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Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/19 00:05:32 )

@Night XIV: Aww yeah it's probably because you can have it whenever you want...
It's the same for us here, we might find something ordinary and you might love it ;3


Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/19 07:47:06 )
@Night XIV: awe thank you, and yes I try to check quest threads from time to time to see if I can help out in anyway that I can. It is healing up nicely so thank you. I need to clean my knee and put small bandaids on it

Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/19 21:13:55 )
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: I would totally turn the whole sending snacks across states into a thing!~
Surely it can't be that bad :'D
I guess it would all depend on when the snacks get there and what condition it would be in D:

@Unicorn: Ah!~ that's really nice of you :D
I'm glad your knee is healing up though ^^
If you don't mind I'm curious what happened to it :o

Too Rare to Die


Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/19 21:55:13 )

@Night XIV: Yeah! candy should be fine to ship i'd say


Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/19 21:57:06 )
@Night XIV: I was out at the lake on August 4th which would have been my late grandma's birthday. And I was on a paved trail right by the beach and water. There was a hole in the paved trail and a big chunk of my flesh went buhbyes and my knee don't look or feel right to me not just because flesh went missing, or the fact that it is healing. But something is my knee just don't feel right I've had an xray of it nothing is broken. Unless they just cant see what I feel yet. I sprained my ankle pretty badly it hurts to walk but I have to walk.

Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/20 00:29:20 )
Too Weird to Live

@Unicorn: Ah! I'm sorry to hear that D:
I'm glad your knee is healing up, but maybe they should do a MRI scan or something to see if it's muscle related instead of bone D:
I've had weak knees for a long time and my doctor said it wasn't anything bone related, but doing the MRI revealed that my ligaments were weakened and I had a small cyst somewhere, but it wasn't big enough to need surgery so they just gave me physical therapy. Sadly I had to stop the therapy after 2 weeks because it was so expensive and my knees still hurt a lot when I walk or climb stairs

@Nyuu: Then I'll totally send you some candy from American :'D
We would just have to make a list of candies we have and compare them so we won't be sending each other candy that we can already get where we live xD
I'm totally going to see about turning that into a business ;D

Too Rare to Die


Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/20 01:48:41 )
@Night XIV: I might have to bring that up to my doctor on this coming Thursday but thank you for letting me know. sorry to hear about your knee's and the stairs are a challenge. and on the 26th of August, I am not going anywhere. accidents happen on family members birthdays who have passed away. it is a bit freaky but true. it has happened a lot in the past.

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/20 14:18:31 )

@Night XIV: Haha that's a solid plan! I like it! Do you guys have Milka chocolate over there? I know my friend Deaa (who is from the US) loves it!


Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/20 19:47:36 )
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: If we do have it I've never seen it :o
It might be different from state to state because I know some things that I have here in Maryland, Conor doesn't have in Washington even though we both live in the US D:
It's really weird >>

@Unicorn: No problem. If you get the MRI I hope they find what's wrong
Ah I'm sorry to hear that D: Almost sounds like a curse or something o-o

Too Rare to Die


Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/20 20:37:43 )

@Night XIV: Ooh that's indeed very weird o: i didn't know it varies from state to state


Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/20 21:46:24 )
Too Weird to Live

@Nyuu: I knooooow!
It's like we all live in the same country, can't we all share the same thing? D:
Ah well, maybe Conor has Milka Chocolate and then I can try it in Washington ouob

Too Rare to Die


Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/20 21:53:48 )

@Night XIV: That's true, or you might be able to try other things they have over there that you don't :3


Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/20 21:54:08 )

@kiwi: I sent you a PM regarding your pixel^^ question about the outfit~


Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/21 07:21:56 )
@Night XIV: there is more than one thing that runs in my family that may seem that way.

Donator — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/23 07:23:35 )

    Apologies for the late reply. I finally moved into the apartment and have been hanging out with my friend and getting to know my roommates. ^^;

    @Nyuu: I do have a couple hours in-between classes. xD So I'm sure I can squeeze in some time for Voltra lol. Having a distraction every now and then between studying would help lessen the stress XDD

    I love Once Upon a Time! I still need to catch up on the last season, but I'm waiting for Netflix to update.

    @Night xiv: LOL, it's not like you'll get bad customers on a regular basis anyway. As long as you enjoy your job, and the other employees aren't shitty people, it will be okay. o uob
    Same. I don't like customer service for that very reason and because some people make a hassle to do something, ya know. I don't mind interacting with people but when they make my job harder than i start getting irritated. ^^;

    You can do it! Keep on practicing and practicing! c:
(ง •̀_•́)ง

Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/23 18:30:26 )
@Yixing: Yeah I had a lot of fun with the Party City job. Never any bad customers and the other employees were fun. The boss was pretty chill too, he let us listen to our music while we worked so long as we were able to hear what was going on around us. I also had YoutubeRED around the time so I had ad-free music and was able to put my phone to sleep and listen to youtube...mostly I was listening to Mark play FNaF and trying to keep a smirk off my face the whole time xD

I shall try my best! How goes the new apartment?

@Unicorn: Sorry for the late reply. We had a technician come by two days ago and my computer's been acting weird ever since the new update happened. How have things been? ^^

@Nyuu: Sorry for the late reply D:
While we're technically still on the topic of international foods, my mom's work friend just came back from Japan and she bought my sister and I Strawberry Kitkat bars! They were really good @_@

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/23 22:06:46 )

@Yixing: Oh that's great! Especially with the new orb items coming out on sunday~
Yay! i'm currently in season 4, not sure if i told you that already :'D

@Night XIV: No problem night-chan!
Oh that sounds delicious!

Questing: click here!

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/23 23:09:49 )
@Night XIV: I am doing better now, but about my knee with how much flesh got pealed off. it will always be a scar, infact where that scar is any way um all the is under my scar is abunch of scar tissue so it will always be sore or stiff.

I have to do exercises if my exercises don't help any I'll have to go to pt.

Voltie — Bunny Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/23 23:50:04 )
@Nyuu: They were different, that's for sure, but in a good way
They tasted like strawberry milk and I kinda wish I lived in Japan just so I can get one every day xD

@Unicorn: Ah that sucks D:
Good luck with the knee and physical therapy. I had to do PT once for about two weeks.
The doctor and nurses there were really nice and funny, and they gave me a small list of knee exercises to do once I had to stop going

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/24 01:13:10 )
@Night XIV: that it does but thank you. I know pt takes along time also
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