05:05:56 )
I had plans to make all these gijinka characters based on circus foods and have them in the circus.
Her name is Candice though!

Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 05:10:54 )
That's such a fun idea!!!

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 05:17:52 )
@lina: RIGHT?? But then I never got the whole circus idea running, so now she just floats around with a few other circus characters. orz.

Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 05:32:48 )
It's a mini circus! XD

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 05:55:29 )
I mean. YEAH!
I really only have the ringleader, a few acts/shows and a clown??
That's really it. rip.

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 06:24:10 )
@Yuracye: yeah the uuh wings on the bee crown make it seem a bit weird, but it makes sense I suppose ^^
Ahh yeah D: work probably get's in the way... though I think when you're gone people don't post that much anyway ?? I'm not sure.. And..maybe it's good to go for most expensive first ? Not sure..but I think it's what I would do
And omg Ikr ? I want the TV head so bad ;u; but I can't buy it....sobs...and I bet it's gonne be alot of volts... but I love love love TV heads...I have an oc with based on the concept..
and omg I also have an oc with cotton candy theme! She's actually an UTAU but yeah, I designed her with cotton candy and cats in mind ;u; the combo of blue and pink just works so well!

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 06:32:53 )
@kjemi: Hehe. It is pretty silly. But it does fit with the whole queen bee theme! Q vQ !

It does, unfortunately. I need money to pay for things, so I suppose it's inevitable. You know?
It seems pretty dead here during the day, yeah. I'd spend that time playing games or drawing though. I'd never just waste time. BD BWhahah.

Hmm. I probably should. Especially since they'll raise in price the most. Now it's just between that sword item or the muffin ones. I haven't seen many of those around though. There's one of the electric sword item for sale. I'm at least 7k away from ordering that one though. Hopefully the person still has it in stock when I have enough. > > ;;

I'm not too crazy about the TV head... but I need it. The completionist in me needs it. /twitches
It's $5 normally or something? And if it's 20 volts for 1 ohm. That's.... 10k volts? Might be doing the math wrong though.
You do! O: Oooh.

AHH. That's still awesome though! Are you going to upload her to Toyhouse eventually?
IT DOES. It's one of my favorite combinations, honestly. TT ___ TT

Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 06:37:58 )
That's all you need for a one ring circus!!

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 06:42:02 )
@Yuracye: It does.. and bees are pretty great...they make honey eue
Smart not to waste time! I do the same. Or something else. Like write some fanfiction :3c though I check often to see if anything is happening or if there is anything I can add
Woah how much are they o-o ?? 7 k away...that's quite alot. I hope you can get it in time!
They'll probably make it more than 10 k I think TuT and ahh I adore the TV head it has different expressions and I am all for that. Make me a TV Voltra...make me a TV
Yepp! I am. I try to upload a character each day til I have them all up ^^ that reminds me I gotta put someone up today.
Same here! Though I'm a huge fan of almost anything with blue...

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 07:07:29 )
@lina: They're all females tho. > > ;;;;

@kjemi: YES! Bumblebees are great. Wasps- definitely not. > > ;;; Honey is delicious. * q* It's best in teas! At least for me anyway. Ahhhh.

I try not to! I don't really have enough hours in a day to relax or do what I want. Even the weekends feel like they fly by. Rip.
I wish I could write. I'm not really the best at it. /sweats. I've RPed a few times, but nothing crazy. Ahh.

The price guide says 10k-12k? I think? Q vQ ;;;
I hope I can too! Hopefully with commissions I can catch up a little bit!
Oh no! Try and get it now if anyone is offering! Then you'd be set for life! >: U
Does it really? Omg. That's really cool! I hope you're able to get one!!! Save up as many volts as you can!

Ohhh, nice! Q VQ I think I put like 30 of my characters on the first day. xD
I'll be looking forward to see them then!
Hahaha. Blue is a nice color though! My fiance's main character has blue hair! n ___n !!

Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 07:21:28 )
I'll make an all male mini circus and they can team up! XD

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 07:34:25 )
@Yuracye: I agree on everything. I love the fat fuzzy bumblebees and always make sure to keep them and normal bees alive...wasps...wasps can burn. And if I can I always but honey and not sugar in my tea ;u; feels so much healthier and is more yummy.
That's understandable ;A; works takes alot of time, then you gotta make dinner and eat and clean a bit around the house, before you know it you're just too tired for anything. T^T I'm not...the best writer but I just like to write stories sometimes..err mostly self-inserts tho //the shame of admitting it. I've started writing some original stories too but I always give up... I don't have the concentration power to write a whole book..I used to RP like yeaaaars ago and I want to do it again but I'm so insecure ;u; so I dont know where to start again.
10-12k...well time to save up. I have 5 k and once I finish Panda's commision I will have more..ok ok I can do this. Time to draw ! I want my head
Ahh thank you ;u; I tend to not give them profile pics at first and alter use a base I made as you might've noticed. Though I add all other drawings =u= my ocs aren't that interesting but they are my blood and sweat and tears.
Yaass blue squad *o* I have blue hair in real my obsession with blue is pretty big
I like the way you think Lina! Great ideas *o* the best circus ever

Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 07:45:19 )
lol, we will make the greatest circus of all time!!

Donator — SENPAI Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 07:56:46 )
I can't wait to see all your new characters B )))))

@kjemi: Yesss. They're harmless unless you provoke them, so it makes sense. I try to just walk away when they're near me so they know I'm not here to hurt them... even though they don't.
Wasps can burn in a fire. >: | They're not nice.
I usually drink tea black, but honey is nice. Especially in green tea. It's so nice. afkdskga.

It really does. I'm out of the house like 10 hours a day because of travel and then a hour break. It's horrible.
I don't even bother cleaning the house anymore. It's just like 2 hours on the weekend sometimes. If we're having guests over. D; It's too much otherwise. I didn't sign up for this adult-ing.
That's still cool though!!!!
I tried writing a book once, but I lost the first two chapters that I wrote and then didn't write it again. rip.
I have all these stories in my head but the sequence is always scattered and just.. not good. idk. My stories are pretty lame, but they sound good in my head.
I RP with a friend, but I haven't responded to that in a few months already.

I actually haven't noticed. o ___ o !!!
No it's okay!! A lot of the most interesting OCs that I have are not designed by me. Haaa.

AHHH DO YOU REALLY? I'm so jealous. TT ___TT I dyed the tips of my hair blue one time, then I had pink tips pretty recently. Now that I have an actual teaching job, I can't... do that ever again.

TH | dA

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 08:11:33 )
@Yuracye: Exactly ;u; I even give them some time to fly out on their own before trying to chase them out... its so sad that they die if they sting you ;A; bee save yourself....and woah drink black tea? I gotta have some sweetness... I'm a huge green tea and herb tea person. Oh and citrus. I love fresh pepermint leaf tea...oh and lemon slice tea *u* organic and strong.
Adulting sucks... ;A; and cleaning does too... though the best idea for cleaning is to make it routine. Have specific days and then it becomes a tiiiiny bit easier.
Aww ;u; what was it gonna be about? The book? I like hearing others stories cause like... they can think of things I can't and it's really fun *o* I have..err like the general idea of my stories in my head about my ocs...but I really gotta organize things
A..a few months? I hope your friend knows you're ok omg...
I WILL. IT WILL BE MINE... /// I can maybe eventually dress up as my oc here...that'd be cool
Yeah ! ;u ; not for long I'll probably have to stop when I start looking for jobs...I hate that having "crazy" hair colours is considered's ...just a colour on your head omg... I hope one day we all can dye our hair freely and get tattoos

Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 08:17:35 )
Oh dear. Now I need to make characters...
Find me @ PlayWithErica on instagram, twitch, youtube, and discord.

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 09:41:32 )
Good luck Lina xD it might take some time but I'm sure you'll make some great ones.

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 09:48:00 )
@Panda: O great and lovely Panda, I finished...I ..did your old avatar since that's the one you had when you ordered ;u; I hope you don't mind and that you like it! It's in the finished section!

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 10:17:34 )
@Kjemi: It's fine :D I will send trade, how much was it again?

Donator — She Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/12 10:19:18 )
@Panda: 4k volts or 200 ohms, what ever works best for you ;u; I hope you like it. It was really fun to draw

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