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Forums Role Playing An Assault on the Senses

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/10 23:49:08 )
"So it'll be a tactile thing." Vito replied.

"Guess I better get to it quick." he said.

"And I'll need to use my sand. Got it." he went on.

He was then silent for a moment, before sighing.

"Here's hoping this works." he commented.

"I'll call you if I find anything." he told her.

"So... just... yeah, try and stay close to your phone."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/10 23:51:29 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

"Trust me... I go nowhere without it right now." Alice said with a sigh.

'It's kinda a necessity for the moment. Vicki's staff is helping, but there's an app on my phone that works more immediately." She added, not sure if he knew what it was that happened or not.

"Anyway, give me a call. I'll answer. Catch ya later."

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/10 23:55:59 )
"Yep." Vito replied.

"Talk to you in a bit." he said, before they ended their conversation.

After that, about 2 hours at passed, before Alice received another call.

"Hey, it's me." Vito said when she answered.

"Might have found something." he told her.

"Looks like some kind of weird religious text that preaches healing and purity, and mentions a god by the name of Cylo, and how they were the answer to Gynx." he reported.

"Is that the book?" he asked her.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/10 23:57:20 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

"Yup." Alice answered.

"That's exactly the one I was thinking of." She continued before pausing for a moment.

"I'm not sure it'll have the answer in there, but if anything I have does, it'd be that one." Either yourself, or someone else, or my sister... whomever, find the bit about this bullshit and we can get the reversal on the road, I think.'[/b]

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/11 00:00:10 )
"Gimme a second." Vito replied.

"" he mumbled.

"Ah! Ah-ha!" he exclaimed.

"Says here that this CAN be reversed. But the tomes need to be together." he told her.

"Also says you need one of the light, and one of the dark to read the joint incantation aloud." he said.

"Must mean someone that's pure aligned, and one that's tainted aligned."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/11 00:00:48 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

"That'd be my guess." Alice agreed before sighing.

"Honestly, the first two that come to mind are Darrell and Addison." She then said.

"If you want purely the alignbments."

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/11 00:07:25 )
"Well, I'll let you figure it out for yourself. Or whatever Vicki thinks is best." Vito responded.

"She seems to know more about this than anyone else." he went on.

"Also, want me to bring the book there?" he asked.

"As in, to OLA?" he clarified.

"And... can I even GET in?" he asked further. "I know Vicki can put up some hella-strong barriers."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/11 00:09:33 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

"Ideally, the book being here would be best. I cannot remove the book from Evan, it'll 'cause some massive issues with him in I were to try." Alice told him. "At least that's what Vicki was saying."

"As for getting in, you'll need a mana mark from my sister." She added.

"If you explain it, she'll either grant you that, and send you on your way, or will task someone else with it."

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/11 00:13:44 )
"Well, then I'll call her." Vito said.

"And I'll do it post-haste." he then said further.

"Anything else?" he asked.

"Like, there anything else you want me to do or say?" he asked further.

"Because I really doubt that your brother likes or wants people in the private sector of his library."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/11 00:17:39 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

Alice paused.

"Why'd you go there?" She asked him, her voice honestly curious.

"And how'd you get in...? Oh whatever. I'm sorry. I thought the book was in Dad's study, not at Lindsay's."

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/11 00:25:44 )
Vito was silent.

"I don't know." he then said.

"I just don't know." he repeated.

"I don't know why I went there. I don't know how I got it. I don't know why he even had it." he said further.

"But it worked. Somehow." he told her.

"Guess we just need to move on." he then said.

"I'm hanging up to call your sister." he finished.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/11 00:28:04 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

"Yup. Call Vicki, or take it to her. Whichever." Alic said before they ended the call.

"Well, at least that was found, hopefully I'll be lucky enough to have my vision again soon." She muttered before sighing and shaking her head.

There was nothing she could do for the moment aside from just wait.

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/11 00:35:04 )
A minute later, Vicki received a call.

"It's me." Vito said when she answered.

"I have a book that can end all this." he told her.

"Are you coming to me? Or am I coming to you? Or is the book coming to you?" he asked her.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/11 00:36:58 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

"Come to me. The barriers here should protect from any mana or magic that may attempt to escape upon opening the book." Vicki answered after a few moments.

"Mana right into my office if you wish, I'll lower the barriers for that." She added as he could feel the mana of the barrier reacting with his mana, even with the distance.

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/11 00:39:52 )
"Will do." he replied.

With that, they ended the phone call, and a few second later, he mana'd into her office.

And as soon as he did, Vicki could feel the magic from the book he had.

It felt completely opposite from OLA.

It was warm and forgiving... but still somewhat oppressive and vaguely ominous.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/11 00:41:11 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

Vicki looked to the book and sighed.

"That may need to be paired up with the counterpart that Evan has." She commented.

'I don't have full files relating to it considering the fact that the council hasn't had that book in their position for .... I don't think we've ever had it." She told him honestly, plainly.

"Have you opened the book yet?"

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/11 00:44:37 )
"....I have." Vito responded.

He then sighed, and proceeded to tell her what he told Alice.

"So we need both books." he said.

"And we also need a pure-aligned mage, and a tainted-aligned mage." he went on.

"But this does seem to be the answer."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/11 00:45:20 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

"What was the effect of the magic that you released?" Vicki asked.

"Nevermind anything else for the moment.

Tell me what happened when you opened it, because I can feel the magic, meaning there would have been an expulsion. If I were to guess, the book hasn't been opened in quite awhile. Generations, most likely."

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/11 01:00:20 )
Again, Vito sighed.

"Well... hm." he muttered.

"When I left the Council to get the book, I could feel myself starting to go numb." he told her. "Was starting to lose nerve control due to no tactile feedback and all that." he prefaced.

"When I opened the book, it was reversed." he told her.

"I suddenly became aware of EVERY nerve and how it perceived touch." he said.

"Suffice to say, I nearly had a nervous mental breakdown from the sensory overload." he muttered. "And quickly shut the book." he added.

"That being said, what flowed from within didn't seem... malicious. Just kind of... smothering... but in a kind way. If that makes any sort of sense." he finished.
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/11 01:01:17 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

Dad must've done something to contain it then."[/b] Vicki commented.

"Because That's quite a light effect, considering what the previous did." She added with a shrug.

"Anyway, since you opened it, the magic would be connected to you." She continued.

"So take it to where Evan and his book is." She paused before approaching.

"Give me your hand." She said. After he did, Vicki userd her mana to put a mark on the back of his hand.

"Now you'll be able ot get in there, no issues." She paused a moment.

"On the way, grab who you need to, to do that. Darrell and Addison tare the first who come to mind, being tainted and pure."

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
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