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Forums Role Playing Blood in Roses

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/18 02:10:11 )
@Boss Rimi: (poke <3)

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/22 20:27:02 )
@xnovax: (Sorry, sorry. I've been preoccupied with stuff at home and dealing with anxiety.)

Allen wanted to carry something? Well he could carry his things since she was afraid she might misplace them. So she handed him the small bag with his things required for his remedies. "I'm sorry for all the noise." She told him quietly. Looking around, she smiled warmly. She would miss this place even though the shifts were long and left her exhausted. Already she could tell people were looking their way, it wasn't their fault for being curious. They just had never seen Allen around here before. The woman returned after quite some time, holding out a check for Kaneko. "Thanks." Kaneko said softly. "Well you deserve it and more. I'm sorry you're leaving though, you'll be missed." The woman said then looked at Allen. "Take good care of her for me, okay?" She asked him with a chuckle.

"Well then, I won't keep you here longer than you have to be. I'm sure you're running on a timer and I wouldn't want to make you late for anything." the woman said. She would miss having Kaneko around but she wasn't going to force her to stay either. "Y-yeah..I need to go now, I have much to do. Have to go settle down at my new place and well...unpack and stuff. Busy day." Kaneko answered with a smile. "Sounds exciting. Have fun!" The woman answered. Kaneko chuckled and nodded then led Allen out of there. She hoped he wasn't uncomfortable from all of that.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/22 21:14:22 )
@Boss Rimi: (oh no! It's totally fine ^^' I hope things ease up for you &lt;3 )

Allen carefully took the bag she handed him, being able to tell from the feel of it that it was the bag he had put his remedy stuff in. He lifted his head some when she spoke, and he shook his head lightly. "I'm alright." He assured her calmly. Allen waited patiently for the other woman to come back, and he nodded his lightly when the stranger spoke to him. "I intend to, don't worry about her. " He murmured casually, offering the woman a small smile.

When it was time to leave, he followed Kaneko out of her old workplace. He kept his head lowered as thoughts swam around in his mind. Was she really okay with leaving like this? He wouldn't deny feeling a bit like an ass for asking her to leave with him.. He hadn't realized how it would affect the people she worked with or so forth. Next, they needed to go to the bank.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/22 22:44:23 )
@xnovax: (Well college starts in less than a week so that's freaking me out. ; u ; )

Allen said he was alright and Kaneko had to believe him. If something was wrong then he would certainly tell her about it. So get to the bank. Withdraw as much as you can. Clean out the rest later. Go get Allen a few outfits of clothes. Visit his manor before leaving. Call a taxi. When at new destination, get rid of your phone. Kaneko repeated over and over in her head.

Kaneko held on to Allen's hand gently while they walked towards the bank a few blocks down. If her father had left her the car, this would be a lot easier. Maybe it was for the best though, that way she had nothing connecting her to her father. It was in newspapers about his crime in assaulting another male. Of course, there were no pictures thankfully but that was another reason she needed to leave. "The bank is just a few blocks away, but we'll get there easily. We can enjoy the warmth from the sun in the meantime." Kaneko informed to Allen with a cheerful laugh that sounded very genuine. Like she was genuinely happy.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/25 02:15:06 )
Allen gently held her hand as she lead him around, knowing they were headed for the bank since that was next on the list. He trusted Kaneko. While they walked, they didn't really talk much, but they both had a lot going on in their heads. When she spoke, he lifted his head some and smiled a little when she laughed. Her laugh made him feel better, but maybe he needed to remind her about keeping to shade. He brushed the thought aside and have her hand a light squeeze. "That's the first time I've heard you laugh like that." He said casually, the smile on his lips hadn't faded.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/5 03:53:36 )
The bank wasn't that far off. She just hoped it wasn't too busy. Sometimes there was a long line, sometimes it was abandoned. Hopefully that would be the case today. The sun was warm, it was really a nice day out today and it was a shame that Allen couldn't really appreciate it. But, you didn't need to see in order to appreciate things. His comment made her blush, "Well...I guess I just never had a reason to laugh. Life with...well life has always been very serious at home." She explained quietly. Besides, she and her father never really talked much so even though they were close, they didn't have the strongest relationship. The fresh air hit them once she opened the door and helped Allen inside then let the door go so it slowly closed behind them. There was no line but the tellers were currently busy with other people so Kaneko went to wait at the start of the line, her hand still holding on to Allen's.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/6 00:27:25 )
(hey, what would you say to Kaneko being put in a position where she had to do something to snap Allen back into himself, as if being manipulated by someone? O.o')

Allen continued to smile as the two walked in the warm sunlight. His milky eyes glanced over in her direction wihen she spoke. "Well, I'm glad you have a reason to laugh now, Kaneko." He said gingerly, his smile forming into more of a genuine smile, showing her that he really did treasure her, even if he couldn't 'see' her. Allen had his own way of seeing her. He paused briefly once the cool air from inside the building hit him, and it took a moment for his nose to adjust to the scents within the building, then he casually followed Kaneko inside.

