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Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/24 21:01:20 )
Immediately, Ash's eyes widened.

"Ahhhh hell." he said.

He then made his way to Vito, and placed a hand on his back, sucking out the remaining rune mana that was within him.

"...that's better." Vito mumbled.

"What is she doing?" Ash asked. This prompted an explanation from Vito, which caused Ash to sigh deeply.

"Looks like I need to take care of this." he commented.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/24 23:02:17 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

Ashley just sighed as she heard everything herself.

"At the very least.... you can't be caught by it yourself." She commented, addressing Ashleyu.

"You learned a long while ago that she can't trap you. You two were testing that for just in case something like this happened, if I recall correctly."
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/24 23:23:24 )
"It's still gonna hurt, though." Ash replied.

"Huh?" Vito muttered.

"But you're, like, the strongest Fyrane." he said.

"Debateable." Ash responded. "Besides, she's boosted by the mana granted to her from the staff that denotes her as Head of The Council." he reminded them.

".........oh." Vito mumbled.

"But still. I suppose I have a responsibility to try and stop her." Ash then admitted, sighing and shaking his head.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/24 23:30:09 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

"The staff from Hollie, adn the ring from all the previous in her position.... Ash, this is not going to be easy." Ashley commented.

"Do... you want me to get Lindsay to help?" She asked.

"Y'all are from the same generation, so I don't think any of you can be trapped by the other."
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/24 23:58:56 )
Ash shook his head.

"Lindsay's a Fyrane, but remember, he doesn't have the tainted aspect." he told Ashley.

"I don't think he can be trapped by it, but... well... exposure to it will do nothing good for his soul." he said.

"Besides, it's best if Lindsay's left as a backup." he then added.

With that, he took a few steps back, and disappeared in a burst of black flames, aiming to stop Vicki from doing something she would regret.

Meanwhile, Addison was in his office, grabbing at his hair.

"The HELL is going on!?" he exclaimed.

"Suddenly everyone in this guild is getting into arguments and rioting!" he said to himself.

"Where did this all come from!?"

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/25 00:01:13 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

'Beats the fuck outta me." A female voice said as she entered the room.

"This is insane. It's almost as if there's some Loco Lotus pollen in the air or something." She added after a moment.

"Which... would be quite alarming, but... I dunno. Doesn't seem quite right for that."
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/25 00:36:05 )
Addison looked at the female that entered, and sighed.

"Not the right season." he said.

"It wouldn't be so fast-acting and sudden." he told her.

"And I don't know how it would have gotten IN here in the first place." he then added.

"But this place is anarchy right now, and I don't know how to stop it!" he finished, growing more and more frustrated.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/25 00:40:37 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

"...... Doll Daisies. " She stated simply.

'Moma nd I have fallen victim to it enough... they are fast, they are effective, and should override whatever the fuck is going on out there." She paused a moment.

"I can't promise it not getting into here though." She then admitted. It was something that he wasn't too surprised about.

"That'll be on you to close the vents and such here. But I can get some of those going through the vents to get through everywhere in here." She paused a moment, "If that's cool. If not, say the word and I'll see if I can track down Emelie or something. She's a wonder for situations like this"
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/25 00:50:38 )
Addison was silent for a moment, before he heaved a long sigh.

"I hate having to use Doll Daisies." he said.

"But I honestly don't know where Emelie is, and I'm not sure if we have the time to track her down." he admitted. "If this isn't dealt with soon, this entire guild will be in shambles." he went on.

", do it." he told her.

"I'll make sure the vents are closed, and the air circulates all throughout the building." he said.

"This needs to be calmed down, NOW, by any means necessary."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/25 00:52:34 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

She nodded.

"All right." She stated.

"I'll be back... may not be in the best states myself, mind." was the last thing she said before stepping out the door and heading down into the basement.

She had work to do after all, and she knew the filters were down there
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/25 01:16:36 )
Addison watched her go, and sighed again.

"Forgive me." he mumbled, looking at a picture of his mother.

"But this is a desperate time." he said.

Meanwhile, as she made her way through the halls, she stumbled upon a brawl that was happening in a nearby lounge... which ended up with one of the combatants being throw out of the door, and into her.

"Damn it!" they cursed.

"Your fault for getting in the way." they said to her, before getting up and storming back into the lounge.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/25 01:20:43 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

She just rolled her eyes as she got to her feet before smirking and stepping into the room.

"My fault? Ah, please." She said.

"Here. Why don't you all just take a breather." She then said before the few plants in the room started to grow and shift until they were thrown out of the pots by flowers that had grown from beneath them.

They were pure white flowers.
Rather pretty too.

She just stepped out of the room and closed the door as more started to come forth, and the ones that were there seemed to have their roots working as little legs. The flowers were literally walking toward the people in there.

"All right, not to do what I was originally intending." She muttered before finishing her trek to the air circulation syustem. She paused before sighing and brought forth several of the blooms she needed.


About twenty minutes later, she manatged to make her way back up to Addison's office, made her way in, and closed the door before leaning against it. She was winded, and certainly wasn't unscathed from the air ou tthere, but it was severely decreased. She'd be fine in about ten minutes.

'All right, done." She said. He could almost hear how it had started to get to her.

"Apparently I made it strong enough my usual means of not breathing in something like that wasn't as effective as usual." She then told him.
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/25 01:50:42 )
Addison looked at her, and sighed.

"Thank you." he said, getting up and making his way towards her.

"Come on. Sit down." he told her, leading her to one of the couches and sitting her down on it.

"I'll get you a bottle of water." he told her.

"But you made them THAT strong, huh?" he then asked.

"That's... impressive."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/25 01:55:21 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

She was silent as he sat her down before shaking her head.

"Yeah.. I really did. I kne I'd need the potency." She answered.

"I mean... I'm not fallin' completely victim, but it's almost enough that I have to keep reminding myself who I am." She added.

'Rather not fun."
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/25 02:00:14 )
"....I see." Addison replied, grabbing a bottle of ice cold water, and handing it to her. When she accepted it, he sat down beside her, and sighing.

"I bet it wouldn't be." he said.

"But... you did it." he told her.

"Things should calm down, anyway." he reasoned.

"Which is good. I don't need this guild crumbling."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/25 02:01:56 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

She took a drink before sighing.

"Ten minutes... ten minutes adn you can issue and order for everyone. Whether it's stay here, go to sleep, go home... whatever" She told him.

"It'll help with the effects, definitely. Well, whatever it was that was causing everything to hit the fan like it was."
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/25 02:13:47 )
Addison nodded in response.

"All right." he replied.

He was then silent for another moment, before wrapping an arm around her.

"Hey." he said.

"You're the best." he told her.

"I'm a lucky man."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/25 02:19:28 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

"I do what I can for you Addy." She said as she leaned against him.

"I just.... you should know that. I have my mothers temper, and disposition, but My Dad's calmness, too." She added.

She didn't really have anything to say beyond that. It was taking all she had to kepe herself level from the bit that she did inhale.

thankfully it wasn't nearly as much as the others had.
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/25 02:48:31 )
"Lily..." Addison said quietly.

"I know." he said.

"I do all I can for you as well." he told her.

"For now, just relax." he said.

"Concentrate on detoxing yourself, and recovering."
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/07/25 02:58:08 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

Lily just sighed.

"Thanks. I need it." She then said.

"And I've been working to that for the past bit anyway." She added. "bein' a draydin really comes in handy."
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?
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