"Look... I know how you might feel." She said to Amalia softly,"I grew up the daughter of a simple maid...Until last year, I myself was a simple maid." She spoke quietly, so only Amalia could hear her, letting her go gently"Troy is not a bad guy. He really isn't. I think he's just flustered, as I don't think he ever expected anyone to care for him like that... Lyle was the same way..." She really wished Amalia wouldn't go,"You remind me of a young girl I was friends with as a child." She said with a sigh,"But she had to move with her aunt when I was about seven years old..." She looked at her sadly,"If you feel you must leave, at least wait until some of the wind dies down." She said,"It could be really dangerous and I want you to be able to get back safely. Your aunt wouldn't want you to get stuck out in that cold mess."
but living takes true courage.