When she stopped, but kept a hold of his hand, he moved his milky eyes to the floor and concentrated on the sounds he could hear. Allowing him to pick up on the fact that they were waiting for the tellers, or whoever, to finish with their current business and call them. After this, it would be time to head to his manor, which he silently dreaded. What if his master was still there? He hadn't seen the man since before he went blind!

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/3 01:59:00 )
(Oooh I would be very curious to see how that would go exactly.)

She was a little nervous to be actually doing this, but determination filled her up. She was going to do this, she was going to get them out of here because who knew what her father was planning behind bars. He was a powerful man, and she didn't want to stick around to see who he sent after them both. "I can help you over here ma'am." A male voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "Oh...okay." She looked at Allen and walked with him to the teller's booth. "How can I be of help to you today ma'am?" The man asked. "I...w-well I'd like to make a withdrawal. I'm not sure how much I'm allowed to withdrawal at a time though." She explained. "Well I can help you with that, no problem. Do you have your bank card with you and your ID?" The man asked. With a nod, Kaneko rummaged into her purse and pulled out both cards then slid them over to him.

The man thanked her and started punching some numbers into his computer. "Alright Kaneko, the limit is five hundred but seeing as how you have an ID and it's valid, you are able to make a larger withdrawal if you'd like." The man explained. Kaneko thought about this and shook her head. "Five hundred is fine, thank-you." She answered. The man nodded and handed her back her cards. "Just slip in the card into the machine please and state the amount you wish to withdraw." Kaneko followed the instructions and when she was allowed to remove the card, she did and put it away along with her ID. The man then counted her the five hundred dollars and handed it over. "Here you are. Is there anything else I can help you with today?" Kaneko smiled and took the money, quickly shoving it in her purse. "No, that's all thank-you." She answered. "Have a good day." The man said. With that, Kaneko took Allen's hand and started walking out of there. Now she needed to buy him some clothes. She wasn't sure what size he wore but just looking at him should give her a good enough idea. "Well that's one less thing to do now." She said quietly. The warmth of the sun greeted them when they stepped out of the bank. Kaneko knew where to go, a clothing store purely for men. She was sure they'd find something there.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/6 15:13:50 )
Allen was quiet the whole time they waited. When it was time for Kaneko to step forward, he easily followed her, listening to the two take care of business. She was allowed to withdraw five-hundred, that was good. Granted, they'd have to watch how they spend it..but he wasn't too concerned about it. He raised his head some once they were outside again, unable to recall moving his feet. He must've followed her without thinking about it.

"Hey Kaneko, let's skip the clothing store for now.. I can get some clothes from my manor." He spoke, remembering that she wanted to get him some clothes for the trip. He really wanted to get visiting his manor over with, so he could confront his master and be done with it.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/19 21:27:32 )
Kaneko held on to Allen's hand and started walking in the direction of a clothing store. It was going to be strange seeing Allen wear modern clothing since his clothes looked very vintage. He had his own style and she didn't want to take that away from him at all. With five hundred dollars in her wallet, she wondered what would be the first thing she spent money on. A place to sleep was very important. So, a hotel. For how long though?

They had to find a place to live, a place to start a life of their own. She needed a job as well. Hopefully she could find one. Then Allen said he wanted to go straightaway to the manor. Kaneko looked at him surprised. "Oh, okay then Allen. Let's go then." She said and turned around to walk to the park instead. Only from the park did she know how to get to his manor. They reached the park and then they started making their way along the known path towards the old manor. When they reached the woods, the sounds of leaves crunching beneath their feet was heard.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/20 03:54:07 )

Allen could only imagine what must've been going through her head as they walked. They needed a place to rest while they traveled, and food. They both needed to eat, though Allen could go a day or two without eating, or drinking, but Kaneko needed to eat, and if he went too long before eating, it could make him sick. Hearing her okay his plan in going to the manor first, he easily followed. His hand tightened a little around her hand, but not enough to hurt her. "I'm sorry.. I know I'm changing our plan, I just want to get this out of the way.. The more I put it off, the more difficult it will be to face my master.." He spoke quietly. Allen already didn't think he could do it, and that was bad enough. If he didn't do this though, there was no telling how far would go.

