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Forums Role Playing Forsaking the Past

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/08/25 23:37:42 )
Maddie was quiet as Clint spoke, almost regretting opening her mouth, but she didnt. He was probably the first person, other than her late mother, who didn't tell her she was crazy. His input seemed to relieve the young woman and she offered him a small smirk. She had no words, nothing she could say to him about the matter. When he left and came back, she thanked him for the tea and the medicine, then took the pill only to pop in her mouth. She carefully took the offered tea and sipped from it to down the pill.

Maddie hesitated when he asked if she was hungry, then nodded some. Of course she was hungry.. "Have you any eggs? And ham? " She asked curiously, glancing at him. Maddie liked eggs, and ham when she could manage to eat it- which wasn't very often.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/5 03:34:41 )
(Sorry for being gone for so long. School has been keeping me really busy. Dx)

"Eggs and Ham?" Clint repeated? He nodded, yes he had those things and he could easily make her some scrambled eggs with ham in them. "I will go and make you something with that then, just rest here and when the food is done I will bring it to you alright? Don't worry about anything Mads." He told her and got up then walked to the kitchen. Her food request was a strange one but only because he had expected her to ask for something bigger. Walking into the kitchen, he got a pan ready and grabbed a few eggs and some ham which he cut up into pieces. Cracking the eggs, one by one he added them into the pan and then added the bits of ham as well. He added some salt and pepper for flavor and focused on making this just right. The last thing she wanted to eat was something gross.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2018/09/6 00:14:31 )
(i get it, no sweat ^-^ i don't mind waiting)

Maddie blinked a couple of times and glanced at the young man when he spoke. Mads? Was she hearing things? Did he just.. Her mind was practically fumbling over itself, and she just kind of plopped over on the bed. Mads.. It actually kind of made her smile some. She rolled over on her side and snuggled to the fluffy pillow under her head. With the feeling of safety and comfort, she soon drifted off into a light sleep, or nap for while she waited for Clint to return with promised food.

Of course, with her usual nightmares, she woke with a start and quickly sat up. She was tightly holding the bed sheet in a ball under her hand. Those 'church' people again.. Why couldn't they just leave her alone?! What had she done, that she couldn't remember? But her dream was filled with the terror of her hunters getting their hands on Clint and trying to use him, to get to her. She couldn't let that happen! Maddie brought her hands up over her ears and tightly closed her eyes as her paranoia started acting up. Now she knew what that guy had made her drink- it wasn't exactly poison, but it heightened her paranoia, making her anxiety harder to cope with.

(tell me what you think about her dream/ vision :p -- and to explain better/ simpler, she's pretty much having a mental break down which is being fueled by the drink she was given before Clint found her xD)

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/3 02:15:44 )
Clint had been preoccupied making Maddie the food she requested. When he had finished, he served it on a plate and took a fork and a knife in on hand then poured some milk into a glass and then put the carton away. He took hold of the plate with the same hand he was holding the utensils with and grabbed the glass of milk with the other. Hopefully Maddie liked the food he had prepared, hopefully he had reached her expectations. It wasn't anything amazing. Just ham and eggs. Simple.

"Mads, I made you what you have asked for. I hope it's okay." Clint walked into the room and frowned when he saw her. Quickly, he set the food and drink down on the side table and sat beside her. "Maddie? Maddie what's wrong?" He asked. He wasn't a doctor, but the way she was behaving made him think she was having some sort of panic attack, but what could have caused it? "Maddie, listen to me. Try to focus on what I'm saying, I need to you try and breathe. I know it's probably hard but you need to try. Deep, slow, breaths." He instructed. Was this something she had to deal with on the regular? Man that had to be tough. Especially if you weren't on any medication for it.

(Oh that was interesting. I'm wanting to learn more about this strange church people she keeps seeing. I'm like honestly intrigued. lol)

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/5 04:07:09 )
Maddie wasn't any better when Clint came to the room. She was still holding her hands over her ears, with her eyes tightly sealed closed, and her breathing had hardened. Her eyes tried to squeeze more closed when she heard her name. Then she realized another body was on the bed and it wasn't just her paranoia messing with her. Maddie brought her hands up from her ears and held her head, keeping her eyes closed, being afraid of what she might see.

