@apollo im burning: No, I'm not on the Voltra discord actually. Forgot why. lol
I didn't watch all the shorts but I did watch a few, some of which made me sad. But the were enjoyable anyway. Oh if Lucio got his own short that would be awesome! To know how a DJ got recruited into this in the first place. :o
Nero? Oh wait, I was thinking of Nero from 'Dirge of Cerberus' oops. xD
I had to look him up and you're right! He does look like Virgil a bit. <3 Longer hair is really nice on guys. Well, some guys can actually pull it off. Others not so much. I never played the reboot, just saw pictures of it. I imagine it must have been fun, especially knowing now that combos are easier to do.
Hmm, so that means that 15 are boys. Not bad, seems I was wrong. Impressive, and yeah I think of Bastion as a guy. Ugh that sucks, it's nice when games allow you to pick any character you want regardless of gender. I mean, it's only fair. D: Yeah I noticed the duplicate thing which is really nice too!
Hmm, she's more like a Paladin no? I haven't really seen her skins. Or maybe I have and I forgot, but I think grandpa Reinhardt has a Sol skin too right?
Yeah he did and I think Zenyatta helped him come to terms with his new body. I think...
-clicks link-
Awww how precious!

They don't look too happy in the photo but I still like it. xD
Congrats on the golden weapon! It looks so pretty! :o