Upon hearing the leaves crunching under their feet, he assumed they were in the woods, and he could smell the greenery around them. It helped him relax some, as did being with Kaneko, but he was still very weary. Once they were close enough to the manor, a tall burly man with black hair and crimson red eyes, wearing a pretty casual everyday clothes stood outside the steps to greeted the pair. "Allen! Welcome home, I've been waiting for you." He spoke in a friendly voice. Allen tensed, and pulled Kaneko behind him in a very protective manner. The man acted hurt, although Allen couldn't see it. "Ah, what's the matter my pet? I didn't come here to hurt anyone. I just wanted to talk." He spoke. Allen didn't care what he said, he didn't trust him.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/21 05:39:07 )
Food was a big thing too. She needed to be able to buy stuff to make food. They couldn't just eat takeout all the time. Cooking required money, and money meant getting a job. Getting a job was a priority. A job where didn't matter. Money was money and she wasn't afraid to work long hours. Although, she did worry about leaving Allen alone. He had lived alone for years now though so he could take care of himself, that didn't mean she was hoping to leave him alone. She wasn't going to abandon him like everyone else who had once been in his life. Like his master. Hearing his soft voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "It's quite alright Allen. I understand. I just hope that he doesn't try to hurt you or force you to go back to him." She didn't like the idea of Allen meeting this man, but if he didn't meet him now, then it was possible this man would follow them wherever they went.

The sounds of the woods were usually very calming but in this case they just made her nervous. Right away, she spotted the tall figure standing near the large manor. They had to pass by him if they wanted to go inside. Kaneko squeaked, being pulled behind Allen. She peered over his shoulder at the other man, his red eyes frightened her. They weren't kind like Allen's milky white eyes. "W-well if you want to talk, then talk from right there w-where you are standing." Kaneko warned. She didn't want to seem afraid, but she was. This man was a vampire and he was probably much stronger than Allen. He could easily hurt her if he wanted to. He could even hurt Allen if he wanted to.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/21 19:24:50 )

The man could only laugh at their act of bravery, especially the girl's front. Who was she trying to fool? He could smell her fear, it was quite tempting really. He took a step forward and Allen bared his fangs. "Don't come any closer!" He stated, causing the man to stop. He would keep Kaneko safe.. The man smirked, allowing his own fangs to show slightly. "Very well. I'll leave the girl alone, but only if you agree to something first." He spoke. Allen shook his head. "I won't agree to anything without hearing it." He said rather seriously. His master chuckled and his eyes began to glow like crimson fire. "Come here and let me look at your injury." He spoke, his words laced with a subtle venom. Allen tensed once more, feeling his mind starting to shift, wanting to obey his mater's command. He resisted strongly, despite how much effort it took. The man rose an amused eyebrow. Was he strong enough to resist him, how? Ah, the girl gave him ground to stand on it seemed.

"Allen, come here." The man said again in the same venom-laced tone he used before, only with more of a sickening bite. Allen was definitely struggling. "Get.. out of my head.." He murmured forcefully. "I don't.. have to listen to you.." He managed to get out before dropping to his knees, Kaneko being there gave him a reason to resist his master, and strength to act on it, but even he could tell it wasn't enough to fight off his mater. "Foolish boy, if only you would listen." In a blurred motion, the man was kneeling before the younger and sinking his fangs into his neck, earning him a shout of pain. He pulled back and watched the younger grip the bite wound as attempt to stop the burning he was feeling.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/22 06:36:07 )
Unsure of what that man had in store for Allen, Kaneko wrapped one arm around his own to let him know she was still there with him. She wasn't going to leave him no matter what happened. For she too...had fallen in love. Even though she didn't want to admit it. It was dangerous, she knew it the moment she found out he was a vampire. She knew staying with him wouldn't be a safe choice but she had grown close to him and he had never been cruel towards her before so why would now be any different? "Don't listen to him Allen. Remember, h-he left you when you most needed him. I wouldn't trust him now." She said softly to him. She knew this man was his master, but that didn't mean she would forgive him for abandoning Allen when he was at his lowest. This man had left Allen to die when her own father had tried to kill Allen, why would he return now? What was it that he really wanted?