She tried to as Clint had instructed, and at least steady her breathing, but it felt like her heart was trying to break her lung. "It hurts.." She murmured in a soft and weary voice. " I can't breathe.. " She murmured quietly.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/19 21:34:33 )
"You can't breathe?" Clint repeated. Oh dear that wasn't good. "What hurts Maddie?" He asked. She was holding her head, did her head hurt. If he had an inhaler then maybe that would help her right? "Wait one second." Maybe he did have a new one somewhere. He left the room and went to look for it in the medicine cabinet. Clint hadn't needed an inhaler in years but he had a new one stored away in its box just in case he ever needed it. Well right now he didn't need it, but maybe Maddie did. If she couldn't breathe, the logical answer was that she needed an inhaler. That's what they were for.

Looking through the cabinet, Clint grabbed the box and ran back to the room where Maddie was still in pain. "Maddie you're going to be fine, try to relax." He said, opening the box up and taking out the inhaler. "Maddie I need you to look at me. I need you to understand that everything is going to be okay." Clint told her, reading the instructions on the box as a refresher.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/20 04:13:41 )

Maddie grit her teeth when he spoke. What hurt? Currently, her chest hurt the most and her head. Her body felt like she had sprung another fever. She was having a major panic attack though, and if she didn't calm down she'd go into an acute heart attack, or a seizure, which ever came first. There was also the chance of her personality shifting, which was what she was afraid of the most. Of course, thinking like that didn't ever help when one had a panic attack. She

She kept trying though, to take slower breaths in order to even her breathing, despite how much it hurt. Maddie slowly managed to open her eyes and forced herself to look at Clint, of course what she was a bloody and mangled version of him, so she closed her eyes again. "It's not.. I'm not.. I killed you.. Those people, they found you a-and I couldn't do anything." She spoke quietly, shaking her head. Hopefully he'd figure out that she had a nightmare, and that was the cause of this.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/21 05:30:12 )
Clint listened to her and slowly put the inhaler down. "Killed me?" He repeated and smiled. "Mads, you didn't kill me. I'm right here. Whatever you saw was just a bad dream. It's okay, I can understand that sometimes some nightmares look so realistic and they mess with your mind. You think they really happened but they honestly didn't." Looking at the inhaler, he didn't think it would work but he had to try. "Here, use this. It should help you be able to breathe easier without any pain. Please try it." He set the inhaler in one of her hands carefully. He didn't want to call an ambulance, but he would if he needed too.

Right now it was looking like he'd need to so he made sure he had his cellphone with him just in case. "No one killed me. No one found me, and no one is going to find us. No one is going to kill either of us Mads. You have to trust me on this. I know it's hard, and I don't expect to gain your trust overnight. But...I won't let anyone hurt you. I promise you that. You had a terrible dream...I'll be sure to make you some tea before bed to help you relax and get a better night's sleep." Teas were always very helpful. Sometimes even he would drink them if he coudln't sleep well and they always helped him.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/21 18:53:49 )

Maddie honestly tried to absorb his words, but it was difficult in her current mindset. Sure, he was alive for now but.. Maddie forced herself to slowly open her multi-colored eyes to look at him, and the inhaler he had set carefully in one of her hands. Nodding lightly she did as he asked and pressed the top of it to release the medicine inside, then slowly inhaled deeply and breathed out through her nose. Afterwards, she used her elbow to cover a cough before finally beginning to regulate her breathing. Slow breaths, in and out just like he instructed earlier all while listening to his words that attempted to comfort her.

