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Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/18 23:36:40 )
Kaneko stared at their hands, she watched as his thumb lightly ran across the top of her hand. Protect her? That was sweet but she was still troubled. Her father had shot him! And when she got involved he even wanted to hurt her. Allen had protected her then and got shot, he almost died because of her. "You got hurt because of me Allen.." She whispered. Go with him, she could. They could leave this town. Go to another town far away or go to a different city. Maybe it would be safer there. "If we run away together...what about your remedies?" She asked. Kaneko wanted him to be able to continue making them whenever he needed. She wasn't sure if a city would have the herbs he needed for his remedies.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/19 00:08:15 )

Allen could sense her troubled nerves, and he understood. Not completely, but he was human at some point. He almost regret saying anything, until he heard her voice. He offered her a small smirk. "No need to worry, I can always put them in a bag and take them with." He said, failing to realize what would happen if he ran out. When he pondered a moment, his smirked faded and he slowly leaned back against the chair. What would he do, if he couldn't make his remedy? Not every city had a herbs shop like this one...

He shook his head and sighed quietly. "I can replace them, one way or another. My herbs can found in other places, and I can keep making them. Let me worry about that.." Allen voiced calmly. Kaneko had worried herself enough over the last two nights, if only there was a way to take away that worry. But, there wasnt, was there? Not as long as she cared about him.. and he wouldn't do anything to change that.

"Where would you want to go?"

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/19 02:33:44 )
Allen seemed adamant that he could get his remedies replaced when he needed to. It made Kaneko feel a little better about the whole thing but it still didn't help her choose a destination. When would they leave? She couldn't leave right away, she needed to go to work and let them know she was resigning. She would tell her boss that a family emergency came up and she had to go visit her mother. Or some lie like that. She could visit her mother but she didn't even know where she lived and it was probably for the best. She didn't want to be in any place where her father might easily find her. They had to go far away. She could pay for a taxi. She had money in her bank account, she could easily make a withdrawal and use that money to get out of here. It would be no problem and then they could get themselves a nice little house. It wouldn't be as nice as his manor or as nice as this one but it would be a start.

They could start a life together. The thought made her happy, and she was okay with leaving all of this behind. It looked like so was he. "Very well, I trust your word Allen." Kaneko answered, gently squeezing his hand. "We would need to get away. Far away. Someplace where my father cannot find us. I have to go to work tomorrow and resign. I'll come up with any excuse and then I'll take some money to help us get to wherever we need to go. I would pack lightly, only take what you really need." Kaneko instructed. They were actually going to do this. It was scary but exciting as well. "We can go to a different town far from here or we can go to the city. Although...cities are much noisier." She admitted. Towns were great because there wasn't so much noise. It was much cozier than a city and places were more affordable as well. "A town is our best bet right now. Any town. Just as long as it's farthest from here."

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/20 22:35:29 )

Allen waited patiently for her to say something, anything to put him at ease, even if it wasn't much. Silence was not usually a good thing for him when his mind wandered. He relaxed some when did finally speak, and in truth, he wasn't expecting it at all.

He nodded lightly and offered her a reassuring smile. "I understand lady Kaneko, I do. This wouldn't be the first time I've had to leave everything behind.. Remember?" He voiced calmly, only mentioning it vaugly. "After dinner, I'll run to my manor and grab the essentials and come back here. I'll be back before you can blink." He said to her, slowly drawing back his hand. They were in the middle of dinner after all. Carefully, he picked the wine glass and sipped from it. Then he placed it back down continued his meal.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/21 22:51:12 )
A life running away. It didn't seem very fair. Her father wouldn't stop searching for him and now even more since Kaneko had gone with him. Maybe she should visit her father tomorrow in prison. Maybe not, he was a bad person. A scary guy and she didn't want to hear anything he had to say. Her best choice would be to quit, take some money, and run off with Allen as far as they could.

Kaneko nodded, "I believe you Allen. I just hope this is the last time you have to leave everything behind." She voiced quietly. It was not her choice to make though if he ran or not. It was a choice he himself had to make. Looking down at her stew, she enjoyed it in silence, a plan formulating in patches in her head. Grabbing her wine glass, she brought it up to her lips and took a sip before carefully setting it back down on the table and resuming eating her meal. He'd leave and return before she could blink? He had to be messing with her right?

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/26 22:13:17 )

Allen ate the rest of his stew while he waited for Kaneko to speak. She was willing to leave everything, to throw her life away and start over- with him.. He almost couldn't believe it. When she did speak up, he nodded lightly. This would be his third time starting new, and as long as she was with him, he'd do it again if it meant keeping her safe.

