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Forums Role Playing An Assault on the Senses

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/1 20:04:26 )
"We... probably have some big troubles here." Darrel responded.

"See.... right. How do I put this...?" he wondered aloud.

"Apparently, according to Alice, Vicki says there's something big and ominous happening here." he told her.

"And Sammy and I found Evan in their get-away apartment passed out with a weird book in his lap." he said further.

"Alice is too busy with hospital work, taking care of Evan and all, so I thought you could tell Vito, as you're pretty close to him, and he could tell Vicki." he then informed her.

"It's somewhat convoluted, but currently, it's the most direct line I have to Vicki."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/1 20:05:55 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

Adrian was silent for a moment before sighing.

"Taht really is convoluted." She agreed with a nod.

"But yeah, sure." She added. "I could deinitely do that."

"The sooner the better, I'm guessing?" She asked after a moment or two.
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/1 20:08:18 )
"Indeed." Darrel responded.

"For all we know, time's a big factor here." he told her.

"Sorry to make you play messenger like this." he then apologized. "But, like I said, without Alice, you're the most direct line we have to Vicki." he said.

"Well... except for Lindsay." he then said further.

"But he's disappeared on some obscure knowledge hunt, and we don't know where he is." he added with a sigh.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/1 20:14:55 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

Adrian nodded, even though he couldn't see it.

"No, no I get it." She assured him.

"I'll get in contact with Vito and send him your way." She added.

"Or at least get him to help out. Wahtever happens." She then said before they ended the call and she sighed.

"Well, at least I wasn't busy." She muttered before vanishing in a bubble of water. She appeared near the council and just made her way in, saying hello to a couple people who knew her - since she was there rather frequently to see Vito - and made her way to where she knew he'd likely be. When she didn't find him there, she made a couple of inquiries and found where he was. Once she had that knowledge, she made her way down there and knocked on the door. After someone answered adn she was in, she was able to approach who was probably te closest to her.

"Yo. I'm playing messenger." She said with a light laugh as she approached.

"You can actually talk to Vicki, I can't because of all the red tape I'd have to jump through." She started before telling him what Darrell told her.
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/1 20:22:37 )
Vito listened to what Adrian had to say, and his eyes had widened by the time she had finished all of what she said.

"....yes, that DOES sound like it's connected." he agreed.

"I'd be shocked if it wasn't." he admitted.

"I need to tell Vicki this right away." he went on.

"You sticking around?" he asked her.

"You can head to my private office area and get a drink from the minifridge or something." he offered.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/1 20:37:53 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

Adrian nodded.

"Yeah, I would prefer to stick around." She said with a light alugh.

"If only because maybe the mana here will keep me safe." She added.

'I'll see you in a bit." she added before heading off, letting Vito do what was needed as need be. He didn't need her getting in his way after all.
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/1 20:48:40 )
Vito watched her go, before he left, himself, and made his way to where Vicki would be. Her office.

He made his way there, to find that the door was locked, unsurprisingly, and barricaded with some mana. She wanted to be alone. But he had to speak with her.

"Vicki!" he called in.

"Vicki, it's me. I have information." he told her.

"I think we may have located a potential source for what you sensed."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/1 21:00:50 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

He was met with silence for about two minutes before he felt the mana fade enough for him to make his way in. Of course, he'd had to mana his way into the room, due to the fact that she hadn't unlocked the door.

Once he was in the office, she reapplied the barriers that had been there before.

"What's going on, Vito?" She asked as she met his gaze.

"You say you think you may have a source... can I get more information?"
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/1 21:04:47 )
"Something's happened to Evan." Vito replied.

He then proceeded to tell her about Evan's absence, Sammy's worry, how they found him in the apartment, what they had done to help him... and the book.

"Yeah, seems he's got a weird old book." he told her.

"Which... to be honest, seems like it'd be the culprit." he went on.