Her mind was very much still going in many directions, but at least she was starting to calm down. "I've lived with nightmares most of my life.. They always come true.." She spoke in less of a panic, reminding him of what she had told him earlier that morning. As much as she wanted to believe him, she had yet to meet someone who could change the outcome of her visions or nightmares- that was why the dream had effected her so negatively. "The other day.. One of my stalkers found me, probably the one who shot at you, but I couldn't see his face.. He pinned me and made me drink some kind of drug.. Then I woke up on your couch.." She explained as best as she could. If not that bastard, she wouldn't be having so much difficulty in controlling her anxieties.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/22 06:22:17 )
Looking at her, she looked so frightened. This nightmare had been a dreadful one, that look on her face told him that much. She wouldn't be lying to him about something as serious as this. When her breathing began to regulate itself thanks to the inhaler, Clint let out a breath of relief. She was going to be fine, there was no need to get the hospital involved in this. It was good, because he didn't want the hospital asking all sorts of questions he would have no answers to and he was sure that she wouldn't like being in a hospital either.

Clint was quietly listening to her, watching her facial expressions, her body language. Her nightmares always came true? That wasn't good. He was sure his face showed off the fear he felt. Surely this wasn't true, her nightmares couldn't always come true. That was was impossible. His eyes widened at the bit of information she had trusted him with just then. "Wait a sec, so some guy who is stalking you, drugged you? Jeez mads...that's...not good. Who knows what he could have done in all that time you were out. When I found you, you were laying on some person's lawn. I had to carry you inside and set you on the couch. Maybe you wandered here without fully realizing it but that makes me feel a little better about the situation."

Whatever she had been drugged with seemed to be subsiding right now. But maybe that was just for right now. Maybe this drug would have a permanent affect on her. "H-how are you feeling right now? Still feeling a" He asked calmly, clearly worried about her.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/22 06:40:15 )

Maddie lowered her gaze from him when his face changed into something more. Of course he'd be afraid of hearing that.. Guess he didn't completely believe her after all, as to be expected. She shook her head when he spoke again and brought her knees into her chest tightly, retreating. "I ran.. After I got away from him.. I guess my feet carried me to you.." She murmured quietly. "But.. I don't remember much other than running.." She murmured quietly. "I'm always running.. I don't wanna run anymore.." She murmured quietly, blinking when he asked how she was feeling. Why did being asked that feel like a knife? Maddie slowly raised her head and offered him a small smirk. "I think I'm alright..for now.." She answered honestly, then glanced at the plate of food he had brought her. "Foods probably cold.. Sorry.." She said as she slowly relaxed her legs and draped them over the side of the bed.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/22 06:49:57 )
"I know you don't want to run. I don't want you to run either. It's why I want to help you out in whatever way that I can. I know we just met but hey, we used to talk a lot before when we were tiny kids remember?" He reminded, giving her a little smile. At least she was okay for the time being. At least she wasn't in a panic. At least she was here with him, where she should be safe from harm. "Y-yeah it probably is but umm...I c-could make you a fresh plate if you want. You must be hungry and I'd really like for you to eat something...please? And...could you come eat at the kitchen so I could watch over you? I just..." He knew this probably sounded really weird but it was true. "I don't want you to be alone anymore. I want to be able to look out for make sure you're okay." He explained to her, his eyes looking down at his hands which rested on his lap.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/22 07:22:19 )
((g'awww he's acting so adorable! >3<))

Maddie listened without really saying much. Did he actually remember, or was he going off of what she told him earlier that morning? She wasn't totally sure of that. Not that it mattered really. It happened a really long time ago.. She managed a small nod when he started acting nervous and asked her if she could eat in the kitchen, lowering her gaze as well. She felt curious, and confused, and something else she wasn't used to feeling. "Yeah, okay." She said after a moment and slowly slid off the bed and stood. The medicine he gave her really helped with her headache. "I'll follow you." Maddie added, offering him a small smirk.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/22 07:40:55 )
((I thought it was about time he did something cute. I'm glad you approve.))

