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Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/2 23:06:41 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

@Mandy Amour: Heh. I've left my mark!

And oooohhh
If you need help with any of the events, lemme know. I'll see what I can do~<3
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/2 23:08:16 )

Batsy Says. . .

I am gonna draw more hands today.
Cause boy do they need work. A lot of it.
I drew a total of 18 yesterday.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
[My Website] | [Twitter] | [Instagram] | [Tumblr]

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/2 23:18:24 )

@Boss Rimi: x I'm 25, turning 26. TToTT I don't really feel my age, tbh. :s
Anyway, I actually don't really remember? (゚ペ) I think I tend to get different kinds, lol. But I'll probably ask for an ice cream cake this year. c: Those are super yummy. :D As for mariachis, here you go, lol. I didn't know how to define it off the top of my head. xD
I never did ask her, but I'm assuming it would have been in her teen years. She also ended up getting a septum piercing. xD But she doesn't really wear it anymore.

I'm really rather curious to see your art, to be honest. n u n;;;; But him wearing a man bun as a super casual look is cute. :D

As for the rumor, I'm dying with excitement. xD I wonder who it would be for! *O*
I really, really, REALLY love the Devil May Cry series and hnngghhh yeah I'm a sucker for Dante. xD My favorite look for him is 3 and 4, haha. xD I want to get a better look at him in 5 before I decide what I think. o w o And by brown hair do you mean the reboot?
"Maybe a character that attacks with a spear, or a sword, or a crossbow." I've been wanting a hero with a sword for forever so I would cry if we got that. ; o ; But the other weapons sound like they'd be fun, too! And I'd totally take another androgynous character! :D
Oh yeah, I totally forgot that short! But it would also be nice to see what their childhood was like as well as how Genji came to accept his new body.

@strawberry: aah, I'm glad you think so! ; o ;
Also, an artist I follow is taking commissions and I really want to get something for Jordan done, but I'm too scared to show them my art o n o lol


Donator — V.A.G Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/2 23:32:51 )
@Lady Luna: Thank you I for sure will, I just have to decide which one I want to launch for here first. Its so hard to decide D;

On a completely unrelated note I am s happy to see some new faces in here becoming regulars already! Cant wait to see all the fun you guys have with this next thread contest :)

ALSO been trying to keep myself busy and work on my skills since they are so rusty lol

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/2 23:38:42 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

@Mandy Amour: That looks frikken awesome so far, darlin'~
Highly saturated, but I assume that's your intention? (Anime-ish looking... they don't usually use not saturated colours, lol)
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?

Donator — V.A.G Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/2 23:43:06 )
@Lady Luna: Aww thank you! Yeah im trying to make him look a lot like he actually does in the show. My goal is to see how close I can get it on my own so I can judge if Im improving or not xD I figured Id go with one of my favorite animes so I actually have the drive to finish it for fun lol

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/2 23:44:46 )
A man only sees what he wants to see
When he's in his mind, where he is, what he wants to be

@Mandy Amour: Heh, makes sense!
I look forward to seeing the finished result, if you choose to share later~<3
Living in a world where he's safe from reality
Won't you take a chance on this night and follow me?
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me

Donator — V.A.G Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/2 23:47:23 )
@Lady Luna: Oh yeah of course I will. Even if Im not happy with the out come of it I figure its the only way Ill get used to the critiques from people and also the only way Ill improve if people point out a better way of doing something. Besides at the end of the day as long as you are happy with what youve done it doesnt matter if anyone else enjoys it lol

Voltie — Princess Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/2 23:47:57 )
@Mandy Amour:
@Lady Luna: Thank you both for the page prize!

Always ping me please.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/3 00:41:03 )

@apollo im burning: Well I show my art mostly on Discord. Especially right now that my room is being renovated so I don't have a way to scan anything onto my laptop. I'm happy to hear you want to see my art though, I'd be happy to show you and thanks, I'm glad you like the concept of the man bun for lazy looks. xD

Who do you hope it is for? :o
Yaaas Dante is the best! Although Virgil isn't bad lookin' either. -eyebrow wiggle- xD
Hmm I think so? Yeah I think it's the remake. -nods-

If we get like a knight sort of character I would be sooo happy. I do think we need more girl characters too? I think we have more men than females but I can't remember the exact numbers right now. -thinks-
Yes another androgynous character would be awesome! :D
True, very true. I think he met Zenyatta, and that's who he trained under? I dunno where I heard that but yes, more insight on all of that would be appreciated I'm sure.

@strawberry: I'm jealous too! Her art is wonderful!