Kaneko glared at the older man and gasped softly when Allen dropped to his knees, bringing her down as well. "Allen? Allen it's okay, I'm right here. D-don't let him control you, you have to fight him!" She commented fearfully. What was happening? Why was this man doing this to him? "H-hey! Stop! Get away from him!" Kaneko screamed when the other vampire sunk its fangs into Allen's neck making him scream. "I said STOP!" She yelled, pushing the other vampire away, or trying to anyway. She wasn't very strong. Choosing to focus on Allen instead, Kaneko looked at him, inching closer to him. "Allen you're going to be okay, you can fight this. I believe in you. You are not like him. You don't hurt people, you are a kind person and I don't care what people say. You have to fight this, don't give in to him." She said, setting her things down and wrapping her arms around Allen in a gentle hug, her head rested on her shoulder and she placed one hand over his which gripped the bite wound.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/22 07:11:08 )

The man who was amused by the woman's act of bravery, even going so far as to try and push him away from the younger vampire. He acted on her attempt, and moved back away from them. It wasn't like it mattered anyway. He was sure of himself that he had Allen in the palm of his hand. "It's only a matter of time now, and there's nothing a human girl can do about it." He mused. Allen grit his teeth and bared his fangs once more, only now it was due to pain. "Bastard.." He murmured quietly, slowly leaning against Kaneko as his body slowly became numb. He felt like he was dropped into a frozen lake, the only warmth emitting from Kaneko's hand over his own. It kept him grounded. This was worse than any pain he had ever felt from going without his remedy! What he done to him? Why did he bite him? "What'd you do.. to me..?" Allen voiced wearily. His master chuckled. "I gave you a bit of incentive, dear boy."

His milky eyes widen some and he soon knew exactly what the man, his master, was talking about. His grip on the bite wound tightened. He could feel his mind going blank and his eyes began to turn red. Allen cried out as he struggled to stay 'sane' and not some mindless slave. "No! I'll kill you.." Despite how hard he tried to resist, his mind was all clouded and he grew quiet, his hair covering his eyes. He wasn't strong enough.. His master noticed and smirked. "That's more like it. Foolish girl, nothing you say will matter now- no one is strong enough to fight off their master." He said, starting to walk towards them once more. "As soon as I get rid of you, I will take Allen far away from here."

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/22 07:34:24 )
Incentive? What did that mean? Kaneko didn't know, she was new to this world of vampires. All her life her father had kept it a secret from her. He did it to protect her, she knew that much and she appreciated that. However, she wished he could have told her how to protect herself against them or how to fight back if she ever needed to. Now she couldn't even ask. She had no weapon on her save for her shoes; but she didn't think that shoes were going to do much to stop him. She looked back towards the man, "Stay away!" She warned. Even if she could fight him, he'd be too fast and too strong, she stood no chance. Kaneko knew one thing, she was going to have to do whatever she could to protect Allen from this man. If it meant getting hurt then fine, so be it.

Her hand reached down into her purse for any sort of weapon. Pepper spray, she had that! But, would it even phase him? She highly doubted it. It was at times like these where she wished she had a gun. Maybe she was going to have to buy one after this. Anything to protect herself. Even a taser would be great right now! "If he can't fight you, that's fine, but I'm not going to let you hurt him! You have no reason to be here. You weren't here when he needed you the most, you left him to die! So why did you bother coming back? What is it you want? A-and stay back! I'm warning you!" She warned, getting the pepper spray ready. "If you want to take Allen anywhere, you're going to have to take me with him too." She said quietly, glaring at him with so much hatred in her eyes. She knelt there in front of Allen, her gaze on the man slowly approaching. Without taking her eyes off him, her other hand reached down and took off her shoes. Anything she could throw at him was fine, she could buy shoes later. "Allen is not like you, and I know that he can hear me. He may not be able to fight back right now but I know that deep down inside, he is still trying to resist you and that's all I can ever ask for. Master or not, you're not taking Allen away from me."

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/22 20:03:03 )
The other man watched her continue to put on a brave front, wasn't she afraid of what he could do to her? Did she even know what could happen? He had a feeling this woman knew absolutely nothing about vampires, yet she was attempting to stand up to one. How amusing. The man smirked when he saw her reach into her purse and pulled out a can of pepper spray. Really? "Foolish woman, let me teach you a lesson in vampires. " He said as he continued to approach them, only stopping at an arms reach from her. "I left him in hopes he could come to his senses and feed properly. If he had done that, he wouldn't be blind! Giving into the instincts of your blood should have been an easy thing for him, but he continued to suffer. I am here to see him finally give into that instinct. If you want to go with him, it'll be in pieces." He said casually, curious to how far she was willing to go. He raised an eyebrow at noticing the hatred burning in her eyes and his face formed into something menacing. A human who.could look at him like that, really riled him up. He swiftly reached out and grabbed her by her neck, then slowly lifted her up like she was a feather.