Maddie agreed! His eyes widened and he looked to her, unsure if she was being serious or not. However that smirk told him she wasn't messing around. "Oh...o-okay. Right this way." Clint picked up the plate of cold food and quietly led her out of that room and towards the kitchen. She seemed okay. There was no mention of a headache so he guessed the medicine he had given her before had worked. Good to know. Now he knew what to give her in case it came back and he knew that the inhaler would work if she ever had another panic attack. Entering the cozy kitchen, he placed the plate in the sink and he started to work on fixing her a fresh batch of eggs and ham. Hopefully this time she'd be able to actually enjoy it, and this time he'd be able to actually look over her. He hoped she didn't think he was being creepy or anything.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/22 20:27:43 )
Maddie her agreement and casually followed him to the kitchen. It was a rather cozy kitchen, to her, most of his house was like that. She sat at the table and stared off in thought. There was nothing she hated more than wasting food.. But it couldn't be helped. Maybe it was time she explained who those people were, that kept chasing her. Most of them belonged to a cultist church, a group of people following the old ways back from when witch hunts were a thing, led by a woman who managed to brainwash her followers into believing in witches and demons, and had Maddie labeled as such due to her rumored 'palm readings' and records of nightmares. Maddie wanted to tell him. She wanted him to know who was constantly running from, but she already scared him. What if telling him pushed him away?

She also wanted to tell him she couldn't stay here, but she couldn't find it in herself to say it. Maddie didn't want to put him anymore at risk than she already had, but she was trying to hold onto the words he had said to her. Damn it.. What was she supposed to do? She had never felt like this before, never had someone to look after her like Clint was doing so, or someone to straightforwardly tell her to trust them like he had.. She never had any of that.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/25 05:01:58 )
Just like before, Clint prepared the pan he would use and grabbed some eggs and a few slices of ham which he chopped up into small pieces. She was awfully quiet, maybe she had a lot on her mind. A lot that she didn't feel comfortable sharing with him just yet. Despite them having spoken a lot years ago, it was clear that their trust was one that had to be regained over time. He could remember playing ball with friends and talking to someone during recess all those years ago. But, understandably, he didn't remember the person's name. Maddie's story was too accurate for it to be false though, so of course he believed her. He carefully cracked the eggs and put them in a small bowl then when the pan was hot enough, he slowly poured the eggs into the pan one by one. The pan sizzled aggressively and then he gently added the ham to the eggs as well. The smell of the eggs and the ham soon wafted in the air, just serving as a tease for all who smelled it.

He wasn't very hungry though so he'd be fine with something light. But, he'd make himself something later if he really wanted to eat. Clint stole a glance in her direction. Was something bothering her? Was it what had happened back in her room? He frowned and focused on the food he was making her. When it was ready, he shut off the stove, grabbed a plate and slowly served the food onto the plate then took the plate to the table. He set it down in front of her, along with the utensils then grabbed a clean glass. "Would you like anything to drink?" He asked her.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/25 18:54:38 )
As Maddie lost herself to the thoughts swimming around in her head, she felt panic start to creep up on her, so she shoved the feeling back along with the troubling thoughts. She focused on the sound of the sizzling fan and the aroma that began to fill the air and making her stomache growl in protest to the tease. It was nice to have a home cooked meal. He truly was kind and caring. Just like all those years ago. When he set the plate down, she blinked and glanced up at him. "Water, please." She said in response to his question. She picked her fork and took a bite of her eggs and ham, her eyes briefly softening at the taste, before actually beginning to eat her breakfast/ brunch. She didn't really know what time it was.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 06:42:36 )
Clint nodded, he walked to the fridge and poured her a glass of cold water then walked back and set the glass down before her plate of food. "Enjoy." He told her and smiled. While she ate, Clint busied himself in washing the dishes quietly. Would she be okay by herself tomorrow while he was at work? What if she was gone by the time he got home? Would she actually just walk out and leave while he was gone? If she didn't trust him well enough, she just might and he couldn't blame her. That guy was probably still out there somewhere, looking for her. Would someone break into his own house just to get to her? Was she really that wanted by someone? What had she done to piss this person or these people off though? Despite wanting to ask, Clint knew better. If Maddie wanted to talk, she would. He wanted to get to know her, but he didn't want to force her to speak to him if she didn't want to and it looked like she preferred to keep to herself.

