"Of course." Kaneko replied quietly. If just holding him was enough to make him relax, she would do that and anything else. They only had each other now, they were alone together.
Her dark eyes locked onto Allen's milky white ones. They were so lovely, she could stare at them for hours. However, she understood why they were always covered up. People would never understand. They would point, make some rude comment, snicker, stare. Even though Allen could not see such acts, Kaneko was sure he was still aware they were being committed. "Okay Allen. I believe you." Kaneko answered quietly. She wished there was something she could do for him, but getting him away from all this was about all she could really do. "Try not to worry about it. Tomorrow we will get you some clothes and then we can leave this place behind. We'll go somewhere that both you and I will be safe from any harm."
At least, that was what she hoped. With a warm and friendly smile, Kaneko lightly brushed some hair away from his eyes. "Would you like me to bandage up your eyes before we get some sleep? Actually come on, let's get you settled in first." Taking the bag with his things in one hand, she took hold of his hand in her free hand and slowly started making her way to her room where he would spend the night.
Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses
Allen offered her a small smile when she reassured him by saying that she believed him. He nodded lightly to the next set of words she spoke. He didn't feel like saying anymore, but he shook his head when she asked about bandaging his eyes. "Don't worry about it." He spoke calmly, giving her a light and playful smirk. He didn't want to cover them up again, not yet. She liked his eyes.. He didn't meet someone who actually liked his eyes everyday, after all. They were unnatural, just like him. He would start conquering his fear of the unknown by first learning to live with himself, and stop worrying about what others thought of him. Kaneko made it easier just by being with him, and not seeming to mind how different he was.
He easily followed her wherever she was leading him, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Allen was sure he was still here for this girl right here. Like destiny had pulled them together and tangled them in the threads of fate. Not that he really believed in that sort of stuff..
Kaneko was surprised that Allen had declined her offer to wrap up his eyes. Surprised but relieved because she didn't want to cover up such lovely eyes. Eyes that even though they looked blank, showed a lot of emotion. They reached her room and she set his things down on the floor next to hers. "Everything is ready for tomorrow's move. Course, there are still some things I need to do tomorrow but they'll be done pretty quickly. For now, I think sleep is all we can do. Tomorrow we can get you some clothes to take with you as well." She suggested, leading him to the bed so he could get comfortable.
Once he was, she made sure the window blinds were drawn closed. "I will sleep on the couch, no need to worry about me alright sir Allen?" she asked. Kaneko approached him with a soft smile, her fingers running through his hair.
Once he was, she made sure the window blinds were drawn closed. "I will sleep on the couch, no need to worry about me alright sir Allen?" she asked. Kaneko approached him with a soft smile, her fingers running through his hair.
Allen smiled some when he heard no argument from her about covering his eyes. So, she did like them after all. The thought seemed to relieve him to an extent. He followed her to the bedroom and quickly recognized the scent, as her room. She was surrendering her bed to him, again. Even though it was just the two of them? He could've slept on the couch, or even her father's bed. Wait.. no.. That would've been a very bad idea. He carefully sat down on the edge of the bed and listened to her words before laying down. He wanted her to stay.. They shared the hospital bed, couldn't they just share her bed?
He listened to her footsteps scurry around the room, and gently grabbed her hand when he felt her fingers in his hair. "Is that really nessecary, lady Kaneko?" Allen voiced quietly, showing his innocence in the question.
He listened to her footsteps scurry around the room, and gently grabbed her hand when he felt her fingers in his hair. "Is that really nessecary, lady Kaneko?" Allen voiced quietly, showing his innocence in the question.
Kaneko watched Allen curiously, was he asking her to stay without asking her outright? Her hands took his gently, "Well..." she started and thought about it. It wasn't like her father was around to say anything. They had shared his hospital bed, so what was the problem of sharing her bed too? "No, I suppose it's not." she said, releasing his hand and tucking him in. "I shall stay, don't you worry about a thing." Kaneko promised. It was a little embarrassing to share her bed with a male, but she had shared a hospital bed with one and that was just fine. Perhaps because it was a public room?