Allen was still, and very.much not home, but he could faintly hear Kaneko's voice. Then he felt the menacing aura his master was putting off and somewhat snapped. She was in danger.. He wanted nothing more than to protect her.. His blonde hair continued to cover his eyes as he slowly rose to his feet. Most of his mind was clouded, but his instinct told him he needed to kill him. To kill his master to protect her.. So, without any kind of warning, he grabbed the man's arm and pried his hand off of her until he released her, then looked at him through strewn hair with the intent to kill him.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/25 05:15:35 )
Feed properly? What was this man going on about? Allen did feed properly. He didn't drink human blood but she was sure he drank animal blood. Some type of blood. Did it have to be human blood? Would that really have helped him keep his eyesight? "W-well maybe! But Allen isn't like you or the others! He's a kind person and...if you really wanted him to be like you then you should have stayed instead of vanishing all this time! Now you come back and expect him to follow you? I thought vampires were smart but they're clearly just as stupid as us humans are." She commented, her voice betraying the brave look on her face. Kaneko hated this man. She wanted nothing more than to hurt him, but she knew she stood no chance against him. She'd only get hurt if she tried. Her eyes widened and a small gasp was heard when his hand wrapped around her neck. It felt so cold and slowly she felt the ground leave beneath her feet as he lifted her up as if she were a sheet of paper.

As a last resort of defiance, she spit in his face and narrowed her eyes. "If you wanted to really kill me, you would have done so already." She said to him. Kaneko Boa, you are playing with fire you fool! It would be wise for you to keep your mouth shut before you really make him mad. Her subconscious warned her. Kaneko tried to kick him but that didn't really work, it just probably made him angrier. Of course she was surprised when Allen suddenly forced the man to let go of her, causing her to drop to her knees and cough a bit. Her hand flew up to her neck, he could have snapped her neck. That man could have snapped her neck! She would have been dead if it weren't for Allen. "A-allen..." She said softly, shakily rising to her feet.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/25 05:41:49 )

The man ignored her feeble kicking when she resorted to it, but spitting on his face really did make him mad. If not for Allen, he probably would have snapped her neck. Or just strangle her, he wanted her to feel pain before dying by his hand, but Allen had pulled himself up and intervened before that happened.

The man was staring at the younger with disbelief, then smirked as he jerked his arm away from Allen's grip. "Oh? You're still able to resist your master?" He asked, clearly amused by the turn of events. "I'll kill you.." Allen mused quietly, fangs bared and burning crimson eyes, an effect caused by bitten and manipulated by his master. Without wasting another second, Allen attacked the man in front of him. The man laughed some, easily blocking against the attack and pushed him back. "You'll have to try harder than that." The man mused. "I'll kill you." Allen growled and went to attack again with more force, somehow managing to push him back this time. He would protect her..

The two fought for a while, both sides getting badly beaten, but the younger didn't seem to know when to quit. Every time he got knocked.down or pushed back, he got right back up and attacked the man again, and.again, until he finally overpowered his master and had him pinned.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/25 06:19:08 )
Kaneko couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her expression one of worry. Allen could be killed! He didn't back down though and it was admirable but she knew she had to do something before things got out of hand and someone did end up being killed. As much as she would love for the older vampire to die, she thought the older vampire wanted for Allen to become a killer like him. Maybe he didn't, but she still didn't trust him. "Allen!" She called out to him, but her cries fell on deaf ears. With much fear, she made her way over to where the two vampires were. The older one now pinned beneath Allen. "Allen...this is what he wants. Can't you see it? He wants you to be just like him. He wants you to succumb to your instincts, but you're better than this. I know you are. But..." She frowned. Maybe this was supposed to happen. Maybe if the older vampire died, then Allen would finally be free to do as he pleased. The question was: How did you kill a vampire? A silver bullet? No...that was werewolves wasn't it? The classic thing was a steak through the heart but she didn't have one. Looking around in the woods, she wondered if a regular wooden stick would work if it was thick enough. She had to find one, and quick if she wanted to try it out. Kaneko's eyes darted around the floor, looking for a thick enough branch that she could possibly use in this situation.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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