Once he was finished eating, and took a delicate dip from the wine glass, he glanced in her direction. "Did you.. Wanna look at the stitches before I left?" He voiced quietly, somewhat nervous about the idea of him bleeding again. But, he had definitely over did it just by coming here. He was sore.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/28 19:02:45 )
Kaneko busied herself in finishing her meal. Her head filled with things she had to do in order to make this work. She kept repeating the list over and over in her head so that she wouldn't forget. However, getting it done quickly wasn't always a good idea. Things like this needed careful planning to be pulled off flawlessly. They would leave tomorrow...or the day after at the latest.

Looking at Allen, Kaneko smiled and nodded. "Oh yeah. Let me just get these bowls into the sink first." She was careful in picking them up and transferring them to the sink. She washed her hands gently then made her way towards Allen. "I'm sure the stitches are fine, I just want to take a look to make sure there is no blood. I'll just cover the stitches in some gauze in case the stitches were to rip, but I don't think that will happen." Kaneko explained, carefully unbuttoning his shirt so that she could see the stitches. With her first aid kit at her side, Kaneko lightly dabbed some disinfectant onto the stitches with a cotton ball. She was being very careful not to apply any pressure as well. "Are you sure you will be okay going to your manor?" She asked him quietly as she prepared some gauze.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/06/29 01:14:18 )
Allen nodded to her voice, and waited patiently. Listening as she scurried from the table and to the sink. He could hear her turn on the water and washed something, maybe her hands. He was sure she wasn't washing the dishes.. When she came back, he tensed some as he felt his shirt being loosened, but soon relaxed after reminding himself it was only Kaneko checking his wound. He nodded lightly to her words. Allen bite his lip as the disinfectant was applied, his fangs poking his lip some, despite her effort of being careful. It was something that couldn't be helped. His skin was far more sensitive than a humans. That and he never used human ointments or medicines. It burned though..Maybe he was allergic to the cream?

Allen hissed quietly before opening his mouth to say anything. Was it supposed to? "Bloody- wipe it off." He murmured, quickly feeling like she had just touched a flame to his skin, but he was trying to stay calm. "I'll be fine.. Please, my skin feels like it's burning." Allen nearly begged, squeezing his hand into a ball.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/2 02:34:04 )
Kaneko looked up from the gauze after hearing his pleas. Wipe it off? But then how would it heal? She didn't want him to be in any pain though, so with some clean gauze Kaneko proceeded to wipe off the disinfectant. As much as she could anyway then covered up the wound in clean bandages. "There we go. I'm sorry if it hurt but that just means it's working." A small smile on her face, Kaneko glanced to the front door then stood up to throw out the dirtied gauze and wash her hands. It was interesting to see that he was honestly bothered by the disinfectant. Others didn't mind it but he really seemed to hate it. Taking the first aid kit, she quickly put it away where it belonged then walked back to where Allen was.

"If you are certain that you will be fine, then you may go. I will remain here and pack up a few things. We should leave tomorrow as soon as we can Allen." The dark haired girl instructed quietly. It was a little scary leaving her home behind and moving somewhere new with someone who wasn't even family. Maybe this is what growing up felt like though. She wondered what her mother would think of this whole idea and of Allen if she ever met him. Though that wasn't likely to happen, she didn't even know where her mother was.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/21 22:26:03 )
@Boss Rimi: hey, sorry for the disappearance ~ life has been crazy and I had a bad case of writers block x.x I hope we can continue :3
If not, I understand ^^

Allen began to feel better as Kaneko gently wiped off the burning ointment. He felt bad though.. Due to the after effects of his remedy, he should've just bared it. "I'm sorry.. I'm not usually bothered by a little bit of pain.. I guess the skin is more sensitive then I thought.." He murmured quietly, slowly inhaling. Her scent still calmed him greatly. He was glad for that. Truly, he was.

Gingerly, Allen rested a hand in the top of her head and offered her a small smile. "I'll be back before morning, I don't feel right leaving you alone." He spoke calmly, pulling back his arm and fixing his shirt before standing. "Lock the doors and windows until I come back, please? " Allen voiced, just worried about something or someone getting to her while he was away. He gave her a light peck on her forehead and then made his way to the door, opened it, and walked outside to head back to his manor.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/22 02:49:48 )
@xnovax: It's all good. I don't really hang out around here anymore but your rps keep me checking in from time to time. lol

Kaneko nodded, a small smile on her face. She watched him leave and once he was gone, she let out a soft breath. Waking to the front door, Kaneko quickly locked it then ran through the house and locked the windows and any other doors that led out of the house. Once the doors and windows were locked, Kaneko walked to her room and pulled out a suitcase. It now lay opened on her bed and the girl began to pack up a few of her clothes and important things she really needed. Every few minutes, she'd go to the kitchen and look out through the curtains of the window. No sign of anyone. The phone rang, making her jump and she slowly made her way towards it but she didn't answer. She couldn't. What if it was her father calling? He wouldn't waste his call on her though would he?