She was over reacting, it wasn't like anything was going to happen. Sliding into her bed with him, she lightly placed a kiss on his forehead then lay down beside him. "Have a good night and sweet dreams Sir Allen. Tomorrow will be a new and better day." It would be a busy day, but she had faith that all would turn out just fine. Even though she was afraid of the unknown, she couldn't just stay here. Allen was in danger here, they had to run away. The sooner the better.
She was over reacting, it wasn't like anything was going to happen. Sliding into her bed with him, she lightly placed a kiss on his forehead then lay down beside him. "Have a good night and sweet dreams Sir Allen. Tomorrow will be a new and better day." It would be a busy day, but she had faith that all would turn out just fine. Even though she was afraid of the unknown, she couldn't just stay here. Allen was in danger here, they had to run away. The sooner the better.
Allen felt a smile form on his lips when she somewhat agreed to share the bed. It wasn't like he was going to do anything to her in her sleep or something. No, she was far too precious to him. He allowed her to tuck him under the covers, and slowly closed his eyes as he felt her laying next to him. When she kissed his forehead, he smiled again and pretty soon he fell right asleep. Feeling much better with her at his side. Her s scent, her pressence, were both comforting.
Kaneko had no trouble falling to sleep that night. She dreamed of her father, he was angry; disappointed in her. Telling her that she was a traitor to her family for siding with the enemy. Waking in a cold sweat in the middle of the night, her hand on her chest she looked to her side and looked to her side. She relaxed when she saw that Allen was still there. Getting comfortable again, she fell back to sleep and didn't wake until the next morning.
Allen slept through the night with only one nightmare, of being hot twice by the same man who took his eye sight, but it hasn't troubled him enough to wake him up. He didn't wake 'til morning, after a brief 'vision' of his master getting to him and turning him against Kaneko. That woke him, and he jolted upright, quickly placing a hand over his burning eyes. His master wouldn't do that..would he? Sure, he abandoned Allen, by he wasn't a malicious vampire.
If he did though.. Fighting your master, the one who turned you, wasn't an easy thing to do. Not for any vampire, unless you were stronger than your master, and Allen doubted he was anywhere near as strong as his master.
If he did though.. Fighting your master, the one who turned you, wasn't an easy thing to do. Not for any vampire, unless you were stronger than your master, and Allen doubted he was anywhere near as strong as his master.
Her arms stretched high above her head after Kaneko had sat up in her bed. She had slept like a baby. When Allen woke up, she could tell something was wrong right away. Her arms lowered at her sides and her hand reached out to rest on his own hand which rested over his eyes. "Allen what's the matter? Are your eyes troubling you?" It was was early, she was concerned that now his eyes could honestly hurt at any given time. "Do not fret, I shall bring you your things that way you can make your remedy okay?" Kaneko insisted.
Without another word, she removed her hand from atop of his and slid out of bed. Her bare feet crossed the carpeted floor until she stopped in front of his things. The carpet always felt so nice beneath her bare feet. Picking up his bag with his things, Kaneko made her way back to her bed where Allen was waiting for her. "Here you are Allen, your things." She spoke, climbing back into her bed and setting his bag of things next to him so he could easily take it.
Without another word, she removed her hand from atop of his and slid out of bed. Her bare feet crossed the carpeted floor until she stopped in front of his things. The carpet always felt so nice beneath her bare feet. Picking up his bag with his things, Kaneko made her way back to her bed where Allen was waiting for her. "Here you are Allen, your things." She spoke, climbing back into her bed and setting his bag of things next to him so he could easily take it.