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/3 01:04:16 )

@strawberry: Welp I'm currently bidding against one other person so yeah. Hahah
Omg you don't have to but thank-you very much! ; u ;

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/3 01:25:20 )

@strawberry: Yeah, they're on a roll I guess. xD
Thank-you very much, you're too kind!

Holy! That's a ton of volts! :o
Thanks so much!

Donator — V.A.G Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/3 12:17:51 )
@strawberry: I am so tired trust me, I woke up this morning and my eyes barely wanted to open at all. Last day and then the long weekend so I can tough through it hopefully lol. It will be a nice paycheck at the very least xD
Aww thank you! ^-^ its a character from a show I used to watch called Chrono Crusade. I figured if it was something I like Id actually push myself to finish it lol

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/3 15:31:53 )

Some original art I've been working on the past few days! It's fanart of the AC villager Merengue wearing one of my favorite outfits of mine, but with more pastel colors to match her taste <3

Speed Paint:


Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/3 18:17:41 )

@Mandy Amour: Hello there! c:
And Chrono looks amazing! I only read the first two books, I think, but man, this brings back memories! Maybe I should try continuing the series. xD

@strawberry: I'm going to try to psych myself up for it, I guess. xD I really do want art, and I guess the worst thing they can say is no, lol.

@Boss Rimi: on the voltra one? o: If so, I gotta start stalking that, lol.

As for the short, maybe something for Mcree? :D I know Reaper has been in a few, but maybe one where they focused more on his motives or something would be nice. o w o D.Va and Lucio would be cool, too. c:
Speaking of Vergil, Nero is looking more like him in 5. I kind of miss his hair from 4. xD But I tend to like longer hair in general, lol
I personally wasn't a fan of the reboot, but I have to admit it definitely had fun mechanics. :) It was way easier to combo and whatnot. xD

Hmm, there's 28 heroes right now, 13 of which are girls. Does Bastion count as a guy, though? o: Either way, even though they're not equal, they are definitely the closest I've ever seen in any game. I remember when I would play multiplayer in Assassin's Creed that I was annoyed that you could always have a full game with guy characters but not with girls. :s But you can totally do that with Overwatch with both teams being all girls, and even better that you wouldn't be forced to have duplicates if you didn't want any.
But as for a knight character, the closest we'd have to that at the moment is Brigitte. o w o I really like her Sol skin. c:
Oh but you're right about Genji joining Zenyatta! o: It just reminded me that I was exploring one of the Nepal maps and came across this.

Also, I'm really super excited because after all this time I finally got my first golden weapon!

@Lydiachan22: omg that's so cute!! (*≧▽≦)

pls don't

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/3 18:40:10 )

@apollo im burning: No, I'm not on the Voltra discord actually. Forgot why. lol

I didn't watch all the shorts but I did watch a few, some of which made me sad. But the were enjoyable anyway. Oh if Lucio got his own short that would be awesome! To know how a DJ got recruited into this in the first place. :o
Nero? Oh wait, I was thinking of Nero from 'Dirge of Cerberus' oops. xD
I had to look him up and you're right! He does look like Virgil a bit. <3 Longer hair is really nice on guys. Well, some guys can actually pull it off. Others not so much. I never played the reboot, just saw pictures of it. I imagine it must have been fun, especially knowing now that combos are easier to do.

Hmm, so that means that 15 are boys. Not bad, seems I was wrong. Impressive, and yeah I think of Bastion as a guy. Ugh that sucks, it's nice when games allow you to pick any character you want regardless of gender. I mean, it's only fair. D: Yeah I noticed the duplicate thing which is really nice too!

Hmm, she's more like a Paladin no? I haven't really seen her skins. Or maybe I have and I forgot, but I think grandpa Reinhardt has a Sol skin too right?
Yeah he did and I think Zenyatta helped him come to terms with his new body. I think...
-clicks link-
Awww how precious! They don't look too happy in the photo but I still like it. xD

Congrats on the golden weapon! It looks so pretty! :o

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/3 20:02:43 )

@apollo im burning: Eeep thank yous so muchies!! <33


Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/3 20:19:44 )

@lydiachan22: That fanart is simply adorable. Fantastic work!

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.

Donator — V.A.G Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/3 21:14:21 )
@Apollo Im Burning: It is amazing, and honestly after all these years I still have the entire series and I read and watch the show pretty often actually. Its such a great story line with an awful ending twist lol xD

Thank you so much! Hopefully I have him finished soon lol

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/3 22:14:09 )

@boss rimi: Holy pancakes, thank yous so muchies!!

Find my illustrations here:

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