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Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/14 22:48:24 )
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

@Yixing: It's totally cool! I'm the same way :'D

Oh that is very exciting!
I've been sick all week sadly, slowly getting better though


Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/14 22:51:13 )
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: I hope so too D:
Sadly it didn't come by today, so here's to hoping it comes by tomorrow
I hope you feel better soon Yuu D:
Drink lots of water, tea and maybe some orange juice ouob

@Yixing: No, you're totally right xD
If I had my own place or worked at the mall (because they do trick or treating at the local mall) I would totally give out full sized candy bars xD
I'd be the best person on the block :'D

Not too good D:
I've been looking for a job since I left my last job in October 2014 and haven't gotten anything yet ><
I'm close to giving up, but I'm trying my best not to TT_TT

And that's what grandmother's are for :'D
They're always ready to feed the grand kids xD

Too Rare to Die


Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/14 23:01:04 )
&hearts; &hearts; &hearts; &hearts;

@Night XIV: aww, okay
I have been trying to drink lots so that's good :3
Also got cough syrup that seems to be working fine


Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/14 23:05:16 )

    @Nyuu: I'm just really bad at logging online. My mind is focused elsewhere. @_@
    But once i settle into my apartment, I'll try to log on and post more often. c:

    Oh no! I hope you've been getting plenty of rest too! I'm glad to hear you're slowly getting better! You can do it!

    @Night xiv: Lol, you get all the bragging rights. xD
    Oh, I forgot some malls do that! I remember when i lived in Indiana, the stores closed earlier to hand out candy to kids. It was fun and nice because we didn't have to walk in the cold lol.

    That's sucks. What kind of job are you looking far? My previous job I worked at a retail clothing store and was primarily shipment. I worked mainly in the back of the store sorting and processing clothes. Maybe you could try something like that if you haven't already?

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/14 23:20:18 )
&hearts; &hearts; &hearts; &hearts;

@Yixing: I totally get that, we all get busy from time to time
Sounds good!

I'm resting looaads, been watching netflix pretty much all day :'D


Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/14 23:31:33 )
Too Weird to Live

@Yixing: Exactly ;D
I'd be the best house on the block xD
Yep, that's what our mall is like, but we're thinking of stopping soon cause well my sister is 15 and I'm 25. Last Halloween she got some weird looks and I don't know if it's because she didn't have a costume or because she was 14 xD

My best friend is trying to get me a job at Gamestop because I hate retail work DX
I hated working at Target and I semi-hated working at party city only because it was around Halloween time and they sell costumes and people would come in ON HALLOWEEN ASKING FOR A HALLOWEEN COSTUME! WHO DOES THAT DX
Oh and I got really really sick and the manager still asked me to come into work and I was only able to go home when I almost threw up in the store >>
I also hate dealing with people in retail, but you's gamestop...I can work gamestop. Discounted games and all ;D

@Nyuu: That's good!
I really hope you feel better soon Yuu D:
Especially since the cold weather will be coming around soon ><

Too Rare to Die


Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/14 23:40:29 )
&hearts; &hearts; &hearts; &hearts;

@Night XIV: Thankies night-chan, i'll sleep soon and hopefully even better tomorrow!


Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/15 00:12:42 )
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: I hope you sleep well, Yuu ^^
I shall totally send you get well vibes ouob

Too Rare to Die


Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/15 01:39:49 )

    @Nyuu: I know I have a week before the fall semester starts so I'll have some time to log on and post. o uob
    I'll just have to get used to a new schedule again and try to manage my time for homework/studies and online sites LOL.

    That's good to hear! Any good series or movies on Netflix? I just finished this series called "The Good Place" yesterday, and it was pretty good! Really funny too. I'm just waiting for the second season. ^^;

    @Night xiv: LOL who knows. People are judgmental idk. xD But I hope it goes well this time for the both of you!

    Hopefully, the customers at Gamestop aren't shitty. I hate retail work too, but I didn't have to deal with customers a lot since I worked primarily before opening hours and in the back. But shitty ones i had to deal on occasion weren't as bad as customers from the movie theater. Ugh, i hate customer service so much! :< But hey, discounted games sounds like a super good deal!
(ง •̀_•́)ง

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/15 10:55:46 )
&hearts; &hearts; &hearts; &hearts;

@Night XIV: Thank you night-chan!
At first i coughed a lot but i managed to get some sleep!

@Yixing: That's understandable, I'm sure you'll find a way to make it all work out -nods-
I've been watching series mostly, once upon a time and bates motel. :3


Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/15 21:09:37 )
Too Weird to Live

@nyuu: Evening Yuu~
I hope you're feeling better today :D
Sorry for the late reply, I had a friend over today ^^

@Yixing: I will suffer from bad customers just for the discounted games and systems :'D
I hate customer service too, bu that's just because I hate dealing with people.
I still want to get better at drawing just so I can become a hermit and use art to pay for everything xD

Too Rare to Die


Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/15 22:48:54 )
&hearts; &hearts; &hearts; &hearts;

@Night XIV: Hi Night-chan!
It's slightly better in some ways but worse in others, i cough more now D:
No problem, hope you had fun!


Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/16 18:26:37 )
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: I hope you feel better soon, Yuu D:
If I was there I would totally treat you to some chicken noodle soup
I've been told I make the best :'D

Too Rare to Die


Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/17 12:19:45 )
&hearts; &hearts; &hearts; &hearts;

@Night XIV: Aww, i'd love to try your chicken noodle soup! I love that~


Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/17 18:01:29 )
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: If I could I would totally send you some ^^
Now if only you could ship food internationally xD
I'd send all my international friends snacks

Too Rare to Die


Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/17 18:07:07 )
&hearts; &hearts; &hearts; &hearts;

@Night XIV: Soup would be hard to ship :'D
Would be nice though! I'd love to show my international friends food too!


Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/17 23:10:47 )
@Night XIV: I figured I stop in here and wish you good luck for now I just got home, and I just got done cleaning my knee and putting on ointment and bandaids. But I'll check your wishlist in a bit.
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/18 19:38:54 )
Too Weird to Live

@Unicorn: Oh hey! I didn't expect to see you here ^^
Good luck with the knee~ Since you're taking good care of it, hopefully it'll heal soon :D

@Nyuu: Not if I send the soup in something air tight and non breakable xD
Same! I would totally send my friends American snacks, but they're not all that great xD

Too Rare to Die


Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/18 20:40:08 )

@Night XIV: Ah yes that's true :'D
I'd love to try some American candy!

Questing: click here!

Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/18 22:30:52 )
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: I don't think they're all that great, but that just might be because I can get it whenever(?) xD
I don't know, I'm a lover of foreign foods :'D
If I have the option to pick something foreign to eat then I'm definitely going to take that chance xD

Too Rare to Die


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