Allen slowly lowered his hand when he noticed Kaneko had shifted, and soon felt one of her hands over his own. She mentioned his remedy and was just about to comment, before she removed her hand and scurry across the floor to fetch his bag. He listened to her bare footsteps and raised his hand back up to his head , and by the time he felt her weight back on the bed, his milky eyes were squeezed shut as tight as he could possibly manage. This wasn't his eyes.. t felt more like someone was trying to probe his mind, and use his eyes as a distraction. He only knew one person who could do that.
"No.. It's not my eyes.. My head.." He said to her in an unusual manor, not really sounding like himself. He sounded like he was straining himself. Since he knew what was going on, now he was just trying to block him out. He couldn't allow his master to know where he was, or Kaneko would be in danger. Possibly. But he didn't want to risk it.
"No.. It's not my eyes.. My head.." He said to her in an unusual manor, not really sounding like himself. He sounded like he was straining himself. Since he knew what was going on, now he was just trying to block him out. He couldn't allow his master to know where he was, or Kaneko would be in danger. Possibly. But he didn't want to risk it.
"Your head?" Kaneko repeated somewhat confused. He had a headache? He sounded strange though, different. "D-do you want to see a doctor?" She started, beginning to panic. No, they didn't have time to go around and possibly get recognized by someone who wanted to hurt him. Grabbing her cellphone, she dialed her boss and began to explain to her that she wouldn't be at work today. "I know and I'm sorry but my father wants me to stop so I have to. I just...I don't want to make him mad okay? I'm really sorry, I'll stop by for my last payment but that's it. I have to go now." Kaneko soon hung up and looked at Allen.
Kaneko didn't know what to do, he probably wouldn't like the pain medicine she had. However, she did have herbal tea. Maybe that could help. "I'll be right back Allen, don't worry." Without another word she ran out of there and to the kitchen where she began to heat up some water for his tea. Grabbing a mug, she tossed the teabag inside along with some sugar and waited for the water to boil, when it did she carefully poured it into the mug then stirred it and steeped it for a while before tossing the teabag in the trash, setting the spoon in the sick and taking the tea to Allen. "Here, maybe this can help a bit. Careful, it's hot." Kaneko warned, carefully approaching him and holding the mug tightly in her hands.
Kaneko didn't know what to do, he probably wouldn't like the pain medicine she had. However, she did have herbal tea. Maybe that could help. "I'll be right back Allen, don't worry." Without another word she ran out of there and to the kitchen where she began to heat up some water for his tea. Grabbing a mug, she tossed the teabag inside along with some sugar and waited for the water to boil, when it did she carefully poured it into the mug then stirred it and steeped it for a while before tossing the teabag in the trash, setting the spoon in the sick and taking the tea to Allen. "Here, maybe this can help a bit. Careful, it's hot." Kaneko warned, carefully approaching him and holding the mug tightly in her hands.
Allen was more focused on keeping his master out of his head, then Kaneko asking if he needed a doctor. She'd probably figure that one out on her own, without him answering. He did seem to relax some as he listened to her voice as she talked on the phone, maybe her boss- since she mentioned not being able to come anymore. Honestly, the last thing he wanted to do was make her worry. They had a lot to do today, and now this! He would definitely have to see the vampire who showed up at his manor last night, and confront him about this stunt of his. Could he really face him though? After all this time.. No! None of that mattered anymore. He heard her mention being right back, and nodded ever so lightly to her words, still holding his head.
Once she had left the room, he grit his teeth as his fangs poked his bottom lip. He slowly allowed his milky eyes to open briefly, burning crimson eyes stared into nothing, since he couldn't see. Fighting off your master wasn't an easy thing to do. He closed his eyes again when he heard Kaneko's footsteps approaching again and his hands rested beside him by the time she came back to his side. His milky eyes glanced in the direction of her voice and he nodded lightly, feeling exhausted from the event. His head still hurt though, even if he had pushed his master out of his head. He carefully took hold of the offered mug and smiled some. "Thank you.. I'm sorry for the scare.." Allen murmured quietly, blowing on the hot liquid within the mug before taking a small drink from it.