Hesitantly, she answered the phone after the third ring. "Hello?" She asked but no one answered. Instead all was silent before the other end hung up. "Strange.." Kaneko hung the phone up as well. It wasn't too strange though. Maybe the caller just called the wrong number. Yes, that was probably it and that was what Kaneko decided to tell herself as she made her way back to her room to finish packing.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/22 04:21:50 )
@Boss Rimi: ahah, I'm happy you like our rps so much! ^~^

Allen made haste as he went to his manor to gather his herbs and remedies, mostly importantly his eye remedy. When he got there, there a man waiting for him. He paused, catching the scent of a familiar being. It couldn't be.. Could it? He wondered. "It's been a long time, hasn't it Allen?" The man spoke in a calm, strong voice. Anger was what Allen mostly felt when he heard the man's voice. The one who turned him, and then left him alone. "What do you want? Why did you come here?" He asked as he cautiously approached the walkway to his doorway. "You can't run from them, don't you know that? They'll keep coming after you, now that they know you're alive." The other voiced sternly.

"Come back with me. We can be a family again.. I can give you you're eyes back." He spoke. Allen shook his head and stiffened a growl. "You're not welcome here, leave! I have someone to protect, I don't need you!" Allen voiced, walking passed the one who turned him and went inside without saying another word. What the hell?! Did they really expect him to go back? No! He focused on getting what he came for, and then left again. It took him maybe a couple hours to get everything and go back to Kaneko's apartment, even with the unexpected surprise waiting for him.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/22 05:35:22 )
@xnovax: Well you give me a lot to work with so I appreciate it. :)

Looking over her things, she made sure she wasn't missing anything then closed the suitcase and walked to the kitchen where she began to make a list of things she would need to do. Quitting her job was going to suck, but it had to be done. She couldn't stay here any longer, it was far too dangerous. "Take money out from bank.." She told herself, a pencil scribbling down her errands on a lined sheet of notepad paper. Time passed slowly, it was getting darker and Kaneko realized she was leaving her friends behind as well. They weren't really friends though, just people she worked with. They never once hung out together. Mostly because she wasn't allowed to do so.

Her dark eyes looked over the list various times, the pencil taping against her bottom lip while she pondered their options. While she loved her credit card, she knew she could no longer use it. Unless it was under a different name. What false name would her card hold? One her father would never associate with her. "Hmm...Charlie." she said with a smile. Her father would never suspect a thing. Writing that down as well, Kaneko sighed. Suddenly mentally exhausted. This would be the last night she would ever sleep in this house. How exciting!

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/22 05:54:38 )
@Boss Rimi: happy to oblige! ^^

Allen didn't stop once he left the manor for Kaneko's apartment. He was beyond surprised to hear that voice again..especially when the man was asking him to come back. He knew he couldn't run forever, but, he'd do anything to keep her safe. To keep her suffering anymore than she was was, and to keep her..human.

When he managed to get back, without getting lost, he slowly approached the door and sorta tapped on it, for not wanting to scare her too much. "It's just me, alright?" He voiced after a moment, thinking maybe it'd put her at ease a little. He did tell he'd be back after all.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/22 06:35:27 )
Walking back to her bedroom, Kaneko got her outfit ready for tomorrow. She undressed, got dressed in her pajama which consisted of a silk nightgown. One of many that she had. All of which she packed away. The dirty laundry was tossed in the washing machine but left there. Her feet took her back to the kitchen. The list of errands rested on the empty kitchen table.

Tomorrow was going to be a busy day, but hopefully everything went smoothly. Her father would never find them again which meant that Allen would be safe. Speaking of Allen, she heard a light tap on her door followed by the sound of his voice. Her heart flipped in her chest and she quickly opened the door. "Hello again, please come in." Kaneko moved out of the way for him to walk into the house, closing the door behind him and locking it again. "Are you alright? Y-you didn't run into trouble did you?" She asked quietly.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/23 02:39:30 )

Allen patiently waited for the door to open, and he offered her a kind smile. He entered the apartment when she invited him back in, and easily slipped by her. He set his bag of stuff on the chair, once he found his way back to the kitchen and shook his head. "No trouble, just a bit of inconvenient visitor." He spoke quietly, reminded of the anger he had been feeling when he realized who was at his manor. "I grabbed all of my herbs, and my remedy. I didn't stay long enough to grab any clothes.." He explained calmly, rubbing the top of his head sheepishly. He just wanted to get away from the man who abandoned him. Honestly.. Nothing else seemed to be on his mind other than his herbs. He didn't even remember if he wrapped his eyes up since leaving the hospital.

