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Forums Role Playing Tapping into The Abyss

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/16 04:26:36 )
Azazel just smirked.

"Heh." he chuckled under his breath.

Zeke, meanwhile, raised an eyebrow.

"Oh?" he said.

"You know my mother?" he asked her, answering her question at the same time.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/16 04:29:40 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

"Yeah. Kinda. In passing." Ally answered.

"She's one person I had been talking to when I was a teen about ... things." She then said.

"I had to get some information about a belief system, and she was apparently one of the prominent ones listed." She added with a shrug.

"Met her for coffee once. Kinda left an impression. She's an amazing woman."

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/16 05:00:20 )
Zeke just smirked.

"Heh." he chuckled.

"My mother DOES tend to leave an impression." he commented.

"If you like, I can tell her 'hi' for you." he then said further, before sighing.

"And I'm not going to attack him." he added.

"I can't trust angels!" Ally's partner snapped.

"ARCHangel." Zeke specified.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/16 05:03:44 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

"She really does." Ally agreed before rolling her eyes.

"Honestly, I wouldn't care if you did attack it." She commented.

"Not exactly a willing agreement." She added. "It's just a thing that happened."

"Regardless, Archangel? That's definitely unexpected. I suppose that explains why you're quite imposing."

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/16 05:13:26 )
"I suppose so." Zeke replied.

"Anyway, sorry to make our meeting so short-lived, but I must be going." he told them.

"Oh, yes, DO you want me to say 'hi' to Mom for you?" he asked her.

"And if so, what is your name?" he asked further.

"Or will she just know?"

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/16 05:15:19 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

Ally just laughed before returning the same gesture he granted her; she bowed slightly to be politely.

"Alyssa Duchannes," She started before straightening up, "if she doesn't recognize the name, just remind her of the wiccan biker. That should ring plenty of bells... considering I very nearly smoked her with my bike at the time." She admitted the last bit at a much lower volume.

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/16 05:22:53 )
Zeke raised an eyebrow when she said that. He'd caught that last part.

".....I see." he replied.

"So YOU'RE the one Mom was talking about." he commented.

"She spoke rather kindly and highly of you." he told her further.

"I'm sure she'll be thrilled to hear that you seem to be doing all right." he went on, before pausing.

"....hitchhiker aside."

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/16 05:27:05 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

Ally was silent for a moment. She wasn't stupid, she realised he'd caught that last part.

"Always good to know that almost pancakin' someone doesn't always get held againstya." She said with a laugh.

"But seriously. I hope things are going well for her." She added, "And you too! Being family and all." After saying that, she paused a moment.

". . . yeah, hitchhiker aside. I bitch about that thing, but it really is useful more often than not. So I can't really complain." She added with a shrug.

"Anywho! I do believe I'm expected elsewhere." She then said.

"It was a pleasure to meet you! And if I need to put this thing," she jabbed a thumb toward the shadow, "in line, I know how to do so." She said with a smirk.

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/16 05:37:09 )
Her demon shrunk a little, trying to hide behind her... and failing, seeing how he was pretty much bigger than her in all regards, which caused Zeke to chuckle.

"Likewise." he replied.

He then walked past them, and continued on his way, disappearing down the hall.

"Right, this way." Azazel said, as they continued to walk.

"Zeke's a pretty all right guy." he told her.

"He's an ARCHANGEL!" Ally's demon exclaimed.

"Nephilim, technically." Azazel replied, being purposely pedantic.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/16 20:58:20 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

Ally just shrugged.

"I don't care what he is or isn't. You're still a little pussy." She commented before looking to Azazel.

"Ok, now I have to ask this. What's the craziest kind of person you've met in here?" She asked.

"Because... angels, demons, some kinda snake boy... I'm curious."

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/16 22:14:48 )
"Hard to say." Azazel said.

"All in the eye of the beholder." he told her.

"But I suppose the 'craziest' kind of person I''ve met in here..." he then muttered further, before sighing.

"Maybe our resident zombie." he said.

"Or a human that has demon blood in her that absorbs the painful memories of whomever she touches." he went on. "Or her Regenerator of a partner." he finished.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/16 22:18:10 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

"A ombie, huh?" Ally asked after a moment.

"That's definitely interesting." She added before sighing.

"MEdia never paints them nicely. I'm guessing they go all rawr every so often? Or is media depictions completely off base with that?"

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/16 23:12:32 )
"As long as she has her... recommended intake of... what she needs... then she is stable." Azazel replied.

"Otherwise, she does go 'feral'." he told her.

"But that rarely happens." he said.

"So she's cool." he went on, as they reached a pair of glass sliding doors.

"And here we are." he said, as they stepped through.

"Wonder where she is..." he mumbled, looking around.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/16 23:23:45 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

The next day, Ally had returned home with what she'd been sent to pick up. She parked her bike, and made her way back inside with a light sigh.

"Hey LEvi!" She called out.

"You home!?" She then asked, wondering what he was up to. For all she knew, he could be at the library or something

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/17 00:13:49 )
She was met with silence for a moment, before her question was answered.

"Yeah!" Levi called back.

"I'm in the den!" he said further.

He was in the den, with the TV on, and seemed to look a bit distressed.

Probably because the voices were getting louder, meaning what he'd been given before was pretty much wearing off even more quickly.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/17 02:50:56 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

Ally made her way into the den and tossed what she'd brought hom for him over. It looked like a tripack of tictacs.

"Here ya go." she said.

"Kiah told me to tell you to limit them to once a day. Anymore than that and you risk fucking with the natural mana that keeps your body working."

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/17 03:13:15 )
"........" Levi was silent, before popping one of them.

"Awesome." he said.

"This will help." he said further.

"Thank you for getting these for me, too." he then told her.

"It means a lot." he went on.

"How was the place?" he then asked.

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/17 03:18:55 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

Ally set her helmet on the bookshelf, where it usually sat, before making her way over to where he was on the couch and sitting down next to him.

"It was... different." She told him.

"I think I could grow to like it there. The air seemed a hell of a lot cleaner than here, even." She commented with a laugh.

"I think you'd like it there, to be honest."

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.

Voltie — The Dude Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/17 03:49:49 )
"Yeah?" Levi asked.

"Huh. Cool." he said.

"And the air seemed cleaner?" he asked.

"That would be a nice change..." he said further, before sighing.

"Oh yeah, feeling like cooking tonight?" he asked.

"Or is today an 'order in' kinda day?"
"There is no shame in deterrence. Having a weapon is very different from actually using it." - Ghandi

Donator — Female Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/17 03:54:47 )
I don't think I can ever heal,
Ever replace that hole your death tore in me.

'Neither, actually." Ally said before putting her feet up.

"Go check the kitchen." She added with a smirk. On the way home, she'd stopped and grabbed something she knew he loved. It was rare to get, but she had the money this time.

"Because Dinner's in there."

Feb 17/69 - November 07/16
I miss you more than you can ever know.
My Youtube. I upload Tuesdays

Ping me. always
ALWAYS looking for art of my Characters
If you do art, PM me

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