"A vampire's master, is the one who turns another. They have.. Power of influence, and others, over those they turned.. Mind and body." He began explaining in a low voice, figuring she had a right to know. "Fighting your master though, whether in person or mentally, isn't an easy thing to do unless you're stronger than your master.." He murmured, down-casting his eyes. Allen carefully took another drink from the tea and held it in his hands tightly. "If my master ever gains influence over me, I'll have no control over what he does or makes me do. I'm not strong enough.." He spoke softly, only trying to tell her that if it ever happened, he wouldn't be safe to be around.
Once she had left the room, he grit his teeth as his fangs poked his bottom lip. He slowly allowed his milky eyes to open briefly, burning crimson eyes stared into nothing, since he couldn't see. Fighting off your master wasn't an easy thing to do. He closed his eyes again when he heard Kaneko's footsteps approaching again and his hands rested beside him by the time she came back to his side. His milky eyes glanced in the direction of her voice and he nodded lightly, feeling exhausted from the event. His head still hurt though, even if he had pushed his master out of his head. He carefully took hold of the offered mug and smiled some. "Thank you.. I'm sorry for the scare.." Allen murmured quietly, blowing on the hot liquid within the mug before taking a small drink from it.
"A vampire's master, is the one who turns another. They have.. Power of influence, and others, over those they turned.. Mind and body." He began explaining in a low voice, figuring she had a right to know. "Fighting your master though, whether in person or mentally, isn't an easy thing to do unless you're stronger than your master.." He murmured, down-casting his eyes. Allen carefully took another drink from the tea and held it in his hands tightly. "If my master ever gains influence over me, I'll have no control over what he does or makes me do. I'm not strong enough.." He spoke softly, only trying to tell her that if it ever happened, he wouldn't be safe to be around.
Shaking her head, Kaneko sat down on the edge of the bed and listened. The look of worry etched in her face and probably noticeable in her voice when she spoke. "It's okay Allen." What he was telling her sounded like something straight out of a work of fiction. Something children liked to read and talk about among their friends. Make super heroes with such powers, or villains. So...his master had caused him the headache? But...how was that even possible. Even though Allen was explaining it to the best of his ability, she still found it hard to believe that a vampire could have such power over another one.
However, Kaneko could take the hint. She wasn't an idiot. "I see...w-well we won't have to worry about that. We will be leaving far away remember?" Her fingers played with the ends of her dark hair, she was deep in thought. His master...he wouldn't run after them would he? Did she need to worry about defending herself against him or Allen? How would she even do that? She didn't want to hurt him, she loved him.
"Just enjoy your tea, don't stress about anything else. I have this all figured out. Well...planned out really." Everything should go smoothly, but if it didn't, she'd have to figure something else out right then and there. How far was this master of Allen's willing to go just to get him back? Why did he even want him back in the first place? Was it because of what had happened between Allen and her father? Perhaps, but the real question here was why had he left Allen in the first place? Had someone told him to? Was he back out of guilt? None of it made sense.
However, Kaneko could take the hint. She wasn't an idiot. "I see...w-well we won't have to worry about that. We will be leaving far away remember?" Her fingers played with the ends of her dark hair, she was deep in thought. His master...he wouldn't run after them would he? Did she need to worry about defending herself against him or Allen? How would she even do that? She didn't want to hurt him, she loved him.
"Just enjoy your tea, don't stress about anything else. I have this all figured out. Well...planned out really." Everything should go smoothly, but if it didn't, she'd have to figure something else out right then and there. How far was this master of Allen's willing to go just to get him back? Why did he even want him back in the first place? Was it because of what had happened between Allen and her father? Perhaps, but the real question here was why had he left Allen in the first place? Had someone told him to? Was he back out of guilt? None of it made sense.
Allen couldn't help casting his eyes downward when she spoke, quickly noticing the worry in her voice. He slowly sipped his tea and nodded lightly at her statement about leaving. Even if it didn't matter where they went, how far they ran, if his master wanted to find him he would. He wouldn't cause her more worry by telling her more. "Don't worry.. It'll be alright." He spoke calmly, taking a sip from his tea.