He grit his teeth, allowing his fangs to poke out some. "My master, the one who turned me and then left me, had the nerve to ask me to go back with him.." Allen spoke in a lowered voice, not even realizing that he had said it. He was hurting..deep inside.. "After all this time.. Suddenly showing up on my doorstep.." He voiced quietly, raising a hand to cover the tears he could feel pricking his blind eyes. "I apologize Miss Kaneko.. It doesn't seem I can keep my composure after meeting with him.." Allen spoke quietly, lowering his head a bit. He didn't want her seeing him like this.. .

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/23 05:08:10 )
An inconvenient visitor? Strange, but at least this mysterious visitor didn't give Allen a hard time or follow him here. At the thought that maybe he had, Kaneko swiftly made her way to the kitchen window and looked outside. Nothing, no one in sight. It put her at ease some. "Oh, not to worry Allen, we can always buy you some clothes before we leave." Although, Kaneko wasn't sure how that was going to work. It wasn't like he could pick out what he wanted to buy. It was up to her to find him something comfortable to wear. Yes, she was sure she could think of something. "What matters is that you got the most important items. Clothes are replaceable." She pointed out with a warm smile. In her rush of getting him out of the hospital, she had forgotten to wrap up his eyes, perhaps he wanted them wrapped up.

Kaneko turned to make her way for the first aid kit but stopped and looked back to Allen when he spoke. "Your...m-master?" Her fingers reached up to scratch the side of her head. The more he spoke, the more hurt he became. "There, there. You have nothing to apologize for." Her voice was calm, kind. Her hand lightly caressed his cheek and her arms wrapped around him gently. "You can cry Allen. It usually helps the person feel a little better. We won't talk about this person, it's just you and me now." Why had this man returned? What did he really want with Allen? Would Allen even be safe with his old master again? What if they were found? No, she couldn't have such thoughts. Not now.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/23 05:50:35 )

Crying helped someone feel better? That didn't make since.. Not to him anyway. He couldn't stop them though. Allen slowly wrapped his arms around her in a hug and allowed his tears to flow as they apparently needed. He allowed his head to rest against her shoulder and held her. The pain he was feeling now was nothing compared to what he felt when he forgot to take his remedy. Not even close.

Him and her, on the run together. The thought didn't really make him feel any better.. "I'm sorry I got you into this mess.. None of this would even be happening if not for me.." He murmured quietly. He was happy they could be together.. Allen was really just a mess right now. A big soft jumbled mess.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/23 06:49:32 )
Kaneko's fingers soothingly ran through the vampire's soft blonde locks. "It's okay.." She whispered. The visitor really must have hurt him to have him crying like this, but she could understand. The man left him all by himself when Allen needed him the most. Now all these years later he shows up and asks him to return. Why? That was what bothered her the most. Why show up now of all days? Had he been watching Allen from afar? Had he seen what had happened between her father and Allen?

Did this mean he knew where she lived? "Shh...I agreed to leave with you willingly. None of this is your fault Allen. We will both get through this okay? I promise." Kaneko continued to hold him as long as he needed, she was in no hurry. She knew how much being held helped when you were having a bad day. "I could make you some tea to help you relax. O-or I could offer you more wine. Whatever you want Allen. Or we could stay like this, that is perfectly fine too." She listed with a smile.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/24 06:17:34 )
"Let me stay like this..for a bit.." He quietly voiced , still holding her loosely. If she wanted to slip away, she could.

Allen managed to calm down after a bit, after nearly hyperventilating and forcing himself to calm down. Feeling Kaneko's finger run through his hair really seemed to help as well. He called down faster because of it. Still though.. If he had just left her alone like most of the humans, she wouldn't have had to even think about leaving.. Maybe it was for the best. Her father certainly wasn't going to change. Slowly, he raised his head and rested his forehead against hers, his milky eyes seemingly staring into her brown ones.

"I promise you, we will go someplace not even my master would look for me." Allen voiced calmly with a hint of seriousness in his voice. He would keep her safe and hidden away from others like him, and others hunting him. Right now though, he just needed her presence . Soon, he lowered his arms from around her and straighten out some.

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