"Might not be. But still... there's a chance."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/1 21:45:14 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

". . . a.... weird old book...?" Vicki asked before falling silent.

"That... wait.." She paused a moment before heading to her computer and checking for something, an email. It didn't take long before finding it.

"There were so many that were left behind when the library was destroyed, so many that were lost..." She paused before meeitng Vito's gaze.

"He may have found one of those ones, because he was asking permission to go hunting through there." She added.

"I... didn't grant it, but knowing him, he still went."
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/2 03:34:03 )
Vito was silent for a moment, before growling.

"Damn it." he cursed.

"He inherited his father's thirst for knowledge, but he doesn't have a shred of wisdom to go with it." he said. "Damned feline curiosity." he went on.

"But all right, let's assume he did go, which he probably did." he said further.

"Where do we go from here?" he asked.

"Should we get that book ASAP? Or is it potentially too dangerous to go and get it right now, sight unseen?" he asked her further.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/2 03:42:44 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

Vicki just sighed.

"I... will havwe to go through the records to find out what book it could be, that could do something like this." She answered with a light sigh.

'Beyond that, I have no idea, it's not something ideal, not by any means... I just know that we really do havbe to tread lightly.

"Fuckin' Magic. It's so old that we have to be very careful. The fact that the book was opened probably released the magic... so that's at least a point to work from."
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/2 04:21:39 )
"...well... damn it." Vito muttered.

He then paused for a moment, pondering all that had been said, and taking it in.

"Magic. Old world mana so old that everyone fears it." he mused. "And a term that I haven't really heard much of." he went on. "Except for Desiree and Jaden, but that's, like, the illusion of stage magic or whatever. It was all mana." he said.

"This... this would be forces that only fools or the ignorant would dare trifle with." he continued.

" Evan." he grumbled.

"Something tells me we're in for a bad time."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/2 04:28:15 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

Vicki nodded.

"Yep." She said.

"It's stuff to fear." She agreed with a sigh.

"It's nothing wonderful, at all, terrifying stuff, really. Old world magic is stronger than my mana now, even boosted because of the staff and ring." She told him.
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/2 04:50:49 )
"........." Vito was silent as he heard that.

"That is terrifying." he said.

"But what do we do?" he asked her.

"Should we tell Darrel and Samantha about this?" he asked.

"I'm sure they have questions and concerns, given the state that Evan was found in." he went on.

"Or do we wait until we have further evidence?"

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/2 05:07:56 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

"That... I'm not sure." Vicki admitted.

"I'm going to call her though... offer my support for one, and for another specifically request that she makes sure that the book is not removed from Evan." She told him.

"If it is, then there may be some very serious problems, depending on the book it is." As she spoke, she was grabbing her phone.
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/2 05:28:24 )
Vito was silent for a moment, and nodded.

"All right." he replied.

"Wait..." he then said.

"Make sure the book is not removed from Evan?" he asked.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked her.

"As in, taken from him at all? Like it always has to be touching him or something?"

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/2 05:29:45 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

"Within a couple feet, at least." Vicki answered.

"Because if it's one of the more dangerous ones.... it may let out anothe rpulse of magic that could level the area if not close enough to the initial cause, or something." She paused before sighing.

"I'm not entirely sure how to word it..." she admitted.
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/2 05:50:46 )
"......hoo boy." Vito muttered.

"Right." he said.

"You do that." he told her.

"Don't let me hold you up." he went on.

"I'm going to go see Adrian." he then said.

"Let her know staying here might be the safest option for her."
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/2 05:52:43 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

Vicki nodded.

"You do that." She said.


A bit later, Sammy sighed as she sat down next to her still unconscious brother, the tome sitting on the bedside table next to him.

"Bloody hell, Evan." she muttered before looking to the book.

". . . " She was silent before making her way over to it and looking it over, every detail on the outside.

'The hell kinda book is this...?" She wondered, knowing that he would, couldn't, answer.
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?
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