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/26 20:35:07 )

Maddie nodded lightly, continuing to eat her eggs and ham. Even with taking her time, it didn't take her very long to eat. She could only imagine what was running through his head right now. Even if she left.. They'd probably still go after him. Were they that desperate? She didn't know. Someone came after her when she was out on the streets, and didn't usually go after the people who acquired her services.. Clint was different though. He tried to help her. He was important to her, even if the trust needed to be rebuilt. He was someone who left an imprint on her all those years ago, and managed to find his way back into her life. She didn't want to lose that again.. "Clint.." She murmured quietly, slowly raising her head to look at him, "Thank you for everything." She said with a sad smile, then lowered her gaze. "I want to tell you.. Answer any questions you might have.. Listen, and no matter what you think after- if you don't want me around, just say so and I'll leave. I'll make sure they don't hurt you. Even if that means.." She started saying, pausing briefly to keep calm. "Even if it means making a deal with them.. Maybe it would be for the best.." She murmured quieter.

Maddie took a moment to gather her swimming thoughts, failing horribly. Understandably though. She had never, ever, let someone into her world like this before. Not since she was a child. "Those people that keep coming after me, they're followers of a sadistic woman named Aurelie who formed a cult inside of a church and honestly thinks she's doing 'Gods work' by casting out demons and other evil spirits. She's brainwashed a group of people into thinking exactly like her, and she's convinced I'm a witch, so like all evil things, she and her people want me dead. I don't how far they'd go.. By opening a palm reading booth, all I ever wanted to do was prevent more tragedies.. But instead I am blamed for them, just like with my father. Some of my 'clients' have even come after me. It's true, I have mental issues from being abused all my life and being tormented by nightmares and this 'curse' of mine.. But who wouldn't? I've had panic attacks that cause me to black out, and I don't know what happens during that time. I could've very well killed someone, and not know it. Seeking professional help would probably only get me thrown into a mental hospital, or an asylum. This is why I think I'm better off on my own.. So I can't hurt anyone, or get anyone involved with my problems." She spoke as casually as she could., all while trying to keep calm and push back her own anxieties. No matter he told her after this, she'd be fine. That's what she told herself.

Voltie — They/Them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/27 03:22:26 )
Clint looked her way, hearing her say his name. She was thanking him? He didn't help her in hopes of being thanked or getting anything in return, but it was always nice to hear someone thank you for something no matter how small it was. " don't have to tell me anything if you're not comfortable telling me. It's not going to change the fact that I'm going to try to help you in any way I can." Did she really think he'd just ask her to leave? What kind of guy did she think he was? No. He was not upset or offended, because he could understand. She didn't fully trust him and that was okay, it was smart not to trust someone right away. You had to watch them carefully. Trust was something you earned over time. Not over night. "Go ahead and tell me what you want to. I promise I will listen and I won't kick you out. My house, is your house too. What's mine, is yours."

And so he listened. Clint listened to the explanation given to him by Maddie about these strange people. A cult?! Those things still existed? He had heard of them yeah, but Clint never imagined that it was an actual real life thing. Aurelie... He wondered if anything came up if he searched for that name. Perhaps looking her up wasn't a bright idea. What if that lady found out somehow and like...cursed him or something? Relax Clint. No one is going to curse you. You're overreacting. This was probably true. "Okay hold on. Let me get this straight. You do palm readings, and because of that, you've been labeled as a witch by this Aurelie person and so her twisted followers are tracking you down to kill you?" He asked her, taking a seat across from her. "Jeez, sounds like my auntie. She believes all those gypsy ladies and fortune tellers are the devil's work. It's why I don't talk to her. about that stuff anymore. Hey Mads, don't think of it as a curse. It's a gift. Not everyone can read palms or tarot cards. It takes a special kind of person to be able to do that stuff." Clint frowned, she was abused growing up? Well Shite.. he thought to himself.

And I thought saltine crackers were salty.
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