Allen might not think highly of himself compared to his master, but he'd do anything to keep Kaneko safe. He carefully set the mug on the nightstand near the bed and adjusted himself on the bed until he felt his bare feet touch the floor. His head felt much better, now he just wanted to help Kaneko. "Anyway I can help?" He asked curioisly.
Allen might not think highly of himself compared to his master, but he'd do anything to keep Kaneko safe. He carefully set the mug on the nightstand near the bed and adjusted himself on the bed until he felt his bare feet touch the floor. His head felt much better, now he just wanted to help Kaneko. "Anyway I can help?" He asked curioisly.
A way to help. Surely there had to be a way that Allen could help out with this situation. Kaneko was silent as she thought long and hard about this. "Allen, I'll need you to trust me and just go along with what I say. You see, I'm afraid using my credit card might tell people where we are and I don't what that. So my plan is to put my card under a different name. That way maybe my father and his friends won't know it's us." She explained, hoping he understood what she was trying to do. "I could just carry cash around though, that would be much harder to trace but I'd still need to go to the bank and make a withdrawal. What do you think I should do?" She asked him. His advice would be helpful.
Maybe if she withdrew money, she could only take out a small sum. Just enough to buy Allen some new clothes. What kind of clothes did he like though? The clothes he had been wearing looked to be comfortable, maybe she should stick to that theme. Of course she was going to get him the best clothing she could buy.
Maybe if she withdrew money, she could only take out a small sum. Just enough to buy Allen some new clothes. What kind of clothes did he like though? The clothes he had been wearing looked to be comfortable, maybe she should stick to that theme. Of course she was going to get him the best clothing she could buy.
Allen quietly listened to what she had to say, and nodded lightly when she finished. Sure, he trusted her, that's why he wanted to leave with her. That and to keep her safe. He needed a moment to think. Pulling a number like that could get her in a lot of trouble, and any credit card could leave a paper trail for her father, he slowly stood and placed a hand on her shoulder. "No credit cards. You can make a withdrawl, take out as much as the bank will let you. Once we get settled you can empty out the rest.." He suggested, also knowing a thing about disappearing from certain people.
"Kaneko." He spoke calmly. "You'll need to get a new phone, one your father or her friends can't trace easily." Allen voiced, his milky eyes only showing concern for his friend.
"Kaneko." He spoke calmly. "You'll need to get a new phone, one your father or her friends can't trace easily." Allen voiced, his milky eyes only showing concern for his friend.
Kaneko nodded, no credit cards. Okay that sounded easy enough. Anything they needed, she'd just have to pay with actual paper money. "Okay then, I'll do that." When he mentioned getting a new phone, her dark eyes widened. "I hadn't even thought about getting a new phone. Great idea, thank you Allen." She told him. Getting a new phone could wait, first she had to get the money and then buy Allen a few pieces of clothes. "I need to go pick up my last check from work and cash it in. "Would you like to accompany me? Or will you be alright waiting until I return?" She asked him. It shouldn't take much time, she'd be in and out. The bank might take more time if there was a line. If not then she'd be in and out quickly too.
"After the bank visit, I'll get you some clothes then come back so that we can leave. I'll also call and cancel my phone service before we leave. I can always get a new phone when we arrive at our destination." Wherever that might be. Her father hadn't even called her yet, he probably called a friend instead. Perhaps Allen was still being hunted and they didn't even know it.
"After the bank visit, I'll get you some clothes then come back so that we can leave. I'll also call and cancel my phone service before we leave. I can always get a new phone when we arrive at our destination." Wherever that might be. Her father hadn't even called her yet, he probably called a friend instead. Perhaps Allen was still being hunted and they didn't even know it.
Allen offered her a light smirk when she agreed to his idea, and then thanked him for the new idea regarding her phone. He nodded some when asked if he wanted to accompany her, and gently took one of her hands into his own. "Please, don't go anywhere without me." He said to her wearily. Who knows what could happen if either of them were alone for even a few minutes.
He liked the sound of the rest of her plan, and nodded in agreement. However, his hold on her hand hadn't let up. Truly, he was afraid to leave her alone and to be alone himself. "The last thing I need to do is visit my manor one last time.." That was something he had to do.
He liked the sound of the rest of her plan, and nodded in agreement. However, his hold on her hand hadn't let up. Truly, he was afraid to leave her alone and to be alone himself. "The last thing I need to do is visit my manor one last time.." That was something he had to do.
Allen wanted to accompany her, even saying please. He must have really been worried for her safety. It was good though, she'd be worried the entire time if she left him alone in her house. "Okay Allen, you can come with me and when I'm all done with what I must do we will go visit your manor one last time. I promise." It would also serve as a way for him to grab any clothes he wanted to bring with him.
"Come along then Allen." Kaneko made sure to grab her purse and then looked at their things. They might as well take their things with them since they weren't going to return. With her free hand, she picked up their things, grabbed her purse and the house keys. Walking to the front door she looked around, making sure she wasn't forgetting anything. This was the last time she would see this house. Kaneko walked out of the house with Allen out into the bright and warm sun.
The keys were placed under the mat after the door had been locked and closed. "Let's go." Her voice was soft as she led them away from the house and towards her workplace which was slightly busy when she arrived. She hoped that Allen would be fine with the noise. "Ah Kaneko, you're here for your check right?" A woman asked. Kaneko smiled and nodded. The woman noticed the things and Allen and gave Kaneko a questioning look. "Who's your friend? Going somewhere?" Kaneko looked at Allen then at the woman. "I'm just moving out and I wanted to have my friend move in with me is all." she answered quickly. The woman only nodded and left to get the check.
"Come along then Allen." Kaneko made sure to grab her purse and then looked at their things. They might as well take their things with them since they weren't going to return. With her free hand, she picked up their things, grabbed her purse and the house keys. Walking to the front door she looked around, making sure she wasn't forgetting anything. This was the last time she would see this house. Kaneko walked out of the house with Allen out into the bright and warm sun.
The keys were placed under the mat after the door had been locked and closed. "Let's go." Her voice was soft as she led them away from the house and towards her workplace which was slightly busy when she arrived. She hoped that Allen would be fine with the noise. "Ah Kaneko, you're here for your check right?" A woman asked. Kaneko smiled and nodded. The woman noticed the things and Allen and gave Kaneko a questioning look. "Who's your friend? Going somewhere?" Kaneko looked at Allen then at the woman. "I'm just moving out and I wanted to have my friend move in with me is all." she answered quickly. The woman only nodded and left to get the check.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
Chat with me on Discord if you wanna! My username is: thebossrimi
Just tell me who you are when you message me there.
Allen nodded lightly hearing the shift in whatever it was she had picked up with her free hand. "Let me carry something, Kaneko." He voiced casually , feeling a tad guilty that she was carrying everything. He followed her out when she voiced it was time to go. Allen nodded once the door was locked, and followed her once more as they headed to where she worked. Despite the warmth he could feel in the sunlight, and the buzzing sounds of the streets, he was pretty content with how things were going so far. It wasn't too much on him, since Kaneko was with him. She filled his thoughts, and how they were leaving this place together.
He stood quietly once they arrived to her workplace, keeping his milky eyes lowered to the ground in hopes of shading them from the people around him. This was a new place, but he didn't really mind if they noticed him. He wanted to keep them uncovered, and he wanted to be with Kaneko.
He stood quietly once they arrived to her workplace, keeping his milky eyes lowered to the ground in hopes of shading them from the people around him. This was a new place, but he didn't really mind if they noticed him. He wanted to keep them uncovered, and he wanted to be with Kaneko.
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